avatarDr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)


The undefined website presents a curated collection of articles from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium, featuring a diverse range of topics and writers, including new editors and recent contributions, with a focus on providing meaningful content to readers and supporting writers.


The undefined website is a hub for avid readers and writers, offering a hand-picked selection of articles through the ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. This collection, known as Hand-Picked Articles #185, is carefully chosen by content curators to reflect a wide array of voices and subjects. The platform welcomes new contributors, emphasizing inclusivity and diversity, and supports writers at all levels, from beginners to accomplished authors. Recent additions to the editorial team, Rob Hourmont and Sobaan Saeed, are introduced, and a new publication on YouTube is highlighted. The website also summarizes previously featured stories and provides links to recent curated collections, emphasizing the importance of well-written, informative, and engaging content. It serves as a resource for writers, offering guidelines and critical documents for content creation, and showcases a variety of articles across different genres, from health and fitness to personal development and social commentary.


  • The editorial team values diversity and inclusivity, supporting over 17,000 contributors.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of well-crafted and engaging stories in attracting new readers.
  • The platform is committed to educating and publishing content that reflects exciting voices in the writing community.
  • The introduction of new editors and a new YouTube publication indicates a dedication to growth and outreach.
  • The website provides resources and guidelines to help writers improve their craft and adhere to publishing standards.
  • The curated collections are seen as a way to enhance the visibility of talented writers and their works.
  • The platform encourages a culture of continuous learning and improvement for writers, with a focus on meaningful engagement with content.

Editor’s Choice

Hand-Picked Articles #185

Chosen by the content curators of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium for avid readers

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

Dear Readers and Writers,

We selected informative and engaging stories for your enjoyment. You might find eclectic stories in different styles reflecting exciting voices. These stories cover multiple topics.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications support different levels of writers, from the absolute beginners to the most accomplished ones delighting our readers. As our largest publication, ILLUMINATION is inclusive and diverse, supporting 17,000+ contributors.

In addition to reviewing, educating, and publishing, our editorial and curation team members constantly create visibility for the great stories of our inspiring writers in multiple ways. Well-written, informative, and engaging content always finds new readers in our publications.

Two new editors joined this week. The first one is Rob Hourmont.

The second one is Sobaan Saeed

Our editor Aiden (Illumination Gaming) introduced our new publication on YouTube. All gamers and YouTubers are welcome to join.

Summary of Curated Collections

You might find the links to recently featured stories by the ILLUMINATION Amplifier.

Hand-Picked Articles #149, Hand-Picked Articles #150, Hand-Picked Articles #170, Hand-Picked Articles #171, Hand-Picked Articles #172, Hand-Picked Articles #173, Hand-Picked Articles #174, Hand-Picked Articles #175, Hand-Picked Articles #176, Hand-Picked Articles #177, Hand-Picked Articles #178, Hand-Picked Articles #179, Hand-Picked Articles #180, Hand-Picked Articles #181, Hand-Picked Articles #182, Hand-Picked Articles #183

Most recent:

Here are the last five curated collections from ILLUMINATION main.

Curated Collection #132, Curated Collection #131, Curated Collection #130, Curated Collection #129, Curated Collection #128.

Most recent:

Here are the recent collections from ILLUMINATION-Curator.

ILLUMINATION Reading Club, Curated Book Chapters of Illumination #01, Outstanding Stories — Volume 86, Outstanding Stories — Volume 87, Outstanding Stories — Volume 88.

ILLUMINATION-Curator compiles outstanding articles from our accomplished writers, introducing viral and trending stories. Here is the last three collections from the Illumination-Curated publication.

Thank you for your time and meaningful engagement in these chosen stories. You might check out your favorite authors via a keyword search (e.g., Ctrl F in PC).

We are delighted several writers joined our publications. We welcome them using these collections and introduce them to our readers and contributors.

Attention New Contributors

Thank you for joining our publications. We included the introduction to new writers and writer-related stories at the end of this post. Please review Master Copy: Onboarding New Writers before submitting your stories. We look forward to them.

Let’s welcome the new contributors who joined us recently and support their content. ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications are proud to add new contributors daily and support their content. Each writer diversifies our collections.

Critical Documents for All Writers

Every writer of our publications need to review these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant but these are non-negotiable rules.

Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

Please explore and enjoy these chosen stories from our vast collection.

Curated Articles from ILLUMINATION Publications

Why Mitochondrial Uncoupling Is Important for Longevity and How We Can Achieve It via 6 Lifestyle Choices. Mehmet Yildiz

Three Things Women Did That Blew My Mind Tim Denning

You’ll Never Stop Caring What Other People Think About You Ayodeji Awosika

Musing on (Hu)Man(ity)’s Best Friend Santosh Pandipati, MD

Absent Dad: A Father’s Day Tear Arlo Hennings, Ph.D.

Gaia and I in 2022. Dr John Frederick Rose

60 Revealing Things Covert Narcissists Say When You Know How to Listen Melissa Kalt, MD

3 Questions All Medium Writers Should Answer Sinem Günel

How much Medium paid me for my most viral article Jenn Leach

This Writer Charges Wealthy Parents $10,000 for an “On Brand” Baby Name Jennifer Geer

Every Medical Practice Will Eventually Need A Data Scientist Dr. ADAM TABRIZ

10 Things You May Not Know About Me Dr. Preeti Singh

Reduce Your Stress Now Dr. Stacey Maples

Illumination The Publication With Real People & Not AI Caryn Leach-Smith

Slack Tip: How The Mighty ‘remind me’ Feature Will Save You From Corporate Ghosting Alex Philippe

Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease by Eating More of This Ange Dim

Accounting Was Sooo Bourgeois Ellen Clardy, PhD

Reasons Why My (European) Husband and I Will Eventually Leave America Anastasia Frugaard

Ever Wonder Why We All Think So Many Useless, Involuntary Thoughts? David Gerken

He Knew All Their Secrets Alize Henry

Don’t Join the Great Resignation. Find Meaningful Work Instead Amrit Pal Singh

One Simple Thing You Should Invest In Before Age 40 Ayoade Emmanuel

The Thunder A.H. Mehr

Kylie Flavell — Why I Love This YouTuber Belcairn

If You Want to Live Your Best Life, You Have to Face Your Flaws Beth Byfield

8 Dumb Mistakes that Make Your Band Fail Brian Lamacraft

Never Under the Weather Brooke Ramey Nelson

5 Ways To Strategically Increase Your Medium Audience As A Beginner Bryan Dijkhuizen

Two Places At Once Carlo Zeno

The Story of the PayPal Mafia Cedric Boogaerts

How Do You Find Your Essence? Chasing Dreams

I Quit My Job and I’ve Never Been Less Motivated Chris Wojcik

Tell Me … Brooklyn Muse

Still Losing Weight to Qualify as a Short Story Don Martin

I Found One More Writing Opportunity To Write as a Freelance Writer Don Sabado

Using Kickers to Put Some Kick Into Your Story Titles Edward Thomas

Skin-Scan: Before and After Elizabeth Emerald

How to Choose Which Topic Goes on Your Blog or On Medium Elna Cain

101 things that can be different in the future: #3 clothes Eva Tomas Casado

Man Awarded $450K After Being Given A Birthday Party Floyd Mori

Allergy attack? Streamer forced to stop live Francesco Carrubba

The builders next door Frank Ray

Do We Really Understand Life? From the Mountain ~ Stories & Photos of JD Adams

Dublin, Ireland Gerad Carrier

How to Be More Masculine and Attract Women Effortlessly Growth Lodge

Hope is Being Pinched Between Putin’s Finger and Thumb Harry Hogg

5 Best Websites Where You Can Write and Get Paid Per Article Hidayatullah

Roseland: Semi-Tropical Heaven at the Bottom Left-Hand Corner of Britain Ian Vince

Curated Collection #108 ILLUMINATION

Exactly How Important Being Self-Confident Is When It Comes to Management and Leadership Ivan Popov

Amazon KDP Vs. Gumroad: A Review Of Selling Your Books J.R. Heimbigner

Multiple Streams of Article Income Jeff the Content Profit Coach

10 Habits of Truly Happy People Jennifer Thompson

What Does a Healthy and Balanced Life Mean to You? John R. Miles

I’ve Just Made Top Writer on #Reading. It Is Easier Than You Think Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez

Hand-Picked Articles #77 ILLUMINATION Amplifier

From Imminent Demonetization to The Top 6% — An Uplifting Story Joseph Seifert

Surviving Compton: Dre, Suge & Michel’le Julius Evans

7 Secrets to Life by Confucius Letters from E.K.

Living in the Gray Libby Mitchell

They Didn’t Tell Me My Brother Died Lwazi

Making Money While You Are Asleep M Mahfujur Rahman

The End Of Love Macey Malone

10 Tips for a Happier Life, Based on Japanese Wisdom Malinda Fusco

Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Roadmaps Michael Holford

Eight Powerful Life and Business Principles Billionaire Jeff Bezos Lives By Michael Lim

This Nut Is 1,000 Times More Radioactive Than Most Foods Mike Lewis

10 Things To Never Say To A Lawyer Misty Rae

I Am a Hopeless Romantic — Poem MOIIN

Playing God N. A. Kazi

Dating and Tossing a Salad Nicole Higginbotham-Hogue, Author on Amazon

The Neuroses Of Ivy League High Schoolers Ossiana Tepfenhart

Freelance Writing — 42 Writing Calls For Submissions (as of 04/18/22) — Paid Writing Opportunities… Pamela Kazmierczak

We Are All Leaving Blood Footprints Pathless Pilgrim

Jesus Christ … The Essence of Easter pst tomowo

People and Paying it Purvee Chauhan

I started living alone to chase my goals Pushpender Yadav

Success in Life is Like Shopping for New Shoes Rodolfo Urbano, CPA

A Unique Way to be Frugal Rosa Diaz

Body Building: Here’s How Adrian Shredded His Body Dr Mehmet Yildiz

The Reluctant Atheist: I want to believe Ross Lynn

East of Sunset — a Poem Roxanne Barbour

How The Rains Bring A Sense Of Rebirth And Renewal For All Living Beings Sara Burdick

Dear Grammar Bullies Sreese

Statins To Lower Bad Cholesterols: Who Needs It And Who Is Better Off Without It Stephanie Jyet Quan Loo

Cruel World T. Mark Mangum

Do You Silently Judge Me From Your Computer Screen? The Sober Vegan Yogi

Why I Read a Book Every Week Tony U. Francisco

Silent Joy Ulf Wolf

How Influencers Ruined Coachella Vanessa Sanchez

Our Government Was a System — How Progressives Took All the Power Veritas Civis

Leaving Your Job? Follow These 10 Steps. Vlad Gogish

Between Passion and Reality Wahyuni Sapri

How would you use the gift of time? Warren “Storyteller” Brown

Even an Atheist Experiences a Slice of Heaven Wes Putnam

Eyes Zachary Seda

Reflections From the Tumultuous Life of a Lesser-Known Indian Prodigy Dr Mehmet Yildiz

3 Items Over $100,000 That Improved My Life Matt Lillywhite

The power of your words Dwayne Adderley, MBA,LPQ Dwayneadderley.com

Ladies, This One Thing Can Help You Combat Dementia Ange Dim

I See You Aasha Anna

This Improv’ Trick Will Make Your Articles Unforgettable Alex Philippe

The World On My Shoulders Alexandra Duncan

4 Wealth Building Mindsets You Need Know To Be Financially Successful Ankit Goyal

Walk Back Or Be Thrown Back! Annelise Lords

Anthony’s Exchange Life in Spain — Madrid Anthony Wong

The Milgram Experiment And The Perils Of Obedience Antonis Iliakis

Is There Such a Thing as “Toxic Body Acceptation?” Araci Almeida

How Can Something so Cute Be Such a Terror? Brenda Mahler

Need More Sales? Find More Buyers On Fiverr With This Simple Strategy Cynthia C Farley

Yes, Expats Have the Right To Complain About Their New Country Diana Bernardo

Vampires Don’t Only Come Out at Night Elaine Hilides

Wedding Belle Blues Elizabeth Emerald

5 Ways to Know it’s Time to Hire Elizabeth Loberg

My Muse Went on Vacation But Didn’t Take Me Estacious(Charles White)

My Professor Had A Heart Full Of Discrimination 🌸Exorcistinpink💮

Writers Are Seasoned Liars, I Wish I Knew Much Earlier — 1,2k Followers And $213.6 Later Fatunla Samuel

Never Forgiveness Harry Hogg

What The Wee Beastie Is Saying Helen DaVita — The Writer Spirit

Eliminate This 1 Thing to Increase Productivity Hope

Curated Collection #109 ILLUMINATION

What Can We Do To Silence Our Inner Critic? Ira Robinson

The Everyday Excuse That Can Poison Your Potential From The Inside Out Isabella Martin

Six Weeks on Substack Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)

The World Needs Volodymyr Zelensky As Much as Ukraine Does. Jennifer Pierce

These 5 Steps Are How I Levelled Up My Headlines JF Danskin

We Can All Learn From Each Other — Featured ILLUMINATION Writers John Cunningham

I Have an Idea Better Than Recreating the Wheel Julius Evans

Real or Imagined? My Journey With Adrenal Fatigue Karen Parquet

A New and Challenging Wordle Game for Sudoku-lovers Katie Churchward

How to Overcome a Frustrating Weight-Loss Plateau Khadejah

How Diseases Don’t Respect Geographical Boundaries Kiersten Campbell

The Pain of Sharing Your Work on Facebook Lena Quinn

10 Essential Rules to an Exceptional Life (#6 Is a Great One) Letters from E.K.

Are There Portals That Lead To Other Worlds? Liviu Roman

Self Motivation Lwazi

What Medium Amazingly Means to Me and (Probably) You Marianne O

A Trip Around My World Marie A. Rebelle

“Protected Classes” Undermines the Right to Dignity of All of Us Markus Scorelius

What If You Can’t Believe Your Senses Anymore Michael Holford

4 Easy Things We Can Do for Earth Day MicheletheTrainer

What Makes It So Hard To Identify a Relationship with a Narcissist? Mila

The Shame of a Nation Misty Rae

You Can Forget and Have Fun Nasar Karim

Profitable KDP Low Competition High Demand Niches Nora

Fear of Living Oguz Kul

Addendum to How to Make a Paperback book Robert Shaneyfelt

How Failure Holds us Back Sakshi Talaulikar

Medium Could Solve a Huge Issue with One New Feature Sam Westreich, PhD

7 Ingredients Your Curated Newsletter Needs to Drive More Engagement Sarvam Fating

Sense of Urgency! Skye Nicholson

In Defense Of Editors And Grammarly Sreese

On Birthdays & Aging! Sriram Balasubramanian

How to Capture your Best Innovative Ideas Steve Sponseller

Hand-Picked Articles #78 ILLUMINATION Amplifier

The Secret Ingredient to Happiness that People Avoid at all Costs Tom Greene

The Ultimate Guide on the Pros and Cons of WordPress and Medium Tom Handy

The 7 Lessons I Have Learnt After Writing for 4 Months Vishal Mehta

Who Pays For What When You’re Dating? Wendy Scott

The Surprising Benefit of Writing on Medium Yana Voynique

Five Q&As That Will Transform Your Life Forever! You, Me and Happiness

Would You Do Over Your Life, If You Could? Zain

You’re Breathing Wrong. J.C. Anne Brown

How to Reduce Side-Effects of Fasting with Seven Proven Tips Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Fear Not: Dispelling Worry and Concern Blair Abee

Life Is Long If You Know How to Use It Nicole Linke

Would you like to increase the chance of writing viral articles and blogs in 2022? Illumination YouTube Coordinator

Books Challenge Your Critical Thinking If You Choose The Right Ones Alicia Domínguez

Listening Hard to Write Well Amy L. Bernstein

Sex & Ego- Is it the Destruction of Man? Annelise Lords

Curly Girls America Zed⚡

Nope, I Don’t Want To Read Your Writing Anna Klawitter

Those Mind Games They Tend To Play Auracles by MJ

One Question to End Feeling Stuck April Moons

What I, a Microsoft employee, feel about the Microsoft acquisition of Activision Blizzard Binlong Li

I Love How Children Own Their Farts Bhavna Narula

I Created A Twitter List With Online Writers Bryan Dijkhuizen

To Tag or Not to Tag Bob Jasper

Decisive Mindset is What You Need to Succeed in This *New Year* Carlos Jeronimo

5 Quick Minimal Interior Design Tips Burk

Why I Talk To My Cat Maybe You Should Too Chasing Dreams

Amazon KDP vs. Draft2Digital Crystal A. Walker

True Colours Danielle Ramaekers

I Make My Atheist Children Say Grace At The Dinner Table Delilah Brass

Articles On Goals By Destiny S. Harris Destiny S. Harris

The Only Piece of Advice I Wish My Parents Had Given Me Diana C.

Like my mother-in-law always told me Don Martin

Truism Dr. Fatima Imam

How To Support A Loved One With Diabetes Doug Timberlake

Management Fix Eduardo Espinheira

Your Relationship With Food Might Be Toxic Elle Blooms

How I’m Keeping my New Year Resolution Promises to Myself. Elizabeth Loberg

How Your Life Could Look Like if You Could Be Technologically Savvy Emmanuel A. Anderson

How I’m Keeping my New Year Resolution Promises to Myself. Elizabeth Loberg

Ten Types of Toxic People You Should Avoid in Life Fahim chughtai

Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories Dr Mehmet Yildiz

The Pataphysics Of The Metaverse Erik Reich, DC

Imagine You Can Curse People Fahri Karakas

Content That Sells Francesco Rizzuto

What Is Causing The Great Resignation? Flavio Aliberti

Daily Physical & Emotional/Spiritual Protection Frank Ontario

How Women and Men Do Think Differently Gokhan Yalcuk

The Return of Jesus May Have Logistical Issues Frank T Bird

The Youngest Serial Killer in American History Growth Lodge

Want To Re-structure Your Life Or Continue To Stand In Your Own Way? Gregory Reece-Smith

Silence Stillness Spaciousness Harry Stefanakis

Reincarnation Harry Hogg

The mysticism of the Irish Language Heber Rowan

Darkness sets in Irene Hernandez

I’m Done Being a “Liberal” and Why That Gives Me Hope for the World Jacqueline Jannotta

5 Brainless Habits That Make Your Life Miserable Israrkhan

Jeans and Pizza Won’t Pay My Bills Jade M.

Dyslexia Always a Learning Disability? At One Time It Might Have Been an Advantage Lawson Wallace

My Reflections From The Past Year That You May Find Useful James Ssekamatte

How a Narcissist Manipulates You Jennifer March, MS

Three Foods I Ditched to Tighten Saggy Belly Fat Jessey Anthony

Will AI Steal Your Job? Jennifer Smith

The Problem With Equals In Python Jim McAulay🍁

Dealing With Excess Treasure in Dungeons and Dragons John Teehan

Seven Super Foods That Speed Recovery John Cunningham

The Reason I get Commended for my Business Innovations and Work in Mental Health and Always Will Joshua J. Lyon


Depression Is Not the Result of “Faulty Brain Chemistry” Julia Blum

3 Steps To Take Before You Even Think About Going On a Date! Justin Stinnett

Sometimes I Just Need a Ventilator Laura Culberg- Welcoming Opposites

Within 7 Days, 15 Writers Purchased My Online Course And I’m Fully Booked Kristina God

3 Easy Steps to Build A Truly Powerful Mindset Letters from E.K.

12 Simple Things You Should Do Everyday Live Love Quiz

Did You Know Medium Isn’t Facebook? Mandy McElroy

This Epidemic of Narcissism must be Exposed for the Danger that it is to Humanity Markus Scorelius

Why don’t new generations seem to appreciate what they have? Maximus

Discovering my dream job through creating Matan Valdman

3 Quick Tips From My Therapist to Relieve Anxiety and Get On With Your Day Murtaza Ali

How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help Us Deal With Difficult Emotions Megan Desjarlais

A University That Provides Transportation Lecturers by A Vessel? Mustafa Pekcandanoğlu

When It Comes To Managing Your Weight Your BMR Is Far More Useful Than Your BMI Nathalie Clair

Three Tips to Eliminate Insulin Resistance and Shrink Waistline Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Passage Of Time Nicole Barden

27126 Days Traveled — What’s Ahead? Øivind H. Solheim

When there is no ME in “ME” Time, Then it is not “ME” Time. Nishith Goyal

Hi. I am Patrick OConnell Patrick OConnell

Make Hundreds of Dollars Writing For These Websites Pamela Kazmierczak

5 Secrets That Will Help the Man of Your Dreams Fall Head Over Heels for You Qasim Adam

I Tried Intermittent Fasting for a Month and Here is My Experience and Results Rashida Nasrin Sucky

Does Truth Really Matter in the End? Roo Benjamin

How To Make Money Online Without Any Investment In 2022 Richard Appiah

Harvesting Greens — a Poem Roxanne Barbour

Traumatic Memories of Home Invasion by Thieves Dr Mehmet Yildiz

This Fruit Has Mindblowing Health Benefits Sara Moton

Top Risk of Staying in Your Comfort Zone! You, Me and Happiness

Simily: Is It Worth It? Shamar M

Does Dressing Up Our Stories Suppress Our Unique Gifts? Shashi Sastry

3 Steps to Protect your Critical Inventions in 2022 Steve Sponseller

One Thing You Should Quit in the Next 30 Days Sufyan Maan, M.Eng

This is the way we sabotage our chance to be heard Story Taller

Our Local Star The Universe and Life

Experiment Earth Ulf Wolf

How I Landed A Job Before Graduation. Thebusinessgraduate

“A Lot Of Words Were Took Out Of Substance” William (Dollar Bill) Mersey

The NFL, Tom Brady, and Desperation Wes Putnam

Idealism is Not Fantasy Jodie Helm

Fasting Can Change Brain Chemistry Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Let’s welcome the new writers who join us today.

Malcolm Fernandes, Himanshi Solanki, Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay, Julius Saikauskas, Jéssica De Almeida, TheTibor, Wellness Hub, Nicole Skotz, Alasdair Henderson, Amari Rogers, Jim Clyde Monge, Viorel Secareanu, Love Spreadsheets, Catalin Barboianu, PhD.

Let’s also give a warm welcome to recently joined writers. Some of them have already posted their first articles. Let’s support their content!

Kanchi Uttamchandani, Hannibal D., Homo Deusz, Financial Advice, Lisa Erickson, Diana Writer, Deya Bhattacharya, Justine Baruch, Robin G, Thomas Manila, Ann Sullivan-Cross, Reality in Motion., L M Devlin, James William, thegreensofa, Sandra Wendel, Natacha Cryer, Kamal samaila, Devin, Elizabeth Silleck La Rue, Arthur Ni, Michelle A. Cmarik, Briana Belcher, , Remi Roy, Veritas Vita 777, The Real Johnny B, Curious by Carter Lewis, Hector Vasquez, Olivia Danielle, Mary Snijders, Michelle Solace, Ankur R Gupta, Michelle Renee Kidwell, Brighton, Jeff Roush, Jason Heffron, Isra Alaradi, Golden Clouds, Inna Dinkins ✨, Joe Palomo, David Welburn, See Cat, Liz Novak-Henderson, A.O.J. Booker, Billie J. Boucher, Gabriel Keeley, DS Racer, Matthew Gentry, PhD., Nikita Kazhin, Josephine Gilbert, Jade Maris, Sinéad Reid, Hassnain Khan, Christian van Loenen, Enos Nsamba Jr, Artemis Sullivan, Hassnain Khan, Dr. Paula Paz Matute, Spiritworth, Andrew G., Priya Monver, JKristia Palomo, Rodney McGill, Matthew Del Bove, K. Joseph, Phil Bunyan, Kyle Aldous, Deola — The Bodacious You, Hoda Tarek, Lee kendrick, , David Weldy, Henry Muli, Mandy C., Pragati Sinha, Jackson Waddleton, Olivia Belitsky, Joanna Michael, Valerie Moran-Clark, AISHA MUSHTAQUE, Richard Morris, David S White, Nuno Campos.

The key point for new contributors is to review the onboarding pack quickly, as it includes publication-specific information for a smooth transition. I attached it below.

As a benefit of fast publishing, your stories will start earning income and finding more readers quickly.

Please caption your photos and ensure that that they are not copyrighted: either belong to you or from free sources. Not captioning and using copyrighted photos waste our editors’ precious time and cause delays in publishing your stories.

Please Note that not captioning images and using copyrighted photos will lead to rejection of stories.

ILLUMINATION provided guidance to new writers on collection #133.

We are sorry for the publishing delays. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Your stories will be published eventually.

You may also consider self-publishing as we accept them. However, draft submissions might bring more readers so it is up to you.

We accepts both draft and self-published stories. However, editors give priority to drafts as these stories need to find readers, waiting in the queue for a while.

Let’s Meet Our Editors Who Publish These Stories

The following stories cover the profiles of our volunteer editors.

These volunteer editors are the ones reviewing and publishing the stories in these collections. They are from various time zones clearing the publication queue on their precious time daily.

Meet Dr Mehmet YildizDr Mehmet Yildiz Chief Editor and Owner

Meet Dr Preeti SinghDr. Preeti Singh

Meet Dr Michael HENG, PBMDr Michael Heng

Meet Dr John Frederick Rose Dr John Frederick Rose

Meet Arlo Hennings, PhDArlo Hennings, Ph.D.

Meet Jennifer GeerJennifer Geer

Meet Bill AbbateBill Abbate

Meet Sufyan MaanSufyan Maan, M.Eng

Meet Josh Balerite AcolJosh Balerite Acol

Meet Maria RattrayMaria Rattray

Meet Brooklyn MuseBrooklyn Muse

Meeet Lawson WallaceLawson Wallace

Meet Michael PatanellaMichael Patanella

Meet Joe LucaJoe Luca

Meet Neha SandhirNeha Sandhir S

Meet Julius L. EvansJulius Evans

Meet Lanu PitanLanu Pitan

Meet Vidya SuryVidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Meet Helen MüllerYou, Me and Happiness

Meet Bryan Dijkhuizen Bryan Dijkhuizen

Meet John CunninghamJohn Cunningham

Meet Krishna V Chaudhary Krishna V Chaudhary

Meet Ntathu AllenNtathu Allen

Meet Aldric ChenAldric Chen

Meet Arthur G Hernandez Arthur G. Hernandez

Meet Kristina SegarraKristina Segarra

Meet Michael NagyMichael Nagy

Meet Sumera RizwanSumera Rizwan

Meet Agnes LaurensAgnes Laurens

Meet Britni PepperBritni Pepper

Meet Karen MadejKaren Madej

Meet Chelsea MandlerChelsea Mandler MAT

Meet J.S. AdamJS Adam

Meet Carol PriceCarol Price

Meet Kasey HarringtonKasey Harrington

Meet Aamir KamalAamir Kamal 🚀🚀🚀

Meet Steve Alexander (Alex)The Wordsmith™🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸

Meet Carrie Alice Kelly Carrie

Meet Lilith MorningstaarLilith Morningstaar

Meet Gregory Maidman

Meet Zen Chan

Helpful References for New Writers

New writers might check out these stories as they are designed to guide them.

How To Triple Your Writing Income Methodically

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

8 Proven Tips to Build a Rock-Solid Reading Audience

6 Easy & Proven Tips to Increase Followers

Improving the Quality of Writing Using an Editorial Checklist

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Five Questions To Increase Curation Chance and Reading Fans

7 Tips for Freelance Writers Dealing with Chronic Stress Effectively

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month

What I Learned After Publishing 1,010 And Reading 100,000 Stories

The Joy of Selling 1,000+ Books In A Month With Minimal Investment

A Compelling Passive Income Stream For Freelance Writers

Introduce Your Newsletters and Grow Your Mailing Lists

Science-Based Therapeutic Value of Expressive Writing for Mental Health

Storybooks and Indexing Publications

How to Survive and Thrive on Medium

Use of Affiliate Links On Medium

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

Short-Form Stories Not For Income But For Visibility.

How to Turn Cold Calls to Warm Outcomes


How Writers Can Use YouTube Creatively and Productively

Yes, We Accept Short-Form Stories

What Readers Want to Hear vs What They Really Need to Know

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

New Year Updates from Illumination Editorial Team

Helpful Guides for All Contributors

Guiding Posts on our Publications

Publication-related stories can be accessed via this collection.

Onboarding Pack for New Writers

New writers, please read this pack before submitting your stories.

Meet Editors of Our Publications

Collection of Editor Bios

Introducing Writers Bios

Curated Writer Bios

Updates from Euphoria

I Write about Health as It Matters.

Invitation to ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Invitation: Join ILLUMINATION Gaming Publication as a Writer

Invitation to Write for ILLUMINATION on YouTube Publication

Publications by Our Writers on Medium

Why Writers Need Personal Publications

Illumination Fiction Club

Invitation to Potential Writers

If you wish to join Illumination Integration publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a top writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories, and writers may monetize self-published content.

As our chief editor, Dr Mehmet Yildiz says, “opportunities for writers and readers are endless on this platform.”



Welcome To The TSEE Club


You might find the links to our publications in the following list.

ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming ILLUMINATION’s Blog

Self Improvement
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