
Karen Madej is a senior editor at ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium, known for her work in sustainability and climate change topics, and her contributions to the platform's editorial process and community.


Karen Madej is recognized as a top writer in Sustainability and Climate Change on Medium and serves as a senior editor for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications. With a background in project management at British Telecom and a qualification in Business and Finance from Oxford College, Karen transitioned to a quieter life in Scotland where she focuses on writing. She joined Medium in 2019 and quickly became integral to Illumination, helping to establish its editorial board and publishing process. Karen's writing portfolio includes a mix of personal memoirs, contrarian views on Medium's algorithm, and insights on living a fulfilling life. Her work has garnered millions of views and thousands of followers. Despite her success, Karen values writing about topics that interest her and benefit the planet over solely focusing on financial gain. She also runs two publications, Frugal Friday and Transformation Pending, to share her perspectives on planet-friendly living and sustainability issues.


  • Karen Madej is passionate about sustainability and climate change, which is reflected in her writing and editorial work.
  • She values meaningful engagements and prefers writing about topics that align with her interests and serve the planet, rather than focusing solely on financial success.
  • Karen appreciates the supportive comments from Medium readers and the friendships she has made on the platform.
  • As a contrarian, she advocates for writing content that resonates with personal values and audience interests, rather than following the trend of writing about writing.
  • She believes that having enough money to live on is more important than pursuing excessive wealth, emphasizing happiness over materialism.
  • Karen is recognized for her significant contributions to the Illumination publication, including her role in reviewing and promoting the work of other writers.
  • She is seen as a source of inspiration by the writers and readers of Illumination Integrated Publications.
  • Karen has set up her own publications to further discuss political, climate change, and sustainability issues, indicating her commitment to these causes.


Meet Karen Madej

Senior editor at ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Photo Courtesy of Karen Madej

This post introduces Karen Madej, an editor of Illumination Integrated Publications and Frugal Friday. As a prolific writer, Karen is currently a top writer in Sustainability and Climate Change topics on Medium.

Karen joined Medium in 2019. Fortunately, she met Dr Mehmet Yildiz, who encouraged her with his supportive comments. As a result, she joined Illumination at its inception to support the establishment of the editorial board and the publishing process on the Slack workspace.

Interestingly Dr Yildiz found Karen when she left a serendipitous comment on one of his early stories before establishing his publications. Impressed by her meaningful engagements, Dr Yildiz also posted a testimonial about Karen.

Karen worked in British Telecom. As a qualified project manager, she worked with engineers, product managers, and helpdesk staff to deliver multiple products and services to millions of Internet customers from 2000 to 2006.

Her 1992 Business and Finance qualification, studied at Oxford College of Further Education and sponsored by BT, boosted her promotion chances. But that lifestyle is gone.

Nowadays, Karen prefers a quiet life in Scotland. While she has not found the desired success on Medium with a few of the same stories she posts on NewsBreak, she likes Medium readers’ supportive comments. Besides, she adores all the friends she’s made on this platform.

The top earner and in the third position for reads, Karen posted an article titled A Huge New Audience Found My Stories when she experienced the success of the opening chapter of her memoir. She gained thousands of followers in under a year. In addition, her stories received millions of views.

As a lifelong learner, after investing in Sinem Günel’s online Medium Writing Academy in May 2021, Karen learned that analyzing stats and writing about what our audience wants to read is the fastest and most likely way of making a living on Medium for freelance writers.

However, as a contrarian, Karen decided to write about what interested her and served the planet and its inhabitants best rather than write about writing and cashing in.

She believes that as long as we have enough money to live on, why should we bother making more? Her corporate salary bought a lot of stuff, but it never made her happy. Y

ou can check out her frugal and planet-friendly living stories on Frugal Friday. So, she set up her second publication, Transformation Pending, to bring political, climate change, and sustainability issues to her readers’ attention.

Image Courtesy of Karen Madej

When Illumination first went live, Karen regularly helped in the queue reviewing and publishing hundreds of stories.

Interestingly, Karen loves shiny new objects, so she took on six months of writing reviews of newish writers’ stories in the Weekly Wisdom series.

Gratefully, she promoted the works of hundreds of writers sharing their stories on Illumination Integrated Publications. As a result, our writers and readers see Karen as a source of inspiration.

Karen is at the crossroads taking time off to make tough decisions about her writing objectives and house-building plans for 2022. We wish her the best in her endeavors.

She remains a consulting editor, a valuable resource for the editorial team of Illumination Integrated Publications.

Dr Yildiz teases Karen as “the grandmother of Illumination” and Joe Luca as “the grandfather of Illumination” as they supported his vision dearly during the most difficult times (as reflected in this sentiment analysis) when this wonderful publication was defamed by a few ignorant people who couldn’t handle diversity and inclusion values of Illumination. Marcus later identified these types of motives diligently and shared his insights.

To introduce you her talent, we selected a few stories from Karen’s writing portfolio.


If I Were the Owner of Medium, I Would Reprogram Alan the Algorithm

Being Present in Your Life.

No More Curation, Hoorah!

To Grow Old Big or Fit?

Dear ILLUMINATION Writers, I’d Like to Propose a Deal

Does Having a Perfect Body Make Us Happy?

True Friendships Weather All Storms

Hmm, Why Should You Write for ILLUMINATION?

You can follow Karen Madej on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn.

If you want to hear Karen’s lovely voice, you can check this YouTube video on Illumination’s YouTube channel.

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