
This text is a web page titled "Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications" that provides guidelines, resources, and updates for new writers joining the ILLUMINATION publications on Medium.


The web page offers a comprehensive guide for new writers joining ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. It includes essential documents, publication conduct guidelines, and information on improving story quality, creating visibility, and increasing income. The page also provides details on specific publications, featured stories, writer biographies, and editor profiles. Additionally, it introduces new writers who have joined the publications recently.


  • The web page emphasizes the importance of adhering to publication conduct guidelines and improving the quality of stories for better readability and engagement.
  • The page encourages writers to use social media platforms productively to amplify their content and increase visibility.
  • The page highlights the role of editors in reviewing and publishing stories, appreciating their contribution to the success of the publications.
  • The page suggests that writers should focus on creating valuable content to increase their income on Medium.
  • The page introduces a new policy for AI-generated content and emphasizes the need for writers to comply with copyright laws and avoid plagiarism.
  • The page encourages writers to explore different publications within the ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications network and collaborate with other writers and editors.
  • The page acknowledges the contributions of top writers and doctoral leaders to the publications and encourages writers to create their collections and publications.

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

One-stop-shop for beginners

Writer applications to Illumination via our registration portal. Please review our checklist before submitting your stories to our publications.

Photo by Andreas M on Unsplash

2023 Updates

New AI-generated Content Policy

New writers, please check this new editorial update including a comprehensive checklist aiming to improve the quality of your writing and increase the chance of visibility and building your audience on Medium.

Upon request from many writers, our chief editor created a new article on how to generate passive income from your writing business methodically.

Dear Writers

Happy New Year!

This is a tool aiming to increase your audience and earning chances on Medium. Stories in this collection guide new writers to understand the platform and gain visibility in this crowd.

In 2023, We will update this supplementary resource to our onboarding pack weekly or fortnightly. Please check out the writers added to our publications each week. New accounts are listed at the end of this post to engage meaningfully.

Due to the high volume of writers joining us, we can only keep writer accounts maximum of a week in this post. You may explore their accounts and stories.

This post is one of our communication tools to inform and educate our new members. We linked guiding articles to empower our contributors optionally. You might check articles that interest you to improve your writing and marketing skills on Medium. These are designed primarily for beginners, but some experienced writers might also benefit. Reading these resources is optional.

However, the onboarding pack is essential for new writers to review before submitting stories, as we have specific rules to support our 21K+ writers. The critical document is the photo handling policy.

Here is the link to the onboarding pack for your review.

The most frequently asked question for new writers is how to submit a story to Illumination. It is straightforward.

When you draft your story, please click on the … (3 dots) on the top right side of your screen. Click on the add to publication and then choose Illumination and submit. Then editors will review and publish if your story qualifies.

We have three critical documents that all writers must review to comply with Medium policies and our publication guidelines. Here are the links:

Essential Documents for All Writers

Every writer of our publications needs to review these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant, but these are non-negotiable rules.

Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

First, let’s introduce our publications.

These publications are managed in an integrated way by our 95 volunteer editors. Our publications support 20,000+ writers on Medium.

Introduction to Illumination Integrated Publications

Here are the links to our publications.

ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming ILLUMINATION’s Blog

Onboarding Pack for New Writers

New contributors need to read the instructions in this guide before submitting their stories.

Every New Writer Must Read Photo Policy Before Starting

WARNING: Writers failing to meet our photo policy will be removed from publications. This is our biggest problem wasting the precious time of our volunteer editors and causing publishing delays.

Not captioning and using copyrighted photos will lead to the rejection of stories.

Zero tolerance for plagiarism on ILLUMINATION!

Most Frequently Asked Question Answered by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, Chief Editor of Illumination.

Table of Contents for this Article

1 — Publication Conduct Guidelines

2 — Improve the Quality of Your Stories

3 — Create Visibility of Your Stories

4 — Increase Your Income

5 — Publication Specific Information

6 — Collection of Featured Stories

7 — Writer and Editor Biographies

8 — How to Use Social Media Platforms

9 — Editor Profiles

Monthly Updates

Update 18 April 2022

Please check a new interview with Dr Mehmet Yildiz, owner and chief editor of Illumination Integrated Publications, guiding new writers contributing to our publications. We hope you enjoy these experience-based tips.

Why Do You Need to Write At Least Three Months to Reap Benefits of Medium?

Update May 2022

Illumination created a new reading club to increase the reading times of stories. Details are in the attached collection.

How to Join Illumination Integrated Publications

You can join my publications requesting access here.

How to be a Medium Member

New to Medium? You can use this link to become a member and read every story published in our publications. You can also meet new writers who joined our publications this week.

Onboarding Pack for New Writers

This is an essential read before submitting your stories to our publications.

We created a master copy of the onboarding pack, including frequently asked questions by new writers.

This pack is a good start for our new contributors.

If you have further questions after reviewing this pack, please contact Dr Mehmet Yildiz and other editors on our Slack workspace.

Purpose of this Post

The purpose of this post is to provide helpful articles that we developed for our contributing writers.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, owner, and chief editor, authored most of these stories when he established Illumination.

He actively guides and promotes our writers for success.

We compiled some of his guiding articles. Some are quick guides, and so they go into detail based on questions from writers. We categorized the content under a broad heading, but you can search the article using keywords.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications consist of eight publications covering different scopes.

Here are the links to our publications.

ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming Lampshade of Illumination — New pub

If you are using AI tools for writing, please review our publishing guides.

21,000+ Medium writers contribute to these publications.

About Editors

124 volunteer editors review, publish and promote hundreds of stories daily.

You can meet some of our editors in this collection, including their profiles.

You can join my publications requesting access here.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Here is a summary of our publications.


ILLUMINATION, as one of the significant publications on Medium, is visited by over 50,000 unique members daily and gained two million minutes of reading this month. In addition, some stories went viral and brought many new readers. As a generic publication, we accept every ethical topic meeting Medium’s guidelines. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination


This generic publication was designed for the requirements of prolific writers who need to submit multiple stories in a day. You may submit several stories to ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR within a 24 period. Please check this article for details: Balancing Load of ILLUMINATION. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illuminations-mirror


We designed this unique publication for experienced and accomplished writers. Senior editors select the contributors for this publication using stringent criteria. If you are an experienced and accomplished writer, we allow you to post your storied to this publication upon your request directly. Please find details in this article. You can check some sample stories from this publication in this recent collection. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-curated

4 — Technology Hits

We designed this special publication for writers and readers interested in technical topics, digital entrepreneurship, digital transformation, information technology, artificial intelligence, IoT (the Internet of Things), Cloud computing, quantum computing, tech news, digital economy, blockchain, bitcoin, Nun-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and futuristic topics related to emerging technologies. You can submit science fiction in this pub. More info about Technology Hits Value Propositions of Technology Hits. Introduction to Technology Hits. Inviting Storytellers From All Aspects of Technology. Here is a collection including some sample stories from this publication. Link to publication: https://medium.com/technology-hits


SYNERGY is another specialized publication that serves freelance writers who want to share writing, blogging, and editing content. It connects writers, editors, and bloggers through their stories. We invite freelance writers from other platforms such as Vocal Media. Here is the purpose of Synergy. Besides, you may find a sample collection to get an idea for the type of stories we publish on Synergy: Engaging Stories on SYNERGY. Here is a collection of sample stories hosted on SYNERGY. Link to publication: https://medium.com/technical-excellence

6 — ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

We designed this special publication for published and indie authors. We help new writers to get published and become authors. Details about this publication are in this story: ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: A publication giving voice to published authors on Medium. The following articles provide additional information about ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: How Can Published Authors Create Visibility. Here is a sample editorial bulletin to promote ILLUMINATION Book Chapters to readers: ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Editorial Bulletin #9 New resources. And here is the Index of Published Book Chapters. You can find some sample book chapters in this collection. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-book-chapters

7 — Readers Hope

This new and generic publication was designed for absolute beginners. You may submit raw content to this new pub. We don’t edit content submitted to Readers Hope. But, our editors provide valuable and helpful guidance via private notes or in our Slack workspace to members. Here is a story introducing the purpose of Readers Hope: What If We can Transform Readers into Micro-Writers. Editors introduced values of Readers Hope. We compiled their perspectives into a single story. Our editors are willing to support new writers to gain experience. Please check their stories. You may contact editors on Slack when you need support. They can help you learn and grow. Here is the Vision and Mission of “Readers Hope”. Link to publication: https://medium.com/readers-digests


This unique publication aims to create a bridge between YouTubers and Medium writers using our YouTube channel and seven prominent publications. Many YouTubers are also bloggers, and we believe that Medium is an excellent platform for them to tap into a new audience. This publication is owned by the Illumination YouTube Coordinator. You can contact him on Illumination Slack workspace. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-on-youtube.


In addition, our chief editor keeps all publications-related stories in separate publications called Illumination’s Blog. This publication can be helpful for new writers to find guiding articles. This publication is not for writers. It is for editorial purposes. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-blog. Dr Mehmet Yildiz hosts his personal stories in his publication called Euphoria. If you enjoy health and fitness type of stories, you may check his personal publication. Link to publication: https://medium.com/sensible-biohacking-transhumanism

1 — Publication Conduct Guidelines

image designed by Dr Mehmet Yildizdigitalmehmet.com

Publication Conduct Guidelines Rules of engagement and cross-pollination at three levels

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications Rules of engagement, success roadmap, and cross-pollination at four levels

No Defamation, Discrimination, And Hate Speech Published Publishing policy and inclusion guidance for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Process and Procedures Anything you want to know about ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Copyright Matters Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

Use Of Affiliate Links On Medium Guidance to writers who need to use affiliate links in stories

How to Survive and Thrive on Medium Essential guide to new writers

A Practical Guide for Writers: My collection for writing and writer performance on Medium

2 — Improve the Quality of Your Stories

image designed by Dr Mehmet Yildizdigitalmehmet.com

Essential Checklist for Writers Improve quality and readability of your stories

Handling Story Photos: Publication Policy

Five Questions To Increase Curation Chance and Reading Fans Critical questions serving as a self-editing checklist for writers

You can watch our quality checklist on YouTube.

3 — Create Visibility of Your Stories

image designed by Dr Mehmet Yildizdigitalmehmet.com

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

6 Easy & Proven Tips to Increase Followers

8 Proven Tips to Build a Rock-Solid Reading Audience: A game-changing strategy for freelance writers to turn loyal readers into advocates for sustainable business outcomes

100 Day Challenge For New Writers How to grow and become a top writer on Medium in three months

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days How experienced writers can create more visibility on Medium taking this writing challenge

Invitation To A Writing Challenge Share your concerns and aspirations in a story

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month Practical steps to produce a manuscript with 1,000-word a day

Storybooks and Indexing Publications They work. Here is the evidence.

Introduce Your Newsletters and Grow Your Mailing Lists Let’s collaborate to enhance our networks, gain new customers, and delight them sustainably

How to Turn Cold Calls to Warm Outcomes Create meaningful and sustainable connections and grow with courage, growth mindset, and serendipity

WRITERS INVITED TO PROMOTE THEIR PUBLICATIONS: A give back and collaboration initiative of ILLUMINATION to support visibility of writers.

Yes, We Accept Short-Form Stories Answering questions from hundreds of writers about new short-form story format on Medium

What I Learned After Publishing 1,010 And Reading 100,000 Stories on Medium: Intangible benefits exceeded tangible ones

7 Tips for Freelance Writers Dealing with Chronic Stress Effectively How to design a lifestyle fitting your writing career goals optimally

Science-Based Therapeutic Value of Expressive Writing for Mental Health Writing can calm the amygdala, melt chronic stress, and relieve disease symptoms

What Readers Want to Hear vs What They Really Need to Know The key lesson for writers is to put readers in a trance state while delivering difficult points.

Short-Form Stories Not For Income But For Visibility. Think Of Them As A Tripwire

ILLUMINATION Fiction Club An invitation to fiction writers to unite and collaborate for productive fun

ILLUMINATION Poetry Club An invitation to poets to collaborate for productive fun

Welcome To The TSEE Club A virtual club for writers, leaders, and professionals in technology, science, engineering, and entrepreneurship

Mentoring on ILLUMINATION Peer support is essential for success.

To create further visibility of your work, you can join our Slack workspace and collaborate with other fellow writers. We currently have 12,800+ members. You can share your story links on these two channels.

#post-your-own-writing-here and #chosen-for-further-distribution

An Introduction to ILLUMINATION Slack Workspace

4 — Increase Your Income

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

How To Triple Your Writing Income Methodically

How To Make Six-Figure Income On Medium

How To Earn Good Money On Medium

The Beginner’s Guide to Write Viral Articles & Blogs Learn 17 proven techniques and unique metrics

What I Learned by Reviewing 100+ Viral Articles in 2021 I introduce distinctive patterns of viral content gaining mass attraction,

This Is My Simple Formula To Creating Viral Stories Increase Chance Of Your Stories Get Viral In 7 Simple Steps

How to Create Viral Stories on Medium

Can you make $10,000 on Medium in a month? Yes, it is possible but you must have a clear strategy, persistence, and effort.

Writers Invited to Promote Their Publications A give back and collaboration initiative of ILLUMINATION to support visibility of writers

I’m a Writer/Editor: Why the Heck I Built An Affiliate Marketing Business After the Age of 60: The importance and value of affiliate marketing for content developers and freelance writers

5 — Publication Specific Information

image designed by Dr Mehmet Yildizdigitalmehmet.com

Purpose of Synergy And how to publish your stories in this publication

SYNERGY on Medium Upon reader request, we renamed Passive Income for Writers publication

Inviting Storytellers From All Aspects of Technology

Introduction to Technology Hits Scope, overview, and participation methods

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: A publication giving voice to published authors on Medium

Learn About ILLUMINATION-Curated Essential articles about ILLUMINATION-Curated publication

Invitation to Write for “ILLUMINATION-Curated” A bespoke publication for advanced writers and readers

How to Benefit of ILLUMINATION-Curated A comprehensive guide for contributors of ILLUMINATION-Curated

Paradigm Shift in Content Curation, Distribution, and Marketing

Introduction to ILLUMINATION-Curated The purpose and progress of a new publication using the power of ILLUMINATION

Why Should Top Writers Join “ILLUMINATION-Curated” An innovative publication for top writers and advanced readers

Yes, You Can Now Directly Write For ILLUMINATION-Curated However, your stories must meet Medium curation guidelines

How to Create Collections on ILLUMINATION-Curated A sample and guiding framework to encourage writers to create their collections

Self-nominated Curation: Not Just Top For Writers An opportunity for ILLUMINATION writers to showcase their best stories on special collection of ILLUMINATION-Curated

Self-Presented Collections Annotated stories by writers of ILLUMINATION-Curated

ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR A publication created to address Medium constraints for editors

Testimonials for ILLUMINATION Thoughts and sentiments of ILLUMINATION writers.

Introduction to New Writers Onboarding pack for new contributors of ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

What If We can Transform Readers into Micro-Writers: Compelling ideas to convert readers to writers with small steps, guidance, and encouragement in a supportive community

Vision and Mission of “Readers Hope”: How to transform avid readers to prolific writers using a supportive and innovative publishing tool

6 — Collection of Featured Stories

image designed by Dr Mehmet Yildizdigitalmehmet.com

Collection of Featured Stories Easy access to daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes Easy access to curated and outstanding stories

Technology, Business, Leadership, & Self-Improvement Stories Curated collections for discerning readers

Reading List #3 — Technology Hits Selected stories for enjoyment of tech readers

Sample Book Chapters Discover 70+ published authors on ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

Top 100 Trending Stories at ILLUMINATION-Curated

Heath & Fitness Collection

Mental Health Collection

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

How to Love and Relate



Do You Want to Become A Sexy Entrepreneur?


Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle


The Power of Freelancing for Writers


Featured Stories About “Writing” From The Top Writers of SYNERGY

Artificial Intelligence

Top Stories About Artificial Intelligence

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications


How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Featured Stories by ILLUMINATION

Curated Collection #1, Curated Collection #2, Curated Collection #3, Curated Collection #4, Curated Collection #5, Curated Collection #6, Curated Collection #7, Curated Collection #8, Curated Collection #9, a collection from SYNERGY, Curated Collection #10, Curated Collection #11, Curated Collection #12, Curated Collection #13, Curated Collection #14, Curated Collection #15, Curated Collection #16, Curated Collection #17, Curated Collection #18, Curated Collection #19, Curated Collection #20, Curated Collection #21, Curated Collection #22, Curated Collection #23, Curated Collection #24, Curated Collection #25, Curated Collection #26, Curated Collection #27, Curated Collection #28, Curated Collection #29, Curated Collection #30, Curated Collection #31, Curated Collection #32, Curated Collection #33, Curated Collection #34, Curated Collection #35, Curated Collection #36

Index of Published Book Chapters: Easy access to chapters for readers on Medium,

Spirituality — A Curated Collection On ILLUMINATION.

Featured Stories by ILLUMINATION-Curated

Outstanding Stories — Volume 85: Selected stories from top writers of ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes: Easy access to curated and outstanding stories

Technology, Business, Leadership, & Self-Improvement Stories Curated collections for discerning readers

Featured Stories by Technology Hits

Tech Stories on Technology Hits #5.

Top Tech Stories on Technology Hits #4,

Reading List #3 — Technology Hits

Curated Writer Bios: Learn about contributing writers of ILLUMINATION written by their pen.

Welcome New Writers: Introducing new contributors of ILLUMINATION, Curated, MIRROR, Book chapters, SYNERGY, Technology Hits, Readers Hope,

Readers Love These Niche Publications by Creative Writers: Collaboration between writers and readers.

Hand-Picked Articles #16, Hand-Picked Articles #15, Hand-Picked Articles #14, Hand-Picked Articles #13, Hand-Picked Articles #12, Hand-Picked Articles #11, Hand-Picked Articles #10, Hand-Picked Articles #9, Hand-Picked Articles #8, Hand-Picked Articles #7, Hand-Picked Articles #6, Hand-Picked Articles #5, Hand-Picked Articles #4, Hand-Picked Articles #3, Hand-Picked Articles #2, Hand-Picked Articles #1

Featured Stories by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Sample Book Chapters: Discover 70+ published authors on ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

Top 100 Trending Stories: at ILLUMINATION-Curated

Heath & Fitness Collection: Mental Health Collection

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

Do You Want to Become A Sexy Entrepreneur? Entrepreneurship:

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

The Power of Freelancing for Writers: Freelancing Collection

Featured Stories About “Writing” From The Top Writers of SYNERGY

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications — Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Top Stories About Artificial Intelligence

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

Interviews with Writers: Featuring inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION

Discover ILLUMINATION Writers: BIOs of writers from their pen

How to Love and Relate

7 — Writer Biographies

screen capture by author

Curated Writer Bios Learn about contributing writers of ILLUMINATION written by their pen

Writer BIOs Featuring ILLUMINATION writers

Interviews with Writers Featuring inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION

Meet Editors of ILLUMINATION The powerful minds & leaders behind the success of a large publication on Medium

Contribution of Doctoral Leaders to ILLUMINATION-Curated

Meet Top Writers on ILLUMINATION Featuring writers with top writer status writing for ILLUMINATION

PUBLICATIONS OWNED BY ILLUMINATION WRITERS: Introducing eclectic and specialized publications created by writers contributing to ILLUMINATION.

Six Reasons Writers Need Bios The most compelling one is visibility.

8 — How to Use Social Media Platforms

Photo by Carol Magalhães on Unsplash

We created multiple social media platforms allowing our writers to share their stories easily. The following resources provide links and guidance on using these platforms.

How Can Writers Use Social Media Productively? A six minute investment to productivity and desired outcomes using social media mindfully and meaningfully

Top Seven Social Media Tools for Freelance Writers to Amplify Content

Reddit Community for ILLUMINATION Writers Do you want to increase the chance of your stories going viral on the Internet?

Amplify Your Medium Stories with LinkedIn Groups

Invitation to LinkedIn Page

How to Get Started with Quora and Amplify Your Medium Stories

Amplify Your Medium Stories with Facebook Pages and Groups

How to Get Started with Pinterest and Amplify Your Medium Stories

Amplify Your Medium Stories with YouTube

Join Us On Goodreads Inviting writers to collaborate with published authors and millions of readers on Goodreads

How to Link Your Twitter Handle to Your Medium Account

9 — Editor Profiles

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Our editors are volunteers who review and publish stories on their own time. They are also contributing writers. We are grateful to our editors as they review and publish your stories daily on their own time. You can contact them on Illumination Slack workspace

You can check their profiles from the following links.

Meet Dr Mehmet YildizDr Mehmet Yildiz

Meet Dr Preeti SinghDr. Preeti Singh

Meet Dr Michael HENG, PBMDr Michael Heng

Meet Gregory MaidmanMarcus aka Gregory Maidman

Meet Britni PepperBritni Pepper

Meet John CunninghamJohn Cunningham

Meet Carrie Alice Kelly Carrie

Meet Jennifer GeerJennifer Geer

Meet Lawson WallaceLawson Wallace

Meet Steve Alexander (Alex)The Wordsmith™🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸

Meet J.S. AdamJS Adam

Meet Karen MadejKaren Madej

Meet Aldric ChenAldric Chen

Meet Arthur G Hernandez Arthur G. Hernandez

Meet Carol PriceCarol Price

Meet Bill AbbateBill Abbate

Meet Kasey HarringtonKasey Harrington

Meet Neha SandhirNeha Sandhir S

Meet Agnes LaurensAgnes Laurens

Meet Vidya SuryVidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Meet Michael PatanellaMichael Patanella

Meet Michael NagyMichael Nagy

Meet Joe LucaJoe Luca

Meet Aamir KamalAamir Kamal 🚀🚀🚀

Meet Chelsea MandlerChelsea Mandler MAT

Meet Sumera RizwanSumera Rizwan

Meet Brooklyn MuseBrooklyn Muse

Meet Josh Balerite AcolJosh Balerite Acol

Meet Kristina SegarraKristina Segarra

Meet Maria RattrayMaria Rattray

Meet Zen ChanZen Chan

Meet Ntathu AllenNtathu Allen

Meet Lilith MorningstaarLilith Morningstaar

Meet Lanu PitanLanu Pitan

Meet Helen MüllerYou, Me and Happiness

Meet Julius L. EvansJulius Evans

Meet Sufyan MaanSufyan Maan, M.Eng

Meet Arlo Hennings, PhDArlo Hennings

We will add more editor profiles soon. Thank you for reading the profiles of our editors. You can find their profiles in the attached collection as future reference.

Thank you for reading our guidelines.

This story was compiled by ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, and ILLUMINATION Amplifier with assistance from Dr Mehmet Yildiz.

We look forward to reviewing, publishing, and promoting your stories.

New Writers Joined This Week

Let’s welcome contributors joining Illumination Integrated Publications of ILLUMINATION. Let’s give them a warm welcome and explore their stories.

Crystal Gillis, Brain Balance Labs, Luka Brzić, Bowen Smyth, Hema Ravi, Ramanan, Mohammed Hilili, James McDonald, Gaurav Mori, Pal Dru Koi, Hinduja, Oleks Gorpynich, Justin McLaughlin, Christina Daniels, Anand Raj, Patricia Dietrich, Christina Rizzo, Ida Silfverskiöld, Paul S. Marshall, Annika Hotta, Christopher Pierznik, Productivity,Time management,Success hacks, Robert E. Saunders, Leahprior, Alexandra Axente, Dean Eskich, Harper Callaghan MSW, RSW-Harping mental health., Auri Lynn Thomson, j.j. wolfe, Evan Kelly, Shewrites, Toni-Anne, dani herrera, Baranverse, Dr. Marie Nubia-Feliciano, Jennifer, Jody Lynn McBrien, Daniel Arthur, Ashutosh Kumar, Pepperform Team, autism unmasked, Bruno T., Irie C. Rose, Ms. Colóna, Shubham Zujam, Vanessa Törnblom, Daisy Rajbongshi, Alison McBain, Richard Scott, R.S. Colorado, Henry Cheng, Dr. Eddie, Tyler Lubben, Cosmo Zen, Chitra Gopalan, Tanvi Swami, Rūta Rose, OCTAVIA EVER AFTER, Scollurio, Warren Thurlow, József Manhertz, Mary Kontouri, Shola Osiyemi, G.P. Burdon, Friend of August, Rebecca Berry, Pallavi Kohli, Learning Minds, The Managing Journey, Syed Zain M Abidi, Nicolas Deboutte, Mikael Tashi, Lily Shine, Emily’s Travel Tips, Tyler Woden, Felix Story, Lily Shine, Peter Borg, Vault Of Visions, Shashikiran Mullur, Cloudmize, Coralie Brébec, Tom Addison, Transatlanticism, J A Candle, Gigi Stella, Anni Yang, Dest, Ganesh Palande, Usman Khalid Qureshi, DrR, Benny Kiwin Cardoza, Kate Burdon, Dorian Lassiter, Leeladaviscoaching, Miss Johnsen, Ifedayo, Sami Ullah Shahzad, Arran Taylor, Rob Young, Rob Young, Cindy Shapiro, Aviral Mehrotra, Dash Divine, Shamaima Irfan, MO SPECTRE, Ayushi Singh, Jane Morgan, Casey Poole, TheUnknownDoctor, Ronnaver Pua, ScopeOFLIFE, Alex Avila, Rima Eneva, Tom Ahern, Rachel Palmąka Mace, Kerin, Ahsan Cheema, Serin Noman ✨, Tamika Souhida, Hasnain A, Colton Lazars, Prashansa Gadgil, Christina Piccoli, Anthony Overs, Optionsg, Trendy Digests, Fruit, Wikan, Ahmed Bari | Enthusiast of Psychology and God, gita iyer, Stella Oni, Ritu, Wisdomyewoh, Aria Emend, ian mcneish, Sophia Lin, Scott Fillmer, Dan Martin, Thomas Ashcroft, Anabel Okolie, Valeria Black, Jozsef Kovacs, PR is Universal, Tara Fitness ⭐️, Shuvo Shams, Mantosh Kumar, Rose Ernst, Sarveen A. Haripriyan, Emma Deptolla, Dr. Seema Patel (PhD), Kevin Byrne, Erik Jones, Luna Rivers, Caleb Daniel, Pankhuree Khaneja | Kaleidostopia, Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA, Tech Revolution, Entrepreneurs and Innovators Times, Preethiprihu, Lalita Lalwani, Isabella’s Digital Café, Nikki B., Gayathri Seshadri, Oishee Chatterjee 💎, Heather Lengyel, Asshole a.k.a Greta Room, TQ Bonner, Nimish Jalan, Sohil Kohly, Aleksandra M. Killy, Caleb Ashley, BJ Stone, C. R. Moore, Tarik Murrell // Titan’s Tirade, Glenn Brown, Yash Wasalwar, , Sahaya, Sal Gallaher, Kaan Akkanat, Sudha Chandran B C, Life-Guide, Ryan Ehrhardt, Elena Vellani, Fresh Princess of Email, Zach Valladon, MBA, Diego Luján, Sam Chow, PhD, T.Cillian, Akaahan Terungwa, Jen Mullane | Build & Thrive in Public, CarolF, Saptashwa Bhattacharyya, Lindsey Otto, Justyna Cyrankiewicz, Jamestasticc, Miss Hello World, Rod Aries, Haidar Ali, Renaud Noel, Adam Nadler, Floris Alexandrou, Ekremyaniker, Amlanjyoti Dutta, Darcy Helder, , Charles Source, Dorris McGrinsby, Karolina Rickard, Kristen Cox, Mouhamad Mbacke, Jake Roper, Jon Dykstra, Brendan Donaghy, Joellyn Rose Keener, Ida Nariman, Muhammad Fakharuddin, Ruthh.P, Andreas Haubold, Mia Young — The Juice Buff, Yoda Talks, Beth Mann, P.M. Zamora, AI Alex, Deepshikha Arora, Lu Lopez, Chloe, Ray Carnes, Chuck B., Jose Martinez, Zeeshan J., Chuck Johnson, Creative Introvert, Jody Wright, Stiers Collective Studios, A Sleepy Reader, Aabha Gopan, Uday Cris, Prakhar Srivastava, Rafayel Hovhannisyan, Shailesh Kumar, Donna Gerard, Myla Morningstar, Molly Pearce, Hira Chaudhry, Chloe, Anik Thakur, Pooja, Allison Tay, Ari Shirwani, Anup kotur, Imogen Hawkes, Amelia Taylor, Helen Fu Thomas, Mer (she/they) Ruiz, savage-writing, — Nicholas Braman, DreamLifeMoney, Andrew Dart, Fadoua Amirach, Shari Lopatin, Alex Parker, Nabil Outsarhourt, Usman Aslam, Lost Layla, Black Culture Unlocked, Tinz Twins, Chronic Wellness, Sweta Sharma, Petrichor, Daniel Shaw, Waris Dedo, Aware Algorithms, Premmody, Brandon J Trimble, Evangeline Rose, Sereena Undertaker, Regina Fable, Andrea Hewitt, Las bellas letras / my journal, Eymen Karagöz, Loddie Foose, PhD, Shweta Shivdas Chari, Dr Femy, Gabriel L. Sena, Jennifer Folajin, Swathi Rao, Nivedita Iyer, Kevin Bell, Brandon Aguilera, Wilbur Greene, Aadil Mallick, Tayfield Reed, Dairy Dabbler, Alexander Besson, Shlee, Ms Sovannary, Darren James, Emory Sharnae, Zephyr Zambrano, Amy J Garner, Prashanth Bajpe, Sola, Jome Nartatez, Suresh Sangwan Saru, Merhala, Rma Kaushal, Krusha, Poonam Bhatt, Melissa J. Hogan, Abdullah Shahed, Anamika Pandey Shukla, Sara Irshad, Gemenetzis Vagelis, Jack Wolf, Chau Trieu, Eric Shahinian, Evan Crosby, Antonio Veljanoski, Nathaniel Shaw, Marc Rundquist, Audra Spangler, Kamalpreet K, Samshe Alam, Anisha Shah, Jack Wolf, Anish Bhattacharyya, Akanksha Rawat, Rudo Manomano, Richard P. Toister, Ph.D., Febrina Arin, Aurelia Bliss, William Troyaux, Yustine Alvares, Abdel M.E, Saleh Alzahrani, Zenith Star, Saurav Mandal, Celia Fidalgo, PhD, Hammad Hassan, Ani Vals, Giedrius Saulenas, Victor David, Rachel Anne Helms, Carrie Bach, Derek.○, Experiencing life as the way it is, Mandrake Pan, Kay Yoon, Alcoholicsaint, Snyder Teddy, Simon Zandon, Mert, Imdodd, Anuj Sarita, Séverin Bruhat, Sara Paulos, Warren Young, Sunil Kumar, Betty, Chinmay Kumar Choudhury, Waqar Younas, Articles by Alpha, Dr. Jena Pugh, seph selena, Bohemian Art Cafe, Chhavi Kumari, Kiarra Julien, Chris Son, The Forgotten Few, Julia Slack, Bertrand Liang, MD PhD, Fatima Ali, Cris Scribes, PhD, George Balea, Stephen Dowds, Thilini Gnanasena, Rees Hagedorn, smoul, K.A poems, Felipe Gomes 🎖, Niki Tisza, Ela Pękalska, Fariha, Nat, Aleena G, Dezmodian Emruby, Toby Wilkinson, Queen Mercy, Alyssa Williams-Sinn, Maddy Mirza, Mike Hickman, Amber Dominguez, The GRN Lyfe, Alexandra Augustinsky, Lori Quayle, Bob King, Lorwen Harris Nagle, PhD, Sanjay Singhal, Steven John Miloradovic, Reena Holzmann, Anzhelika, Lindsey Askew, Subrata Mazumder, Baranverse, Kay Yoon, Duygu İslamoğlu, Jack Gossard, tekvera, Kagan Kemerlioglu, LaurenJane, Alex Mutnansky, Cinephile, Lori Quayle, Merve Erçin, Merve Erçin, Zephyr Zambrano, David Kow, Afnan Jalil, Kuldeep Singh, YJ, Rma Kaushal, Caden Ornt, Gabe Carbonara, Surobi Scribbles, Marcus Musick, Jada Rose, Tobias Hedtke, Sumaya, Sumaya, Rhys Peterson, Tudor Iustin, redwane-ai, John B. Dutton, Gareth Ceidiog Hughes, Mohamed Shahin Aziz Khan, James Koh, Antanina Wolf, Cindy Roaming, Anuradha Seth, PhD, Nikolas Kraljevic, Sarah, Johnny Poitras, Tasha G, Maviah Gul, Floor Ockers, Petra Clark, Maviah Gul, PAX, Poonam Vashist, Benedictus Kent Chandra, Rosa No Mundo, Sue S.A, C. E. Janecek, vergil beck, Sir Charles, Sutton Fernsby, Soft Bran, P. Martina, Lauren Spencer, Maviah Gul, Mayur Jadhav, YL Ong, Mr.YA, Individual in the world of money, Col Jung, Oliver George, Floor Ockers, 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐳 ♔ 🦅, Tony Forcucci, N.S Inahar, Sebastian D’Souza, Maxine Attobrah, Ethan Gomez, Marija Carter, Jillian Cardillo, Antanina Wolf, Eva Luna, Jason, Sahil Ali, Leslie Silver, Racheal Sue, Lindsey Anne, Gregory Iciano Ardila, Ana Josovic, Harsha Gurnani, Bella, Briggs Kellogg, M.Burak Sen, Nar Srini, John Fawkes, Arya James, Alphonse J W, Pooja Rane, Alphonse J W, Dr Rick Mathis, Victor Oh, Dimitris Gousopoulos, Ph.D., Harshanki Thakker, Meenu Datta, Teddy Teske, Giana Porpiglia, LMHC, Matthew Bamberg, Think And Grow Rich, ComedyChronicles, Carson Rouse, Jade Zulfiqar, Jan Sissens, Anxious Me, Max Praise, Skym🪐🦕, Rishav Jain, J. Concepcion, Drishya Nair, Feyrie Southeast, Seda Anbarcı, Tanishka Makkar, Isthatbons, Mercês, KevinRedmayne, KendalinJane, Lauren Wetzel, Alba Tay, Piyush Vaish, Andrea Bitay, Natasha Ray, Lavinia Baldi, Helen L., Melissa Corrigan, Matei Grejdan, Gia, Simone Coppola, Learner101, Wesley van Peer, Rohit Kumar, Scarlet Ibis James 🦩, Shauntá Harris, Sweet Honeylu, Maureen Calamia, Valy Oltean, Mashrur Arafin Ayon, OlaOluwa Adeyemo, A M Dulant, Blue, Praise nicholas, Alejandro Negueruela, Trips Community, Gloria Kraker, Sana Zafar, I.AM.KITI, Karrar Al Nour, Ruane Remy, Ruby Noir 😈, Jens Peter Olesen, Oscar Rhea, Madhuvandhi Ravi, Samantha, Andy Lin, Ethan Gomez, Stella Bivens, Nikita Joshi, Wasia Sheikh, Security by Accident, Evelyn Wan, Shwetha Devanga, Beauty & All, Kaisa’s Corner, Tyler, Olena Maksymyak, Kathy LaFollett, AMEastern, Darrekferrell, Delaney Patterson, Dan Disano, Shawn Bruwer, Raphael Cebinq, J.W. Kinsman, Raphael Cebinq, Belinda Panaou, Penny Rackley, Nathaniel Davies, Harshil Mevasa, Srikanth Somasekharan, Thomas McGregor, Matthew David, Matthew David, Afashima Moses, The Storyteller, Simply.A, Muhammad Sharjeel, Roxanne Gillon, Chloe Candy, Wasia Sheikh, Spark Within You, — , Natblossoms, Noman Ali, SHASHANK TIWARI, Andrea Isoni, T, Noah Q, Parenting Hub, Samson, Tushal Mehra, Farhan Ahmed, A Man Named Philosophy,

Please review the new onboarding pack before submitting your stories.

Every New Writer Must Read Photo Policy Before Starting

WARNING: Writers failing to meet our photo policy will be removed from publications. This is our biggest problem wasting the precious time of our volunteer editors and causing publishing delays.

Previous Issues of Onboarding Packs

As the main source for our publications, we keep new writers for a few days to find essential resources for publications in this starter kit. We highly recommend writers check the guidelines and the quality checklist before submitting stories to our publications.

Welcome contributors, joining Illumination Integrated Publications of ILLUMINATION. Here are the recent onboarding packs that allow you to find a list of our contributors. We believe that writers want to meet other writers. Here is the list starting from the most recent.

Introduction to New Writers

Welcome: New Writers Introduction

Onboarding Pack for New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Introducing New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Introducing New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Welcome New Writers: PSILY Attribution

Welcome New Writers

Introduction To New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Introducing New Writers

Introducing New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Welcome New Contributors

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Curated Stories on ILLUMINATION today

1 — Featured Stories by ILLUMINATION

Curated Collection #1, Curated Collection #2, Curated Collection #3, Curated Collection #4, Curated Collection #5, Curated Collection #6, Curated Collection #7, Curated Collection #8, Curated Collection #9, a collection from SYNERGY, Curated Collection #10, Curated Collection #11, Curated Collection #12, Curated Collection #13, Curated Collection #14, Curated Collection #15, Curated Collection #16, Curated Collection #17, Curated Collection #18, Curated Collection #19, Curated Collection #20, Curated Collection #21, Curated Collection #22, Curated Collection #23, Curated Collection #24, Curated Collection #25, Curated Collection #26, Curated Collection #27, Curated Collection #28, Curated Collection #29, Curated Collection #30, Curated Collection #31, Curated Collection #32, Curated Collection #33, Curated Collection #34, Curated Collection #35, Curated Collection #36, Curated Collection #37, Curated Collection #38, Curated Collection #39, Curated Collection #40, Curated Collection #41, Curated Collection #42, Curated Collection #43, Curated Collection #44, Curated Collection #45

Writer Profiles

More than 15,000+ writers contribute to Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. You can meet some writers from their pens in this curated collection.

Editor Profiles

Our editors play an important role in the success of our writers. You can meet some of them from this curated collection compiled by ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Invitation to Illumination Fiction Club


Featured Stories by Editors

Please enjoy stories featured by our editors.

New Year Newsletter from Euphoria by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Selected Videos from Illumination YouTube Channel

Please enjoy this valuable and inspiring video about writing viral stories by Illumination YouTube Coordinator

Our quality checklist for writers…

Value of YouTube for Writers

Introduction to our publications

A great video introducing Karen Madej, top writer and senior editor of ILLUMINATION.

An excellent video introducing Dr Michael Heng

Here is a beautiful video introducing Julius Evans

Another great video introducing Shashi Sastry

And a video introducing our beloved editor Dr. Preeti Singh

More videos on Illumination YouTube Channel. We enjoy raising the profiles of our writers by creating visibility for their content. Please follow our channel and be part of our exciting journey.

Here are the reasons Why Writers Need Personal Publications!

Recently Featured Writers

We recently featured the following writers. We will continue this initiative.

Meet Don Martin: A businessman and a writer on Medium Don Martin

Meet Cliff Hightower: A journalist, novelist, writer, blogger, and poet on Medium Cliff Hightower

Meet Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi on Medium: Biography and an introduction to her book Darkness and Light Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi

Meet Melinda Blau: A published author of 15 books and a prolific writer on Medium Melinda Blau

Meet Joan Gershman: Retired educator, speech therapist, English teacher, and writer Joan Gershman

Congratulations Alex Philippe for Completing 100 Day Challenge: Illumination’s 100-day challenge can increase visibility and might make you a top writer on Medium Alex Philippe

Meet Rob Hourmont on Medium: A top writer in health and fitness topics and a new editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Rob Hourmont

Writer and Editor Profiles

You may enjoy the bios of writers written with their pens. We encourage all writers to post a bio introducing themselves to our readers.

Curated Writer Bios

Collection of Editor Bios

Interviews with Writers

We interviewed Lawson Wallace. You can check his interview script at this link. Dr Mehmet Yildiz, our chief editor, also interviews published authors and many writers contributing to our publications. For example, he recently interviewed a published author Keri Mangis. You might check out interviewed writers in this collection. Interviews with Writers of Medium: Featuring inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION

Links to Curated Collections

You may also check our curated collections posted by ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curator, and ILLUMINATION Amplifier.

Meta Collection of Featured Stories

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes

Collection of Hand Picked Articles

Illumination Reading Club

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications created a reading club. All Medium members are invited. If you are not a writer for our publications yet, you may request via this weblink. We will be delighted to include you in this club.

ILLUMINATION Reading Club: Curated articles from writers of Illumination Integrated Publication for avid readers — Volume #01

Invitation to Potential Writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories, and writers can monetize self-published content.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications include:

ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming ILLUMINATION’s Blog EUPHORIA by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

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