
Spirituality — A Curated Collection On ILLUMINATION

Remarkable perspectives from writers on spirituality and invitation to new writers to join ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Photo by zydeaosika from Pexels

Spirituality is a comprehensive topic on this platform. 31K writers posted 110K stories to the spirituality tag. The purpose of this post is to introduce you to our new spirituality featured collection and give you a quick taste of stories covering this domain. We excluded related domains such as religion and philosophy which we plan to provide separate collections for them.

As our editor, Marcus pointed out, ILLUMINATION is a very spiritual publication. Marcus as a writer in this domain, not only features stories but also establishes as a bridge with other spirituality publications on this platform, such as Know Thyself, Heal Thyself, led by Diana C. , who is taking a break and referring her contributors to other publications such as Coffee Times run by Winston, Queen’s Children run by Jean Carfantan, Gentle Ambassadors run by Bingz Huang and Camille Grady. Many thanks to Diana and Marcus for creating this wonderful collaboration.

As spirituality is a broad topic, it is not possible to agree on one path. There are multiple paths with many perspectives. Many writers believe that one can be spiritual with or without following a religion. Consciousness is a key topic of spirituality domain and provide valuable insights into science.

Our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz encourages all writers to join ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications and share their stories as long as they adhere to Medium rules. Even though he is a technologist, he posted several articles in spirituality, such as his recent articles Why Do I Believe in Angels? Because they touched on my heart, mind, and soul in the most challenging times at crossroads , The Role of Karma in Mental Health and Well-Being, and Learning About Cosmology Can Make Us Less Judgmental & More Open-Minded for Spiritual Growth.

In the design of ILLUMINATION, Dr Yildiz included spirituality as one of the key tags on the front page and recently created featured pages to encourage writers and support readers in this domain.

Whether you are an experienced or aspiring writer, you can join our generic publications and share your spirituality stories on ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated and Readers Hope. If you have books related to spirituality, you can publish chapters on ILLUMINATION Book Chapters. New writers can apply by using this weblink.

There are hundreds of stories relating spirituality on ILLUMINATION, so it is impossible to link them in this newsletter; however, we selected a few interesting pieces to give you a quick taste. We hope you enjoy them and find them valuable in your spiritual journey.

If you have friends interested in spirituality, we’d appreciate your collaboration to share this newsletter with them.

Featured Articles on Spirituality


My Stolen Car with Laptop and Passport Taught Me Valuable Lessons about Spirituality Dr Mehmet Yildiz

My Editor’s Picks from Recent Stories in the Spirituality Tag Marcus

Neuroplasticity Boosts The Brain For Self Materiality And Spirituality Dr. Preeti Singh

Science is Meeting up with Metaphysics Rebecca Romanelli

I Speak to God and God Speaks to Me Marcus

An Analogy to Calm You When Your Ego Gets Triggered David Gerken

Sex, Spirituality, and Google with Google Analysis Dew Langrial

Why Consciousness Is the Ultimate Frontier of Human Evolution Shivendra Misra

The Holy Grail and New Life for Earth Lady Jhershierra

What has Art got to do with Spirituality? Roxanna Azimy

My Philosophy Training Shut Down My Spirituality Emily Jennings

Why Spirituality Has Stayed With Us Tosin Sanusi

Does Your View of Spirituality Matter Lynda Coker

Embracing Zen Philosophies Michael Patanella

Weekly Wisdom from Karen Karen Madej

Peaking Into The Mind Of An Addict Jazz Parks

The 7 Universal Laws of the Universe and How to Use Them to Create a Better Life Sabah Ismail✨

Is Your New Year Resolution To Find True Love? Lanu Pitan

2 Problems with Eckhart Tolle That No-one Ever Seems to Talk About Edward John

Am I a Starseed? Jade Scarfone

Dedication Spirituality Kira Dawn

My Powerful Evidence That Death Is Not The End Kylie Craft

I Flirted With Death. Now, I Am In Love With Writing. Claire Kelly

There is a Conspiracy Going On and Universal Forces are Involved I. Trudie Palmer

The Narcissists Twist; Reverse Hoovering. Chris Freyler

Retrospective on a Week Without Words Amy Marley

Why Has it Become Popular to Be Hopeless and Negative? Bebe Nicholson

The Universe Wrote Me a Note Keno Ogbo

Why Would Someone Reject Their True Soulmate? Kim Petersen

The Lowest Vibration in the Spectrum: Shame İpeksu Durmaz

Untether Your Inner Voice Neha Sandhir S

Lighting from God Frank Ontario

The Immutability of God Brad Creech

Two Word Photo Story Challenge… Victoria Grace Meadows M.Ed

What is a Spiritual Master? Frank T Bird

The Spiritual Path Jodie Helm

My Shocking Ancestry Results Made me Cry and Part of me Died Shannon Piérre

The Wheel: Moving From The Material to The Spiritual Qadir Abdus-Sabur, Ph.D.

Life Rushing Through Your Veins to Amplify Spiritual Ecstasy Elena Cooper

How Hope Saves Us? Atul Kumar

He Performed Over 40,000 Neurosurgery Interventions Mihai Brinas

What is the Best Way to Meditate Effectively? Edward John

A Path From Religion to Spirituality Karlo Tasler

Through the Dark Carla Woody

The Fruits of the Earth Brinas Mihaela

How to Be a Mensch Art Bram

The Midnight Call Moryt Milo

The Number One Reason it Would be Rude to Love You Shannon Piérre

6 Things that the Rocks in Nature Said to Me Evelyn Lim

Sex and your Guru Arlo Hennings

What is a Clairsentient Empath? Cinette Santangelo

Limitless Powers of a Light Lamp (Diya) Shriwant Choudhary

Crypto, Socialism, and How We Keep Deluding Ourselves Filip Cabra Makowski

There is Hope after Deconstruction Carol Chea

Time to Celebrate Your Unique Light

Libby Shively McAvoy

Enjoy Life, It Goes By Faster Than You Think Sean Peck

Why is yoga so popular? Joshua Hehe

Are We at Risk of Losing Our Spirituality and Humanity? Jai Shankar Pandey

5 Things That Inspired Me in October Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer

I Accidentally Manifested a Pink Duck Missy Crystal

My Alien Encounters, Paranormal Experiences, All Articles in One Place Lady Jhershierra

On A Homeless Night Spent Sleeping on the Street, I Think I Saw an Angel. James Trodden

Winning and Succeeding With Your Creativity Carmellita

What It Was Like Visiting a Church Service for the First Time Michael Mahoney

Be Like Water To Save Yourself Celine Lai

God’s Tears: God’s Creation, Human Destruction L.A. Justice

Transient States Camille Grady

It’s okay to be gray John Ross

Strength Ruks Moreea

What If Everything You Believe In Is A Lie? Joe Merkle

Conscious Breathing — Is it Just A New Age Fad Or Is There Something More To It? Sally Prag

When You Can’t Get No (Permanent) Satisfaction KL Simmons

The Toad that Stalked Me Josephine Crispin

Are we all screaming into the Void of Social Media? Camile Minerbo

How To Include Mindfulness and Yoga Into The Education System Dr. Alex Krejci

How to Travel at the Speed of Light Dr. Audrey

What Is It About ‘Squid Game’ That Makes It So Disturbing? Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa

3 Areas in Life That Will Be Disastrous if You Are Winging It Ron Whitehead

Love- Our Common Ground Kyomi O’Connor

Rearing It’s Ugly Head Ravyne Hawke

Mani-Pedi: Out of the ashes of Ruby Shoes Lori Lamothe

In Pursuit of the Good Life Prudence Louise

Attaining Balance Cynthia A. Morgan

When Mindfulness Becomes a Spiritual Homecoming jules

A Little-Known Book That Will Enrich Your Life Stephanie Florczyk

The Amazing Grace In Losing Power Vickie Trancho

Spiritual Meeting with Loved One Arbab Z.

Hungry Spirits CMad Poet

We Are Consciousness in a Human Body Florin Marchis

Having Spiritual Awakening? Survival 101 Un-Traditional Mother

13 Life-Changing Advice From Shamanic Masters Kenan Kolday

Here is Why You Should Embrace Your Ego AbdulElah AlTamimi (Abi)

The Dangers of Spirit Boards: The Stories That Convinced Me To Never Use One Nicole Waite

Divine Lessons Learned From Light Nicholas T Jackson

Ozymandias, King of Kings Anthony FJ Garner

Not Getting Your Way Is A Gift From The Future Alla Gonopolsky

Accessing Higher Energy Frequencies is Easier Than You Think Vanessa Ozigbo

A Piece of Advice I Gave Myself, That Made My Young Adult Life Much Easier Daan Uijterwaal

Your Church is Dying Rich Bitterman

Scientific And Spiritual Experiences Are Two Dimensions To Be Explored In Life. Dr. Preeti Singh

Have you thought about Telepathy? Do you know what it is? Markus Scorelius

Our Better Angels Sheldon Clay

Simple Steps To Find Your Purpose and Achieve It Remy Awika

Three Life Mantras To Live By Terence Kong

Where Is Normal Life? How do we return to it? Regina Clarke

The Day Someone Died in My Place Vanessa Gallman

What Authenticity Really Means Dina Tibbs

Spirit of the Universe Rebecca Blume

Reclaim The Power Of Your Attention Clay Raymond

Have You Ever Asked God a Dumb Question? Julie Greenidge

Beyond the Minefield of Spiritual Asterisks, I Know Security and Peace Sharon Woodhouse

And a few lovely poems about spirituality by our popular and Top Writer poets

Flows of time Martine Weber

Righteousness Filza Chaudhry

Acrostic Aspiration Marcus

Spiritual Cleansing, It’s not supposed to be easy Marcus

Thank you for reading these remarkable stories.

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NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

ILLUMINATION-Curated outlined these collections.

Collection of Featured Stories: Easy access to daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION

Why ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications Features Stories: Editors’ choices are in place. We offer a unique curation and visibility service for storytellers on Medium.

You may enjoy October’s featured stories curated by our senior and caring editor Dew Langrial. You can contact Dew on our Slack workspace. She enjoys supporting and mentoring new writers.

Guiding Articles to Help New Writers

How To Passify An Active Freelance Writing Business Like an Entrepreneur in 7 Proven Steps

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month

How To Triple Your Writing Income Methodically

How to earn good money on Medium

How to Create Viral Stories on Medium

Can you make $10,000 on Medium in a month?

How To Make Six-Figure Income On Medium

ILLUMINATION Process & Procedures

A Practical Guide for Writers

Learn About ILLUMINATION-Curated

Discover ILLUMINATION Writers: BIOs of writers from their pen. Please find out why writers need to submit bios. Six Reasons Writers Need Bios: The most compelling one is visibility.

You can request to be interviewed by Dr Yildiz. Interviews with Writers Featuring inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION.

Invitation to ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Meet Top Writers on ILLUMINATION Meet Editors of ILLUMINATION How to Link Your Twitter Handle to Your Medium Account



Testimonials for ILLUMINATION Storybooks and Indexing Publications

35K Real Readers More Important Than 100K Fake Followers

An Unexpected Move From Medium

An Introduction to ILLUMINATION Slack Workspace

We have several virtual clubs. ILLUMINATION Fiction Club, ILLUMINATION Poetry Club, Technology Hits — The TSEE Club, Fiction and Poetry Bios of ILLUMINATION Writers. We are now introducing ILLUMINATION Book Club. Details are in the Slack group.

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