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Artificial Intelligence

I Curated Top Stories About Artificial Intelligence from Writers of My Publications on Medium.

ILLUMINATION Editors’ pick for the readers of AI topic

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I posted a collection about artificial intelligence (AI) compiling selected stories from the Technology Hits publications Medium yesterday.

In that story, I introduced the importance of AI for Medium readers, AI-related topics, and tags. Many readers found this post useful. Older stories are difficult to find as they are buried under thousands of other great articles. As you may know, publications show stories based on the submission date.

I won’t repeat the points I made about AI in the previous post but will focus on the selected articles. ILLUMINATION hosts thousands of stories, so it is difficult for readers to find stories.

Our editors help us find specific pieces that may be an interest to a target audience. This story is an example of collections that we plan to compile. As desired by readers, we aim to make ILLUMINATION Integrated publications entirely reader-focused by providing curated content. Editors play an important role in finding relevant stories.

As mentioned before, AI is my interest area. Therefore, I started introducing this topic in our new initiative. I read and write about AI consistently. AI is also part of my profession and hobby. I read every article about AI posted in my publications. I also read daily curated stories from the AI topics page on Medium.

Several contributing writers post AI-related articles to my publications. Some of them are already top writers on the AI tag. This tag is pretty hefty. As of today, the AI tag page shows 148K stories by 58K writers.

Medium curates and distributes many AI-related articles on the topics. If you are interested in posting AI-related stories, please remember to tag both “AI” and “Artificial Intelligence,” as there are two different tag pages. This is a popular tag and topic if you plan to be a top writer as there are many readers.

As recommended by some of our editors, I reviewed 28 stories about AI covering different aspects of the topic with varying writing styles. I provided the main title, a teaser, a story link, and the author's account name.

If the title and teaser resonate with you, you can click on these stories and enjoy reading them. Writers enjoy feedback. Please consider leaving a supportive comment by extending and enhancing the topic with your input.

28 Interesting AI Stories on ILLUMINATION

There are many more articles about artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, cognitive computing, and neural networks. I plan to review and share them in my upcoming posts.

When you post stories related to this topic, please feel free to tag me. Tagging notifies me so I don’t miss your story when published.

I plan to keep all AI-related stories in Technology Hits, where a majority of readers are. Thus, please feel free to transfer your AI stories to this publication.

If you don’t have writer access to Technology Hits, please leave a comment on this story or send a request via this web form. I will give you writer access.

Without further ado, let me start introducing selected stories.

The first is my recent story.

1 — Can Artificial Intelligence Eliminate Shoplifting In America?

Scientists and technologists have made excellent progress in face recognition. For example, deep neural networks are more accurate than humans at detecting intricate facial images. You can download this Stanford paper free from this link. It discusses sensitive points. Facial recognition is progressing so rapidly that facial recognition technology can now infer political orientation from naturalistic facial images. There are even preventative measures like those proposed by Vaak. This Japanese company developed software that uses artificial intelligence to detect body language. It suggests someone intends to shoplift and alerts staff so they can intervene. Bloomberg reported this in an article titled “These Cameras Can Spot Shoplifters Even Before They Steal”. There are some companies specifically developing AI solutions for shoplifting. For example, HypeTeq Cognitive Solutions uses transfer/deep learning, computer vision, employing AI libraries such as Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCV, PIL, Sklearn. By Dr Mehmet Yildiz

2 — Artificial Intelligence (AI) Black Box

Deep learning (DL) is also notorious as deep structured learning. It is an element of a more ubiquitous family of machine learning schemes based on artificial neural networks with representation learning. Every Artificial Intelligence learns by way of the DL. Deep learning as the instrument of acquiring intelligence for AI necessitates hefty amounts of data feeds, including patient information, physician data, and how a physician reached a particular clinical conclusion on a specific patient case. The clinical decision-making process is practically what an algorithm does in the AI realm. The overwhelming volume, production momentum, multidimensionality, and implied value of available data frequently simplified and attributed to as “big data.” In the world of modern computers, big data analytics transcend the boundaries of understanding of the human brain. Parallel to that, advancements in data analytics and computational power render the opportunity to gain new acumens and transfer data-provided added value to clinical practice in real-time. By Dr. Adam Tabriz

3 — Europe leads the way on set rules for Artificial Intelligence

The legislative initiative by Iban García del Blanco (S&D, ES) urges the EU Commission to present a new legal framework outlining the ethical principles and legal obligations to be followed when developing, deploying, and using artificial intelligence, robotics, and related technologies in the EU including software, algorithms, and data. Future laws should be made following several guiding principles, including a human-centric and human-made AI, safety, transparency, and accountability; safeguards against bias and discrimination; right to redress; social and environmental responsibility; and respect for privacy data protection. High-risk AI technologies, such as those with self-learning capacities, should be designed to allow for human oversight at any time. By Jair Ribeiro

4 — Artificial Intelligence and the Search for Answers

BluDot, a Canadian startup firm, warned its clients days before the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued statements about the virus in Wuhan, China. How did they do it? They used algorithms to search for patterns in their data. Finding a pattern emerging in Wuhan, they quickly warned clients not to travel to the area. And beyond that, the company correctly identified the next countries where Covid-19 was going to crop up next by analyzing flight patterns. AI is predicting when patients that have tested positive for Covid-19 will have severe cases and need to be hospitalized. As it turns out, AI has been more accurate than human judgment alone in helping hospitals to prioritize the use of their limited resources. One example comes from Denmark, where computer scientists have begun using AI to predict when patients may require the use of a ventilator. The system takes data from patients and uses it to find out which symptoms and traits in patients have required the use of ventilators. By Jennifer Geer

5 — Will We Be Robots?

Let’s take an arm, for example. The bionic arm is normally connected to the muscle of the body at the point where the limb was amputated. It can be attached to the remaining part of the arm or the chest. Those muscles still receive the impulse from the brain, and when they contract, the electrodes situated on the robotic arm react and make the prosthesis move. Today, this is the most common type of bionic prostheses: it is called Targeted Muscle Reinnervation. Once the prosthesis is in place, the patient will need months of rehab, training, and psychological support to move the limb properly and gain confidence. But this is not the end of a long science, technology, and medicine path in the artificial limb field. The next step is a brain implant, an electrode positioned on the brain surface, close to the cerebral cortex, able to interact with neurons. In this way, it will be easier to move the bionic limb with thoughts and precise directions. By Alice Toneatto

6 — I Write for Robots

My writing has evolved from pen and paper to typewriters and word processors. To word processing programs, to online blogs, to writing platforms. With each new tool came a learning curve, and I feel each one has improved the presentation and distribution of my work, but it has not always been fun. The changes come quick, and I am left to contend with the moods, the whim, and the will of the ever-evolving medium. Do not misunderstand me. I dabble in harnessing the power of SEO. I attempt to use links, backlinks, and cross-pollination. I debate the effectiveness of click-bait titles and pictures, and I scramble to find titles and pics with even the most remote connection to what I wish to convey. I do this in the hope of catching the eye of the greedy yet gracious google index and, of course, the almighty algorithm. I arrive with fanfare, stand proud before them, but humbly request. “Take me to your reader.” By Arthur G. Hernandez

7 — Self-Driving Cars For Disabled People: The Ultimate Game-changer

As it was mentioned above, today, some big cities in the USA, Canada and the UK have introduced a taxi service that is designed specifically for people on a wheelchair. These services accept only drivers with the best rating and wheelchair-accessible vehicles. These particular cars must not only have a place for a wheelchair but also they must be specifically equipped with all of the safety measures to ensure the safe transportation of a passenger. Everything looks good here. These wheelchair accessible taxi services are real game-changers in the taxi industry that make thousands of lives much easier. It is cheap, safe and it’s a perfect solution to the problem of the target customer. However, these programs are available only in limited cities and only in a couple of countries. This certainly shows that there are demand and an absolute need for more services like that. By Elena Beliaeva-Baran

8 — Uganda’s Researchers Are Using AI Technology To Reduce Air Pollution

Since AirQo works on AI assumptions based on the real-time data. Engineer Bainomugisha believes that making people aware of air quality index and leading them to take actions which will result in a change in environment Collectively smaller actions will lead us to a cleaner and safe environment.AirQo had been successfully able to launch awareness campaigns in the streets of Uganda. It recently stated that the Kampala air quality index had been improved to 40% during the lockdown. The aim of ‘Engineer Bainomugisha’ is to monitor and tackle air pollution across Africa. By Thakur Rahul Singh

9 — This article was translated automatically — why I wouldn’t be on medium without DeepL

Every machine translation so far only delivers raw versions — but DeepL provides the better ones. Of course, we are still a long way from being able to beat interpreters and human translators with machines. Understanding a language in all its nuances and idiosyncrasies requires real intelligence. So unless humanity develops a strong AI, machine translations will always be imperfect. But with DeepL there is an enormously powerful, weak AI available, which raises the standard of machine translations to a new level. I have made a direct comparison between Google Translate and DeepL and can confirm that DeepL provides more consistent translations. Proverbs, idioms, ambiguous words, synonyms — everything is understood and translated at a high level by DeepL. By René Junge

10 — 4 Lessons I Learned by Changing Careers Twice in 4 Years

I started studying AI the week after defending my thesis. I went into the Internet and searched for the best courses I could find. Our friend Andrew Ng was there waiting for me with his course “Machine Learning”. I still had plenty of time to spare so I enrolled in another course: “Neural Nets for Machine Learning”, by Geoffrey Hinton. And then in another one for Python “Python 3 specialization”. At this point, I was doing intensive studying. AI covered my days the same as if I was actually studying for a degree. Apart from the courses, I read blogs, articles, books, and papers to further familiarize myself with the topics. I was loving it. By Alberto Romero

11 — How 23andMe Sucked Me Into a Clinical Trial

After placing the tablet on my tongue, a prompt instructed me to open my mouth for a picture, then lift my tongue to show that I swallowed the pill. The AI learned to recognize my mouth and fingers, which made the process faster. The app caused an awkward moment when I took a dose before yoga class. I sat alone in my car, trying to be discreet while making strange hand gestures at the phone while opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue randomly. One quick glance into the car, and my fellow yogi never made eye contact with me again. In the first week, I could tell it was the medication. My concentration improved substantially, and I didn’t forget my phone or purse. By Denise Garratt

12 — Artificial Intelligence: The myth around AI and everything you need to know about.

Perhaps the scariest risk to the human race comes from something called “superintelligence.” Superintelligence refers to a system or machine that exceeds human intelligence. Theoretically, it’s able to perform any intellectual task, without needing human input or oversight. “You could have a machine that can write a big science fiction book or a system that is intelligent enough to know how to wear a tiara and prance around,” Don Tapscott said in a TED talk. Basically, we could be on the road to creating a giant self-learning computer that’s smarter than we are, and that has the potential to destroy our species. Though we’re nowhere near that point, there are a lot of plausible scenarios for when we get there. By David K.

13 — How Would People React To An Organic Robot with Artificial Intelligence?

A woman from Japan had a different problem. The lady who said she was an expert in sociology drew attention to likely impact of this project on family relations. “Have we ever thought of the relationship between man and woman after the creation of organic robots? The divorce rates in families are still not less than before the Third World War. What if a man, who can’t find what he’s looking for in his wife, lives with an organic robot woman to avoid any love relationship problems? Or what would happen if a woman, depressed of her husband, goes out and lives with an organic robot man to live a stress-free life? What happens then to our relationships? What about our families? The use of organic robots, even for the satisfaction of deep pleasures, will destroy the feelings of remorse, guilt, shame in humans, and turn us into soulless machines.” By Kenan Kolday

14 — Cooking with Artificial Intelligence

MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) created a network called “Recipe 1M” that contained more than 1 million recipes and images. After developing the algorithm, with photos, recipes, and ingredients, it was working most of the time — not all the time. In 2017, they were ready to utilize the system. Delish was the app using the algorithm MIT researchers have created and this mobile app could identify recipes based on food photos most of the time (2). They call this technology “Pic2Recipe”though the products not make it to the market yet. By Çiğdem Arca

15 — How Artificial Intelligence Can Keep You Out of Trouble

These algorithms are self-learning. The minute you stuff in data, it calculates the patterns. This is how you’re able to play ludo with a computer. When the answer seems to be irrelevant, these machines are programmed and taught differently to display what’s required. These are few of the perks of Ai. Imagine an era where humans had to do everything from scratch. Artificial Intelligence has been incorporated in every other field — healthcare, retail, manufacturing, Banking and the lot. Mishaps based on the Ai working has been prominent in history, an example would be when Google’s Ai mistook a black person for Gorilla. Google then banned the words Gorilla, chimpanzee and monkey from the system. By Divya Shakthi

16 — Free Business Ideas #1 — Personal Algorithm Time?

That’s exactly where the problem is. Algorithms treat You as stupid (and maybe even makes You more stupid along the way) because they assume that they know better what You should do. Algorithms see no perspective. And it’s easier for You to give in than to resist what they suggest and fight back. Hard to resist would be quite ok, but the biggest problem starts when it’s unfightable at all. They don’t think that maybe it’s better if You can’t access gaming videos on weekdays. Or maybe even better if You don’t get access to gaming videos at all. That surely would be more productive! Because You are starting a company now, and something about financing could be more valuable to You today. By 💾 Aivaras Guja

17 — 7 Reasons Why Machine Learning is Becoming More Popular than Statistics

The use of deep learning is a game-changer for a broad segment of the analytics industry. Artificial neural networks with multiple layers have shown remarkable success. The idea of backpropagation and error reduction in each iteration fascinates me. In the same model, the facility of using multiple activation functions is another unique property that makes the model smarter to capture the complex patterns of the data. Statistical regression methods are much simpler. But not that efficient in capturing complex data patterns. Iterative correction is also not available in the standard models. By Rahuldeb Das, Ph. D

18 — The Psychology Behind Machine Learning

As a neural network learning method, reinforcement learning algorithms should help to attain a complex objective or maximize a particular measurement over numerous steps. Typically, reinforcement learning methods are applied in motion control scenarios, creating training systems that provide instructions and materials according to requirements. This method can also be used, as distinct from supervised learning, when there is insufficient data. Reinforcement learning is applied in robotics for industrial automation and business strategy planning. It can be assumed that reinforcement learning algorithms perform better over time in more ambiguous, realistic environments when selecting an arbitrary number of possible actions. Some even believe that this algorithm is the most promising path to solve complex problems around strong AI, given enough data and calculations are available. By The Unlikely Techie

19 — How computers learn

In order to be able to recognize the images, the neural network must be “trained”, training a neural network for image recognition means feeding them a large number of images manually classified by someone, to allow the neural network to find the right coefficients that will later allow you to recognize new images that contain the same types of objects. Going back to the example of cars and buses, to train our neural network to recognize when there is a car or bus in an image you will need to have a large number of images labeled with a 0 (zero) where there is neither a car nor a bus, with a 1 where there is a car and with 2 where there is a bus. The neural network will automatically modify the coefficients to minimize the error in recognition; following, in a simplified way, the steps that a neural network performs to minimize the error during the training process: By Pasquale Langella

20 — Will Robots & AI have rights? Our successors!!!

It is very likely that millions of people will benefit from the products of Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk (founder of Tesla and SpaceX). Neuralink produces implants to help people with disabilities and even connect human brain to a computer interfaces through AI. So, Neuralink is basically about taking a big burden off any human and keeping that human alive with its chips. In this case, humanity has to ask itself what it means to be a human, have human right and freedom. If a creature’s life is sustained with artificial tools or a person needs some kind of implant to improve his/her brain activity, is that creature a human or just an artificial creature? By H.Daneel Olivaw

21 — 5 Wonders Of The Animal World That Inspired Great Technological Breakthroughs

I could not write an article about nature and skip this chapter. Artificial intelligence is shaping the 21st century in ways we have not understood yet. But where did it all begin? The answer is straightforward, it started with your eyes. Human vision is structured in hierarchical layers, the first layers allows us to differentiate colours, then background from foreground finally identify a dog or a cat. This is obviously an oversimplification, the first layer in the human visual system is in charge of identifying the orientation of each edge, the second layer performs position and size invariance, and so on… If I translate this into images, the visual pathway would look like this: Pixels=> edges => curves => conjunctions => human/dog /cat face. A deep neural network (DNN) is an artificial neural network (ANN) with multiple layers between the input and output. By Alejandra Vlerick

22 — With COVID, Beware When Fools Rush in Where Angels Fear to Tread

Recently in Denver, healthcare workers who were attempting to block quarantine protesters were treated with anger and resentment. It’s unclear to me whether the reason folks want to rush to reopen society is due to political reasons, loneliness, survival, boredom, or other reasons. Perhaps it’s representative of the Paradox of Preparation where preventative measures can result in a false sense of security. I’m sure some people will continue to gather and justify their actions until the “moment of truth”. Then many may experience the consequences, regret their haste, and depend on their angels in the form of healthcare workers, family, and society to recover. By Michael Brooks

23 — Deepfakes — A Sorcery That Will Put an End to Our Society

Deepfake is a type of video fraud that makes people look as if they are doing and saying things that seem impossible, controversial and sometimes, funny. Just like Photoshop has helped people with editing pictures long before Deepfakes became a thing, this technology not only eases the way to make this manipulation accessible but also makes it increasingly difficult to question its authenticity. Deepfakes started with Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). Back in 2014, GAN established a direct conflict between two neural networks called generator and discriminator. To make it simple for understanding, these two algorithms were to train each other. The first was meant to cover the counterfeit as real as possible, while the second tried to detect the forged. If GAN could have this many applications, then wouldn’t it be fair to say that GAN was the foundation of Deepfake technology — used to create, manipulative, eye-catching images, audio, and video? By Naba K.

24 — Writing through the Anger

As the question/answer session took a familiar pattern, the machine started drilling me for my responses based on my previous response rather than invoking new ones. I was sitting there semi concentrating on the finer details of the apparatus and formulating ways to dismantle it. Towards the end as the machine tried to wrap up the drive-through like experience of a counseling session, it rated itself highly and provided an assessment for me to manage my anger and certify me as ready for work, the machine prompted a departing message — Treat your co-workers more as peers/ humans. Vaibhav Kalekar

25 — Microsoft Azure Orbital

To address this, Microsoft created an Azure Orbital within their Azure Space team in 2020. Azure Orbital is a Ground Station As-a-Service which provides communication and management of satellites and space craft. Azure Orbital allows users to connect to their satellites, downlink their data, and leverage data processing and scaling for their operations with Azure cloud, one of the leading cloud computing services in the world. Customers use these services on a pay-as-you-go basis without needing to build their own satellite ground stations — just like how today you can build and host an app with a cloud service provider cloud and not need to build your own physical datacenter to support it. Microsoft has datacenters located around the world, including their new Modular Data Centers. Satellites from Low Earth Orbit and above connect to these datacenters with Azure Orbital ground stations over a secure connection. Then suddenly, you can tap into expanded Azure machine learning and cost saving capabilities for better data manipulation and reporting. They can also connect to a partner’s on premise ground station and can work with partners to customize for any unique missions. By Samantha Falcucci

26 — Life Lessons From My Robot Vacuum

Now, each day, a simple command — “Alexa, please ask Jack to clean the home.” Da Daaaaaa. Approximately 60-minutes, and Jack takes care of all the cleaning. In the last six months, the machine has left me amazed by the technology and the intelligence and efficiency. Observation in our life is as important as saying “Thank You” but often gets ignored. Observing Jack for the initial days was fun. He was maneuvering, reading, charting out the path, understanding its surrounding — soon, a few life lessons started emerging. By Nishith Goyal

27 — 7 Highly-Paid Careers of the Future

A lot of people complain that robots are stealing jobs. Many manual labour and service jobs are replacing human workers, in what could be described as the age of automation. This will only increase in future as businesses look to downsize and reduce costs — but it’s good news for those working in mechatronics. Careers that involve designing, building, and servicing robots are expecting a boom in job opportunities. Robotic technicians and engineers are highly specialised in an uncommonly studied field, meaning their services are in-demand. Robotic engineering careers are showing strong growth. They’re highly-paid as per the engineering industry standard, easily six figures. If there’s such thing as a career that can survive the robot invasion, this is it. By Jamie Bean

28 — My Unintelligent Artificial Intelligence In Gaming

Imagine watching World War Z without the bell and whistles. You get the point. Often overlooked, lighting, music, and sounds will make a difference. Gaming is an experience. It is a trip to another universe. As many senses of the gamer as possible should be exposed to this wonderful immersion. A critical factor to note is suitability and timing. Blasting cool EDM while being chased by zombies gives an instant disconnect. The gamer is running for this life. Something direr will be most appreciated. Great movies, stories, and gaming have one thing in common. They make you emotional and attached to the subject on hand. From the happy tears of accomplishment upon making to the top leader board of Outpost Survival or the sad wail at the death of your best friend by the hands of a Runner Zombie, the gamer should feel that the experience tugs at the heartstrings. Without emotions, the incentive for replay diminishes significantly. By Morris T

I hope you enjoy reading these informative and engaging articles about artificial intelligence.

Update on ChatGPT

As an ardent proponent of technology, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence (AI) with 40+ years of experience in the industry, I am often approached by readers seeking my insights on OpenAI and how to utilize this valuable resource with compelling use cases effectively.

Rather than simply offering my perspective as an AI professional, I decided to take a unique approach and interview the highly advanced OpenAI chat robot, also known as ChatGPT, to gain a firsthand understanding of its intelligence and capabilities.

To maximize the intelligence and capabilities of an AI system during an interview, a unique approach is required. In this instance, I carefully crafted questions to meet the necessary syntax and semantics within the appropriate context, ensuring that the best possible insights and information were obtained from the AI system.

To demonstrate the accurate intelligence and capabilities of this tool, I have made a conscious decision to present the responses in their original form, unedited and unabridged.

Thank you for reading my perspectives.

I look forward to receiving your feedback in the comments section.

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One of my goals as a writer is to raise awareness about the causes and risk factors of prevalent diseases that can lead to suffering and death for a large portion of the population.

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Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Anemia, cardiac output, and major disorders.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Phosphatidylserine, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, Cod Liver Oil, and other nutrients to improve metabolism and mental health.

Disclaimer: Please note that my posts do not include professional or health advice. I document my reviews, observations, experience, and perspectives only to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on metabolic, cellular, mitochondrial, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

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