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Editor’s Choice

Hand-Picked Articles #10

Chosen by a tech editor on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Dear Readers,

Apologies, we were unable to post yesterday, but we had a chance to choose beautiful stories for you today.

If you missed my previous collections you may find the in the following links. We plan to compile them in a story later.

Hand-Picked Articles #9

Hand-Picked Articles #8

Hand-Picked Articles #7

Hand-Picked Articles #6

Hand-Picked Articles #5

Hand-Picked Articles #4

Hand-Picked Articles #3

Hand-Picked Articles #2

Hand-Picked Articles #1

You may also enjoy curated collections summarised by ILLUMINATION-Curated. You can meet some of writers reading their biographies. I am Editor of Technology Hits publication, I introduced the value of my main publication Technology Hits. If you are a tech writer or reader you may love this unique pub.

Curated Articles from ILLUMINATION Today

Gaining Editorial Skills by Volunteering for Publications

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

A Peaceful Platform Can be More Productive and Joyful

Editor of Technology Hits

The Effort is to Defictionalize

Abhishek katare

Rebirth Of A Dead Violinist

Agnes Laurens

Interesting Crackpots Vol. 1: Wilhelm Reich, Father of Orgonomy

Alex Beyman

Force of Nature

America Zed

You Can’t Cure Verbal Diarrhea

Amy Sea

How to Feel Better in 6 Minutes

Andreas D.

Life is a Balancing Act

Annelise Lords

Increase Your Motivation with This 5 Minute Daily Practice

Ashley Richmond

Please Don’t Open Me Yet

Assumpta Nalubowa

The Secret to Happiness? Choose It.

Avigail Laing

Teach Me How To Cook Fast And I’ll Be The Fittest Person Ever

Ayleen Miller

Five Simple, Easy Steps to Ensure and Maintain Your Health

Bill Abbate

The World Owes You Very Little

Brian Tubbs

3 Reasons Why There Is No Such Thing as a ‘Work Family’

Calum James

5 Strategies to Nest Together While Having Fun

Carbon Radio

First World Problems

Carole Olsen

How to be Successful at Work

Cassie Ring

Checkmate reached 100th follower


A Day of Observations

Claire Kelly

Burnout Isn’t Just Exhaustion — It’s a Message From Your Body

Chun Hao

I Fell Out of Love With Myself

Colleen Sheehy Orme

Since You Are Crying Out For An Article On Male Privilege

Colter Whitlock

The Gavin Newsom Recall Election Is Not About Ability

Daemon Littlefield

Lifelong Cardinals Fan Turns to Pujols, Dodgers for Baseball Magic in ’21

Darren Richardson

The Relationship Between Time and Truth

Dean Gee

Race, College Athletes, & NCAA Economics

Dee Adams



The Demise of the Spitball is Greatly Exaggerated

Douglas Pilarski


Dr. Fatima Imam

Challenging Times In The Future with the Internet of Things and Artificial intelligence

Dr. Preeti Singh

Why Has Delta Killed More Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated People in England?

Edward John

The Feel Good Series: How Our Brain Waves Impact our Conditioning

Elizabeth Gordon

8 Indispensable Lessons I Learned About Surviving In Times of Great Loss

Elle Sommer

When Would You Rather be Poor?

Ellen Clardy, PhD

How I Fought My Internet Provider and Won

Emmarie Hodge

Three Questions to Ask When Considering Letting Your Team Work Remotely

Erica Martin

Knowing When To Switch Lanes In Life

Fatunla Samuel

Can Anybody Become a Good Driver?

Florin Marchis

GOP Trump Mobs Going After Their Own

Floyd Mori

Do You Still Want To Play A Part In Creating A New Earth?

Gregory Reece-Smith

A Short Story: A Bad Dream

H.D. Ingles


Harry Hogg

Finding Out You’re Adopted With eBay


When Words Mean More Than They Say

I. Trudie Palmer

All I Needed — sometimes all it takes are a few home movies for forgiveness to begin

Jackie Madden Haugh

Is The No-Kill Movement Realistic?

Jade Augustine

What motivates the digitization and digital transformation of business today?

Jair Ribeiro

Journal 2021- January to June

Jairam R Prabhu

Is Your Name Funny?

James Beaufait

My sister told me, the milkman left me.

Jan Sebastian

589 Days From Home

Jasmine Poulton

Do Self-Help Books Make Any Real Impact On Our Happiness?

Josie Timberlake

Right Here, Right Now


Substack or Medium — Which Is The Better Platform?

Karan Dubey

Not Everyone is a Marketer!

Karen Remick

How Saying “Hi” to Strangers on My Walks Changed My Life

Kat OM

Writing Every Day Doesn’t Have to Be as Hard as It Sounds

Kate Warrington

What to Do When Everyone Around You is Dying


I Learned the Secret Sauce to Productivity While Working From Home

Kylie Fuller

Language We Speak

Kyomi O'Connor

The Unending End

Landon Lester

The Life of a Writer, Lots of Hard Work and a Little Inspiration

Liam Ireland

Jai Ganesh

Libby Shively McAvoy

The Truth About Why Some Writers Make It and Some Don’t

Lindsay Rae Brown

Today I Hit Peak Covid And I Can’t Stop Crying!

Lindy Ralph

If I Were To Choose Between Amazon Prime And My Husband, I Would Choose Amazon!


Why Is Viewing Comments to Our Articles So Difficult?

Lorrae G.

7 Steps To Take When You Meet Your Ex With His New Partner

Lucia Landini

A Lesson in Vulnerability

Michael Hollifield

Let The Truth Define Your Journey

Michael Patanella

My Ninja Olympics Embarrassment

Michael Wilkins

Close Call

Michelle D. Cole

How I Lost 10 Kgs — The Second Time

Mofrad Muntasir

How to Avoid Judging Others Too Fast

Mukundarajan V N

Time Slips

Nadeesha Emaduwa

Flying Into Memories

Neta Q

How Much Do You Actually Have to Write to Be Successful On Medium?


Introducing Hi, The Next Big Thing in Cryptocurrency

Nick Sokol, PhD

Drunk Poetry Is Hilarious and Sad

Nina Hemart

I’ve Just Finished My First Ebook To Publish on Amazon: Let Me Tell You How I Did It

Nuno Fabiao

Love Your Neighbors

Orla Kenny

Why English-speaking Americans Should Learn a Foreign Language

Patricia Dillon, J.D.

LinkedIn Reveals 3 Behaviours You Need to Embrace to Be Successful

Paul Abela, MSc

3 Things You Should Do, to Fight Chronic Inflammation.

Petyo Kozhuharov

I’m Masking Up Again

Phil Rossi

The Mystery of Buffalo Calf Road Woman

Randy Salars

Footprints In The Sand

Robert Ralph

Don’t Ask Me Who I Am

Roselin Minj

Leave Me On Read


How To Create A Writing Routine You Won’t Want to Break

Samantha Scott

Yes, You Can Change Your Direction. This is How You Do It!

Samir S.

If You Are Looking For a Sign, This is It

Sarah Marie

You’re a Grant Writer, Not a Real Writer

Shaunte Boom

The Magic Chip

Shawn Ingram

Why Suffering is the only proof of Happiness

Sion Evans

Free Microsoft Certification Renewal

Sumesh P

A Bizarre Decision by The Pilot Ended Everyone’s Life


The Mental Health Mentality

Tallulah Goldsmith

My New Founded Way to Navigate to Happiness

Tavian Jean-Pierre

Are Uncited Story Summaries Paraphrased Plagiarism?

Teressa P.

Our Children Will Speak Chinese

The Lost Orator

The Coffee Vending Machine Guy’s Story

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh

It’s not your writing business, it’s your mindset.

Tree Langdon

Is Aging Just Rust?

Victoria Meadows M.Ed

7 Quotes to Overcome Depression Without Killing Yourself

Yousuf Rafi

Why Should I Clap 50 Times When I Can Clap Only Once?

Ayleen Miller

The Capitol Rioters Were ALL Posing A Threat

Floyd Mori

Collections on specific topics that you may enjoy

1 — Health and Fitness

Heath & Fitness Collection

2 — Mental Health

Mental Health Collection

3 — Education and Learning

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

4 — Love and Relationships

How to Love and Relate

5 — Leadership

The World Needs Passionate & Compassionate Leaders

6 — Entrepreneurship

Do You Want to Become A Sexy Entrepreneur?

7 — Business

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

8 — Freelancing

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

9 — Writing

Featured Stories About “Writing” From The Top Writers of SYNERGY

10 — Artificial Intelligence

Top Stories About Artificial Intelligence

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

11- Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

12 — Cryptocurrencies

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Collection of Featured Stories Easy access to daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes Easy access to curated and outstanding stories

Learn About ILLUMINATION-Curated Essential articles about ILLUMINATION-Curated publication

Reading List #3 — Technology Hits Selected stories for enjoyment of tech readers

Sample Book Chapters Discover 70+ published authors on ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

Technology, Business, Leadership, & Self-Improvement Stories Curated collections for discerning readers by ILLUMINATION-Curated

I compiled writer biographies so you may check your favourite authors and learn about their background. Some are hilarious. They give me giggles.

Thank you for reading these beautiful stories 🙏

You can join our publications by requesting access here.

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