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The undefined website presents a curated selection of articles from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications, chosen by senior editors, covering diverse topics ranging from health risks of running to the impact of automation, and includes a call to action for readers to join their publications.


The undefined website features an "Editor's Choice" collection titled "Hand-Picked Articles #1," showcasing a variety of pieces selected by the senior editors of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications. The articles span a wide range of subjects, including health, personal development, writing, technology, and societal issues. Each article is accompanied by a brief description and the author's name, with links provided for readers to explore further. The website also lists ten publications under the ILLUMINATION banner, inviting readers to engage with content that spans from scientific discussions to personal anecdotes and advice. The editors express gratitude to their readers and encourage them to consider joining their publications to contribute to the diverse array of content available.


  • The editors value the diversity of content presented, suggesting that there is something for everyone within the curated selection.
  • The articles are presented with an emphasis on their potential impact on readers, implying that the content is meant to be thought-provoking and informative.
  • The invitation to join the publications indicates a belief in the importance of community and collaboration in content creation and curation.
  • The inclusion of a wide range of authorial voices suggests a commitment to inclusivity and the promotion of different perspectives.
  • The website's structure, with teasers for each article, indicates an editorial strategy aimed at engaging readers and encouraging them to explore more content within the ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications network.

Editor’s Choice

Hand-Picked Articles #1

Chosen by senior editors of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Photo by Pietra Schwarzler on Unsplash

Dear Readers,

I am ILLUMINATION Amplifier. I review stories particularly from the ILLUMINATION publication, the largest beast among others. We have ten great publications.

Here are the links to our publications.

ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming ILLUMINATION’s Blog

Curated Stories from Illumination

What Science Says About the Health Risks of Running Too much of anything could be bad for humans. What could we do? Dr. Mehmet Yildiz

Are You a Malthusian? A Discussion of Chapter 2 “For Malthusian and Other Reasons, Very Poor” Ellen Clardy, PhD

Eliza Inspired Me to Shed 50 Pounds in 5 Months: Here is what I learned about losing stubborn belly fat with five easy and actionable tips ILLUMINATION-Curated

3 Powerful FAQs To Become A Successful Goal Achiever Now And the answers to those questions Ada Lloyd

I’m a Writer/Editor: Why the Heck I Built An Affiliate Marketing Business After the Age of 60: The importance and value of affiliate marketing for content developers and freelance writers ILLUMINATION

Create A Viral Article Using This 4 Minute Guide There is a formula to creating viral content, just like everything else in the universe Adam Pearson

Top View Walking in nature makes me feel amazing. Agnes Laurens

Portland Looks Like Shit. Who’s to Blame? What Can be Done? Perhaps you’ve heard secondhand rumblings about how out of control the homeless problem has become in Portland. There’s… Alex Beyman

God Is Made To Enter the Home of Science ‘We do not know now’ is the rational reply to a mystery. Bheemaray. K. Janagond

Attention: For a better life don’t ignore your gut feelings. Why oh why did I ignore my gut? Caryn Leach-Smith

There’s a Mouse in the House And it’s not Mickey. Christi Wadle

What Can I do? (Part 2/2) #30 This story is a continuation of the previous one… Christian B. Mbayabu

Perfect productivity is a myth When you have to deal with loads of tasks and projects, it is not often easy to find the best way to stay productive. Daria Kireeva

How to Use the Contrast Principle to Increase Sales Comparison brings clarity Dean J Murphy

Equilibrium Mental space is spacious. Momentary occupation is quickly evacuated. Mental peace is prioritized. Mental stress is… Dr. Fatima Imam

Is There a Correct Way to Meditate? Practical tips to mindfulness meditation Dr. Ming

The Slow March of Automation The robots are coming. How will this affect you? Ed Noble

Add This One Habit to Your Life Before it’s too late. Ephraim Champion

Do You Get Tired Of The Bragging On Medium? Or do the success stories inspire you? Floyd Mori

There’s Power in the Collective Pen Writers read. We can do better by sharing great writing. Frances Hickmott

The Not So Beautiful LGBTQ YA Novel Excerpt Francesca Gabrielle Bavaro

Chickenpox at Eighteen Was the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me Time often reveals how personal disasters can lead to life-changing opportunities Gill McCulloch

Want To Free Your Life? Heal Your Relationships To Release Your Passion Ho´oponopono can help free your life Gregory Reece-Smith

Blooming Portchester The energy will not be suppressed Groupe Intellex

International Flight Covid Test Confusion What a freakin’ mess! Harry Hogg

Have You Decided To Give Up Coffee? Maybe you’ve enjoyed coffee for so long, it seems like forever. The smell, pouring in the creamer. Sometimes adding… Helen Marie

To Be the Moon Behind the Mask The chiaroscuro of my subconscious — Tuesday Challenge (chiaroscuro is an Italian term referring to the strong contrast… I. Trudie Palmer

Unvaccinated People Are The Drunk Drivers Of The United States When someone drives drunk, they put innocent peoples’ lives in danger. They kill thousands of people each year and ruin… Ilana Rabinowitz

Reflections on Turning 45 Just the one key thing I learned. J.A. Becker

Book Review: Selling Your Startup Why the time to think about selling your business is when you’re starting it, Jacquelyn Lynn

11 Quotes About the Dangers of Conformity From Smart People Conformity comes with consequences Jamie Jackson

During Divorce, Your Life Status Is “Pending” Burn your calendar, you won’t need it. Jennifer M. Wilson

Opinion COVID-19’s Becoming Our Chernobyl Joel A. Johnson

Why Neil Gaiman Should Put Up or Shut Up About Transgender People In which I commit Medium suicide, John Bullock

The Key to Gold Medal-Worthy Success is Communication My Tokyo 2020 Olympic Journey John Cunningham

Dustin Hoffman 100 Dyslexics in 150 Words or Less. Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez

The Bamboo Bows But Does Not Break If your husband fat-shames you and leaves you for someone he met on the Internet, would you just break down and cry? Josephine Crispin

The Women With Red Boxing Gloves Not a woman you want to come across K.Kumar

Fellow Karens: It’s Time For Us to Take Back our Name! I’ve had the name Karen for almost 58 years, but a strange thing happened in the last couple. My name turned into… Karen Remick

Self Care for Teachers-Five Tips which can Make a Difference Try these 5 tips to relax and unplug from teaching each workday. Kat Bee

My Cat Ran Away Because Her Sister Was Mean to Her How I ended up in my bra and shorts outside Kay Valley

How Feelings are Made Science often tells us that things are not what they seem. Why should feelings be any different? Keith R Wilson

We Cannot Transform if We Won’t Release, Merge, Melt, and Burn How to become an elixir of and for ourselves Keri Mangis

How To Be A Word Chameleon A great idea for writing a story Liam Ireland

How DOES a Person Make Friends? You can’t make friends like you can make coffee. Lorrae G.

Human Extinction and the Rise of Cats A poem and a challenge Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)

Understanding Forgiveness What forgiveness is and what it is not Lynette M.

Practice a Shorter Memory Optimism doesn’t have to take the backseat, but pessimism doesn’t get to drive, either. Mandy Capehart

“I Don’t Write Fiction!” Overcoming my limitations Margie Hord de Mendez

Find Your Gift So much depends on you to live a life fulfilled Mark Craven

Life Has a Way of Making Us Sit Up And Take Notice Getting older is not for sissies Marsha Hamby Savage

Is Execution Really All That Matters? What is the place of ideas in the creative process as compared to execution? Matthew Prince

Discover Your Purpose as a Writer Many writers write to their potential, few to their purpose. Michael Horner

6 Valuable Lessons from Self-publishing My First Children’s Book How to turn a word document into an actual book Miri

The Medium Writers Challenge: All You Need to Know How to submit, use tags, topics, deadline, and other information Mofrad Muntasir

How To Transform The Olympic Spirit Into a Global Template Olympism can usher in a new international order Mukundarajan V N

Homo Sapiens Our limbic system always Gets the better of our frontal cortex; That’s why we go to places We shouldn’t be in, And be… N. A. Kazi

I’m Going To Lose It All And it doesn’t really matter Nasar Karim

Maybe Ego Isn’t Always the Enemy Assuming the good outweighs the bad. Nešto Football

The Joy Of Talking To a Survivor of Two Wars in a Lifetime 6 gratitude lessons I took home in one day Nimisha Gorasia |Nutrifit

The Movie Quote Will Help You Succeed in Business and Life You have to see it to believe it. Noah Nelson

In That $100k Writing Challenge The Muse answers rudely and dreamily Obinna Uruakpa

I Earned $244 in My First Month at Medium It was more through luck than design, but here’s what happened Paul Goodman

Don’t Let Others Decide Your Direction The case for self-help and reflection, despite the intentions and support of your inner circle Phil Rossi

2 Things You Need To Start Doing To Be More Disciplined Success starts with a self-disciplined mind and body Prince Verma

Buddha is Frighteningly Accurate About Modern Love Problems! 3 Most Important Things to Note About Love and Relationships Qaiser Ahmed Raja

Dream Illusion. Rainy

It’s Okay to Pause Your Passion Project Awhile Life might even force you to take a break Regi Brittain

Jumping in a Puddle and Displacing the Water Has Some Magical Attraction. I Want You to See, Hear, Taste, Smell, and Feel the Way I Did When I Write Stories. Roger Skibowski

Medium Advice From One Newbie To Another. Rowen Quinn

Sometimes I F*cking Hate Being a Parent! Ryan J

Maybe I’ll See You Coming Poetry for a desperate heart Sakari Lacross

What Would Happen If You Never Saw the Sun? The sun is the source of all life on the planet but can humans survive without seeing it? Sal Writes

Moonglow 30-Day Flash Challenge, Day 8 Shawn Ingram

What is Diaphragmatic Breathing? Can it help you live more purposefully? Shea Hulse

Ten Things My Father Taught Me: I am reminiscent of these and other lessons. Sosomweendo

What Next? Should I have even asked that question? Terry L. Cooper

7 Obvious Signs That You’re a Harmful Jackwagon Be harmless, not a jerk who takes away birthdays. Tim Ebl

“Outlast Opponents” — It’s not just a Fortnite thing. All they had to do was outwait the occupation. Tree Langdon

We’re On Fire we’re f*cked if we don’t change our ways now. Not tomorrow. Today. Veronika Kaufmann

Will You Stay Asleep With Your Dreams? You have a choice every day, Victoria Ponte

What I Regret I Didn’t Do When I Got My First Job My kids will not make the same mistakes Vuyo Ngcakani

Heath, Fitness, & Lifestyle Topics Collected on Transhumanism Leadership Eclectic articles addressing interesting and important life matters for individuals and society Dr. Mehmet Yildiz

Mental Health, Health & Fitness Collections: Some insightful and engaging stories for our readers' ILLUMINATION

Thank you for reading these great stories 🙏

Have a lovely weekend!

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