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Editor’s Choice

Hand-Picked Articles #2

Chosen by senior editors on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Photo by Samuel Zlatarev on Unsplash

Dear Readers,

Thousands of writers submit hundreds of articles to ILLUMINATION Integration Publications including:

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We have 95 volunteer editors who review and feature them in various ways.

We’ve just started to curate and feature some great stories from ILLUMINATION based on my reviews. It was my first yesterday. The feedback was inspiring. So, we decided to create a second set of featured stories for your enjoyment.

Here is the version from yesterday if you missed out it.

I also introduced the value of my main publication Technology Hits. If you are a tech writer or reader you may love this unique pub. Here is the value proposition of it. I also curated some great tech stories.

I believe you will enjoy these magnificent stories.

Curated Articles from ILLUMINATION

The Lazy Way To Fast-Mimicking Diet A fast-track to fat loss effortlessly Dr Mehmet Yildiz

What If There’s Hope to Improve Immunity: Why NAC is a Critical Molecule for Health : An independent review of N-Acetyl Cysteine with support of recent scientific and medical studies Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Revisiting Past Words Like discovering an old garment in the closet that is now stylish, past writing can be refurbished. Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer

5 Easy Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Mental and Physical Health The smallest changes can make the biggest impact Adam Pearson

7 Signs That The Wisdom Renaissance Has Begun Are you a part of this movement? Aimee O'Neil MSW

Tales of Authenticity A whodunit Alan Asnen

The Crypto Skeptic Scores Big The first lesson: Money begets arrogance, and arrogance leads to a fall. Andrew Johnston

We Need A Lockdown Now If you don’t agree, you’re anti-science! Benito Linčovič

How to Gain the Benefits of Making Decisions More Quickly Why don’t you make your mind up already! Bill Abbate

I Took a Ride on a Houseboat But was left with nothing but dread rian Lamacraft

What’s the Best Newsletter Platform In 2021? Newsletters are all the rage right now. You might call them email lists or mailing lists. It’s all the same. A place to… Burk

A Hopi Discovery in Bolivia It was the first day of The Heart of the Andes in 2015. Carla Woody

Here is My Experience as a Public Speaker for *2 Minutes* Fear seized me when I felt all eyes on me. It was not a pleasant experience Carlos Jeronimo

You Need to Respect People’s Pronouns Even if You Don’t Agree With It Here’s why it is so important Catherine Mancini

The 7 Super Early Relationship Mistakes I Made I gave away my power and became vulnerable Colleen Sheehy Orme

I Made A Lot More Money That by far exceeded my Thrift standard of living Dan J

Strong Convictions Lead to Smart Decisions Dads’ survival guide: proclaiming — our beliefs Dave Smith

Pancake Race The party invitation definitely asked the children to bring pancakes, but what on earth for? Diane Wordsworth

Note to Self My moment with the Havasupai Don Stouder

Fix Metabolic Syndrome, Live a Longer and Healthier Life Metabolic inflexibility underlies major health issues. Dr Mehmet Yildiz

The Future Of Work Will Be Determined Through The Shape Of An ‘S’ The new ‘S’ shape is determined to rule in the future of work Dr. Preeti Singh

Death Breeds Life How death changed me. Dwayne Adderley, MBA www.dwayneadderley.com

A 9–5 Can Actually Grant You Freedom — Not Take It Away The right job can grant you the education and money necessary to fuel your passion project Dylan Hughes

Writing for Others While struggling with loss ElizaBeth Hill

All the Firsts of the Last 10 Years Ages 17–27, a decade of firsts. Elizabeth Webster

The N Word Was Used Toward A Tesla Employee It is totally racist Floyd Mori

The Royal Throne … I rescued it! A unique Royal event led to a unique rescue. This is a true story. Fred: Almost Famous

Cheat Meal With a Purpose More efficient ways to cheat meal Ghirculescu Mircea

The Art of Living Forever A writer’s musings Golden Pen

The Hobo Poet Finding my way to Mendocino Harry Hogg

Where Should We Go? We drank the non-potable water! Helen Hazelmare

Believing in the Mystical and Magical What does ‘courage reins the chariot’ mean to you — Wednesday Challenge I. Trudie Palmer

Discover Sebring, Florida A brief visit to a Florida small-town treasure Jacquelyn Lynn

To be a Decoy Goose Dread, a Chuckle, and Hope Jared Butler

Living in Two Separate Worlds While the Portal Between Them Is Closing Reentry has become limited Jessica Simpson (not that one)

Is This Causing Your Kids’ Peanut Allergy? Could food sensitivities be due to the sugars in so many foods? Joan Kent, PhD

My Unintentional YouTube Success And what I learned along the way John Bullock

The One Without a Happy Ending What happens in Vegas… John Ross

Learn to Write Compelling Prose From a Chef Turned Best-Selling Author “An ounce of sauce covers a multitude of sins.” Jonah Malin

Why I Go on Writing Binges to Stay Relevant And how it maximizes my time. Jordan Mendiola

Edward James Olmos 100 Dyslexics in 150 Words or Less. Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez

Dead Philosophers’ Society Long-gone critics of Western thought empower today’s strivers for liberation. jude folly

The Future of Our Mental Health The actual virus we face jules

A Tidal Flood Tool, EVs, and a Humble Man An editorial review of three technology articles. Karen Madej

Black People Should Be Excellent — Not Mediocre Why are we using white people as the standard? Khadejah

A Psychological Lesson that Helped Me Transcend the Virtual World This world is getting virtual, you aren’t! Kunal Chugh

The Earth is on Hospice Maybe that’s why we’re being sent to our rooms again. Laura Culberg- Welcoming Opposites

Why I Earn More Than My Way More Talented Friends Talent won’t get you that far. Lena

The Reason You Are Not The Guest People Want Four lessons to be a more pleasant visitor Lila Juno

London’s Hidden Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice From graveyard to Postman’s Park to the ultimate altruism. Linda Acaster

How To Make Money From A Day On The Beach Coastline treasures that could earn you a small fortune Linda Guest

5 Reasons Not to Feel Guilty Over Early Retirement FIRE is nothing to feel guilty about! Those who think so are envious. Or incredibly narrow-minded. Lorrae G.

Your Marketing Plan In One Page How to create a useful guidelines for your company in a few easy steps Marcel Badia

Why and How I Switched from a QA Role to a Developer Role Having different perspectives in IT is crucial if you are going to succeed. Matthew Laint

The Very Core of May More Not everyone calls me May but that is definitely who I am. May More

Many Americans Have This in Common One thing we might be united on in this state Michele Thill

5 Billionaires Share 5 Reasons For Their Massive Success Another billionaire article? Yep. And it’s a good one. Michelle Loucadoux, MBA

How Wealthy Are You? Calculate in 5 minutes How long can you survive if you stop working today? Inspired by Rich Dad Poor Dad Mofrad Muntasir

The Primary Mechanics of Memory A poem. N. A. Kazi

How to Write Articles That Always Make Money on Medium 3 tips to write money making articles Nick Sokol, PhD

5 Things To Know Before Moving To London Everything you need to know and do before and after moving to London Niharika Chhabra

The Beautiful Morning Before Sunrise. Things we do for us are a product of how far we can go Noorain Hassan, BMS

Why Do Medicines Exist in Multiple Forms? Identical drugs, non-identical outcomes. Notations in C

Don’t Let These Energy Vampires Suck Your Productivity Dry How to recognize and defeat them — no stakes required Patricia Haddock

I Walked Out of My Job I’d do it all over again Patricia Rosa

The Puzzle of the Lone Clapper Applause without attendance Paul Coogan

Childhood Sweetheart My live in love imbued Paul Douglas

How to Stop Your Coffee Losing Its Taste Here are 8 ways to preserve the flavor and aroma Paul Goodman

Better Today Finding my values, refocusing on myself, and coping with my diagnosis. Paul Hobbs

The More You Write, The More Ideas You Get Blogging is all about writing, writing, and writing Prince Verma

Are You Less Than a Rock? Metals and rocks become special when you think of them as such. What do you think of your own self? Qaiser Ahmed Raja

Faith in Me Before the Universe I wanted to put my faith in the universe. I had to learn to find faith in myself first. Rachel Avery Conley

Starving Writer I did not join Medium to make money or as a side hustle. Ralph M Davis

When You Make a Backup Plan, You Plan to Fail Success can’t come if you don’t bet on yourself Regi Brittain

Is Social Media Good or Is It Actually Stealing Our Lives? How I am trying to use it, without being a slave to it Richard Harding

Thousand Eyes #0004 “Do you want more time?” Ruben Alejandro

Onboard Nav Jeep Ad — A Brilliant Play on Words Jeep ad analysis Sarkis Ardjian

Marty 30-Day Flash Challenge, Day 10 Shawn Ingram

Challenge Yourself to Stand Out Four ways brands differentiate and how content creators can too Sid Khaitan

4 Freelancing Lessons Your Cat Can Teach You #2 Don’t forget, you’re the boss Simon Spichak

Why Walking Away From the Wrong Person is Not As Easy As You May Think It’s all fun and games until it all comes crashing down Sion Evans

Is Prayer The Answer? Or Just a Shortcut To Problem-Solving? Sosomweendo

The Original Party Animals Doggerel in response to a challenge, which maybe should be moggerel … Susan Alison

Language: Angelic Demon Music Of (Mis)Understanding A very brief look at language itself T.A. Burt

Going Viral Kills My Productivity Revealing how to go viral and how not to deal with viral success Ted Rivers

Thoughts On Your Thought Life And you have the power to control them Tim Maudlin

One Question That Determines If You’re Happy or Miserable Day 14 of Feeling Alive Today I Lived

Lessons Learned From Fishing Changing the trajectory of your future Todd Cardon

Mama Said, “Never Let Them Know You Know They Are Skanky” My job was to hit him in the head if he moved Toni Crowe

5 simple ways to watch the Perseid meteor shower. Create a memorable time with your family today. Tree Langdon

An Exchange Student’s Saga 3 valuable lessons on coming back home Trista Signe Ainsworth

From Broken to Becoming How growing through traumas can make us better. Upen Singh

A Case of Good Parenting The drastic step a mom took to save her daughter Veronika Kaufmann

Ways to Turn Your Hate into Love Of all things in life, you always have a choice, either to Hate or to Love. Life is about the freedom to be who you are… Vino GC

Wisdom from a Life-long Learner Career & life advice from Chris, a retired executive director of process architecture Vinod Sharma

Writer’s Block Is Just Your Fear of Rolling Around In the Mud Getting dirty means you clean up better every time Wendy S. Bradfield

Should We Seek Advice From Others? A Lesson for Life Wide Writer

5 Ways to Lower Entropy And Live Your Happiest Life Chaos is the major cause of unhappiness. You, Me and Happiness

Thank you for reading these fantastic stories 🙏

Have a lovely day!

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