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Editor’s Choice

Hand-Picked Articles #6

Chosen by content curators of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Photo by Nguyen Thu Hoai on Unsplash

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Hand-Picked Articles #5

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Hand-Picked Articles #2

Hand-Picked Articles #1

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Many new writers have joined ILLUMINATION today. I believe they will post exciting stories soon. I had the privilege of introducing them earlier today. You can meet them via this pack.

Please explore and enjoy these great stories from ILLUMINATION and leave a comment for your favourite ones.

Curated Articles from ILLUMINATION

Consideration of Intermittent Fasting & Ketogenic Diet for Cancer Prevention & Treatment Dr Mehmet Yildiz

How Not to Be Cracked by Toxic Emotions and Chronic Stress Dr Mehmet Yildiz

I Learned Lessons From People Who Disliked Me A.H. Mehr

Is Happiness Your Chosen Method Of Life Now? Ada LLoyd

Why It Is Important To know Your Blood Sugar Level Akhaine JesuOboh Precious

Illuminating the Way to Overcome the Writer’s Silent Disappointment Aldric Chen

Lessons I Learned Reaching 1,000 Followers (Again) Alex Beyman

The Best Stoic Exercises For Mental Clarity Alexander Kant

8 Easy Ways to Live Well Amanda Edwards

Say No To Your Kids Amy Sea

My Father’s Mother Ana Garcia LdeC

Starting Point: Poverty or Wealth Part II Annelise Lords

For Screen Time, My Kids Must Walk 15,000 Steps Each Day. Maybe You Did Something Similar? Anthony Fireman

After 3 Years of Marriage, My Husband Doesn’t Love Me Anysha Layne

I Enrolled in College Ten Years After High School AP Carpen

America’s Fastest-Growing Metropolitan Area You’ve Never Heard Of Arthur Keith

A Space of Existence Ash K

Maybe Forgiveness is About the Other Person, Too ASUS BUTTERFLY

Growing From Our Imperfections Athena Milios

Withdrawals: The Necessary Phase of Quitting any Addiction Atul Jha

The Beauty of Istikharah Benazir Albashir

The Vaccine Is Totally Safe and Effective Benito Linčovič

Enjoy your life — don’t you know it has an expiration date? Bill Abbate

3 Valuable Questions To Sharpen Your Motivation Bob Merckel

For Christian Veterans of Afghanistan Brad Creech

Meet the World’s First Antivaxxers From Way Back in 1802 Brian Loo Soon Hua

Should I get Paid for Overtime While Working From Home? Calum James

The Oppressive Search for Purpose Cara Beth Lee

Road Accident Blues Carel Kolchinski

Why I Decided to Participate in The Medium Writer’s Challenge Carl L Lane

Masking — Why We Do It, How It Feels And The Benefits Of Stopping Catherine Londero

How I Achieved a Near-native Level in English Cherry Kong

How to Prepare Children to Run a Successful Business Chetan Maheshwari

Challenging “Full To Capacity” COVID Reports and Results of Refusing COVID Testing In The Emergency… Christina Vaughn: Nurse, Writer, Creator.

Reentry Into The Roasting Pacific Northwest Christyl Rivers, Phd.

You Become Instantly Humorous by Saying “I Don’t Know” This Way Claire Siyan Li

Dear Influence, Let’s be Best Friends Dan J

Focus on Your Strengths, Not Weaknesses Darlene Corbett

Where I Buried Precious Treasure Dave Richards

Are People Becoming Less Intelligent but More Tech Savvy? Dean Gee

The Formula for Love Disha Choksi

Once Again! Dishit Devasia

Broke Poet Society DMTakeshi

Why Open Workspace is Spacey Don Lee

10 Points I Learned from The Book — The Science of Getting Rich Dr Ashish Juneja

Combine Multiple Genres & Make a Unique Game Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Business Values of AI For Organizations & Consumers Dr Mehmet Yildiz

My Story Of The Veil As A Space Of Love And TrustBetween People. Dr. Preeti Singh

Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) Investing Explained Ed Fernyhough

The Headless Way: a Metaphor for “No-Self”? Edward John

Three Ways of Looking at Space And its antonym, clutter Elisabeth Khan

Who Am I that I’ve Come Back Here? How the hell is this my life? Elizabeth Gordon

Things are Looking Really Good. No, really! A discussion of chapter 4 “As Your Own Life Shows” Ellen Clardy, PhD

The Only Way to Stop Procrastinating How to break the habit Ephraim Champion

A Jerk I Once Knew This person did not enrich my life Floyd Mori

Please Read This Essay No, not THIS one. Read the hyperlinked article. Francesco Rizzuto

The Strangers Came and Tried To Teach Us Their Way A Bing Crosby song from 1947 has words that resonate today. Fred: Almost Famous

How to Make 700 Times Returns via Thematic Investment Futuris Perpetuum

Why Buying a New Camera Will Not Make You a Better Photographer Learn to see the picture without a camera first Gary McBrine

How to Keep Your Pet Cool in The Summer Tips and tricks for your dog or cat Ghirculescu Mircea

My Time, Your Time Food Service is Harder Than You Think. Stop shaming people who aren’t jumping at the chance to go back. Ginger Ayla

Wilma Willingly Will, Undercover Detective This photo is not of a regular detective.H.D. Ingles

I Sit In Non-Resistance When we settle into that space of flow, we flow I. Trudie Palmer

MPP Quota: 100 Followers Required. It’s Old News, But Maybe You Don’t Know. Be careful or you may be evicted. Imani Lin

When Life Threw Me A Curve Ball, My Girlfriends Came With Their Mitts My husband had a tumor the size of baseball on the top of his head Janie Emaus

How to Turn Negative Feedback Into a Positive Learning Experience “Successful leaders listen to negative feedback and turn it into a learning opportunity. When they don’t, they lose the… Jeannette Seibly

Here’s How You’re Going to Beat Content Constipation And get the flow going again… Jeff Herring

What Exactly Did We Adopt? A kitten or a packet of trouble? Jessie Hamilton

Living Two Lives At Once One day at a time Joe Luca

Are You Really Doing That For Free? There are greater rewards than money John Cunningham

Hello Inspiration short John Ross

Keira Knightley: 100 Dyslexics in 150 Words or Less Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez

‘Don’t Mess With Me Or I’ll Mess With You’ Symbol of monogamy and eternal love, but why are mute swans one of the angriest species in the world? Josephine Crispin

Looking for you Poem Josh “υя_ωιѕємαη* “ Lessie

Magnificent Memories are Eternally Priceless Day 9 poetry prompt Josh Balerite Acol

Baby Sparrow’s Life A poem JULIAN GRACIANO NUNEZ

Is Perfectionism Blocking Your Happiness? Awareness can help you focus on more happiness. Kat OM

How to Make People Pay Attention to You How you can and why you should Kenny Johnson

Here’s What The Current Music Industry Needs to Get An Iconic Artist A true icon — not a social media personality. Khadejah

Just Get Wet: Maybe the goal in life isn’t to win Kian Ameli

Don’t Be Afraid to Start Over — Quit Your Day Job 3 Reasons Why Trading Your Corporate Job for Your Passion Can Be The Winning Decision La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉

How I Lost Everything and Won The World Somewhere in the middle of nowhere Liam Ireland

Is EFT Tapping Worth It? Alternative acupressure treatment for mental health Lisa Gerard Braun

5 Everyday Sayings Everyone Gets Wrong I saw it on Facebook, so it must be true Luay Rahil

4 Life Lessons from a Small Town You don’t have to live there to learn from small town America’s most valuable mental attitudes. Madeleine Ann Lawson

Spiritual Cleansing It’s not supposed to be easy Marcus

Build that (Pay)Wall The future of digital writing needs a Spotify-like approach to avoid the death of the internet Mark Allinson

A Once in a Lifetime Experience Truth is Stranger than Fiction May More

Tired but Can’t Sleep? Here Are 12 Tweaks That Will Make It Effortless If you’re going to pick one, let it be number 12 Mehdi Jouay

Dear Leo, Some Mom Advice A letter to my son as he starts college Mia Hayes

Living Single While Happily Married Learning to make the most of my reentry into living alone again Michael Ranjitsingh

Put the Vegan Menu on the Table And Let the Carnivores Sweat Michelle Scorziello

What Teaching Others Has Taught Me 6 reasons teaching others will make you a happier person. Mila

All Aboard The Good Ship Doomsday — Final Destination: Extinction Do you care we are killing our planet? Miles Etherton

The Myth Around The Sacred Fig Tree The holy tree in India Minakshi Kumari

The Pandemic May Not Be Over For You Our mental health can still be affected. Keep an eye out for these signs. The Pandemic May Not Be Over For You Mindsmatter

The First Day of School How exchange students could teach our kids a few things Ms Fischer

How did I Reenter in My Finished Soul? The memories of the accident are still fresh in my mind, and it feels like it was yesterday when all this happened. Mukul varshney

15 Years Ago, I Gave Up Driving. Now I Come Back to the Wheel and Reenter A New Me “Not to dread but actually to welcome conflicts and the pain of conflicts” Mulan

Tiredness I am tired, N. A. Kazi

Behind the smile A poem about relationships Nasar Karim

Memorial Day at Saint Anthony’s Friday — Saint Anthony Sand Dunes Nathan White

I Couldn’t Have Been More Wrong About Money No amount of gaslighting will change my mind now Nešto Football

Home Remedies That Are Still Worth Knowing Generation wisdom passed down throughout the centuries. Nicole Waite

10 Ways To Deal With Rejection And How To Overcome It Rejection hurts but how to deal with it in a healthy way Niharika Chhabra

There’s Always More to the Story 2 “There is a history in all men’s lives.”- William Shakespeare Nkeonye Judith Izuka

How My Full-Time Adventure Gave Me 1,500 Followers, 250 Articles, and $7,084.83 It’s not enough, but when you have your website and the first ebook almost finished, numbers talk for themselves. Nuno Fabiao

I Survived Three Company Acquisitions And I don’t regret my choices October J.

You Don’t Need Aggressive Goals to Get the Results You Always Wanted You won’t like number 2 — but it works Oliver Brunchmann

Greatness From Small Beginnings It was a cold and quiet night like every other in the town of Bangor, Maine. Panos_Michelakis

$5 Medium Membership Might Be Life-Changing A change will benefit many authors Paul A.

My Love Laying In Bed Beside Me Paul Douglas

Rules For Writing — Are There Any? I think there might be four, but the usual suspects are not amongst them Penny Grubb

How To Create Your Own Diet That Actually Works. 3 Steps Awareness Approach That Will Teach You Stuff. Petyo Kozhuharov

5 Life Lessons and Healthy Tips Personal investment and self-awareness never go out of style Phil Rossi

Walking the World as a Fat Woman again The story of my journey in and out of my fat body. To a place called home. Preeti Ramachandran

Lessons I Learned After Reading ‘Think and Grow Rich’ What you can learn from the best self-help book ever Prince Verma

Examples of Faith: 4. Abraham: The Fight of Faith for Dominion Will you dare to stand in Faith for the unknown, uncertain, and unpopular? Especially in the face of oppositions… pst tomowo

Being Who I Needed When I Was Younger The first full-time, professional job I got after finishing my Master’s degree was a dumpster fire. I am now doing what… Raluca Enescu

Notes from The Assistant Job from Hell Toting my boss’s kidney stones in a Ziploc bag to the lab, my degree in lit/creative writing was really paying off Rebecca Cullen

Where Is Normal Life? How do we return to it? Regina Clarke

Separation of Work and Self I’ve achieved my dream job, but at what cost? Robert Sedam, DVM

‘Heart-Brain Connection’ Linked To Broken Heart Syndrome A new study shows that a chronically stressed amygdala can prime the heart to overreact to acute stress events. Ruben Bouma

My Passion for Writing Has Finally Returned By Ryan J Ryan J

Does Anyone Else Spend Time Looking At Houses You Can’t Afford On Zillow? S.C.

A mother’s worst nightmare The stages of living through a child’s dire health condition Sapna M

Types of Advertising Explained Sarkis Ardjian

Change No my love, I am not who I was Saurabh

How I Got 18,548 Accounts to My Instagram Meme Page in 2 Weeks Nothing is impossible with social media Sean Peck

How Planning Saves My Butt Daily I never planned anything until I turned 21. My life was a chaotic mess, and I flew by the seat of my pants. I was… Shane Beattie

Monolith 5 — Wendy’s Well Part 2 30-Day Flash Challenge, Day 20 Shawn Ingram

Life Lessons — Embrace the Unexpected Turns When I was a kid, probably around 12 or 13, I really wanted a remote controlled airplane. After trying to convince my… Shawn LeHue

Opinion Why is Any Other War Different from Vietnam? Shiraz Zafar Hussain

60% of My Articles Were Curated By Medium Last Year Lessons from an unpopular Medium writer Sonia Chauhan

Nine Deaths and Counting Stories of Marking Life Transitions Stacy J. Belinsky

Goodbye — My Career, Welcome Leaving A Legacy And Losses That Still Stir Emotion… Tasneem H Yousuff

Dealing With Anxiety as a Black Man How I Became Free From Fear to Live a Life of Flourishing Tavian Jean-Pierre

Here Is What I Have Learned As A Bilingual It changes your personality and teaches you lifelong lessons. Terence Kong

New Writers of Illumination, I’ve got what you need right here! Links and examples too! Terry L. Cooper

I Ignored The Pandemic To Deal With My Own Problems Is it okay to put your own problems first when other people are suffering more? Thomas H. Brand

3 Simple Home-Office Rules I Wish I Practiced Sooner If practiced, these will help you be more productive at home 3 Simple Home-Office Rules I Wish I Practiced Sooner Thomas J. Hahn

Does “The Secret” and Prosperity Thinking Make You a Climate Change Denier? The balance between seeking happiness and selfishness. Tim Ebl

Time after Time I will be waiting Toni Crowe

This Mars rover is an Influencer. Who is the god of fire? Tree Langdon

Chaos Theory Sloppy work Ulf Wolf

The Day Someone Died in My Place How missing a hot-air balloon ride helped uplift my life Vanessa Gallman

Death and Regrets When someone dies, it reminds us of our mortality, but also our regrets. Victoria Gregg

Useful Advice That Made Me a Top Writer in Extremely Competitive Tags Here In Only A Month It’s easier than you think Vikranth Kanumuru

The Perspective of Change You either react or adapt. Walter Pop Matthews IV

Quora is both Distracting, Astounding, and Amazing with the Statistics Answering questions with answers for five days on Quora Warren Brown

My Husband And I Lived Apart For Almost Two Years It was due to circumstances beyond our control, but now we are back together and stronger than ever Yewande Adeleke

Open Resting in humility Yoli Knight

I am Terrified of Returning to Office: Are You? A dedicated place enhances creativity and working from home boosts productivity by 77%. Yousuf Rafi

Invitation to Medium Writing Contests — Grand Prize $50K Introducing an exciting opportunity for storytellers offered by Medium including $100K funds ILLUMINATION

Eliza Inspired Me to Shed 50 Pounds in 5 Months Here is what I learned about losing stubborn belly fat with five easy and actionable tips ILLUMINATION-Curated

Why Is It So Hard to Get Rid of Loose Skin? And how can we speed up the elimination process? Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Collections on specific topics that you may enjoy

1 — Health and Fitness

Heath & Fitness Collection

2 — Mental Health

Mental Health Collection

3 — Education and Learning

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

4 — Love and Relationships

How to Love and Relate

5 — Leadership

The World Needs Passionate & Compassionate Leaders

6 — Entrepreneurship

Do You Want to Become A Sexy Entrepreneur?

7 — Business

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

8 — Freelancing

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

9 — Writing

Featured Stories About “Writing” From The Top Writers of SYNERGY

10 — Artificial Intelligence

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11- Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

12 — Cryptocurrencies

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Collection of Featured Stories Easy access to daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes Easy access to curated and outstanding stories

Learn About ILLUMINATION-Curated Essential articles about ILLUMINATION-Curated publication

Reading List #3 — Technology Hits Selected stories for enjoyment of tech readers

Sample Book Chapters Discover 70+ published authors on ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

Summaries of these collections are provided by ILLUMINATION-Curated

Technology, Business, Leadership, & Self-Improvement Stories Curated collections for discerning readers

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