avatarDr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)


ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding pack for new contributors of ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Book chapters, SYNERGY, Technology Hits

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Dear friends,

Hello. I am Editor of Technology Hits.

I was away due to some health issues but am feeling better.

Now, unfortunately the senior editor of ILLUMINATION is unwell. In fact several of our editors are feeling sick for few weeks therefore we are delayed with adding new writers. We hardly managed the flooding queues. Luckily our senior editor ILLUMINATION-Curated is very active as he lost a lot of fat recently and is over the moon 👊 I really envy him. But his focus is curating articles and distributing them to our subscribers. He is too busy to do this tedious task.

Our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz asked me to help. He does the leg work for us. We are all volunteers helping these great publications (ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications) to grow. So I volunteered. I am doing this first time so please forgive me for my mistakes. I am a tech-head like Dr MY.

First, let me welcome you.

As you may know we are a large writing and reading community on Medium. Around 11,000 writers on Medium contribute to our publications. You can learn about our new roadmap for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications.

Several writers have joined from former PSILY (PS I Love You) publication so Dr MY asked me to greet them. All PSILY writers can directly contribute to ILLUMINATION-Curated as they have proven track record in curation. If I missed your accounts please request access again. Some requests go to spam folders for unknown reasons.

The purpose of this post is to notify new writers who have joined our publications ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION Book chapters, Technology Hits, SYNERGY, and ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR and get you started with essential information.

Your accounts should show the publications you applied.

ILLUMINATION Integrated publications operate on Medium. Therefore we adhere the rules of this platform. All contributors are expected to comply with the platform rules.

We noticed some glitches while adding you. Thus, if your account is not added to the requested publications, please leave a comment on this post or contact our editors on our Slack to add you again.

You will also see a channel on Slack. You can leave a message with your Medium ID on the channel #writerstobeadded on Slack. You may also contact Dr. Yildiz on Slack.

We created guidelines for contributors. Please check them before submitting your stories. We serve both experienced and news writers.

Please also check the image handling policies in this story. If you submit well cited and copyright free images, your stories can be published much faster.

Please note that ILLUMINATION Integrated publications don’t accept plagiarised content. We remove plagiarists from our publications. Offenders can also face penalties from Medium and legal entities.

We created a 100-day writing challenge. You may optionally participate in this challenge to grow your writing portfolio. The more the better! Instructions are in this post.

We also have another writing challenge. The aim of this prompt is to increase your followers, views, and reading times.

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days For Prolific Writers

We created this challenge for prolific writers. The purpose is to introduce you to more readers. We encourage our contributors to submit several short forms.

You can find instructions about creating short-form stories.

Short-Form Stories Not For Income But For Visibility. Think Of Them As A Tripwire

If you want to be a top writer, Dr MY created precise steps for you to follow.

How to Become aTop Writer in Three Months

How to Write Viral Stories

Dr MY posted a remarkable article sharing his experience on writing viral articles. Some of his stories from his personal publication Transhumanism Leadership went viral. He is a health freak by the way. I sometimes envy his colourful life. He mentioned that ironically none of his stories went viral in his big publications. Medium is an interesting platform. I am new here and have no idea how algorithm works. Anyway, I hope you find this piece valuable. I truly enjoyed it.

ILLUMINATION created a useful guide for those who may be interested in affiliate marketing. I am considering to join this exciting journey. Dr MY inspired all of us. Like many I was mixing up affiliate marketing with MLM craze. Now I know that affiliate marketing has nothing to do with multi-level marketing. It is a legitimate business used by millions of businesses in every part of the world.

I’m a Writer/Editor: Why the Heck I Built An Affiliate Marketing Business After the Age of 60

If you want to earn more money you need to learn repurpose your content. Here is an opportunity that you can earn income from from Vocal Media.

Create fiction stories, join competitions, earn income, and gain new readers

Writing for ILLUMINATION publications

For ILLUMINATION and ILLUMINATION-Curated, you can write about many topics. These two publications cover hundreds of tags and all topics on Medium.

To cover our growing workload, we created a mirror of ILLUMINATION. It is an independent publication called ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR.

The purpose is to cater requirements of prolific writers who plan to submit multiple stories a day. If you are submitting only one article a day, you don’t need ILLUMINATION’s MIRROR unless you want to reach out to a different audience. So you can submit your additional stories to ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR. This pub also serves as a backup publication in case we have an outage for ILLUMINATION. You have access to both publications in case you want to submit multiple stories a day.

How to submit stories for beginners

In edit mode of your story please click on the three (…) dots. You can find the publications listed in your profile. Please choose the relevant publication you plan to send your story to.

Let me briefly introduce your our other publications.

Technology Hits

Technology Hits serves a specific audience interested in information technology, entrepreneurship, tech news, and futuristic topics. I am Editor of Technology Hits so please contact me when you need help with your tech stories. I will be very happy to support. This is my baby.

Here is more info about Technology Hits in case you are interested.

I love creating visibility. Here is a collection that I created a few months ago. I was away so had to stop it but will post more. Stay tuned.


We are all writers and we love about writing. So SYNERGY was designed for freelance writers to share their experience. Its purpose is to bring Medium writers, editors, and bloggers together. We invite writers from other platforms such as Vocal Media, NewsBreak, Hub Pages, Patreon, Substack, and many other freelancing platforms. SYNERGY is empowered by ILLUMINATION and ILLUMINATION-Curated editors, and myself. Here is more info about SYNERGY.

Here are some featured stories from SYNERGY.


This pub serves published and indie authors. We also help our aspiring authors to get published.

This publication has the following objectives.

“1 — Published authors can gain new readers via their repurposed book chapters. They can also earn income from their published content on Medium.

2 — Published authors can gain new followers and beta readers who can provide feedback for their new manuscripts.

3 — Aspiring writers can gain by creating manuscripts derived from their published stories. They can transfer them into the ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, obtain reader reviews, and publish them as books later.” — Copied from article of Dr MY.

How to create visibility?

Sample editorial bulletin for ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

Published books

Onboarding pack

Our main goal is to assist you to become a successful author on Medium. We support different levels of writers such as aspiring, experienced, accomplished, and influential.

Our aim is to cross-pollinate all writers to get the best out of our pubs. Contributors come from different professional backgrounds, skill levels, expertise, and writing goals.

According to Dr MY, “Our publications operate with an abundance mentality. We don’t compete with other publications, instead, we see them as collaborators. We don’t put any limitations on our contributing writers. As a contributor to our publications, you are not exclusive to us. You can publish in other publications and remove your submissions. You can leave our publications any time. Everything we recommend is an invitation, not an obligation. We see other publications as our collaborators, not competitors. We recommend you create your own publications too. We can help you get started. If you have a publication now, we can help you promote it. We hope you will enjoy the excellent services of our integrated publications.” These are his words so I added them in quote.

We encourage you to connect with new writers joining our publications today. Dr MY will send you an invitation for the Slack workspace shortly.

Let’s meet our new writers!

List of New Writers

Welcome new writers joined ILLUMINATION and ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR:

Darlene Corbett, Andrew Crider, Daniel Millington, Futuris Perpetuum, 0x_idkCrypto, Thanasis Papadopoulos, Jordi Bassaganas, Just Digital, Madison Hays, Rajalingam Rathinam, Pierce McIntyre, Penelope Mayfield, Sameer Bairwa, Terence Kong, Rambling Chez, Kenny Collins, Tessa Xie, Rebecca Ahn, Rami Dhanoa, Katie Rose, R.J Bear, Lucie Hemmen, Ethereal Sonder, Jess Moor, Edward John, H.D. Ingles, Randy Salars, Bridie Dillon, RayRay, Cara Beth Lee, Mary Karagkou, Thami Memel, Kenny Johnson, Ercihan Atalan, Leah Ashley, J. D. Penn, Jaron Mays, Julie Greenidge, Mary Liga, Jonathan Henry, Farah_Ubaid, Cory Wilson, Catherine Londero, The Tiger’s Nest, Niklas H-L, Arthur Hargate, Tom Simon, Aliza R, Colman Corrigan, Desola Banjo, Ercihan Atalan, Oliver W. Johnson, James Beaufait, M. E. De los Establos, Paul Claxton, Paul Alexander, Robin Emery, Deborah M., J.S. Adam, October J., Vinnod Kumar Kashyap, Alicia Sekhri, Zahid H Javali, Petyo Kozhuharov, Abbey, Daniel Millington, Tom Simon, Prerit Das, Heather Thompson, Donna Nelson, Benazir Albashir, Maria Valevsky, Elizabeth Heimbaugh, Oliver W. Johnson, Posy Churchgate, Avigail Laing, Maurice Mourabe, Nya C, Alicia Sekhri, Bob Merckel, Afsalms, Jade Hadfield, Anne Lew, Varun Khadri, Fasih Mohsin, Smita Bhattacharya, Avigail Laing, Thami Memel, Medomfo Owusu, DMTakeshi, Jamiul Islam, Andrea N.A., Shayan Hamza, YOGITA SINGH, Adam James, Martin Rieck, Chantell, Laura Alr, Syed Muneer Shah, Sally, Erik Jernejšek, Shaunte Boom, Meng Taing, Sebastian Ostrowski, Ellyn Ash, Syeda Rabia Batool Naqvi, Voice_of_Bi2i, Misty Rae, Muhammad Raza Khan, Edna Umukodo, Elizabeth Kaldeck Smith, Anne Smith, MSSA, LSW, Elias Netshilavulu, Jenn Tomomitsu, PhD, Margaret Tye, Karan Jagota, Karuna Shah, Panos_Michelakis, Judy McCord, Karan Jagota, Ed Smith, Sheetal, Jonathan Bright, Jennifer March, MS, Amrit Pal Singh, Ciara Brewer, J Gordon Curtis, TJ Wiley, junaid waqar, Hello planet, Vedprakash Jangid, Mel Marakalala, Gladys Simen, Devisri Avula, Jasmine Aguilar, Caleb Patton Collier, Timothy Kincaid, Vikranth Kanumuru, Panos_Michelakis, Saúl Buentello, TheNotSoProlificWriter, Aleksander Volavsek, Caleb Patton Collier, Vidyut, Sharing Randomly, Sarmad Mayo, Shashank KV, Michelle Scorziello, Diana Lotti, Zohaib ahmad, AP Carpen, Samson Silva, Divine Silva, Zachary Warnes, Likrayger, James Roberts, Sophie Rose, Fatunla Samuel, Fintech For Longevity, Guy du Plessis, Winston Ong, Engin Doganay, Shane Beattie, Melissa Balick, Patrick Witz, James Nelmondo, Christina Sophia, Subhan Ahmad, Steffany Ritchie, Gereon Wellmann, Elizabeth O'Nuanain, Alexander Kant, Leonie Walda, Lakshitha Wisumperuma, Tony Padilla, Sandhya Domah, Eliran Turgeman,

Welcome new writers joined SYNERGY:

Darlene Corbett, Daniel Millington, Futuris Perpetuum, 0x_idkCrypto, Madison Hays, Rajalingam Rathinam, Pierce McIntyre, Penelope Mayfield, Rambling Chez, Tessa Xie, Rebecca Ahn, Rami Dhanoa, Lucie Hemmen, Jess Moor, Edward John, H.D. Ingles, Randy Salars, Bridie Dillon, RayRay, Cara Beth Lee, Kenny Johnson, J. D. Penn, Jaron Mays, Julie Greenidge, Mary Liga, Jonathan Henry, Cory Wilson, Catherine Londero, The Tiger’s Nest, Arthur Hargate, Tom Simon, Aliza R, Ercihan Atalan, Oliver W. Johnson, James Beaufait, Paul Claxton, Paul Alexander, Robin Emery, Deborah M., J.S. Adam, October J., Vinnod Kumar Kashyap, Alicia Sekhri, Petyo Kozhuharov, Daniel Millington, Tom Simon, Prerit Das, Heather Thompson, Donna Nelson, Benazir Albashir, Maria Valevsky, Posy Churchgate, Avigail Laing, Maurice Mourabe, Bob Merckel, Jade Hadfield, Anne Lew, Varun Khadri, Avigail Laing, DMTakeshi, Andrea N.A., Adam James, Chantell, Erik Jernejšek, Shaunte Boom, Meng Taing, Sebastian Ostrowski, Ellyn Ash, Syeda Rabia Batool Naqvi, Misty Rae, Muhammad Raza Khan, Edna Umukodo, Elizabeth Kaldeck Smith, Anne Smith, MSSA, LSW, Jenn Tomomitsu, PhD, Margaret Tye, Karan Jagota, Panos_Michelakis, Misty Rae, Karan Jagota, Ed Smith, Jennifer March, MS, Amrit Pal Singh, Ciara Brewer, J Gordon Curtis, TJ Wiley, junaid waqar, Hello planet, Jasmine Aguilar, Caleb Patton Collier, Timothy Kincaid, Vikranth Kanumuru, TheNotSoProlificWriter, Aleksander Volavsek, Caleb Patton Collier, Michelle Scorziello, Diana Lotti, AP Carpen, Destiny S. Harris, Zachary Warnes, Likrayger, Sophie Rose, Fatunla Samuel, Fintech For Longevity, Guy du Plessis, Winston Ong, Shane Beattie, Melissa Balick, Patrick Witz, James Nelmondo, Christina Sophia, Subhan Ahmad, Steffany Ritchie, Gereon Wellmann, Elizabeth O'Nuanain, Alexander Kant, Leonie Walda, Tony Padilla, Sandhya Domah,

Welcome new writers joined ILLUMINATION-Curated

Andre Sevenius Nilsen, Veronika Kaufmann, Arthur Keith, Jenn Tomomitsu, PhD, Ben Human, May More, J.S. Adam, B.R. Shenoy, Darlene Corbett, Muhammad Raza Khan,

Welcome new writers joined ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

No applicants for IBC this time. I am surprised. Where are those published and Indie authors!

Welcome new writers joined Technology Hits:

Andrew Crider, Deborah M., Eliran Turgeman,

Collaboration Guidelines

DR MY will send you an invitation to our Slack workspace via an email. If you don’t receive the invitation, please apply again as your application might be lost or go to the spam folder.

Joining Slack workspace is optional and free. Networking on Slack can help you build meaningful relationships with fellow writers and editors.

This workspace is our primary communication and collaboration platform. Our Slack workspace has over 8,500 members. You can learn about Slack in this story.

Practical suggestions to new contributors

Our readers expect engaging, informative, and quality content. We strive to meet their requirements and expectations.

Please use this checklist before submitting your stories.

You can find ILLUMINATION-related articles and writer resources on ILLUMINATION’s Blog publication. You may bookmark and follow this new publication designed to address your publishing needs.

1 — Submit your best work to satisfy your readers.

Your articles must be the type of content that you want to read.

2 — Cite your copyright-free photos with source links.

This is a critical concern. It is a time-consuming and stressful situation for our editors. Editors are tired of leaving comments and waiting for responses from writers who neglect captioning photos.

“Publication Policy: All photos must be captioned with source links.”

3 — No plagiarism please.

Medium and our pubs only accept stories written by you. Medium sees plagiarism and duplication. Plagiarism is illegal. Duplication is against Medium rules.

4 — Start submitting one story a day

We are happy to support our experienced and prolific and experienced writers to submit up to 3 drafts within a day to ILLUMINATION and ILLUMINATION-Curated. Since experienced writers submit high-quality materials, we don’t have to spend too much editing time on these types of submissions. We are grateful for their diligence.

We are accepting short-form stories. We allow additional three short-form stories per publication. Details are in this story.

5 — Check private messages sent by our editors.

When your private messages are turned off in settings, you will not receive notifications. Please check your story for * sign.

Editors might request you to fix issues of your story. Please acknowledge and address the issues.

6 — Understand policies Medium

7 — Review IPP publications’ conduct guidelines including other useful articles below before submitting your stories.

This story focuses on fundamentals and some advanced topics for writers. Many new writers found this story useful.

8 — Review the quality checklist

You can find our publishing requirements in this checklist.

9 — Declare your affiliate links in your stories

Medium allows affiliate links but they must be clearly declared. Please see the details in this story.

You can learn about affiliate marketing from this book by Dr MY published on ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, free for members.

If you are a freelance writer, you may check the membership opportunities for this site and find resources offering freelance writing jobs.

10 — Promote your stories meaningfully

Please take responsibility to create visibility for your stories.

Please review these guides to get you started with our social media tools.

Amplify Your Medium Stories with Facebook Pages and Groups

How to Get Started with Quora and Amplify Your Medium Stories

How to Get Started with Pinterest and Amplify Your Medium Stories

Amplify Your Medium Stories with YouTube

Amplify Your Medium Stories with LinkedIn Groups

You can join the ILLUMINATION LinkedIn group from this link.

Collaborate on Goodreads. It is a large platform with 20 million members.

If you authored books, Goodreads can be an ideal place to create visibility.

Details for each item can be found in this story.

We use various platforms and tools to amplify your stories.

One way of sharing your stories with Medium readers is a daily digest.

Here is a sample of our latest daily digest. This daily digest can also be useful for writers to explore the stories of other writers in our publication. We recommend you share the daily digest in your social media tools.

For ILLUMINATION-Curated we create daily volumes. Here is one of the latest posts.

We keep a link to all volumes in this story.

We blog the daily digests and also replicate all stories to our blog site using Medium RSS service.

Editors tweet your stories after reviewing and publishing them.

ILLUMINATION Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/illum_official

We have two Facebook pages and a Facebook group. We automatically post your stories. However, you can supplement your posts. Instructions to participate are in this story.

We have a new private FaceBook group just for our writers. It is called SYNERGY. This will be our main external social network.


Quora is important for our writers. We share your stories but you can also share your stories in two Quora spaces. Details in this story: https://readmedium.com/how-to-get-started-with-quora-and-amplify-your-medium-stories-969f309b0967


We automatically post your stories to our Linked page and groups. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13914581/


Another creative distribution is using Pinterest automatically pinning them to the boards.


We automatically syndicate links of your stories to Flipboard magazines.


This is a new community. We highly recommend all our writers join this community. Reddit is an important tool that may create further visibility of your stories.

Collections Using Topics and Tags

Here are the sample collections.

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

This is my favourite. I loved this collection as a freelance writer.

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

Heath & Fitness Collection

Mental Health Collection on ILLUMINATION

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Featured Stories About “Writing” From The Top Writers of SYNERGY

Top Stories About Artificial Intelligence on ILLUMINATION

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Repurposing Your Content

You can repurpose your Medium stories on other platforms such as Vocal Media and News Break. If you are not a writer for Vocal yet, you can join Vocal as a creator using this link.

If you are a fiction writer, you can participate in a new series of writing competitions on Vocal.

All Vocal Media challenges can be accessed at this link.

Other Useful Resources for Writers

We keep publication-related stories on the ILLUMINATION Blog.

Process and Procedures — Frequently Asked Questions

A Practical Guide for Writers — Collection of Useful Stories

Learn about ILLUMINATION-Curated

References about ILLUMINATION-Curated can be accessed from this single story.

Writer bios from their pen

Please find out why writers need to submit bios.

You can request to be interviewed by Dr Yildiz.

How to join ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel and share your videos.

You can meet our Top Writers.

Meet editors of ILLUMINATION

Remember to link your Twitter handle to your Medium account.

Guide on how to earn good money on Medium.

Here is a guide on how to create viral stories on Medium.

Can you make $10,000 on Medium in a month?

Guidance on how to make “Six-Figure Income” on Medium

How to triple your writing income methodically

We can promote your publications

Publications owned by our writers

Testimonials about ILLUMINATION

Storybooks and publication indexing guidance

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month

35K Real Readers More Important Than 100K Fake Followers

Good News

Here is a story to help you become a top writer.

Collaboration With Other Writers

Here is information about our Slack Workspace



Technology Hits — The TSEE Club

Fiction and Poetry Bios of ILLUMINATION Writers

We are now introducing ILLUMINATION Book Club. Details are in the Slack group.

Meet our editors

Our editors work hard to help our writers succeed.

ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Tree Langdon, Brian E. Wish, PhD, Dr Ron Pol, Dr Michael Heng, Paul Myers MBA, Karen Madej, Joe Luca, Dipti Pande, Kevin Buddaeus, Kate Maxwell, Arthur G. Hernandez, Bill Abbate, Michael Patanella, Aurora Eliam, CMP, René Junge, Geetika Sethi, Ahmed Jamal, Britni Pepper, Selma, Earnest Painter, Dew Langrial, B. A. Cumberlidge. Lanu Pitan, Agnes Laurens, EP McKnight, MEd, CR Mandler MAT, The Maverick Files, Sumera Rizwan, Liam Ireland, Tony Young, Jr., Neha Sandhir S, Desiree Driesenaar, Stuart Englander, Ntathu Allen, Thewriteyard, Haimish Mead, Maria Rattray, Cristo Lopez, PhD, Dr Preeti Singh, Holly Kellums, Kristina Segarra, Yohanan Gregorius, Audrey Malone,janny’s heart, Sabana Grande, Jennifer Friebely, Zen Chan, Aamir Kamal 🚀🚀🚀, John Cunningham, [arlie] PEYTON, Georgia Dimitrious, Kim Petersen, Josh Balerite Acol, Noorain Hassan, BMS, Mallika Vasak, Ikram Al Mouaswas, Terry L. Cooper, George Blue Kelly, Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott), Claire Kelly, Pranjal Saxena, Aldric Chen, Bryan Dijkhuizen

Recently joined groups

You can connect with recently joined new writers from these onboarding packs and explore their stories.

Thank you so much for reading our bulletin which aimed to onboard you properly. I hope I did not bore you with too many instructions. They are all for your benefit.

Invitation to interested writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you succeed on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

Thank you for your contributions.

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