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The website content discusses the positive impact of Medium's recent bonus distribution to writers, highlighting the platform's strategic move to boost creator morale and the resulting increase in quality content.


The article titled "Another Sunny And Joyful Day On Medium" celebrates the distribution of substantial bonuses to engaging writers on the platform, reflecting their high member engagement. The bonuses, which are personalized based on views, reading times, comments, and claps, have motivated writers and contributed to a vibrant atmosphere on Medium. The author, Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, shares screen captures of the bonuses received by contributors and notes that this initiative stands out compared to rewards from other platforms like Vocal Media and News Break. The piece emphasizes Medium's unique interactive features, such as comments and claps, which are highly valued by writers for fostering meaningful conversations. The author expresses pride in the publications he oversees and gratitude towards Medium's leadership for recognizing and rewarding writers, which he believes will lead to more great articles and a more sustainable content platform.


  • The author views Medium's bonus distribution as a strategic move to uplift the spirit of creators and acknowledges the platform's commitment to recognizing writer engagement.
  • Dr. Mehmet Yildiz assumes that the bonuses were calculated based on various engagement metrics, indicating a fair and data-driven approach.
  • The article suggests that Medium's bonuses are more generous and impactful compared to those from other platforms, which has been a pleasant surprise for many writers.
  • The author appreciates Medium's interactive features, particularly comments and claps, and finds them superior to those on other platforms, where comments can be toxic and irrelevant

Inspiration and Leadership

Another Sunny And Joyful Day On Medium

Many engaging writers received substantial bonuses, and they are grateful.

Photo by Aleksandr Balandin from Pexels

Before the reward there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you reap joy. — Ralph Ransom

As an editor of multiple significant publications supporting 10,000 writers on Medium, I never run out of good and bad news. Never dull moments in my email inbox, professional and social network feeds.

Today, I woke up to some great news.

Hundreds of email messages from writers contributing to my publications shared fantastic news that inspired and motivated them to write more and engage more. This great news shared by contributors helped me start my day with enthusiasm.

You may be wondering what this great piece of news is.

This great news is an addition to another news which I shared in this story a few weeks ago.

But this one today is different.

It is not just the same figure for each contributor. It is based on their engagement with members. The screen captures clearly point out “high member engagement”. I assume the calculation was based on views, reading times, comments, and claps in the stats of contributors.

There were many screen captures from writers, but I want to share the two most common ones representing the typical range in the spectrum without identifying the writers who shared their screenshots.

screen capture #1 provided to Dr Mehmet Yildiz
screen capture #2 provided to Dr Mehmet Yildiz

A few prolific writers mentioned even higher figures, but they did not provide screen captures so I don’t want to speculate on them.

As a writer on multiple platforms, I noticed that other platforms also provide a bonus. This was the case for other writers too. For example, in email messages, several writers mentioned receiving rewards from Vocal Media and News Break. However, most of them believe that the previous one and this recent one from Medium nicely surprised them. These recent surprising rewards went above and beyond compared to the other two platforms. Obviously, recognition and rewards mean a lot to writers.

I am pleased that many writers contributing to ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, Technology Hits, and SYNERGY received substantial bonuses from Medium.

This great news makes me proud as my publications create vitality for Medium readers and writers.

In my humble opinion, Medium made a strategic move to uplift the spirit of creators who care about this wonderful platform. Even though we have glitches and some issues with this platform, I can assure you that there is no other platform allowing writers and readers to mingle beautifully and create meaningful conversations.

The comments and claps features are game-changers for Medium. I enjoy writing for Vocal, but I genuinely miss these excellent interactive features of Medium on Vocal. I hope other platforms also consider these features.

I also write for another large platform. However, I cannot say I enjoy the comments as those comments are sometimes nasty, personal attacks, and mainly out of context. I just delete the toxic ones as they don’t serve as feedback. I love both positive and negative criticism as long as they are relevant and in the proper context. I always receive meaningful and uplifting comments on Medium.

Back to the significance of this excellent news today. As more writers receive these bonuses, even more great articles will be sure to be written.

This is a start of a very good thing on this platform. Writers are motivated, and readers are inspired by valuable content. Happy writers and readers will make Medium even a more powerful platform and contribute to be a more sustainable content platform in this competitive marketplace.

To conclude, on behalf of our many writers who reached out to me today, I want to thank the Medium leadership team for making so many writers happy recently.

This is a remarkable move and should be mentioned for awareness. Therefore, I prioritized this short post to share the love and inspiration on this great platform.

Thank you for reading my perspectives.

Many thanks to writers who shared their great news with me. Congratulations all!

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Founder and Chief Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications.


About The Author

I am a technologist, published author, editor, blogger, digital marketing strategist, and content developer with four decades of industry experience. I write articles for Medium, News Break and Vocal Media. On Medium, I established ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, Technology Hits, and SYNERGY publications supporting 10,000+ writers and serving 137,000+ readers on Medium. You can Join my publications requesting access here.

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