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Editorial bulletin


Editorial Bulletin #9 New resources

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Dear Book Lovers,

ILLUMINATION offers a digital library including many book chapters of accomplished authors who also write on Medium.

We call this new library ILLUMINATION Book Chapters. If you are a Medium member, you can read as many fresh chapters as you can.

We keep adding new book chapters continually. Our library is open for 24 hours and can be accessed in any part of the globe. The library is growing with contributions each day. There are always fresh chapters.

This service offers an excellent opportunity to creators too. They are motivated to share world-class content because their content finds new readers. One of the published authors, Liam Ireland, shared his recent experience in a story today.

So, all you published creative authors out there, jump on the bandwagon now and get the power of Medium and Illumination behind your marketing and promotional efforts. Like I said, it works. It does what it says it does on the tin. It is a wonderful opportunity for published writers like you, don’t miss it.

Thank you for your valuable feedback in our pulse survey. For new readers and authors, you can learn about our initiative on this link.

In this bulletin, I want to provide a quick update on our progress.

We created an index of book chapters and adding links to it each day. This index will help you to find your favorite authors and access their books easily and quickly.

In the previous bulletin, I recommended a summary of your book in a story format and submit it to either ILLUMINATION. You can also create a short form of your story and submit it to ILLUMINATION-Curated. You have writer access to this publication.

I introduced our collaboration group on Goodreads. This site is very large aiming to bring authors and book lovers in one place. I recommend you to join our collaboration group and meet our members.

In this post, I have a few additional suggestions to improve the visibility and readability of your chapters.

Tags are very important on Medium for readers to find relevant content. As you may notice Medium enhanced the tags. In addition to your core tags like fiction, non-fiction, and writing, I recommend two key tags illumination and illumination-book chapters.

Here are the tags your stories can show to more readers.

I also recommend you to share your stories in two key large networks.

The first one is on Quora where there is a dedicated Space for book chapters.

The second one is the Facebook group of SYNERGY led by Holly Kellums. This group is interactive and growing fast.

In addition, I created a new writing challenge for our integrated publications. This is an excellent opportunity for published authors to introduce their books by providing links to their chapters.

You can find about the writing challenge in this invitation.

For new and prospective contributors I want to highlight the value proposition for this emerging publication.

Value of ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

We offer three unique values to writers.

1 — Published authors can gain new readers via their repurposed book chapters. They can also earn income from their published content on their Medium.

2 — Published authors can gain new followers and beta readers who can provide feedback for their manuscripts.

3 — Aspiring writers can gain create manuscripts derived from their published stories. They can transfer them into the ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, obtain reader reviews, and publish them as books later.

Let me share sample chapters submitted to ILLUMINATION Book Chapters. We are building this service rapidly.

Chapters List

I wanted to give you quick taste but the list grew so big since last bulletin, it is now not possible to add all chapters in this post.

Instead, we created an index including the name of the authors, titles of the books, and the chapter numbers. We will segment them monthly and keep a master index as we did for our curated collection.

Please enjoy some chapters from this list.

We also accept book reviews. You can publish book reviews including your own ones or other books.

Please check a sample self-review for one of my books.

Thewriteyard also published two book reviews from her reading list.

Jay Toran reviewed five chapters and created a story on ILLUMINATION.

Testimonials for ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

Maria Rattray

If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade. So let me introduce to you, one window of opportunity! If everyone on Illumination is as excited as I am, this most recent innovation of Dr Mehmet Yildiz should go off like a rocket.

The Garrulous Glaswegian

I‘ve just come upon a new and intriguing proposition. In its first year, ILLUMINATION gained an incredible 90,000 followers, making it one of the fastest-growing and most successful publications on Medium. You can learn more about that in Dew Langrial ’s piece here. Dr Yildiz has a busy, inventive mind, and is always looking for clever ideas to support writers. Enter his latest project ILLUMINATION Book Chapters.

Britni Pepper

ILLUMINATION is breaking new ground here. With the introduction of ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, a longer, richer, and deeper reading experience becomes available on Medium. Our new publication has nothing but longform stories, divided up into chapters. Here the writers spread out their biggest and best work, and readers can immerse themselves in the experience, coming up to draw the occasional breath of the everyday world when it’s time to click on the link to the next chapter.

Dr Preeti Singh

Illumination has the policy of inclusivity. Dr. Mehmet Yildiz is very clear that everybody should get a chance to publish their stories. People from all walks of life, different countries, nationalities are welcome to this family. Those who do not have English as their first language are also given a chance to express their views and can be mentored with the support of editors. This publication is also inclusive. It gives us all a chance to express something.

Karen Madej

Hello lovelies, this week is all about my favourite, FICTION! A special edition today to celebrate the launch of a new ILLUMINATION family publication. If you haven’t spotted Dr Mehmet Yildiz’s ILLUMINATION Book Chapters publication invitation yet, I suggest you give it a read.

Linda Kowalchek

“I have wanted to write a book since I was a teenager. I remember sitting at the desk in my bedroom with my powder-blue plastic Smith Corona manual typewriter in front of me. I was ready. But then I realized that I had no idea what to write about, so I went back downstairs and watched Luke and Laura’s wedding on General Hospital. But I digress.

Jay Toran

“For all those who’ve jumped the gun and started typing their first chapters into the laptop, you’ve got to understand a few things: And it goes back to the same problem of editors having a limited amount of time. No amount of frenzied typing is going to get around this problem. I’m not an editor, but I’ve done some editing for a couple of the big names here on ILLUMINATION.

Liam Ireland

Like a lot of you writers, I have tried to promote the books on Linkedin and didn’t get a single sale out of it. I also used Facebook and got one sale. Of course, I shall continue to use those platforms, but from now on it’s ‘Illumination Book Chapters’ for me, first and foremost.


Two informative short-form stories

Thank you for reading my bulletin and these great chapters.

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters is currently edited by Claire Kelly, Ntathu Allen, Karen Madej, Britni Pepper, Thewriteyard, Maria Rattray, Dr. Preeti Singh.

As we grow and scale our services to more authors, we will need more editors for this publication. Please show your interest by leaving a comment on this bulletin or contact me.

Thank you for your support and for reading my bulletins.

It is a pleasure for me to serve both published and aspiring authors.

Please enjoy this beautiful video crafted by Alison Tennent, hosted on the ILLUMINATION YouTube channel. All writers are welcome to submit videos to our YouTube channel.

More videos on ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

If you enjoyed this story, you may also check our curated and featured stories compiled by ILLUMINATION daily.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Chief Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

If you have published books or growing manuscripts, please contact us by sending a request with your Medium account ID to contribute to ILLUMINATION Book Chapters. We will publish your book chapters in story format. Not only do you generate passive income, but you also gain new readers and testimonials.

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