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The undefined website details the launch of ILLUMINATION-Curated, a new Medium publication by ILLUMINATION, which aims to democratize content curation, distribution, and marketing through a human-centered editorial process.


The ILLUMINATION-Curated publication represents a significant shift in content curation and distribution on Medium, emphasizing a more equitable and transparent process. With 35 registered editors and a plan to increase to 100, the publication seeks to provide objective and fair curation based on agreed criteria, moving away from algorithm-driven selection. This initiative is part of the broader ILLUMINATION transformation program, which has already made strides in democratizing publishing. The new model promises double curation opportunities, ensuring that high-quality content reaches a wider audience, even if it is not curated by Medium. ILLUMINATION-Curated targets advanced readers with edited and curated stories, leveraging the extensive experience of its editors to enhance the quality and impact of the content.


  • The author emphasizes the importance of human intelligence over artificial intelligence in evaluating writer's content.
  • There is a clear dissatisfaction with the subjectivity inherent in Medium's current curation process.
  • The author believes that the new curation process will alleviate the pain of rejection experienced by many writers.
  • The publication's values include diversity, synergy, fusion, and serendipity, highlighting a commitment to inclusivity.
  • The author is optimistic that the ILLUMINATION editors' selections will increase the likelihood of stories being curated by Medium due to the editorial rigor.
  • The author advocates for the importance of human editors in providing objective, inclusive, and fair content curation.
  • The publication aims to support writers by offering tools and processes to improve content quality and curation chances.
  • The author encourages writers to join ILLUMINATION-Curated to benefit from a collaborative environment that supports content improvement and success amplification.
  • The author promotes their other publications and invites readers to engage with a broad range of health and well-being content.

Paradigm Shift in Content Curation, Distribution, and Marketing

Welcome to ILLUMINATION-Curated, a brand new publication with curated stories only on Medium with an external interface

Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash

This is an announcement of a special project which is part of the ILLUMINATION transformation program.

As I announced earlier, our publication is transitioning to a more robust operating model after gaining over 30,000 followers. We changed our submission requirements, as depicted in the new submission guidelines, effective from 01/09/2020.

Established in less than six months, ILLUMINATION creates a paradigm shift in content curation, distribution, and marketing.

Our first strategy helped us achieve the democratization of publishing using our diversity, variety, and inclusiveness values.

This first strategy helped relieve the pain of 15,500+ writers who suffered severe rejection from significant publications.

Now we have a new strategy.

Our second strategy is the democratization of curation for writers.

Almost all Medium writers desire their stories to be curated, aiming to reach out to a broader audience.

Unfortunately, only a tiny percentage of writers taste the pleasure and benefits of curation. The selection is subjective.

As a prolific writer, like many writers, I tasted rejection and neglect from large publications. They even did not publish my curated stories on time. This pain encouraged me to establish ILLUMINATION, which helped thousands of writers to find their voices. The overwhelming feedback is honoring.

My goal is to shed light on my personal experience. There is no perfect system, and all systems can and must be improved. Transformation is the necessity of human existence based on the natural phenomena of human evolution.

My purpose is to reflect reality and challenges honestly and transparently.

For example, I recently published a high-impact article based on my three decades of leadership research on ILLUMINATION, but it was rejected it. That’s fine, as there is no point in arguing with subjectivity.

As a technologist and content developer, I firmly believe that writers shouldn’t be evaluated by artificial intelligence systems. We are human and need to be evaluated by human intelligence.

Yes, there is a need and place for artificial intelligence, but they are not near the level to judge human creativity. I have a strong technical background on artificial intelligence and cognitive systems.

This point brings me to our new initiative aiming to democratize the curation process for writers. You may ask how we can achieve such an ambitious goal.

My answer is through our capabilities.

ILLUMINATION has 35 registered editors who can read and vote for stories to curate them for a wider audience looking for a quality reading experience. We have a plan to increase the number of editors to 100 who will also undertake the role of curators.

This means that our publication will have 100 curators to serve many writers in the curation process. This is a paradigm shift for publication services.

Here is a sample article that our editors initiated today. One of our editors loved a story submitted by a top writer Rebecca Stevens A.A Black Woman Depicted As A Slave Is France’s Latest Racist Reality”. Medium hasn’t curated this story yet, but our diligent editors identified this high-quality and high-impact content for our readers and started the process proactively.

The editor created a poll in our secure Slack channel using an application.

This screenshot displays the rigor and democratization we invest in the curation process.

Photo screen capture from a polling application rating a story for curation

If Medium curates this article later, it will be a bonus for Rebecca.

Why is it a paradigm shift?

It is because of double curation and distribution opportunities for writers.

Your curated story by Medium will also be curated by ILLUMINATION. Medium supports curated stories by several means. ILLUMINATION will use the same model and even extend the model with targeted distribution and innovative means.

How will ILLUMINATION achieve this goal?

Firstly, our curation process will not depend on algorithms but on human beings.

Secondly, our curation process will be based on the agreed criteria and will use the level of rigor that peer-reviewed journals perform.

Thirdly, the ILLUMINATION curation process is 100% objective.

We do not curate based on our subjective taste. We believe that writers need objectivity in the selection of their content for distribution.

These three significant points aim to address the root causes of the suffering that many writers experience.

I am optimistic that if ILLUMINATION editors/curators choose stories of our writers and publish them on our new platform, these stories are more likely curated by Medium due to the editing rigor we invest in these stories.

If it is not curated by Medium, it means that the subjectivity of the curator affects the outcome. But, at least your high-quality and high-impact article still be curated and distributed to a targeted group. We aim to relieve your pain by at least 50%.

Our aim is to increase the curation rate of our writers. We created many tools and refined our processes to help you.

As you know, Medium distributes a curated story to its readers on the front page, on-topic pages, in an app, in the Daily Digest newsletter, and in emails.

ILLUMINATION will follow a similar model but extend the current model to amplify messages to a broader and target audience simultaneously.

ILLUMINATION-Curated publication, empowered by the capabilities of ILLUMINATION, is a paradigm shift for content curation, distribution, and marketing.

Welcome to ILLUMINATION-Curated

I want to announce a brand new publication.

We created a unique and bespoke publication called ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Stories curated by ILLUMINATION will be transferred to this new publication addressing a specific advanced reading audience.

Based on my interaction with thousands of readers, I identified that advanced readers prefer edited and curated stories by experienced editors.

As most of our editors have two or more decades of writing and editing experience, we want to utilize their capability as curators. With reader feedback, we know our audience. I provide them with rich and supportive data.

The new publication aims to serve an advanced reader group.

These types of readers are not after simple tricks, but they want to enjoy the quality and high-impact materials. They are professionals in science, technology, business, arts, philosophy, self-improvement, and other disciplines.

The publication is ready to review.

It is at the pilot stage, and we will improve it with feedback from our readers and writers. One of our editors Dew Langrial drafted the first version of submission guidelines for ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Please enjoy this outstanding article aiming to illuminate our writers.

Our senior editor Tree Langdon documented the interim guidelines inspiring our writers to level up next levels in their writing practice.

In summary, the ILLUMINATION curation process is objective, inclusive, fair, and rewarding. It is also based on consensus and assessed by experience and caring human editors.

Here is a valuable guideline on the values of our publication submitted by ILLUMINATION.


ILLUMINATION is an innovative serendipity platform with optimistic writers, editors, and readers collaborating to create synergy. You, too, can join, engage, and make your dreams real. We are a broad, diverse, inclusive, and active publication.

Like 15,000+ other writers, you too can confidently share your content without worrying about rejection and censorship.

We can improve your content for higher quality and increase the chance of curation, and you can collaborate with our top writers and model their success. As a bonus, we love supporting writers and amplifying success stories with facts.

If you want to join this vibrant publication, please send a request via this link. We will help you succeed!

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Sample Curated Collections

Here are the recent collections from ILLUMINATION-Curator.

ILLUMINATION Reading Club, Curated Book Chapters of Illumination #01, Outstanding Stories — Volume 86, Outstanding Stories — Volume 87, Outstanding Stories — Volume 88, Outstanding Stories — Volume 89, Outstanding Stories — Volume 90, Outstanding Stories — Volume 91.

You might find links to recently featured stories by the ILLUMINATION Amplifier.

Hand-Picked Articles #174, Hand-Picked Articles #175, Hand-Picked Articles #176, Hand-Picked Articles #177, Hand-Picked Articles #178, Hand-Picked Articles #179, Hand-Picked Articles #180, Hand-Picked Articles #181, Hand-Picked Articles #182, Hand-Picked Articles #183, Hand-Picked Articles #184, Hand-Picked Articles #185, Hand-Picked Articles #186, Hand-Picked Articles #187, Hand-Picked Articles #188, Hand-Picked Articles #189, Hand-Picked Articles #190, Hand-Picked Articles #191, Hand-Picked Articles #192, Hand-Picked Articles #193, Hand-Picked Articles #194, Hand-Picked Articles #199, Hand-Picked Articles #200, Hand-Picked Articles #202

Here are the recent curated collections from ILLUMINATION main.

Curated Collection #132, Curated Collection #131, Curated Collection #130, Curated Collection #129, Curated Collection #128, Curated Collection #133

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. I wrote several articles on major diseases and valuable nutrients for health. My focus is on metabolic, cellular, mitochondrial, and mental health.

Sample Health Improvement Articles for My New Readers

Why 442 Million People Live Diabetic and What We Can Do About it

Defeat Fatty Liver Disease with Three Doable Tips

Defeat Metabolic Syndrome and Slim Down Waistline with Three Tips

Reduce Liver Cancer Risks with Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Lower the Risks of Heart Disease and Strokes in Five Steps

Make Your Lungs Healthier via Lifestyle Approaches

Make Your Pancreas Healthier via Lifestyle Choices

Make Your Kidneys Healthier via Lifestyle Choices

Make Your Brain Healthier with Ten Lifestyle Approaches

Six Tips to Prevent Brain Atrophy and Lower the Risks of Mental Disorders

What Can We Do About NCDs Killing 41 Million People Yearly?.

Five Tips to Prevent Infectious Diseases.

Three Tips to Improve Cardiovascular Health.

Three Lifestyle Habits to Lower Dementia Risks

Reduce the Risks of Neonatal Disorders to Prevent Infant Mortality.

Reduce the Risks of Major Diseases with Healthy Lifestyle Habits

I also write about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and other nutrients that might help to improve metabolism and mental health.

How a Leaky Gut Might Lead to a Leaky Brain and Lower Risks in 7 Steps

You might join my seven publications on Medium as a writer by sending a request via this link. You might find more information about my professional background.

Self Improvement
Life Lessons
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