

Featured Stories

Outstanding Stories — Volume 86

Selected stories from top writers of ILLUMINATION-Curated

Photo by Jorge Fakhouri Filho on Pexels

Dear Readers and Writers,

I have been busy for several months and spent very little time on Medium. The only activity was to review and publish a few stories. Last month, I posted only a single article as the Ukraine situation was close to my heart. I also compiled editor bios featured by ILLUMINATION.

But now, I am on leave for a few weeks and plan to create visibility for this unique publication, posting curated collections of our memorable stories. It is a very tedious task, but it is worth the effort.

Initially, I selected three stories from prolific writers, but the article was not manageable, so I had to reduce it to a single piece per writer contributing to Illumination Curated recently.

I will add the remaining ones to upcoming collections. You might access previous volumes at this link.

I had three goals in mind when preparing this collection. The first goal is to give exquisite content to our loyal readers. The second goal is to create visibility for the work of our experienced writers.

And the third one is to provide a valuable sample collection for new writers to learn from accomplished writers and gain experience. Our chief editor and owner, Dr Mehmet Yildiz strive for cross-pollinating writers at all levels.

We had a few new editors filling the gap when I was away. Dr. Yildiz wanted me to acknowledge the additional support of Dr John Frederick Rose, Julius Evans, Jennifer Geer, Dr. Preeti Singh, Arlo Hennings, Ph.D., and Marcus aka Gregory Maidman, in addition to the other 24 editors who have been contributing for two years investing their precious time.

Recent submissions to ILLUMINATION-Curated


What Is Happening in Ukraine and Why It Matters for the World

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Here Is What Happened When I Experimentally Initiated Autophagy Decades Ago

Lose Visceral Fat by Understanding the Intricacies of Six Critical Hormones

Dr John Frederick Rose


Dr Michael Heng

How I Attained the Wabi-Sabi Mind

Brian E. Wish, PhD

Why The Filibuster Is Here To Stay

Steve Beller, PhD

Fundamental Connectedness, Differences, and Survival

Douglas Giles, PhD

Can You Be Anything You Want?

Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer

Parents Must Believe For Their Children To Achieve

Technology Hits

Hand-Picked Articles #64

Britni Pepper

The Three Faces of Jesus

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Painting Pictures with Words

Chelsea Mandler MAT

At Your Service- Senior Editor

Illumination YouTube Coordinator

Why Is Magnesium Not Just Another Mineral?

Carol Price

Instant Radiance

Shirley Willett

Time Merges, Moving from Fifth to the Sixth Dimension

Anastasia Frugaard

How to Brainwash a Nation: A Manual

Caroline de Braganza

How to Kill a Writer’s Blood and Sweat With One Simple Click

Cal Axe

5 Steps I Followed to Find My Passion and Turn It Into A Profitable Side Hustle

Crystal Jackson

Why Staying Friends with Exes isn’t in Your Best Interest

Patrick OConnell

Are You Ready For Technocratic Population Control And Compliance?

Aamna I. Rizvi

Kicks for Kings in 2021

Agnes Laurens

Life is One Big Lesson and We Are Responsible for These Lessons

AJ Krow

Four Tools That Will Help You Better Learn a Language

Alfonso Guerrero

On Managing FOMO

Alle C. Hall

WINNER: The Richard Hugo House New Works Competition

Allison Gaines

Why America’s Obsession With Seeing Jussie Smollett Punished is Disturbing

America Zed⚡

24 Hours

Amy Christie

Flower of One Beginning

Anaïs Schlienger

22 Books for 2022 — A Personal Selection

Anastasia Soul Gypsy

My Spunkalicious 50 Shades Of Grey ~ Only Your My Mr. K

Andrew Jazprose Hill

The Awakening of Paulina Porizkova

Ankit Das

3 Simple Tricks That Can Improve Your Life Manifolds

Anna Marques

Got a Screenplay in Your Drawer or Hard Drive?

Anne Spollen

What to Do and What NOT To Do When A Loved One Is Hospitalized for Covid

Anthony Signorelli

The Upcoming Experiment in Degrowth — What Can We learn?

Arthur Keith

“Look, Up in the Sky, It’s a… Cloud!”

Aza Y. Alam

DDT in Breast Milk, Microplastics in the Foetus, Pesticides in Food, Airborne Pollution, Radiation…

Ben Areno

The Importance of Daydreaming in the Creative Process

Bill Abbate

A New Frame of Mind

Bill Myers

Extraction & Dental Implant — Traumatic Expectations, Serene Reality

Birgit Pohl

“Diversity slows us down!” –“We are only hiring the best!”

Biswanath Datta

Crossing the Bridge

Blaine Coleman

Liberty, Chapter IV of a New Novel


(I) What Do Food Preservatives Do to My Body?

Brian Dickens Barrabee

Aaron Rodgers, Poor Little Rich Boy

Brian Feutz

How to Be as Happy as the Happiest People in the World


The Doctor is No Longer in the House

Cypriano Mokobia

Mental Health


Russia to “Purge” Ukraine

Daniel Hopper

15 Tips to Help Your Wedding Run Smoothly

Daniel McIntosh

How You Can Be Happy in a World Devoted to Selling Pleasure

David Mokotoff

At This Point in the Pandemic, We Should Adopt Commonsense Mask Policies

David Pahor

Fight the lies of the other-thinkers

David Spero Rn

Stand With Russia And Ukraine

David Todd McCarty

Let The Bubbly Flow

Dawn Bevier

Why You Have to Hurt Before You Can Be Happy

Debbie's Reflection

Crazy Crab Restaurant in Kissimmee will Delight You

Deborah Barchi

The Memory of Clay

Debra Groves Harman

Five Years Ago, A Blue-Haired Woman Nearly Messed Up My Camino, And I Had To Ditch Her

Dennis De Silva

How To Be Unstoppable In Producing Content

Denys Opria - Ukrainian

How Writing Affects Your Life

Desiree Driesenaar

How Do We Design Business Models for Planet, People, and Prosperity?

Donn K. Harris

Truth, Fiction and Reality: Can We Fight Our Way Out of the Confusion?

Donna Lynn

And a Small Child shall Lead Us

Douglas Pilarski

Girl Power — 1918

Dr. Adam Tabriz

Internationalism, Isolationism, or Realistic Internationalistic Objectivity

Duncan Klein

The Day Everything Changed

Eira Braun-Labossiere 🌻

The Thing About Democracy

Emmanuel A. Anderson

7 Traits of Highly Creative People That Differentiate Them From Everyone

EP McKnight, MEd

Police Officers Found Guilty and Complicit

Erin King

How To Cope With The Inevitable Dry Spells Of Daily Writing

Fatima Martinez

An Accessories Designer Shares The Process of Making Her Art

Fatunla Samuel

4 Unpleasant Places I Learned The Most Unbelievable Life Lessons

Floyd Mori

Asian Americans Are Facing More Racism Since COVID

Francesco Filippazzo

Quarantined in the Bahamas for Almost 2 weeks

Francine Fallara

I Still Miss Your Big Hard Worker Squeezing Hands on My Face

Frank Moone

The Age of Unreason

G Correia

The Problem With Interracial Dating… The Parents

Gadwall Jackson

Trump’s Dictator Morality

Gavin Sher

The Nature of Knowledge

Gayle Kurtzer-Meyers

Stop With the Expectations

Growth Lodge

The Top 20 Entrepreneurial Books Of All Time

Hassam Gul

An Aspen Tree

Helen Cassidy Page

What Does It Take To Resurrect A Writing Practice?

Henryk A. Kowalczyk

Ukraine — the world is watching

Ian Cunnold

Eggs of Iron


Curated Collection #16


Being A Creative Is Serious Business

Indra Asserfea

Did Medium Send you this?

Iván Melicoff Abril

Turpentine Smile

Jack Krier

The Real End Goal of Self-Improvement — And Why Most People Fail

Jaja Requa

Victimization: Did you Know Black People Enslaved their Own?

James Jordan

Riding the Rio Grande

Jason Ward

David Bowie and William Boyd Invented an Artist and Hoaxed the Art World

Jeff Herring

10 Stress Busters You Can Use Right Away

Jennifer Geer

War in Ukraine: Who Are the 8 Republicans to Vote Against Suspending Trade With Russia?

Jill Ebstein

Stories of Three Shero Scientists

Joe Luca

“I’d Like to Make a Humble Request for A Donation Today Before I Make an Even More Humble Request…

John Cunningham

Find a Quiet Place

John Teehan

Five Simple Strategies for a Less Stressful Year

Julia E Hubbel

Dear Reader, Part III. My River Takes a Sharp Bend.

Julie Nyhus MSN, FNP-BC

Why I Stay In Nursing

Julius Evans

Heavenly Woman, earthly man

Karen Madej

Who Misses Kisses and Cuddles?

Karthick Nambi

How To Start With Zero Motivation

Keira Fulton-Lees

Prime Time Argument

Kelly Fox

A Warning from My Near-Death Experience

Kenan Kolday

Satyagraha — The Power of Passive Resistance From Mahatma Gandhi

Kenneth Silvestri

The Benefits of Ecological Thinking

Kevin Farran

Time is Ticking, You Only Have a Month

Kim McKinney

Kimberly Thomas

The Ride

Kristina Segarra

The Hidden Dangers of Technology

Lady Jhershierra

By Flowing Easily and Quietly, the Path is Revealed.

Lawson Wallace

That morning I was lying on my sofa, was working that night, or so I thought.

Leah Njoki

Life Truths Every 30-Year-Old Woman Needs To Hear Over and Over Again

Lester Golden

Ukraine’s Citizen vs Russia’s Serf Army

Livia Dabs RN,MSc

Confession Of A Peds Nurse: Why Did I Choose To Have Only One Child?


The Bend In The Branch

Margaret's Reflections

How To Make Running a Habit

Maria Cross

Cancer: The Carbohydrate Connection

Maria Rattray

Many Good, Innocent People Languish In Our Prison Systems. This Is So Wrong.

Mark C. Titi

How to Paint a Story Nonprofit Donors Will Love

Martha Manning, Ph.D.

“Don’t Talk To Me Like That!”

Martin D. Hirsch

A New Year’s Resolution for Marketers: We’re All Surveyed Out. Leave Us the F Alone!

Martine Weber

Immaru Gi

May More

Sugar Versus Sweeteners

Melinda Blau

7 Simple Strategies for Wrangling and Replenishing Your Connections in the Wake of COVID

Melissa Kalt, MD

7 Monumental Ways a Narcissist is the Master of Manipulation

Michael Burg, MD (AKA Medium Michael Burg)

If You’ve Ever Wanted to Read Everything This Old, White, Jewish Doctor Has Written About Racism

Michael Patanella

Lessons From A Broken Heart

Michele Thomas

Living Free

Mike Pole

Did Putin Really Say That?


How My Dog “Illuminated” The “Ghost Ship”


What Is Sleep Apnea And How Can You Get Relieved?

Murtaza Ali

I Don’t Know When People Decided That Scribbling 15 Mediocre One-Liners Is Good Writing

Myriam Ben Salem🦋

Expecting Others to Mind-Read Me Drastically Contributed to Jeopardizing My Relationships


What Happens to Your Story When It’s Read for 11 Hours?

Neha Sandhir S

Create A Mindful Friday

Nicole Linke

3 Ways To Tune Your Brain For Supercharged Creativity

Nihan Küçükural

How to Turn Off Google Lens and Search Google By Image Again!

Nkeonye Judith Izuka-Aguocha

This Is How I Cured My Sadness

Obinna Uruakpa

The Bluff of the Bully

Øivind H. Solheim

Be still. Yin Yoga

Olivia Fisher

Employers, please stop sending people to resilience programs

Paul Myers MBA

From Thunderous Gallop To A Whisper

Paul Thomas Zenki

Has the Time Come for a Biblical Immigration Policy?

Pear Vee

Why Breakups Give Me Peace

Peter Ling

Celebrating or Understanding Dr. King?

The Power of Knowledge

“By 2030, Western Values Will Have Been Tested To the Breaking Point.”

PseuPending (Seu)

6 Essential Tastes that Make You Wonder

Randy Shingler

Choose A Path

Randy Wolken

Is “Someday” A Real Day?

Rebecca Romanelli

When will we wake up from our Nuclear Weapons Nightmares?

Rebecca Stevens A.

My White Relocation Agent Told Me A Black Woman, Not To Move Into A Black Neighborhood

Regina Clarke

Enchantment — Einaudi and Philip Glass

Remington Write

Stacks of Boxes

René Junge

Is TikTok Really Addictive You Bet!

Rich Sobel

Crafting My Land Acknowledgement

Rob Hourmont

This 1 Single Exercise Will Make You as Fit As You Can Ever Wish to Be

Roger A. Reid, Ph.D.

War is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things

Roger Himes Esquire

Short Thoughts for Busy People #5

Ronald Franklin

Why You Should Be Writing for HubPages

Rui Alves 🇺🇦

Mindful Living 101 in 2022

Sahir Dhalla

There Is Too Much Suffering For A Benevolent God To Exist


Earn For Your Writing ($100 Per Article)

Samrat Dutta

Why Journalists and Whistleblowers Can Rely on Onymochat

Sanjeev Yadav

Age Is Not Just a Number. It Is a Reminder

Sara Marium

The Fastest Ways to Get More Clients and Make More $$$

Sarah K. Butterfield

3 Strategies To Help You (Finally) Reach Your Big Goals

Savannah Worley

When Can White People Say the N-Word?

Segun Ojediran, MSc

4 Life-changing Millionaire Habits You Should Never Ignore


Racist Baby

Sherrie Hurd Hyatt

Covid-19 Came, but Did it Leave?

Stuart Englander

Monthly Travel Log:

Suellen Wheless Estes

Best Strategies for a Profitable Year

Suntonu Bhadra

Do You Have a List of Things That You Wished You Could Firmly Believe 10 Years Ago?

Suzanne Johnson

What Kind of Travel Writer Are You?

Suzanne Paschall

8 Inevitable Social Trends the Pandemic Put into Hyperdrive (Part II)

Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.

Statism or Social Cooperation?

Teresa Sochacka Renton

End of Year Feedback for my Husband

Teressa P.

#LongCovid, Healing and Fighting the Funky Fog of Grief

Tina Viju

Will Smith Won The Best Actor Oscar.

Tom Handy

11 Ways to Be a Better Writer After You Have Tried Everything

Toni Crowe

Trapped on the Toilet with No Panties on, I had a Pain Breakdown

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh

Weld Like a Girl

Ubaid siddiqui

Benefits of the keto diet

Ugur Akinci

What Dreams Should You Have When You’re 72?

Ulf Wolf


Vi Valenzuela

Dear White Folks: Stop Feeling Guilty and Defensive about Racism, Practice the Following Instead

Viktor Marchev

Is It True That Cannabis Helps With Athletic Performance?

Walter Rhein

What Worked and What Didn’t in December of 2021

Wessam Saddik MA

Venom: The New Miracle of Medicine

Wilson da Silva

Venom: The New Miracle of Medicine

Susie Kearley

Break into Freelance Writing & Use it to Promote your Business

Gal Mux

Was Elon Musk Right To Fire His Assistant Who Asked For A Raise?

Citizen Upgrade

5 Life Lessons from the Film ‘Citizen Kane’

Thank you for reading these outstanding stories.

Many thanks to our editors who reviewed and published these pieces. You can meet some of our editors from this collection compiled by ILLUMINATION-Curator

Profiles of our writers from their pen.

All publication related stories can be accessed via this collection.

Meta Collection of Featured Stories

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Invitation to Potential Writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories and writers can monetize self-published content.

You might access previous volumes at this link.

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