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The website content provides insights into mastering stress through ten practical tips, emphasizing the importance of reframing stressful situations, taking time for self-care, finding humor, and taking action.


The article "10 Stress Busters You Can Use Right Away" on the undefined website discusses the concept of stress mastery, distinguishing between stress and distress, and highlighting the difference between external stress and internal pressure. It suggests that individuals can either succumb to stress, survive through it, or learn to thrive by using it to their advantage. The author, Jeff Herring, offers four strategies to transform stress into an opportunity for growth and productivity: reframing situations to alter self-imposed pressure, practicing human hibernation to recharge, seeking humor in challenging times, and harnessing the power of action to implement these stress-busting techniques. Herring encourages readers to subscribe to his content for more insights on content marketing, personal development, and creating a dream practice.


  • The author believes that the fight or flight response, while once crucial for survival, now manifests in unproductive ways in modern life.
  • Stress can result from both positive and negative life events, and it's essential to recognize this to manage stress effectively.
  • The distinction between stress (external) and pressure (internal) is crucial in understanding one's reaction to stressful situations.
  • The article promotes the idea that individuals have the power to change their perspective on stress through the art of reframing.
  • Regular periods of disconnection, akin to "human hibernation," are advocated as necessary for mental and emotional well-being in today's constantly connected world.
  • Humor is presented as a valuable tool for coping with stress, capable of providing a new perspective and reducing the intensity of a stressful situation.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of taking action to apply stress management techniques, suggesting that knowledge alone is insufficient without practical application.
  • Jeff Herring positions himself as a resource for further learning on topics related to content marketing and personal development, inviting readers to subscribe and support his work on Medium.

Profitable Stress Mastery Tips

10 Stress Busters You Can Use Right Away

Why manage stress when you can master it?

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

3 Key Distinctions

Fight or Flight

The fight or flight response is hard-wired into our nervous system. A long time ago, when the lion jumped out of the bushes, we had a choice: fight the lion or run for all your worth (and then change your loincloth). Today, when the idiot driver cuts us off or the boss yells at you, we have the same reaction, fight or flee. These days we fight by yelling and screaming, or we flee into TV, over-work, addictions, and other forms of “psychic numbness.”

Stress or Distress

Bad events can be stressful. Duh. Did you know that good events can be stressful as well? Graduating, marriage, having kids, moving, promotions, while potentially good things, can still be a source of stress.

Stress or Pressure

Stress comes from the outside, such as a deadline or expectation. Pressure is an inside job. Pressure is what we tell ourselves about the stress.


“How am I ever going to get all this done?”

“I’ll never make that deadline!”

“Pressure is to stress as humidity is to heat: it just makes it worse.”

3 Response Options

Responding to stress is like being in the waves at the beach. You can:

Let It Knock You Down

Take the “dead roach approach.” Just let stress have it’s way with you.

Survive It

Get by, get through, get it over with. Sounds good, but think about it. How excited would you be to get up each day saying, “Alright, I get to go survive today!”

Ride & Thrive

Discover and use creative tools to make the stress in your life work for you instead of against you.

4 Ways to Ride & Thrive

1. The Powerful Art of Reframing

Reframing is a tool that can alter the pressure we put on ourselves. It means exactly what it sounds like — to put a different frame on a situation. Have you noticed how different a painting can look when you change the frame around it? The wrong frame can ruin a painting, while the proper frame can please the eye and reveal details not otherwise seen.

EX: Instead of “I’m never going to get all this done” how about “In how many ways can I get all this done and more, and enjoy the process?” While some people will say this is just semantics, I say it’s really using the power of words and focus to change your life!

2. The Lost Art of Human Hibernation

What with email, faxes, cell phones and beepers, we’ve made ourselves always available and therefore always “on.” When animals don’t hibernate, they become anxious, overly aggressive and sluggish. Sound like any one you know?

EX: Whether it’s five minutes of total quiet with no distractions or a 3 day personal retreat, regularly refresh your self with some “human hibernation.”

3. The Never Ending Search for Humor

When I brought my son home 27 years ago, I thought “I’m supposed to take care of this little creature and I can’t even remember to take out my contacts at night!” During one of the first diaper changes, he did what little boys do and aimed it right at me. I put up the palm of my hand to block it and then started pushing back the stream like Superman and the death-ray. I laughed so hard I cried, and decided I might be able to do this after all.

EX: Look for the humor, no matter how absurd, in any stressful situation. Remember, if you can laugh about it, you can survive it, and even thrive it!

4. The Incredible Power of Action — All of the above is merely mildly amusing information if you don’t use it.

EX: Use just one of these stress busters today. Or if you really want to get wild and crazy, use all ten!

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

About Jeff Herring

Thank you for subscribing to my content. I share content about content marketing, creating the life you want if you only knew how, and creating your dream practice if you only knew how!

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