avatarKarthick Nambi


How To Start With Zero Motivation

If you want to overcome the initial inertia to achieve success, then break a sweat.

Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

I was lumbering in my bed today morning, lazy enough to wake up at 6 am. I should wake up early to write and publish an article in Medium. The sheer gravity of my bed was so heavy it didn’t allow me even to raise a finger, but then these lines from The Motivation Myth book struck me as I stared at the ceiling. “Break a sweat.” Of course, it took me another 30 minutes to leave my bed yeah, I’m also a human.

The Motivation Myth:

Photo by Olena Sergienko on Unsplash

I’m not a typical productivity guy, but The Motivation Myth book by Jeff Haden has changed my life. I have re-read the book several times. I even have an audible, kindle, and a physical book of the title. The book reflects how I feel when I need to do something with absolutely no motivation. Take this blog piece, for example. I have written 500+ articles in medium covering History and Politics. I always wanted to explore other genres and was hesitant to start. I grabbed the book again, read the first chapter, and here we are.

Break A Sweat:

As per Jeff Haden, if you want to do something when you have no motivation, literally break a sweat. The tricky part is not running 5 miles but putting on your clothes shoes and walking out of your house. The difficult part is not to write a 500-word article. The tricky part is to sit down in one place with no distraction and let the words flow. Once you broke the real sweat. Once you are in that flow, you reach a high. I mean a rush of dopamine in your brain. I always push myself to that point and then realize it was not that difficult at all. Everyone is capable of achieving their goal. The thing that differs is the initial inertia that one needs to overcome.

Action Plan:

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

So next time you are stuck on starting something, remember these things 1) Break a sweat and start the activity 2) Keep going as you know the dopamine high is somewhere near 3) Once you accomplice, you realize it was not that difficult at all.

Self Improvement
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