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Journey into Silence Discover if You Are a Slave to Ego or Know The True Self.

Are you up for the challenge? Let’s do this!

Journey to our True Self***AdobeStock_StandardLicense_354604247_liuzishan

To ride the waves of transformational Consciousness, we must detach ourselves from ourselves.

The ego-mind continuously challenges our every thought, feeling, and action.

Doubts and questions are the ego monkey mind; it never rests.

Can you move off the timeline created by ego-self and disappear?

Can you escape the ego’s relentless need to validate its existence?

Our ego clings to life, and then it clings to a life after death. It creates an astral-purgatory body so its ego-self can live on after the physical body dies.

Our planet is hidden in the mud of ego and does not shine bright in the Universe.

Let’s escape into silence and darkness for a little while.

Our quest to discover our True Self is something the ego-self will resist.

Restricting the ego to a space of silence and darkness will drive it mad. Are we strong enough to resist the madness?

Let’s make a promise to devote thirty-six hours to confining ourselves in a cool, dim, and silent space. For example; a 6pm-6am-6am-6pm-then 6pm-6am cycle.

In this space, we have nothing to read or watch and nothing to listen to except the natural sounds of nature. We dwell in silence. Monks, Nuns, Yogis, and Mystics do this regularly.

Only natural light reveals itself through curtains or, if they are heavy, slightly parted. Cover windows that get a lot of sunshine temporarily. The bright light and outside world is hidden from our awareness. We dwell in soft dim light during the day. We use a few candles to move around in the evenings and perhaps a fireplace. We want a Sacred uncluttered, and cool space.

There is no focus on the self by looking in mirrors or satisfying the self with luxurious baths, special food indulgences, mind-altering chemicals, or addictions.

During this time, we can do Qigong, TaiChi, or yoga to open up the spaces in our body. Meditation as we feel guided. No journalling as that is an escape for the ego to busy itself with thoughts. If we need fresh air, we step out only at night to sit or stand in the darkness, moonlight, and stars.

We are jumping off the timeline into the void. The ego fears the void with its mystery.

It cannot abide in the unknown spaces.

The ego must be in control because it fears being extinguished.

This extinguishing is why the ego fears death. This fear creates the belief that it will keep its ego-self forever.

When we give the ego nothing but silence, it will mentally tournament itself with endless rambling thoughts. This is why thirty-six hours a month or every few months, not just once, is good for our spiritual growth.

We are devoting time to expand into Higher Consciousness. This journey into our True Self will enhance our Dreamtime, both waking and sleeping. It will open up creativity and sensitivity to alternate realities. We may sleep longer hours because we crave deeper communion.

At first, it may be a battle, and internal silence may be difficult. This is why it will take regular sessions to get the ego-self to let go and trust.

Trusting in the unknown, trusting in the space of nothing, can take time. But if we are to connect with the higher flows of Consciousness and our extraterrestrial or interdimensional guides, we must silence the lower mind and offer a space for fellowship.

If we do this retreat regularly, we will ween ourselves from depending on our egos and instead improve our skills of intuition and higher communication.

We are sacrificing our ego-self on the alter of the Supreme I AM, the Source of our Being.

In this time of isolation, we relinquish inauthentic traits and bad habits. We begin to see parts of our personality that are not genuine but masks that we wear.

Emotional knots may start to unravel. This unraveling may be painful or freeing as a new awareness may rise to the surface.

Undertake this process with faith and trust that what you seek at the end of this journey is a purified mind-body Consciousness.

A Consciousness that now receives the finer Light vibrations that the coarse ego can no longer hide.

Self Improvement
Extraterrestrial Life
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