
The undefined website content showcases curated collections of stories from the Illumination publication on Medium, featuring a diverse range of topics and writers, along with resources for new and aspiring writers, including onboarding guides, writing challenges, and interviews with experienced writers.


The content from the undefined website presents a comprehensive overview of the Illumination publication's activities, highlighting the 130th curated collection of articles that cover a broad spectrum of subjects written by a multitude of authors. It acknowledges reader feedback on previous collections and emphasizes the inclusion of featured stories from prolific contributors. The website also serves as a platform for introducing new writers, providing them with guidelines and challenges to enhance their visibility and writing skills. Additionally, it offers insights into the publication process, photo handling policies, and includes interviews with prominent writers, aiming to inspire and guide the writing community.


  • The editors value the feedback from readers on the curated collections and strive to make the reading experience enjoyable.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of proper photo captioning and the use of copyright-free images to avoid story rejection.
  • The publication encourages writers to participate in writing challenges and prompts to increase their chances of becoming top writers and potentially earning significant income.
  • Dr. Mehmet Yildiz provides practical guidance on various topics, including achieving top writer status, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and leveraging the Reticular Activating System for personal success.
  • The website aims to create a supportive community for writers, offering an onboarding pack and a Slack workspace for collaboration and networking.
  • The editors express gratitude towards volunteer editors and the new writers who joined the publication, acknowledging the challenges and delays in the publishing process due to unwell staff members.
  • The content suggests that writing about personal experiences and backgrounds can lead to increased visibility and reader interest.
  • There is a recognition of the importance of maintaining a balance between quantity and quality in writing to ensure good storytelling.
  • The publication celebrates the diversity of its contributors and the variety of perspectives they bring to the platform.
  • The website content reflects an ongoing effort to amplify the voices of new and experienced writers alike, fostering a culture of learning, sharing, and growth within the writing community.

Featured Stories

Curated Collection #130

Chosen stories from experienced writers for avid readers

Photo by Samuel Theo Manat Silitonga on Pexels

Dear Readers and Writers,

Today, we have chosen a small number of interesting stories that cover a range of topics from the thousands of submissions (written by 18K writers) published on Illumination to make your reading experience as enjoyable as possible.

We appreciate your feedback on the stories of previous collections. Thank you for your time.

Here are the last three for those who missed them.

Curated Collection #129

Curated Collection #128

Curated Collection #127

Our goal is to give readers sample content published in our diverse and inclusive publication, ILLUMINATION on Medium.

We are grateful to publish 130 collections this year including wonderful content from our inspiring storytellers.

ILLUMINATION Amplifier posted a hand-picked collection inducing beautiful stories earlier. We introduce our older stories to new readers.

Here are the latest collections

First we introduce our writers and provide guidance.

We remind all writers to check the updated photo handling policy as we still have problems.

Writing Challenges and Prompts for Contributors

Our prolific contributors might consider joining these writing challenges to find new readers and increase their reading times.

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

By participating in these challenges you might increase the chance of becoming a top writer in three months. Dr. Yildiz provided guidance on this opportunity.

How to Become a Top Writer in Three Months on Medium

Besides, if one of your stories goes viral, you can earn a significant income. So it is a good idea to increase the chance of viral stories by following key rules. Dr Yildiz analyzed the viral stories and shared his findings.

What I Learned by Reviewing 100+ Viral Articles in 2021

You might check this guide if you want to increase your views and reading time times.

How to Write Content Guaranteed to Get Views and Reads

We feature our prolific contributors to bring them, new readers. We will continue to introduce more writers soon.

You might check out their profile and selected stories.

Featured Writers

Meet Melinda Blau Melinda Blau

Meet Joan Gershman Joan Gershman

Meet Don Martin Don Martin

Meet Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi on Medium Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi

Let’s explore the stories of these writers and support them.

Writer Interviews

Recently we interviewed Lawson Wallace, Dr. Preeti Singh, and Keri Mangis.

Interview with Dr. Preeti Singh

An Interview with Lawson Wallace

Interview With Keri Mangis

You might check out more interviews conducted by Dr Mehmet Yildiz in the attached collection.

If you want to be interviewed, you can contact Dr. Yildiz on Illumination Slack workspace.

You might check out the previous collections by Technology Hits at this link. ILLUMINATION editors keep featured collections in a single post titled Meta Collection of Featured Stories.

Using various approaches and tools, our editors enjoy amplifying our writers’ informative, engaging, and exciting content.

Here are the previous collections of Illumination-Curated.

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #01

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #02

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #03

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #04

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #05

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #06

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #07

ILLUMINATION-Curator posted two outstanding collections from our publication Illumination-Curated for experienced writers.

We are grateful for the support of our volunteer editors investing their precious time to make our writers and readers happy.

Outstanding Stories — Volume 86

Outstanding Stories — Volume 87

Introduction to New Writers

We are grateful to Technology Hits added new writers during the week.

Let’s welcome new writers who joined our publications today.

Dan Foster, Annie, Mariah Khan, CXDojo, UrbanBostic, Karthik Venkatraman, Robert Ralph, Mat Zucker, Fru Kerick, Jaideep Pahwa, Jaideep Pahwa, Arek Jaworski, Chandler V, Olga Olson, Rhonda Carrier, Its Abirah, Danielle Paige, John Ramos, LIN, RozzeBud.

Please review the onboarding pack attached below before submitting your stories, as it includes helpful information to get you started quickly.

We look forward to stories of these writers to delight our readers.

New writers, please review our new image policy.

Some writers couldn’t see publications in their profiles, so we added them again. We hope all writers can see them now. Sometimes glitches happen beyond our control. Sorry for inconvenience!

We are also sorry for publishing delays. Some of our editors are unwell and the ones on duty are doing their best to clear the backlog.

Onboarding Pack for New Writers

Thank you for joining our journey. We look forward to your interesting stories. Please review the attached onboarding pack before submitting your stories, as it includes helpful information to get you started quickly.

If you submit quality stories with captioned and copyright-free images, our editors can publish them faster. As a quick reminder, please particularly review the photo handling policy attached in the pack.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, our chief editor, and owner of Illumination Integration Publications will send you an invitation to our Slack workspace via the email you registered in the application form.

Joining Slack is optional and free for all members. Please contact Dr. Yildiz directly on Slack if you cannot see publications. Slack workspace has excellent benefits for writers. Currently, around 12,000 writers are members of Slack and collaborating in this moderated workspace.

Slack is safer than social media as editors moderate it. For more info about our publications, you may check Illumination Blog.

Some applicants forgot to add their Medium ID when applying. Therefore, we couldn’t give them writer access.

If you see this message, please re-apply with a link to your Medium account or a link to one of your stories so that we can find you. Just your name is not enough as there are multiple people with the same name.

Introducing your background in a story like the ones in this collection can be helpful in gaining more visibility. Readers enjoy reading writer bios to learn more about their background.

ou may also check out great stories in our featured collection from the last three days. We believe you might find valuable and enjoyable pieces in the new and previous collections.

Recent Collections by ILLUMINATION

Curated Collection #115, Curated Collection #113, Curated Collection #110, Curated Collection #107, Curated Collection #106, Curated Collection #105

Featured Stories from ILLUMINATION Today

Reduce the Risks of Major Diseases with Healthy Lifestyle Habits Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Here’s How I Defeated Brain Fog with Six Lifestyle Habits Decades Ago. Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Rich Lists Need to Die. Nobody Cares About the Millionaire Life. Tim Denning

If You Get These Two Things Right It’s Almost Impossible to be Unhappy Ayodeji Awosika

This is the Strategy I’ve Personally Used to Decrease My Anxiety Levels Over Time Ayodeji Awosika

Earn $20k Per Month: How To Make Money Matt Lillywhite

One Amazingly Simple Way to Tell Your Ex Is a Narcissist Melissa Kalt, MD

A Village Strikes Gold And Becomes A Happening Place Dr. Preeti Singh

Longings Never Seem To Cease A.H. Mehr

This app was about to be bigger than Instagram, but this happened Abraham Hernandez

Is It Possible for Crypto To Replace the U.S. Dollar? Ainur Roviq

Compatibilism Debunked| Free Will and Determinism Aksil Rain

No, I Won’t Fill Out Your Stupid Survey Alex Bentley

How To Fix 4 of The BIGGEST Mistakes Newbie Investors Make Alisha Nagi

Arbitrary Dress Codes are a Social Norm. So Is “Diversity and Inclusion.” Alvin T.

Mischievous America Zed⚡

Hand-Picked Articles #120 ILLUMINATION Amplifier

6 Unique Strengths that Introverts Can Leverage for Success Amy Huang

I Don’t Eat Eggs Anymore, But I Still Adore Them. Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Sixth package of European sanctions against Moscow Annalisa Vibio

Fire-Up Your Medium Summer Earnings Annie Wegner

If I Were Jessica Wildfire, Maybe I Would Have An Hour Araci Almeida

What A Dropshipping Failure Taught Me About Life Asher "Zach" Neuman

How To Get A Great Mentor, Even If He’s Been Dead Awhile Becky Piatt Davidson

13 Weird Signs That You Might Be Lonelier Than You Think Bella Smith

Things You Need to Improve if You Want Success Ben Tucker

How One Article Made Me $1000 in A Month Benjamin Carter

Gain More Freedom in Your Life Bill Abbate

An Important Skill You Need Now Bill Abbate

4 Ways to Create an Attitude of Gratitude Billy Kosko

Johnny Depp won the lawsuit with Amber Heard Bogdan Mtn

Five ways to keep your credit cards safe -Bright Bright Money

New Jersey Registered Animal Rescue Organizations 2022 Brooklyn Muse

Cold Showers Are Amazing, Here’s Why You Should Take One Right Now Bryan Dijkhuizen

Medium OS Burk

How Do You Remember Your Experiences? Calvin EL

8 Places You Must See In Argentina Camille Prairie

Take Control Of Your Life Carel Kolchinski

How to Find Well-Being in a World Shaking at Its Roots Carl Gerber

Writing is Like Riding a Bicycle. To Keep Your Balance You Must Keep Moving The Pen Carlos Jeronimo

My Robot Vacuum is So Needy Casey Lawrence

18 Articles in May, How Much Did I earn? Cedric Boogaerts

Three Things I Never Thought I’d Say- Aging Changes Your Perception Charisse Tyson

3 Things You Can Do To Make Money Online Cheshta Mann

How Does a Feminist Woman Maintain Her Femininity? Christina Sponias

Back to the (Strip) Club Christine Macdonald

Curated Collection #126 ILLUMINATION

It’s Only Embarrassing If You’re Embarrassed Claudia Caraulan

The Most Beautiful Lines (A Poem) Cliff Hightower

Reasons Why Blogging is a wonderful Side Hustle Creativemediumwriter

Don’t Use the Dead Presidents to Wipe Your Ass. Dalia Y.

Where Can You Go Slow? When You’re Tired of Rushing, Click Here. Dana Leigh Lyons

How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? Darryl Brooks

You Must Learn How To Position Your Content Well To Win Your Audience Dennis De Silva

Is Death Close to You? Denys Opria - Ukrainian

Whatever You Want Is Possible Destiny S. Harris

Dear America, The World Looks Up To You! Dhawal Kapil

Do You Write On Medium? You Might Have Written a Book Without Realizing Diana Bernardo

Depression Is Always With Me dihox

Despite Its Poor Reputation, Beef Liver Became My favorite Food for Health Reasons Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Trampoline Is Not Just Another Fitness Tool Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Do You Think Veganism Is Good? Dr. Preeti Singh

How Much I Earned on Medium by Writing 14 Articles in 30 Days Eduard Sebastian

Do You Get Suckered into Bitch Bonding? Elaine Hilides

Why aren’t you making your own yogurt? Elise Wanger Zell

Travails of Time Traveling Elizabeth Emerald

10 Insanely Simple Ideas From Gary Vee That’ll Question Your Sanity Fatunla Samuel

The Famous Finnish Baltic Booze Cruises Helsinki To Stockholm Finland Expat

One Of The Few Friends Of Japanese Americans Was Governor Carr Floyd Mori

Secrets of Do, Re, Mi… (part 2) Frank Ontario

Help! … I Need Somebody … To Help Me Send A Special Gift To The Queen Fred: Almost Famous

Here is how today’s mom & dad raise their sons! Freda Savahl

Make $10k/Month on Medium From the Mountain ~ Stories & Photos of JD Adams

What is Your Writing Style? Geri Spieler

Head in the Clouds Gita

6 Signs You’re Secretly Attractive to Other People Growth Lodge

The Power of Surrender Hammad A. Khalid

If You’re an Entrepreneur or Knowledge Worker, You Need to Make Writing a Habit. Here’s Why. Hannah To | Lifelong Learner

Letting Go of My Ego Harry Hogg

Thank You, Friend Ilis Trudie Palmer

Hand-Picked Articles #111 ILLUMINATION Amplifier

Hand-Picked Articles #112 ILLUMINATION Amplifier

7 Reasons Why Travel Makes You Better Ingerul Pierdut

Why Do We Love Traveling? Ingerul Pierdut

Simple Rules as a Management Principle Iris B. Stehn

It Doesn’t Matter if You Win or Lose When You Dare Greatly Isabella Martin

The Secret to Leveraging RAS to Accomplish Dreams with Less Effort Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Spiraling Out Of Control Jade Willow

Spirituality and How To Plan As Life Keeps Going On? James Boylan

Spirituality and K.I.S.S. James Boylan

How To Know That You Are A Spiritual Being James Boylan

Netflix’s Plan To Charge You For Sharing Your Password Is A Disaster Before It’s Even Begun Jano le Roux

Read this if you Still get Triggered Easily or Notice Unhealthy Patterns Re-emerging Jason D Cooper

How 2020 was a Perfect Representation of the Cycle of Acceptance Jean Maxwell

For the Man Who Doesn’t See His Kids Every Day Jeff the Content Coach

My Pinterest obsession landed me a feature on Business Insider Jenn Leach

Inflation Is High, But It’s Not Stopping People From Shopping. Why Do You Buy? Jennifer Thompson

Why and How to Enter Ketosis via Lifestyle Choices Dr Mehmet Yildiz

The Best Way to Deal with Pushy Family Members Jessica Rabel

Why Your Micro-Decisions Determine Your Life John R. Miles

Here’s Exactly How I Figured Out What My Business Was Going To Be Joseph Seifert

Hand-Picked Articles #126 ILLUMINATION Amplifier

Are You Writing Good Quality Stories? Julian Cosky

Falling for a Narcissist Kai Rose, B.Comm

Your Wish Is My Command Kalyn BR

3 Tips To Get Your First 100 Twitter Followers Fast Karo Wanner

Why is Important to Have Fake Friends Katherine Myrestad

When Your Work Is Out of Control Kathy Brunner

The Best Financial Advice Based on Your Zodiac Sign Kay T.

Do You Want 14 Secrets to Be Ridiculously Rich? Kim Hamlin

The Dangers of AI and How to Avoid Them KnowledgeCollective

Getting Thrown in the Air by a Charging Buffalo Is a Good Way to Get Hurt Lawson Wallace

Take A Step Back Leonard Tillerman

“Catfishing”, How Not to Get Fried Libby Shively McAvoy

Forgiveness Is Essential for Healing (But It Must Be On Your Own Time) Lo Everlasting

Sunflowers and Handgrenades: Art of Mayhem Logan Land

The Eye Contact of Alpha Autists Lorrae - Loving My AUTISTRY

Finding My Strength Through ‘Pandemic Journey’ M&Z

Increase BDNF with Five Lifestyle Habits Dr Mehmet Yildiz

I Shot the Sheriff Mabel Osejindu

Walking the dog Margie Hord de Mendez

When A Nerve Triggers A ‘What-If’ Moment Of Doubt…And You Realize, Like It Or Not… Maria Rattray

What does your clutter teach you? Marie Jones

3 Sci-Fi TV Shows That Are ‘Out of This World’ Good Marie Kester

Arizona Faces Water Issues In Its Growth Mark Hake

Success Is Not Measured By a Scoreboard Marsha Hamby Savage

Dark Academia Movies everyone should watch Marta Henriques

My Brother’s Girl Flashed me May More

5 Simple Habits To Achieve Clear Skin. Mehek Kapoor

A Child Of This Earth Michael Holford

I Used a Pendulum to Predict My Future Michelle Jaqua

Freezing In Frigid Offices While the Planet Burns Michelle Teheux

Fly High, Little One Michelle Y. Kwak

I Don’t Care about the Depp Vs Heard Trial Mike Caprio

You Won’t Believe It, but These 8 Things Will All Disappear in 20 Years or Less Mike Lewis

Three Keys To Happiness Mike X

It’s Over, but the Applause! Mila

24 Stories and 3 Months on Medium: Earnings, Stats, Reflections Mira Lucas

Incredible Stats: I can’t believe I broke the Barrier in 2 Months of Medium! Mona Lazar

The Backlash of Society’s Obsession with Self-Improvement Morgan Blair

The Power of Intention Murielle Hamilton

My 5 Biggest Takeaways From Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Mustafa Seye

How Fast Food Can Cause Obesity Naheed Ali, MD, PhD

How Rebel Wilson Lost 77 Pounds by Walking an Hour A Day Napoleon

You Fool, You Failed Again! — A Life Lesson on Perfectionism Neurodivergent ai

Dead Falcons Falling from The Sky Øivind H. Solheim

Global Ultra-Rich Are Literally Killing Themselves Oz Zeren

‘Mental Health Care’ has Reached a Critical Need Pam Winter

Magazines and Websites Looking for Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry Pamela Kazmierczak

You’re a Damn Good Writer Patricia Haddock

It’s Already Christmas in Germany Pierre-Louis Lemaire

5 Brutally Honest Truths Nobody Wants To Accept In Life Prince Verma

Fourth Month in the Partner Program Rachel Bridgers

5 Women-led Podcasts That You Need Right Now Rebecca Eloisa

How you can obtain FREEDOM by self-determination. Robin Årman

Why the Convenient Life is Not the Answer Rosa Diaz

Contraptions — One Minute Poetry Roxanne Barbour

If We Want to Be Fearless We Have to Learn How to Be Vulnerable Rudi Xega 🇦🇱

Steal These Gems From Leo Tolstoy and Level up the Writing Game S M Mamunur Rahman

The 1% Rule Sam Starkman

Be Happy By Hacking Your Brain’s Happy Chemicals Sandra Gabriella Di Francesco

A Chance Meeting With a Magnifying Mirror Saved My Life Sandy Peckinpah

Every Publication Zulie Rain Wrote for in May 2022 Sarah Willey

From Poop to Paint: How to Create Unique Art from You and Your Pet’s Waste Sarah-Jane W. 💙

The Poet (delayed) — a podcast Scott Edgar

Do You Still Know What’s Your Natural Rhythm or Have You Got Addicted to Being in a Rush? Selika C.

The Girl Who Cried ‘WOLF’ Selina Steiger

Mirror-Mirror In Your Head Selma

3 Mind Blowing Pillars of Aromatherapy Sharon Kinnier

The Ladder in the Box (a dream) Shawn Ingram

15 Side hustles paying up to $150/hour Shu Hasegawa

3 Ways To Trick Yourself Into Writing More SpaceBodyMind

What You Need to Know About Buying a New Car in 2022 Steve Devine

A Lesson I Learned in ‘Networking’ Steven V

Top Backpacking Hacks for Your Hiking Adventures Sufyan Maan, M.Eng

7 powerful lessons to be a master in influencing — Daniel Pink Masterclass. Sukant Palo

Girl Power Talk Empowers Youth Suzanne Paschall

The Story of Father Bear T.S. Stamos

People Don’t Read Your Content: Here Is Why, And How To Fix It The Wealth Blog

The Wolf, the Witch, and the Wild Theresa C. Dintino

The Boat By The Lake Thesilkroads

Is Bone Density Optimisation Part Of Your Anti-Aging Strategy? Tom C

Yes Virginia, The Rich Create Jobs Tom Egelhoff

Google’s Culture in “A Letter from the Founders” Tony U. Francisco

How to Maximize Eyeballs On Your Stories Tree Langdon

The Law of Jante Ulf Wolf

When I Skipped Breakfasts for Two Decades, I Gained Copious Dr Mehmet Yildiz

A Catchy Title or Debatable Topic? How To Get The Reader’s Attention Un-Traditional Mother

The Story of the Engineer and the Scientist Veritas Civis

Our Separatist Nation Veritas Civis

What Is Going On In The United States? Veronika Kaufmann

How To Make Your Stories Readable Vishal Mehta

Broken Records and Last Cigarettes Vitale Pilskalns

Striving To Channel The Spirit Of Keanu Reeves Vivek Naskar

Four Self-Compassion Tips When You Fail and Make Mistakes Vivian Lo

Jumping Over Hurdles Warren "Storyteller" Brown

Ex-MI6 Agent Claims Russia’s President Putin Is A Body Double. Wellness Xplora

2 Mini Habits For A Great Evening Routine Yean Foong (M.Ed.)

How I Transformed Family Obligation to Personal Abundance Yeeve 이재인 Rayne

How Writers and Bloggers Transition to Become Published Authors ILLUMINATION-Curator

Thank you for reading these engaging and informative stories.

Let’s Meet Editors Who Publish These Stories

We are grateful for the efforts of our editors who reviewed and published these stories on their own time. Our editors are volunteers who help writers succeed on Medium. They don’t earn money from publishing. They are also contributing writers. You can check their profiles from the following links and connect with them.

Meet Dr Mehmet YildizDr Mehmet Yildiz — Owner and Chief Editor

Meet Dr Preeti SinghDr. Preeti Singh

Meet Arlo Hennings, PhDArlo Hennings, Ph.D.

Meet Dr Michael HENG, PBMDr Michael Heng

Meet Dr John Frederick Rose Dr John Frederick Rose

Meet Sufyan MaanSufyan Maan, M.Eng

Meet John CunninghamJohn Cunningham

Meet Jennifer GeerJennifer Geer

Meet Bill AbbateBill Abbate

Meet Michael PatanellaMichael Patanella

Meet Josh Balerite AcolJosh Balerite Acol

Meet Maria RattrayMaria Rattray

Meet Lawson WallaceLawson Wallace

Meet Brooklyn MuseBrooklyn Muse

Meet Vidya SuryVidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Meet Krishna V Chaudhary Krishna V Chaudhary

Meet Helen MüllerYou, Me and Happiness

Meet Julius L. EvansJulius Evans

Meet Lanu PitanLanu Pitan

Meet Joe LucaJoe Luca

Meet Bryan Dijkhuizen Bryan Dijkhuizen

Meet Aldric ChenAldric Chen

Meet Ntathu AllenNtathu Allen

Meet Kristina SegarraKristina Segarra

Meet Arthur G Hernandez Arthur G. Hernandez

Meet Britni PepperBritni Pepper

Meet Carol PriceCarol Price

Meet J.S. AdamJS Adam

Meet Carrie Alice Kelly Carrie

Meet Michael NagyMichael Nagy

Meet Kasey HarringtonKasey Harrington

Meet Neha SandhirNeha Sandhir S

Meet Sumera RizwanSumera Rizwan

Meet Karen MadejKaren Madej

Meet Agnes LaurensAgnes Laurens

Meet Steve Alexander (Alex)The Wordsmith™🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸

Meet Aamir KamalAamir Kamal 🚀🚀🚀

Meet Chelsea MandlerChelsea Mandler MAT

Meet Lilith MorningstaarLilith Morningstaar

Meet Gregory Maidman

Meet Zen Chan

We will add more editor profiles soon. You may also bookmark this collection managed by ILLUMINATION-Curator so that you don’t miss when we add new profiles. Collection of Editor Bios: Meet Editors of Illumination Integrated Publications. Thank you for reading the profiles of our editors.

Helpful References for New Writers

8 Proven Tips to Build a Rock-Solid Reading Audience

6 Easy & Proven Tips to Increase Followers

How To Triple Your Writing Income Methodically

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month

Science-Based Therapeutic Value of Expressive Writing for Mental Health

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

No Defamation, Discrimination, And Hate Speech Published

Copyright Matters: Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

Introduce Your Newsletters and Grow Your Mailing Lists

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

A Compelling Passive Income Stream For Freelance Writers

Improving the Quality of Writing Using an Editorial Checklist

7 Tips for Freelance Writers Dealing with Chronic Stress Effectively

Storybooks and Indexing Publications

How to Turn Cold Calls to Warm Outcomes

The Joy of Selling 1,000+ Books In A Month With Minimal Investment

What Readers Want to Hear vs What They Really Need to Know

Five Questions To Increase Curation Chance and Reading Fans

Use of Affiliate Links On Medium

How to Survive and Thrive on Medium

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

How Writers Can Use YouTube Creatively and Productively

What I Learned After Publishing 1,010 And Reading 100,000 Stories on Medium

Short-Form Stories Not For Income But For Visibility. Think Of Them As A Tripwire




Welcome To The TSEE Club


Yes, We Accept Short-Form Stories

ILLUMINATION on YouTube — New Publication

Illumination YouTube Coordinator created a new publication for YouTube enthusiasts who can display their videos on Medium. All writers are invited to submit their YouTube-related posts.

You may check the video collection of Illumination YouTube Coordinator in the attached story.

Reference Articles for New Writers

Here are the reasons “Why Writers Need Personal Publications!”

Selected stories from Euphoria Publication on Medium by our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz who encourage writers to create their own publications. He posted a new newsletter to his subscribers today.

Social Media Update — Twitter

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, chief editor, encouraged editors to join Twitter. His Twitter handle is https://twitter.com/digitalmehmet. He tweets stories that he reads daily to amplify them.

As mentioned in this post, Technology Hits volunteered to create a post including the Twitter handles of all editors.

Here is a sample story by the Illumination YouTube Coordinator reflecting his Twitter experience.

Thanks to the Illumination YouTube Coordinator for creating this great video.

Invitation to New Writers

We would be delighted if you could join us.

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories, and writers can monetize self-published content.

Writing Tips
Self Improvement
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