
Steve Alexander (Alex), a retired litigation lawyer and prolific writer, is a senior editor for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium, known for his contributions in memoir, political commentary, and poetry, and for his role in mentoring aspiring writers.


Steve Alexander, known as Alex, is a distinguished senior editor for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. With a background as a practicing litigation lawyer, Alex turned to writing in November 2019, bringing a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to his work. His writing encompasses a variety of genres, with a particular focus on memoir, political commentary, and poetry. At 73 years old, Alex has lived a life full of contrasts, moving from California to Arkansas to care for his mother, and now residing in a community that starkly differs from his own liberal, urban, and gay atheist identity. As a top writer in the LGBTQ topic, Alex's editorial style is meticulous and caring, as he invests in the success of both the articles and their authors. His work can be found across various Medium publications, and he has been instrumental in guiding new writers through his roles as a line editor, mentor, and advisor on publishing policy issues.


  • Alex is recognized for his natural editorial style, which is characterized by line editing, a process that requires intense concentration but yields rewarding results.
  • He is described as tough yet fair and caring in his assessment of text, taking pride in helping new writers master their craft and established ones to refine their artisanship.
  • Alex's literary métier is memoir, suggesting a personal investment in his writing and a dedication to sharing his life experiences with readers.
  • The content reflects a deep appreciation for Alex's contributions to the writing and editing world, highlighting his ability to entertain, entice, enlighten, and inveigle through his writing.
  • The text implies a sense of gratitude towards Alex for his mentorship and the positive impact he has on aspiring writers within the Medium community.
  • Alex's identity as a northern, urban-centric, liberal, and gay atheist living in a southern rural bastion of conservative, right-wing-Republican religiosity indicates a personal narrative of resilience and contrast.
  • The inclusion of links to Alex's writings and his writer biography suggests an intent to showcase his work and provide readers with direct access to his stories and perspectives.
  • The invitation to potential writers to join ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications through a provided contact link demonstrates an open and inclusive approach to expanding their community of writers.


Meet Steve Alexander (Alex)

Senior editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Alex, from his collection.

In this post, we introduce a senior editor of Illumination Integration Publications who brings new insights into writing and editing world.

Mr Steve Alexander, or Alex as he prefers to be called, first came to Medium in November 2019 with the idea he might have something to write people would find interesting to read. He is not only a prolific writer but also a voracious reader

He writes under the nom de plume The Wordsmith™🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸 his little conceit deriving from when he was a practicing litigation lawyer who saw himself as a smithy of words.

Retired, 73-year-old Alex no longer writes in defense or prosecution, but to entertain, entice, enlighten, and inveigle.

A 58-year-old Alex moved from San Diego, California, United States to Fayetteville, Arkansas in 2006 to help his sister care for their mother in her advancing Alzheimer’s. She died. He stayed.

Now a septuagenarian, a perpetually perplexed and nonplussed Alex, a northern, urban-centric, liberal, and gay atheist, still lives in Fayetteville, a southern rural bastion of conservative, right-wing-Republican religiosity.

His literary métier is memoir, but he also writes political commentary and poetry when inspiration strikes. He is a top writer in the LGBTQ topic.

Besides Illumination and Illumination-Curated, you may find his work in such Medium publications as Prism & Pen, Found in My Journal, CRY Magazine, Politically Speaking, the Readers Hope, and his somewhat moribund publication One Gay Man’s Perspective.

Alex first wrote for Illumination in July 2020 and joined its editorial staff in mid-2021.

After that, Dr Mehmet Yildiz invited him to edit for his new publication Readers Hope to guide aspiring writers. We are grateful for his contributions in a line editor, mentor, and advisor role for publishing policy issues.

His natural editorial style is line editing. Alex can be tough in his assessment of text but is always a fair and caring editor. He becomes invested in an article’s and its author’s success.

He reads every word and analyzes every sentence with an eye on how best to craft the thoughts and words to convey the author’s import, yet not interfere with his voice.

Line editing is time-consuming. It requires intense concentration. According to Alex, the results are rewarding. He takes pride and pleasure in helping new writers master their calling and established ones to better their artisanship.

You can learn more about Alex’s background from his interesting writer biography published on Illumination-Curated.

We’d like to share a few of his great stories to give you an idea about his writing practice.

Father and Son Before the Transformation

Memories of Our Fathers

Culture and Debauchery in Seattle after A Year of Cultural Deprivation and Enforced Celibacy in Fairbanks

How One of Life’s Grander Moments Occurred in One of Its Grottier Places, New Year’s Eve 1988

A Song That Reminds Me of Something Exceptional

Crossing The Line

Can We Find Common Ground on Gay Rights and Religious Liberty

Stop My Seed Arising

Our Passing Moment

Thank you for reading engaging stories of The Wordsmith™🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸.

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Invitation to Potential Writers

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