
The undefined website introduces "ILLUMINATION on YouTube," a new Medium publication designed to bridge YouTubers and Medium writers, fostering collaboration and cross-platform visibility.


"ILLUMINATION on YouTube" is a specialized publication under the umbrella of Illumination Integrated Publications, aiming to connect Medium writers with YouTubers. It encourages the submission of stories that introduce YouTube videos and channels, with the goal of increasing viewership and subscriber counts. The publication supports both short-form and regular stories, providing a platform for content creators to reach new audiences and gain additional income. It is part of a broader strategy to leverage YouTube as a significant platform for content distribution and audience growth, with a clear plan for development and engagement. The publication also offers guidance on creating high-quality videos and written content, emphasizing the importance of quality and professionalism.


  • The publication values the synergy between written content and video, seeing YouTube as a crucial platform for visibility and business growth.
  • There is an emphasis on the potential of YouTube as a search engine and its significance as a global network for various professionals.
  • The publication encourages writers to invest in quality video production to enhance their marketing and content promotion efforts.
  • It is believed that Medium can serve as an effective platform for YouTubers to expand their reach through written content.
  • The publication provides detailed submission guidelines and editorial support to maintain high standards for content quality.
  • The creation of this publication is seen as an opportunity for writers and YouTubers to collaborate and use the strengths of both platforms to their advantage.
  • The publication's leadership, including Dr Mehmet Yildiz, is committed to supporting writers and content creators in their journey to success on Medium and YouTube.

A New Publication on Medium

Invitation to “ILLUMINATION on YouTube” Publication on Medium

An introduction to a new publication as part of Illumination Integrated Publications. All Medium writers and YouTubers are welcome to join!

Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

“ILLUMINATION on YouTube” Publication

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications has a brand-new and a unique publication on a special topic. The name of the new publication is ILLUMINATION on YouTube.

With the support of our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, this publication was established and owned by the Illumination YouTube Coordinator. All writers and YouTubers are welcome to join this new publication.

This publication aims to create a bridge between YouTubers and Medium writers using our YouTube channel and seven prominent publications. Many YouTubers are also bloggers, and we believe that Medium is an excellent platform for them to tap into a new audience.

Likewise, many Medium writers want to use YouTube as a platform to reach out to a broader audience. Our goal is to become a conduit for these two types of content developers. We thought this publication would bring YouTubers and Medium writers to one place and create synergy.

In addition to regular stories, writers can also submit short-form stories of around 150 words. They can write a few short paragraphs introducing their YouTube videos and creating links to their channels. While writers can earn income from their stories on Medium, they can also gain viewing times for their videos and acquire new subscribers for their YouTube channel. This approach will be a win-win for YouTubers and writers.

Screen capture from Illumination on YouTube publication on Medium

We invite all YouTubers to create writer profiles introducing their background and channels and submit them to this new publication. YouTubers can also submit video collections, including a series of videos from their channel. In addition, we will find ways to feature them on Medium and our social media platforms.

YouTubers and writers can use this new publication to inspire viewers and readers. All writers who write articles about YouTube are welcome to join our new publication. And all YouTubers who want to introduce their channels and write stories about YouTube are welcome to join our publication. This is an excellent opportunity to create synergy by collaborating and using the power of these two large and synergistic platforms.

Why ILLUMINATION Focus on YouTube

Screen capture from Illumination on YouTube publication on Medium

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. In Fact, it is owned and powered by Google. YouTube is a global network. You can find celebrities, artists, writers, entrepreneurs, leaders, educators, entertainers, and many more professionals. They use YouTube to gain broader visibility and growth of their business. It is possible to find almost everything on YouTube.

Illumination established a YouTube channel in 2020. Some writers contributed their videos, and we featured them. However, we made YouTube one of our strategic platforms for the growth of our writers in 2022.

We have started small and grown iteratively on YouTube. We have a clear plan to make it a large channel attracting a broad audience with the help of our community volunteers.

We recommend each writer record a high-quality video introducing themselves with appealing photos. Writers can also present their articles with interesting photos, animation, and music. You can read your poems or parts of your articles, providing the link on the screen with big fonts. You can add some background music. In addition, published authors can introduce their books.

Quality is important on YouTube. So, we highly recommend using a high-resolution camera. If you can afford to get your videos done professionally, it can be an excellent investment for the marketing of your writing career. YouTube is a fantastic opportunity for our writers to promote their artistic capabilities.

Writers can use YouTube videos for multi-purposes. For example, you can write stories about your videos and submit them to our new publication. You can attach your videos to your Medium articles for internal promotion. You can tweet your videos attaching your Medium affiliate link to attract new members. There are many more possibilities. In short, a single video can be used for several purposes.

How to join ILLUMINATION on YouTube publication

We recommend YouTubers join Medium as a member and apply to our publication to submit their stories with a link to their YouTube channel.

All Medium writers can apply using our normal publication process by requesting access via this weblink.

Submission Guidelines

As the main audience of this publication is YouTube lovers, the focus is on videos using Medium stories as a delivery mechanism. Therefore, we don’t impose any style guidelines. However, each story should have a title, a copyright-free image, and embedded videos.

As this is a specialised publication, all stories must be related to YouTube or relevant video hosting platforms.

There is no word limit. However, we recommend stories should not be more than ten minutes of reading time. We accept short-form stories using Medium rules. You can learn about short-form stories at this link.

We accept content only meeting Medium rules and policies. We do not accept stories or videos with harmful content such as hate speech, defamation, porn, conspiracy theories as listed in this story. We do not accept plagiarized content per our policies.

We don’t censor content meeting Medium policies. However, our editors may fix some language errors or formatting issues to make them presentable to our readers.

We only accept stories and videos in English.

We will provide a detailed and updated submission guideline soon.

Thank you for joining our publication, and we will be glad you create visibility to your YouTube videos or YouTube-related stories. You can also submit videos from other publicly available platforms.

An Introduction to Publication by Illumination YouTube Coordinator

Please enjoy this video prepared and posted by Illumination YouTube Coordinator to our channel today.

Thank you for joining our exciting journey. We look forward to publishing your stories, hosting your videos, and promoting your content.

Let’s introduce our publications to new readers, writers, bloggers, and YouTubers. illumination Integrated Publications publications have now eight publication. Here is a summary of them.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium


Our most significant publication is ILLUMINATION. It is visited by over 50,000 unique members daily and gained two million minutes of reading this month. In addition, some stories went viral and brought many new readers. As a generic publication, we accept every ethical topic meeting Medium’s guidelines. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination


This publication was designed for the requirements of prolific writers who need to submit multiple stories in a day. You can submit several stories to ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR within 24 hours. Please check this article for details: Balancing Load of ILLUMINATION. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illuminations-mirror


We designed this publication for experienced and accomplished writers. Senior editors select the contributors for this publication using stringent criteria. If you are an experienced writer, we allow you to write for this publication upon your request directly. Please find details in this article. You can check some sample stories from this publication in this recent collection. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-curated

4 — Technology Hits

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, as a technologist, designed this publicaiton for writers and readers interested in technical topics, digital entrepreneurship, digital transformation, information technology, artificial intelligence, IoT (the Internet of Things), Cloud computing, quantum computing, tech news, digital economy, blockchain, bitcoin, Nun-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and futuristic topics related to emerging technologies. You can submit science-fiction in this pub. More info about Technology Hits Value Propositions of Technology Hits. Introduction to Technology Hits. Inviting Storytellers From All Aspects of Technology. Here is a collection including some sample stories from this publication. Link to publication: https://medium.com/technology-hits


SYNERGY is a specialized publication serves freelance writers who want to share writing, blogging, and editing content. It connects writers, editors, and bloggers through their stories. We invite freelance writers from other platforms such as Vocal Media. Here is the purpose of Synergy. Besides, you may find a sample collection to get an idea for the type of stories we publish on Synergy: Engaging Stories on SYNERGY. Here is a collection of sample stories hosted on SYNERGY. Link to publication: https://medium.com/technical-excellence

6 — ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

IBC was designed for published and indie authors. We help new writers to get published and become authors. Details about this publication are in this story: ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: A publication giving voice to published authors on Medium. The following articles provide additional information about ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: How Can Published Authors Create Visibility. Here is a sample editorial bulletin to promote ILLUMINATION Book Chapters to readers: ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Editorial Bulletin #9 New resources. And here is the Index of Published Book Chapters. You can find some sample book chapters in this collection. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-book-chapters

7 — Readers Hope

This new publication was designed for absolute beginners. You may submit raw content to this new pub. We don’t edit content submitted to Readers Hope. But, our editors provide valuable and helpful guidance via private notes or in our Slack workspace to members. Here is a story introducing the purpose of Readers Hope: What If We can Transform Readers into Micro-Writers. Editors introduced values of Readers Hope. We compiled their perspectives into a single story. Our editors are willing to support new writers to gain experience. Please check their stories. You may contact editors on Slack when you need support. They can help you learn and grow. Here is the Vision and Mission of “Readers Hope”. Link to publication: https://medium.com/readers-digests


Our newest publication as introduced in this article. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-on-youtube


In addition our chief editor keeps all publications related stories in a seperate publications called Illumination’s Blog. This publication can be helpful for new writers to find guiding articles. This publication is not for writers. It is for editorial purposes. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-blog. Dr Mehmet Yildiz hosts his personal stories in his publication called Euphoria. If you enjoy health and fitness type of stories, you may check his personal publicaiton. Link to publication: https://medium.com/sensible-biohacking-transhumanism

Sample Videos from Illumination YouTube Channel

Please enjoy this valuable and inspiring video about writing viral stories by Illumination YouTube Coordinator

Our quality checklist for writers…

Value of YouTube for Writers

Introduction to our publications

A great video introducing Karen Madej, top writer and senior editor of ILLUMINATION.

An excellent video introducing Dr Michael Heng, top writer, thought leaders, and editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium

Here is a beautiful video introducing Julius Evans, top writer and editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium

Another great video introducing Shashi Sastry, top writer on Medium and published author — Philosophy of Life Instinct

And a video introducing our inspiring editor Dr. Preeti Singh

More videos on Illumination YouTube Channel. We enjoy raising profiles of our writers by creating visibility to their content. Please follow our channel and be part of our exciting journey.

Illumination YouTube Coordinator has created this new specialist publication for YouTube enthusiasts. All writers are invited.

Other Editor Profiles

You find profiles of our editors as collected and curated by ILLUMINATION-Curated in this following collection.

Writer Biographies

Profiles of our writers from their pen.

Featured Stories by Editors

Please enjoy stories featured by our editors.

Publication Resources

All publication related stories can be accessed via this collection.

Invitation to Potential Writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories and writers can monetize self-published content.

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