avatarDr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)


The undefined website features a curated collection of technology stories from "Technology Hits," showcasing articles on recent tech developments, cybersecurity, AI, and more, written by top tech writers.


The undefined website presents "Technology Hits," a series of featured stories that delve into the latest advancements in technology. These articles, authored by esteemed tech writers, cover a broad spectrum of topics including cybersecurity threats like ransomware, the evolution of technology with the advent of 6G, the implications of quantum computing, and the integration of AI in various sectors. The collection also touches on the societal impact of technology, such as its influence on healthcare and entertainment, and emerging trends like the metaverse and NFTs. The website serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, offering insights into the technological landscape and its future trajectory, while also providing resources for writers to improve their craft and visibility on Medium.


  • The editor emphasizes the value of the curated content for both new writers seeking inspiration and avid readers looking for thought-provoking tech reads.
  • Dr. Mehmet Yildiz suggests that staying informed about technological revolutions, such as 6G and quantum computing, is crucial for business relevance and competitive edge.
  • Contributors like Dr. Adam Tabriz and Dr. Preeti Singh express concerns about the security and ethical implications of technology in healthcare.
  • Authors such as Ece Uyguç and Eniela P. Vela highlight the potential of emerging technologies like NFTs and the metaverse, while also acknowledging the challenges and transformations they bring.
  • Jake Cutter and Llewellyn (Lew) Daniels offer critical perspectives on the development and adoption of Web 3.0, suggesting both positive outcomes and potential pitfalls.
  • Mindsmatter provides practical advice and insights on maximizing the benefits of current technologies, such as smart assistants and social media platforms, while also cautioning about their misuse.
  • Opal A Roszell and Oz Zeren reflect on the evolution of the internet and its impact on society, with a focus on the potential for both improvement and detriment.
  • The website encourages proactive engagement with technology, inviting writers to participate in challenges and utilize social media to enhance their reach and influence.
  • There is an open invitation for potential writers to join the publication, with a promise of support in gaining visibility and succeeding as writers on Medium.

Technology on Medium

Tech Stories on Technology Hits #5

Featured stories from top tech writers

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Dear tech readers,

Happy New Year. I was away for a while so couldn’t share stories published on Technology Hits. Inspired by ILLUMINATION, posting this curated collection today, I decided to share some great articles that I reviewed on this tech pub recently. Before Christmas, I posted this great collection. I hope you find some interesting pieces from my reading lists.

I reviewed hundreds of articles from Illumination Integrated Publications in 2021 and created several collections featuring active contributors. You can access my collections using the following links.

Hand-Picked Articles #16, Hand-Picked Articles #15, Hand-Picked Articles #14, Hand-Picked Articles #13, Hand-Picked Articles #12, Hand-Picked Articles #11, Hand-Picked Articles #10, Hand-Picked Articles #9, Hand-Picked Articles #8, Hand-Picked Articles #7, Hand-Picked Articles #6, Hand-Picked Articles #5, Hand-Picked Articles #4, Hand-Picked Articles #3, Hand-Picked Articles #2, Hand-Picked Articles #1 Reading List #3 — Technology Hits: Selected stories for enjoyment of tech readers, Top Tech Stories on Technology Hits #4, Tech Stories on Technology Hits #5.

I believe these featured stories can give valuable ideas to new writers and pleasant reading times to avid readers.

You can learn about this publication from the invitation of Dr Mehmet Yildiz.

Zen Chan

IGA, IAM, and PAM: Introduction of Identity and Access Management (IAM)

SASE vs. SSE: Same Same But Different?

Ransomware Econ 101: How to Negotiate With Ransomware Groups

0-Day Log4Shell Is Serious, But It’s Just the Tip of The Iceberg

Ransomware Evolution: From WannaCry to DarkSide

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

The 2030 Technology Revolution: Why to Focus on 6G Terahertz Technologies

Compelling Reasons to Invest in Quantum Computing

Transhumanism Has Nothing to Do with Sexuality

Fundamentals of Cognitive Computing for Artificial Intelligence

The Internet of Bodies (IoB) — Who Wants Their Body on the Internet

Detrimental Effects of Immature AI Systems on Content Platforms

Why Six Countries Heavily Invest in Quantum Computing for Artificial Super Intelligence

Bill Gates & Elon Musk Collaborate for the Marriage of Space & Technology Despite Different Perspectives

Dr. Adam Tabriz

Health Information Security of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Healthcare Data Breach and Abuse: Semantic Rationing or Health Information Piracy

Dr. Preeti Singh

The future of Entertainment with Artificial Intelligence

Are You Aware Of Cyber Sickness?

Content Creators, Are You Ready For Metaverse?

: Hello! I'm Patrick OConnell

Advances In 3D Printing Nanocomposites With Controllable “Strength-Toughness”

Advances In Using Nanomaterials For Drug Delivery

Your Interaction With Nanoparticles — What You Don’t Know

Why Aren’t You Up To The Challenge Of Tackling Climate Change?

You Will Be A Dinosaur If You Don’t Adapt To The “Transformation”

Why Don’t You Use Nanotechnology To Purify Your Drinking Water?


Oh Lord, Please Help The Choir Sing On-Key

Watson Discovery: On Plans, Projects, Collections, and Collection Types

Brajendra Kumar

Everything About Data Science!

100 GB Free Cloud Storage For You!

AirTag — Criminal’s Favorite!

Courtney Simms

Google November 2021 Core Update Is Finished Rolling Out

How has Marketing Changed Over the Last 10 Years?


Integrating Design — From Chaos to Order

Desiree Driesenaar

The Mathematical Superformula Shifts a Lot in Our World Right Now

Ece Uyguç

Welcome to the NFT World

Are NFTs Going To The Moon?

Eduardo Remolins

Five Ways the Metaverse Will Improve Your Life

Ekaterina Oplachko

How Artificial Intelligence Helps in Customer Service

Elena Beliaeva-Baran

How Autonomous Cars Already Help Us Mitigate Climate Change

One of the 2022 AI Trends is Emotional AI (EAI). Turns Out, It’s Already Been In Use For Some Time.

Eniela P. Vela

CYBERCRIME: Security in IoT Devices

Eva Jones

A Comprehensive Guide to Change Your Name on Facebook

How to Resolve Facebook Two-Factor Authentication not Working?

Hammad Hassan

People Are Getting More And More Addicted To Technology. Here’s Why?

Google Maps: A Simple Explanation On How It Detects Traffic Jams

Jacob Bell

French Connection Finance

Jake Cutter

C++ — Negative Numbers & Interactions w/ Bits

Computer Science — Test Set & Clear in C++

Joanna Henderson

Meet Daisy: Apple’s Robot that Recycles Your iPhone

Kasper Müller

What is a Number Really?

Llewellyn (Lew) Daniels

They Will Do To Us With Web 3.0 What They Did With Insulin

Web 3.0 Is For Data, Not For The People

Search Engine Companies Felt Threatened byWeb 3.0 In The Early Days


I like the principles behind Brave browser, but the “surf-to-earn” leitmotif is pure deception

Why did YouTube remove the dislike counts?

Malky McEwan

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly — 2021 in Numbers

Manoj Ahirwar

Doge — Zero to Hero

Have you ever thought about how Mutual funds work?

Melinda Blau

Crypto, Schmypto


5 Things You Didn’t Know Alexa Could Do (Last Updated 2021)

If You Don’t Like Twitter, It’s Because You Don’t Use These Bots

5 Reasons Why You Should Change WhatsApp for Telegram

NFTs Explained By Someone Who Learned What NFTs Are An Hour Ago

Do You Always Click “Accept All Cookies” When You Enter A Website? You Need To Read This

The Most Useful Websites You Didn’t Know You Needed

Navneet Kumar

Cryptocurrency ban or Not?


7 Ways to Find Content Ideas from the Web and Create Like a Pro

How to Build A News Aggregator with Text Classification

Opal A Roszell

Catastrophic Technology Predictions for 2023 — What You Need to Know

Your Technology Ideas Might Be Worth Millions? — Don’t Miss Out

World Economic Forum Davos Jamboree Explained

Jeff Bezo’s Love Life: Who Is Jeff Bezos’ Girlfriend?

lying Vehicles of the Future 2025

Oz Zeren

The Internet Is A Much Better Place Than In The Early Days

BitClout Made Simple


Noise.Cash Offers the BEST Way to EARN Money Online

Sayan Mondal

Ansible Setup for Easy Automation

How I’m Writing 5x More Article Per Day

Steve C

How to Create An NFT

Tree Langdon

This is your invitation to learn about crypto for FREE

Thank you for reading these engaging and informative stories.

Other Collections from Illumination Publications

Here are additional collections that you may enjoy from the IIP contributors.

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Heath & Fitness Collection

Mental Health Collection

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

How to Love and Relate

The World Needs Passionate & Compassionate Leaders

Do You Want to Become A Sexy Entrepreneur?

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

Collection of Featured Stories

Index of Published Book Chapters

Sample Book Chapters

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes

Technology Hits supports prolific writers. You can join our 100 day writing challenge and even post multiple short-forms in a day.

And remember to introduce yourself in a writer bio. Our readers love to know more about your background and writing styles. Here are the six reasons why writers need a bio. If you want to write viral stories, you may learn from this recent story. These activities can help you become a top writer too.

Invitation to Potential Writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories and writers can monetize self-published content.

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Artficial Intelligence
Quantum Computing
Internet of Things
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