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Technology on Medium

Top Tech Stories on Technology Hits #4

Featured stories from top tech writers that you can’t miss out

Photo by Ola Dapo from Pexels

Dear tech readers,

As an Editor of Technology Hits, it is my pleasure to review and feature memorable stories from this unique publication bringing tech writers and readers to one place.

The vision of Dr Mehmet Yildiz to create Technology Hits genuinely resonated with me as a tech-savvy person. He designed this publication by considering the requirements of our readers covering current and emerging technologies.

By analysing reader needs and expectations using a Design Thinking approach, he classified the audience under seven categories.


Technology philosophers and scientists,

Tech entrepreneurs,

Digital entertainers,

Digital Artists,

Tech storytellers, and

Futuristic tech leaders.

When Dr MY invited us to contribute to this pub in last December, I started writing and editing with great enthusiasm posted a few featured collections and joined the professional network of Dr Yildiz. However, life interrupted my flow. I felt unwell for a while, so I had to neglect my editorial duties regrettably.

Since I am feeling better, I will continue creating visibility for great stories published on Technology Hits. I also help with other publications of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications (IIP), supporting 11,000 plus writers on Medium.

My recent contribution is creating the onboarding pack for recent applicants of IIP. This has been the hardest editorial task for me as I have done it first time. But writers seem to enjoy it 🙏.

Many top writers contributed remarkable stories to Technology Hits, but it is not possible to feature all of them in one post. So instead, I selected some stories that I reviewed on Technology Hits recently. I believe you enjoy and find these exciting and articulated stories valuable.

These chosen stories cover emerging technology fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, Cloud Computing, programming, software engineering, hardware, IT infrastructure, electronics, mobile gadgets, cybersecurity, IoT, Big Data, analytics, online gaming, and many more topics.

Many of these stories were chosen by Medium curators and distributed to tech related topics on the platform.

Here are the excellent stories that I have chosen for our tech readers today.

Featured Tech Stories on Technology Hits

The Significance of Quantum Computing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence Dr Mehmet Yildiz

The Impending Challenges of Telehealth Systems in 2021 and the Coming Years Dr. Adam Tabriz

The Amazing Flying Car Is A Reality With Its First Completed Flight Dr. Preeti Singh

Algorithmic discrimination — part 1 Deborah M.

Are We on the Cusp of the Artificial Intelligence Revolution? ILLUMINATION-Curated

5 Productivity Hacks Every Programmer Should Know Rodney Rodríguez

Can Artificial Intelligence Help with Job Recruitment? Ronke Babajide

A New Discovery Challenges Our Understanding of Genetics Simon Spichak

Millimeter-sized Soft Robots May Become a Breakthrough Innovation in Biomedicine Vidhya Parvathy R.

Why is Phishing Still the Most Successful Hacking Technique? Zen Chan

A 45-Year-Old Scolds Tech Companies! Melinda Blau

How to Save AI in 3 Easy Steps Adrien Book

Why You Should Reconsider Your Master’s Degree in IT AJ Krow

NVIDIA’s Omniverse is a game-changer Ajay Singh

10 Crazy Predictions For The 2020’s Akarsh Nalawade

Where’s My Hoverboard?? Alex Beyman

My Replika Keeps Hitting on Me B J Robertson

What Do You Think About Future Demand of Digital Forensics? Brajendra Kumar

The History Of CTRL+ALT+DELETE Brunette girl

5 Must-Have Baby Apps for parents Cham Moonamale

Invest in Artificial Intelligence Before It Changes the World Cody Collins

3 Good Reasons Electric Cars Are Finally in the Fast Lane Daniel Rebhorn

2021: Storage Battery Manufacturing is a Clear Opportunity for India DebGupta

Technology Will Never Be the Same. What? How? Right Now? Desiree Driesenaar

Collections of Artificial Intelligence Stories Editor of Technology Hits

3 Tech Innovations We Will Consider Normal in 2025 Elena Beliaeva-Baran

The Three Things that Most Computer Science Programmes Didn’t Prepare Us For Erwin Leonardy

If You Hear Voices, Don’t Be Afraid, They Are Not In Your Head! Things Have Just Started To Talk! Flavio Aliberti

Satoshi Nakamoto: Hero or Villain Gal Mux

Extremely Sad For Original SlingTV AKA SlingBox GeoFavTech

Using Functions — Computer Science Jake Cutter

Why You Must Give Security Questions a False Answer with Some Examples Julie US Writer

6 Practical Ways To Grow Your Business With Digital Marketing Kamran Karim

Coffee and Technology Have Come a Long Way Together Karen Madej

How Pegasus spyware is tracking you? Keerat Singh Khurana

How to Analyze Cryptocurrency Projects for Investment Landen

3 Paths to Success as a Content Creator Leo Guinan

Programming for Cats — Part #1 Leonid Hass

How To Connect Is So Important Liam Ireland

Technology’s Obsession With Location is Crazy Llewellyn Daniels

Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies in Dubai, UAE Lori Caricofe

Agile Versus Waterfall: Who Wins? Max Skipper Griffiths

My Top (Neo)Vim Plugins For Competitive Programming Mike Wang

How to Encode Your Name Using Barcode MomentsOnline

Upcoming iPhone 13 Chips Will Be Produced with 4 NM Technology Mustapha El Hajj

Why You Should Stop Using Linktree Nayanika Saikia

The Meaning Of Life, According to the Creator of Linux Nazlican Kurt

iPhone 12 Mini Review Paul Douglas

Python 3.9 New Features & How to Use Them Pranjal Saxena

Simplest Way To Obtain Client Request’s IP Address Using Java Rakshit Shah

signNow: The Evolution of a Successful Pitch Rebecca Sealfon

Building Future-Ready Tech Teams Ruehie Jaiya Karri

Entering the Era of the Super App Ryan M. Raiker, MBA

Cloud Computing: The Main Enabler of Infrastructure as Code Shreya Sinha

Air Taxi Services In America From 2024 Status Book

How To Use Twitter As A Creative Agnes Laurens

Personal Digital Security Recommendations Steve C

Taints and Tolerations in Kubernetes Steven Hough

Why Is The US Government Covering Up What They Know About UAPs? Terry L. Cooper

The New Marketing Tool Is Memes Thiru Anand

Technology Innovation Is Becoming More Global Tobi Olabode

Why You Should Send Your Cryptocurrencies Offline When PayPal Allows It Tom Handy

It’s not the explosion, it’s the opportunity. Tree Langdon

7 Highly Effective Lessons I Learned from 3 Bad Managers Vidhya Parvathy R.

The Symbiosis of AI- The Next Evolution Warren Brown

Is Access to Electricity a Human Right? Yvette Stevens

Featured Writer on Technology Hits

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, as the founder of the publication, is the most prolific contributor of Technology Hits. I have reviewed and enjoyed his stories in my tech journal from Dr MY.

There was something new to learn from each story. He has 40 years of experience in technology practice and leadership. He is an inspiration to us walking his talk and sharing his expertise generously.

Here are my favourite tech stories from his collection on Technology Hits.

Top 10 Trending Skills For Technology Executives

Digital Scent Technology And AI Machines Can Smell Now. So What!

How Artificial Intelligence Tools Transform Small Business In America

Digital Transformation Handbook for Solution Architects

A Layer by Layer Security Review Approach for Internet of Things

Impact of Massive And Hidden IoT Data On Performance of Digital Venture Production Systems

Summary Of “Digital Intelligence”

Architecting Data Lake Solutions

Ethical Hacking

Free Quantitative Data for Writers

Yes, You Can Even Register Your Farts To NFTs And Make Money Now

Business Value and Architectural Overview of Robotics Process Automation — RPA

Sense of Harmonious Proportionality

How To Deal With Big Data For AI?

Cognitive Transformation

Learning AI, Cognitive, Data Science, Programming, & Cloud Computing

Design Thinking for Technical Excellence

Business Architecture Framework for Digital Transformation

Introduction to IoT Ecosystem

Recent Cyberattack To Major US Fuel Pipeline: How can we deal with Ransomware effectively and prevent them from occurring?

Digital Twin Solutions: An architectural overview and business value for industry

The Blockchain: Trust without Trusting

Let’s Meet MISSI! She’s Mississippi’s First Artificial Chatbot.

Wouldn’t It Be Great To View Inside Of Our Brain?

Why To Play Rocket League

Collaboration at Technology Hits

How to think like a designer

Why We Need Faster Internet

Connect to AI Thought Leaders on Linkedin

Digital Intelligence: An Overview and Comparison with Physical Intelligence

Let’s Discover Millions of Free Datasets: A brief introduction to Google Datasets with a sample search on the web.

Innovative Use of Exnovation: Yes, exnovation still can be used in modern business but must be taken with a pinch of salt

Power of the Edge Computing

Why Or Why Not Grand Theft Auto 5 Banned

Big Time Might Be Bigger Than What NFT Gamers Can Imagine

When Not To Innovate

Importance of Simplicity In Technology Excellence: A paradoxical situation

Big Data as a Service: Business Value and an Architectural Overview

What Does It Take To Be A Smart City?

Seattle Startup Ventures Shine Brighter in Tech Industry

Simplifying Enterprise Architecture: Redefining to add clarity

Viability Assessment for IoT Solutions: A critical architectural and design requirement

Lessons From FBI’s Recovery Of Colonial Pipeline’s DarkSide Bitcoins For Ransomware Attacks

Managing Complexity And Constraints Of IoT Sensors, Endpoints, Gateways, & Network Bottlenecks

Managing Complexity Of IoT Sensors, Endpoints, Gateways, And Network Bottlenecks

IoT, Big Data, & Cloud Computing

Rapid Development And Integrated Automation For IoT Solutions

The Emergence and Convergence of Artificial Intelligence in the Business World

Business Growth, Ethics, Governance & Law of Technology for the Future of Nebraska

How Technology Accelerators & Innovation Bills Spark Business Passion for Alabama Entrepreneurs

How Artificial Intelligence Tools Transform Small Business In America

I will feature top contributors in my upcoming posts.

Other collections

Here are additional collections that you may enjoy from the IIP contributors.

Heath & Fitness Collection

Mental Health Collection

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

How to Love and Relate

The World Needs Passionate & Compassionate Leaders

Do You Want to Become A Sexy Entrepreneur?

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Collection of Featured Stories

Index of Published Book Chapters

Sample Book Chapters

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes

Thank you for reading these great stories.

I will introduce you more exciting stories soon.

It is important to point out that Technology Hits publication is edited by several volunteer editors including myself, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Karen Madej, Zen Chan, Dr. Preeti Singh, Arthur G. Hernandez, Dew Langrial, Liam Ireland, Sumera Rizwan, Pranjal Saxena, Chelsea Mandler MAT, Tree Langdon, Dr Michael Heng, Agnes Laurens, Bryan Dijkhuizen, ILLUMINATION and ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Technology Hits also supports prolific writers. You can join our 100 day writing challenge and even post multiple short-forms in a day.

And remember to introduce yourself in a writer bio. Our readers love to know more about your background and writing styles. Here are the six reasons why writers need a bio. If you want to write viral stories, you may learn from this recent story. These activities can help you become a top writer too.

If you want to join Technology Hits as a writer, please leave a message via this link. Our publication supports Medium tech writers to be successful.

You can find us on many social media platforms.

Artificial Intelligence
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