avatarDr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)


This web page is a curated collection of articles from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications, featuring a variety of topics from health and fitness to technology and artificial intelligence.


The web page titled "Hand-Picked Articles #13" presents a selection of articles chosen by senior editors of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications. The collection includes articles on diverse topics such as health, mental health, education, relationships, leadership, entrepreneurship, business, freelancing, writing, artificial intelligence, technology, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain. The page also includes links to other collections on specific topics and a list of featured stories about writing from the top writers of SYNERGY.


  • The editors believe that these articles are worth reading and offer valuable insights on various topics.
  • The page encourages readers to explore other collections on specific topics, such as health and fitness, mental health, education, and technology.
  • The page highlights the top stories about artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies, suggesting that these are important topics for readers.
  • The page includes a list of featured stories about writing from the top writers of SYNERGY, indicating that writing is a valued skill and topic within the publication.
  • The page suggests that the articles are easy to access and that readers can find daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION.
  • The page mentions that the articles are selected from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications, which may imply that the publication is a trusted source of information and high-quality content.
  • The page includes a link to a collection of featured stories, suggesting that the publication values curation and wants to make it easy for readers to find the best content.

Editor’s Choice

Hand-Picked Articles #13

Chosen by senior editors of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Photo by Darryl Brian on Unsplash

Dear Readers,

We selected and compiled several great stories for you today.

If you missed the previous featured stories, you may find them in the attached collection.

Curated Articles from ILLUMINATION Today

Why Insulin Resistance is the Elephant in the Room

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Update from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications


Readers Love These Niche Publications by Creative Writers

Editor of Technology Hits

Finding Clarity About Your Unique Value

Ada LLoyd

Technology Is Our Future — We Also Needs Humanity

Agnes Laurens

My Migraine Story: Triggers Therapies and More!

Aguocha Nkeonye Judith

Stop Making This One Huge Decision-Making Mistake

Alexander Kant

The Mix Tape


Not Getting Your Way Is A Gift From The Future

Alla Gonopolsky

Growing a Big Team in a Useless Field

Andreas D.

The Question “What’s For Dinner?” Is To Be Avoided At All Costs.

Anthony Fireman

Ozymandias, King of Kings

Anthony FJ Garner

New Rules Can Hurt Existing New MPP Writers

AP Carpen

The Power of Dreamers

Arthur G. Hernandez

543,018 People Went Missing Last Year

Arthur Keith

Paper life

Bahora Saitova

Are We Connected? 6 Degrees of Separation: A Live Experiment.

Barry Taylor

On Medium: Kindness, Moving On, Letting Go, Agreeing to Disagree

Berna Tural

The Three Grand Essentials of Happiness Needed in Every Life

Bill Abbate

Beware The Dining Needle

Bob Dumont

Nobody Follows Doctors Advice

Brenda Cyr

Academic Claims to Having Discovered a Cure for Homosexuality

Brian Loo Soon Hua

The Ugly Cost of Being Nice

Brian Tubbs

She Who Would Make a Pun…

Britni Pepper

Why We Should Cringe Away from Being ‘Normal’

Camille Parker

Sometimes It’s Better to Tear Up The Blueprint and Start Over

Carlos Jeronimo

Sit Back and Enjoy Some Superb Writing From Illumination

Carol Price

A Sappy Story About Winning the Gratitude Lottery

Carole Olsen

Does a Political Identity Define an Individual, or Is There More to the Story?

Charlie Lukas

Maybe Karma Is Bunk, But Human Psychology Works Wonders

Christyl Rivers, Phd.

Nature Does Not Have A Wrath, Human Beings Do

Christyl Rivers, Phd.

The Tesla Bot

Crystal A. Walker

2 Practices You Can Do to Maintain Your Health

Crystal Mathews

A Piece of Advice I Gave Myself, That Made My Young Adult Life Much Easier

Daan Uijterwaal

When Your Weight is a Risk Factor

Danell teNyenhuis Black

The Joys of Reading With Your Own Style

Daria Kireeva

Using an Autoresponder Will Make Your Life as a Marketer Easier

Dean J Murphy

Band Lady A versus Singer Lady A

Dee Adams

Shenanigans in the Storage Room

Dee S White

How to Use Metacognition to Write 2x More Creative Stories

Dew Langrial

O Bestowing One!

Dr. Amy Pierovich


Dr. Fatima Imam

Princess Diana’s morning routine consisted of a morning stretch, followed by baked beans and pink…

Duncan Klein

I Stopped Creating Youtube Videos But I Kept Growing and Growing

Elna Cain

Late Night Song

Evgeny Kim

A College Student Joined The Insurrection And Stole A Sign

Floyd Mori

It’s My Wife’s Birthday and I’m Angry

Galen Bjarnesen

My New House

H.D. Ingles

Peculiar Moods

Harry Hogg

My ex-husband gave me Covid.

Heather Lynne Sparks

The #1 Symptom of the Delta Variant Might Surprise You — It’s Not a Cough

Hunter Cabot

What I Learned Writing on Medium — 6 Months and $1k Later

Ines May

I Went Off Social Media for One Month Here Is What I Was Able to Achieve…

Izere Imosemi

Illusion of Time

Jackie Keitu

The Many Meanings of Medium

Jacquelyn Lynn

Is There a Need for the Opposite Sex?

James Frank Sanders

The Nudy Magazine In The Bathroom.

Jan Sebastian

My Morning wasn’t a Miracle-But I am Still Here!

Jennifer Cross

Outsiders and Survivors


10 Curious Facts About the United States You Might Have Wrong

Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez

Why Americans Seem So Uncultured To The Rest Of The World

Josie Timberlake

Swap Guilt for Gratitude — Advice from Human-Right Activist and North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park

Julia Winsa



“Global Warming” and “Climate Change” Aren’t the Same Thing!

Karen Remick

7 Myths About Antibiotics


13 Life-Changing Advice From Shamanic Masters

Kenan Kolday

3 Reasons Why Your Skills Don’t Matter As Much You Think

Kushal Jyothi Prakash

Is That Some Bad News in Your Pants, or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

Lara Starcevich, Ph.D.,

Lover’s For Eternity

Laura Knapke

3 Practical Changes That Got Me Into the $100 Club on Medium

Letters from E.K.

How To Win Even If You Lose

Liam Ireland

My Secret Splurge: The Dollar Store

Lori Lamothe

Please Let This Be the Last Article on Imposter Syndrome

Lorrae G.

The Day I Fell In Love With An Old Man, And Why I Didn’t Tell Him

Lucia Landini

Does “Never Taking No For An Answer” Really Work?

Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)

Intrinsic Goals Lead To Higher Work Performance

Mamduh Halawa

How to Welcome a Happy September Day

Marta Calderon, MScE

Day Trading isn’t the Boost Your Portfolio Needs

Matthew Kupferschmidt

14 Killer Ideas for Writing ‘Filler’ Stories

Melinda Crow

What Do You Want?

Michele Thill

How Mothers Deny The Children Of Their Fathers


The “Me” You Deserve

Misty Rae

How Intelligence and Smartness Trap Us in a Biased Mindset

Mukundarajan V N

The Ultimate Tribute to ‘Tooth Relic’

Nadeesha Emaduwa

How Amazon Has Created Economic Disruption and an Impatient Culture

Nancy Blackman

Falsely Accused at Walgreens

Nancy Maritza

Diasporic Encounters! This Event Is An Ongoing Connection Or Participation With The Old World!

Nombuso Makhubu

Running by Another Sun

Olivia Parrott

Why “Stat Stalking” isn’t Making You Money

Opal A Roszell

How Not to Die

Otis Adams

Men — Don’t Get Offended When Women Say “All Men.”

Pamela Kazmierczak

The Exact Strategy That Helped Me Earn $200/Month On Medium

Paul A.

Why The Jerry Springer Show is a Symbol of a Rotten Society

Paul Abela, MSc

How To Survive a Crash

Paul Coogan

Why Do You Read Self-Help Articles?

Paul Em

We’re Ghosts In The Machine, You And Me

Paul Speed

Why Do We Keep Eating Unhealthy Food?

Petyo Kozhuharov

Isaac: An Example of the Fight of Faith for Productivity

pst tomowo

What Journaling Continuously For 460 Days Has Taught Me

Rakshita Upadhyay

How To Write A Story That Works

Randall Surles

Do Nothing To Earn $2500 A Year. Not A Clickbait

Randomly Useful

The Quandary of “I Was There”

Reylia Slaby

I Gained 500 Followers in Little Over a Month

Richard Appiah

4 Marcus Aurelius Quotes To Inspire You

Rishabh Sharma

7 Insights From Shakespeare On Building Your Character

Robin Emery

Improve Your English by Learning Foreign Languages

Rory Cockshaw

Living To Work Vs. Working To Live

Rosa Diaz

An Inspiring Article to Kick-Off the Month

Ryan J

Fitness Time’s “Don’t Just Imagine It Live It” Ad Analysis

Sarkis Ardjian

Forgotten Walls

Scott Edgar


Shawn Ingram

In the quest for harmony

Shriwant Choudhary

I Am Scared Of Race Baiters.


The 4 Most Critical Differences between Rugby and American Football

Stephen Bhasera

The Colors We All Are Dying From Each and Every Day

Steven Acree Jr.

Winning in Fantasy Stocks Game is a Matter of Skill… or Chance


No excuses for a lack of creativity

Suzanne Johnson

An Open Letter To My BFF


Improve the Quality of Your Ideas Today

Tavian Jean-Pierre

I’m seriously encouraged by the reaction to a response I wrote to this Jeremy Helligar piece.

Tom Simon

It’s not the gift, it’s the giving.

Tree Langdon

Should we all ditch 360 reviews?

Trevor E Hudson

Accessing Higher Energy Frequencies is Easier Than You Think

Vanessa Ozigbo

How Being Popular Almost Ruined My Life

Varun Khadri

One Ascriptive Name Can Motivate Folks To Change Their Lives

Verbieann Hardy

The Grateful Visionary

Walter Pop Matthews IV


Wendy Weber

Collections on Specific Topics

Heath & Fitness Collection

Mental Health Collection

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

How to Love and Relate

The World Needs Passionate & Compassionate Leaders

Do You Want to Become A Sexy Entrepreneur?

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

Featured Stories About “Writing” From The Top Writers of SYNERGY

Top Stories About Artificial Intelligence

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Other Collections

Collection of Featured Stories Easy access to daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes Easy access to curated and outstanding stories

Learn About ILLUMINATION-Curated Essential articles about ILLUMINATION-Curated publication

Reading List #3 — Technology Hits Selected stories for enjoyment of tech readers

Sample Book Chapters Discover 70+ published authors on ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

Technology, Business, Leadership, & Self-Improvement Stories Curated collections for discerning readers by ILLUMINATION-Curated

You may also enjoy curated collections summarised by ILLUMINATION-Curated. You can meet some of writers reading their biographies. As an Editor of Technology Hits publication, I introduced the value of Technology Hits. If you are a tech writer or reader you may like this unique pub.

Curated Writers Biographies

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