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Editor’s Choice

Hand-Picked Articles #14

Chosen by senior editors of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Photo by Sabeer Darr on Unsplash

Dear Readers,

We selected and compiled several great stories for your weekend reading. If you missed the previous featured stories, you may find them in the following collection.

Curated Articles from ILLUMINATION Today

Laughter Therapy for Wiring the Brain for Joy & Happiness

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Why Insulin Resistance the Elephant in the Room

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Rewiring Brain by Activating BDNF & β-Hydroxybutyrate

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

If They Led with Curiosity, We Might Trust Them

Aimee O'Neil MSW

Illuminating the Way to Climb Out of the Writer’s Deep Dark Hole

Aldric Chen

Interesting Crackpots Vol. 4: Gene Ray, Father of Time Cube

Alex Beyman

Wisdom from Meditations: Daily Quote to Help You Through The Day

Alexander Kant

Boys and Body Image

Alexandra Duncan


America Zed

Why Meditation is Beneficial

Ami Jackson

Medium Winners, Come Forward!

Ami Jackson

The Crypto Skeptic Formulates a Strategy

Andrew Johnston

A Simple Water Bottle May Help You Lose 1kg While You Workout

Andy Demidov

The Movie Memories that Shaped My Life


Why is The GOP Perishing

Arnas Mik

Loneliness, Is That You?

Auriane Alx

3 Overused Types Of Images On Medium

Ayleen Miller

The 6 Laws of Work Can Easily Make or Break Your Career

Bill Abbate

Crestfallen Wanderer

Blair Fawcett

This Simple Adjustment Can Help You Became a Significantly Better Creative

Boateng Sekyere

The Girl In Cheerleader Outfit

Bond Wang


Brad Creech

School Implements Oxymoron with Mandate Opt-Out

Brenda Mahler

Are You A Humor Consumer Or Distributor?

Brian Dickens Barrabee

Why Modern Society Still Has So Many Hangups About Nudity

Brian Loo Soon Hua

I like to procrastinate — it is how my brain processes to create.


Carol Price

Sit Back and Enjoy Some Superb Writing From Illumination

3 Important Things They Should Teach Us In School To Help us Face Problems in a Better Way.

Caryn Leach-Smith

Autism and Imposter Syndrome

Catherine Londero

One Simple Method for Writing a 15-Minute Blog Post

Catrina Cowart

How To Write Dirty Limericks

Charles H. Roast

The Day That Shook the World

Chris Zappa

Attic of Doors

CMad Poet

What One Gen Z (ex)Jobseeker Looks For In Companies — 21st Century edition.


3 Healthy Habits You Can Adopt to Enhance Your Life

Crystal Mathews

How to Enter the Zone

Dan J

How the Word Pussy Came to Mean a Cat, Cowardly, and Female Genitalia

David Graham

Your House Is Not an Asset

Dean J Murphy

Victorians Used These Deadly Toxins To Poison Their Own Food

Delilah Brass

Which of the 4 Personality Types Is the Most Popular — and Why

Dew Langrial




Dr. Amy Pierovich

Management Fix

Eduardo Espinheira

The Important Difference Between Introversion and Shyness: Why They Are Not the Same

Edward John

I’ve earned more in a month on AppSumo than on Etsy

Eleanor A

We Don’t Mean 70% of the Sh*t We Say To Ourselves

Ephraim Champion

Imagine You Can Create Reality By Writing It In Your Notebook

Fahri Karakas

Bulletproof Vests For Members Of Congress

Floyd Mori

A Palace, a Honeymoon, and a Photo

Fred: Almost Famous

Tooth Fairy Adjusts to Meet Inflation.

Fynn Stevenson

Maintaining the Lawn

gae polisner

Programming In the Good Old Days

H.D. Ingles

We Are Still Standing


The Creativity of the Introvert

J.D. Cunegan

An Amazingly Simple Writing Strategy You Need To Do This Month

J.R. Heimbigner

Who Am I? — The Guardian of Memories

Jackie Madden Haugh

You are Not the Only Person

Jackson Weako


Meanings of Medium, Anger Free Challenge, Video Marketing, Disaster Response, History, and Humor

Jacquelyn Lynn

Don’t Feel Sorry for Me

Jade Hadfield

Innocent To The Darkness

Jake Hilden

How Your Next Vacation Can Dispel Fear and Mistrust

James Goydos, MD

Cards With Money In Them

Jan Sebastian

My goal as an Aspiring Writer

Jasmine Aguilar

Real Life Hurts

Jay Horne

How to Work with Incompetent Project Managers

Jeannette Seibly

After Divorce, Buying a House on My Own

Jennifer M. Wilson

What I Learned From Making $105 on Medium in My First Full Month With 2,600 Views

Jennifer March, MS

Yes, You Can Win Through Imperfection

John Cunningham

You Made It

John Ross

Drug Bust — Gone Wrong

John Villablanca

10 Not so Secret Places to Find Ideas For Your Next Article

Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez

Rediscover The Basics of Marketing with A.I.

Joshua Blake

Is This How It All Ends?

Juliano Righetto

The Benefits of Listening to the Rain

Julius Dee

Is this a Writing Hack or Just an Awesome TIP?

Justiss Goode

The Staggering Hypocrisy of Pro-life Anti-Vaxxers

Karen Remick

Between Seasons, Between Worlds

Katherine Katherine

Story Behind Wisdom Teeth


Are You Done Yet? Are You Done Calling Me a Person of Color?



Kyomi O'Connor

Small Changes Lead to Large Rewards

Libby Shively McAvoy

How Living With a Person From Another Country Can Help You Overcome Your Limits

Lucia Landini

Back to School Guide for 2021

Mandi Angelique

Can we please all find the space within which to breathe the same air and agree not to agree?


Boppin’ Down the Bunny Trail

Margie Willis

He. Him. His.

Marie A. Rebelle

What Marketers Can Learn From A Famous Comedy Routine

Mark Armstrong

Giving Thanks to the Creator Within Each of Us

Markus Scorelius

You Can Earn Your Own Damn $500 Base Pay Writing on Medium with Just 13 Stories

Melinda Crow

The Lone Cinephile

Michele Grieve

What a Modern Office Really Is

Midori by the Sea

How Do Women Emotionally Abuse Men?


Why You Hate Your Alarm In The Morning

Mitchell Paul

This Time for Africa

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

I Saw Freedom…But It Was Only a Reflection

More Than Our Crimes

Texas Abortion Law

Ms Fischer

How Companies Shorten Product Life to Force Consumers Buy New Models

Mukundarajan V N

Echoing Shakespeare for Thee

N. A. Kazi

What is your complaint?

Nadeesha Emaduwa

The one I seek

Nasar Karim

Divine Lessons Learned From Light

Nicholas T Jackson

How To Pitch Your Article to Any Large Publication and Get Published

Nicole Waite

Taste Culture: A Personal Or Social Construct?


How UK and China’s Differing Education System Shapes Us Into Different People

Notations in C

The Narcissist’s Weaknesses

Øivind H. Solheim

Hard Work Pays Off — As a Top Writer in Economics

Opal A Roszell

It’s Okay to Go Slowly: Making Good Lifestyle Choices Could Increase Longevity

Orla Kenny

Postpartum Depression Is Also a Thing with Men

Ossai Ceejay

How I Managed To Earn Over $10,000 From Quora

Paul A.

My Story Has Made 16 Cents And I Couldn’t Be Happier!

Paul Speed

Why Do Some People Sweat So Much?

Pene Hodge

Don’t Wreck Your Holiday for a Dodgy Covid Test Provider

Penny Grubb

Looking at Two Awesome Aspects of The Medium Writers Challenge

PseuPending (call me Seu)

The Chance Of You Becoming A Millionaire Is At Least 5000%

Randomly Useful

Are You Clever or Wise?

Randy Wolken

How To Turn Your Hobby Into A Side Hustle

Richard Appiah

When it Comes to Health, Are You an “Ounce-of-Prevention” or a “Pound-of-Cure” Kind of Person?

Richard Fast

5 things I love about being a teacher

Russell Lim

Is Mainstream Media Trying to ‘Normalize’ the Taliban?

Ryan J

Philosophy can help you find the meaning of your life and why you should care about it

Sahir Dhalla

Burnt Orange and White


“Why don’t they just put their hands on the dashboard and follow instructions?”

Sara Waller, PhD

How To Read The Right Way

Sebastian Ostrowski

5+ Reasons I Fell in Love With Math — Part I

Stefan Melo

Why was the 1918 Pandemic Fatal?


Dealing with Hopelessness in Life

Talha Khan

5 Rules To Get More Stuff Done

The Positive Journal

Promise (The Curse) EP-1

The Typist

The Dormant Dreams of Yesterday

Tim Maudlin

How Footballers Changes Our Society

Tom & Jerry

Diet vs. Fuel

Ulf Wolf

Home (Poetry)

Un-Traditional Mother

Haiku Bird

Victoria Grace Meadows M.Ed

Stop the Politics and Start Thanking the Teachers

Victoria Gregg

Stay Forever Celebrating

Warren Brown

6 Things Highly Successful People Do Differently

Yewande Adeleke

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Does it Work without Vulnerability?


3 Ways You Are Wasting Your Youth


Collections on Specific Topics

Mental Health Collection

Heath & Fitness Collection

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

How to Love and Relate

Do You Want to Become A Sexy Entrepreneur?

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

The World Needs Passionate & Compassionate Leaders

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

Featured Stories About “Writing” From The Top Writers of SYNERGY

Top Stories About Artificial Intelligence

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Other Collections

Collection of Featured Stories Easy access to daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes Easy access to curated and outstanding stories

Learn About ILLUMINATION-Curated Essential articles about ILLUMINATION-Curated publication

Reading List #3 — Technology Hits Selected stories for enjoyment of tech readers

Sample Book Chapters Discover 70+ published authors on ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

Technology, Business, Leadership, & Self-Improvement Stories Curated collections for discerning readers by ILLUMINATION-Curated

You may also enjoy curated collections summarised by ILLUMINATION-Curated. You can meet some of writers reading their biographies. As an Editor of Technology Hits publication, I introduced the value of Technology Hits. If you are a tech writer or reader you may like this unique pub.

Curated Writers Biographies

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