
Editor Profiles

Meet Sumera Rizwan

Senior editor at ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Photo courtesy of Sumera Rizwan

This post introduces Sumera Rizwan, senior and consulting editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. Sumera was born in Islamabad, Pakistan, in a very loving family. Being the youngest, she always enjoyed unconditional love and support.

Her father was a computer scientist, and she followed in his footsteps and completed her graduation in computer science. She got married while still completing her master’s degree in computer science and moved to the United Kingdom with her husband, who was doing his Ph.D. at Manchester University.

She has lived in Islamabad, Manchester, Cambridge, Bath, and now in Derby for the last ten years. She loves to see different places, meet new people, and reflect upon life.

Sumera is a sensitive thinker and a keen observer of her surroundings. She mostly writes about her own experiences on a variety of topics.

Her curated stories on Medium cover a wide range of topics, including programming, poetry, mental health, self-awareness, parenting, heroes of the pandemic, daily life challenges, and more.

Sumera enjoys reviewing stories submitted to our publications, encouraging writers, and engaging with them meaningfully. As an excellent team players, we are grateful for her outstanding support to our writers and readers.

Sumera wrote articles in more than 20 publications. We want to give you quick taste from her large writing portfolio.

Why Our Children Lack Gratitude?

Learn How to Code on Your Own

My Experience of a Transient Ischaemic Attack

Modern Pedagogies in Engineering Education

Will Your Next Car be Electric?

What Writers Want

Lupus Taught me Importance of My Body Needs

How to Make Your Start-Up Attractive for Investors 2020

Learn How to Code on Your Own

Mathematical Miracles of Quran

Thank you for reading stories of Sumera Rizwan. You can connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Computer Science
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