Marketing, Freelancing, and Entrepreneurship
Why Writers Need Personal Publications
Invitation to introduce your own publication to the audience of Illumination Integrated Publications

Why Writers Need Personal Publications
Dear Writers,
Writers need various tools to create visibility to their content for various reasons. Publications on Medium is one of those tools. Freelance writers need to think like entrepreneurs to survive and thrive in their writing business. In addition to creativity and productivity, by focusing on your marketing and entrepreneurial skills, writers can triple their passive income.
In 2020, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, our chief editor, introduced an initiative inviting writers to create a story about their personal publications and submit them to Illumination. He then compiled these great publications and introduced them to the subscribers of our publications and his own subscribers.
Dr Yildiz encourages each writer to create a publication. He helped several writers to achieve this goal. In addition, the editor of Technology Hits also curated these personal publications by our contributors and published them on Illumination-Curated.
As a role model for this initiative, Dr Yildiz created his own publication, and he keeps around 10% of his selected stories in a personal publication, Euphoria, supporting his specific audience. He also keeps all his editorial bulletins and articles guiding new writers in a publication called Illumination Blog. He recommends each writer create a similar publications in their niche.
From his experience, a publication is a useful collaboration tool between writers and readers. Several of his stories went viral from this publication as he keeps the dialogue with his subscribers.
He explained that Subscribers Can Produce 50 Times Better Results Than Followers for Freelance Writers. You can learn more about writing viral content from this article titled What I Learned by Reviewing 100+ Viral Articles in 2021. Dr Yildiz also invited all writers to introduce their newsletters to the audience of Illumination Integrated publications.
The primary purpose of a personal publication is to collect specific stories in one place and share the link with readers and subscribers. It is not possible to share hundreds of story links, but just a single link can be easy and quick. Writers can add publication links in each story, social media posts, blog posts, and newsletters.
In addition, using your personal publications, you can also advertise your affiliate marketing business and create further passive income from your content and affiliate links by following the rules of platforms. Affiliate marketing is a Compelling Passive Income Stream For Freelance Writers.
Creating and maintaining a publication in Medium is easy. If you are a new writer and plan to create your publications and need help, you can contact Dr Yildiz on his Slack workspace. He can guide you and promote your publication to his subscribers. If you are not a member of Slack yet, you can request access via this weblink. There are over 10,500 members on this workspace.
You may also consider introducing yourself in biography and adding your publications in this submission. Our editor Technology Hits collects writer bios in a collection titled: Curated Writer Bios: Learn about contributing writers of ILLUMINATION written by their pen. Here are the six reasons why writers need a bio.
Here are the great publications created by contributors of Illumination Integrated Publications that you may review and participate in if your stories are related to them.
Publications owned by Writers of ILLUMINATION
These stories include introductions by owners of the publications.
Euphoria by Dr Mehmet Yildiz
Illumination Blog by Dr Mehmet Yildiz
What is ChannSpirations and Coincidences? Marcus
Introduction to Exploring Wellness — Jennifer Geer
Write Under the Moon with Us — Claire Kelly
Introduction To A New Publication: Words In Motion — Tree Langdon
Introduction to Boomerangs — Liz Porter
“Doctor Funny” Michael Burg, MD (AKA Medium Michael Burg)
Introduction to the Being Well Publication Dr Jeff Livingston
Introduction to “The Writer’s Journal” — Ugur Akinci, Ph.D.
Introduction to Literary Impulse — Elisabeth Khan and Keta Nachi
Introducing “New Earth Consciousness” — Alan Lew
Introduction To Helping Grandparents — lisa holliday
Introduction To “The Wide Open Space” — B. A. Cumberlidge.
Introduction to Ave Maria — Vic Alcuaz
Introduction to Take Two — Tina L. Smith
The Dreaming 963 — Infiniti
Introduction to “THE CROWN” — Nazmuz Sakib
Red Curtain Erotica: My pride and joy — Chris Hedges
Introduction to Mental Health Advantage Publication — Fred Mwongella
Introduction to ‘Books Are Our Superpower’ — Ruchi Das, Anangsha Alammyan,
The Illumination Founder Made An Impressive Call-To-Action. Introduction to Dentrites and Ruff Life — Lori Brown
Introduction to: “Life After Work” — Brian Feutz
Introduction to IDEADECO Publication — Areti Vassou
Introduction to ‘The Collector’ — Kamna Kirti, kabir
Introduction to Area 84 — Sikander Hayat Khan
Introduction to Tiny Life Moments — Keno Ogbo
What’s Happening on “Fourth Wave” — Patsy Fergusson
Introducing Be Your Own Super Hero! — Katherine G. MacRae
Introducing: TOURISM GEOGRAPHIC — Alan Lew
Introduction to “Creating Harmony In Your Life” — Gregory Reece-Smith
Introducing Getting Ready for the New Day — Jennifer Dunne
I Invite You to Write in Thoughts and Ideas — Sharique Kamal
New Publication on Style, Fashion, and Self-Improvement — Burk
Forward Motion: Write for a Publication of Happiness — Debbie Walker
Introduction To Rainbow Bridge. — Punch Drunk Cola
Publications by Agnes Laurens
Publications by Katlyn Gallo
Publications by — Liv Mello
Publications by — Karen Madej
ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications
These seven publications are owned by Dr Mehmet Yildiz and open to all writers to contribute.
3 — ILLUMINATION Book Chapters
5 — Technology Hits
7 — Readers Hope
8 “ILLUMINATION on YouTube” Publication on Medium
Owned by Illumination YouTube Coordinator
Thank you for following and reading stories of these great publications.
Meet Our Editors
Our editors are volunteers who help writers succeed on Medium. They are also contributing writers. You can check their profiles from the following links.
Thank you for reading profiles of our editors.
Please join our YouTube channel where we introduce our writers and create informative videos. Illumination YouTube Coordinator introduces Dr. Preeti Singh on Illumination YouTube channel.