
Editor Profiles

Meet Chelsea Mandler

Senior editor at ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Photo courtesy of Chelsea Mandler MAT

This post introduces Chelsea Mandler MAT, senior and consulting editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. Chelsea has a passion for writing began when she was age six. By her thirteenth birthday, she wrote eight books.

Chelsea earned a Master’s degree in Teaching and minored in Professional Writing. The combination of both skillsets allows doors to open for her. And she feels very blessed, but her true mission is to: “To write about what people dare not speak.”

Like Hemingway, Chelsea believes in bleeding on the page. She willingly shares her areas of vulnerability with her readers in hopes that her words resonate with those who need to hear them.

Currently, Chelsea is a Writing Specialist, Language Arts, and Communications teacher, and she owns a company CMWritingConsultants.com where she provides any number of services.

She has also written academically for education companies, content marketing for online companies, and many blogs and published articles on numerous websites.

Her specialty is developmental editing. She is immensely pleased to serve Illumination as a consulting editor, especially for intricate pieces that require editorial input.

Chelsea also contributed to growth of ILLUMINATION-Curated which is a curated collection of ILLUMINATION. Here is a story introducing her editorial role for Illumination-Curated.

Chelsea also helped with the introduction of Technology Hits publication to a broader audience. We are grateful for her contributions to our several publications.

We selected a few pieces from the extensive writing portfolio of Chelsea. Please enjoy some chosen readings.

You Missed Out on Me

I Learned to Hate You So I Could Let You Go

You Hit Rock Bottom When You Stop Digging

Men Have Sex with Short Skirts And Marry Long Ones

Normal to Me

Work Redefined

All Hell’s Broke Loose

The Anthem of The Wild Woman

The Two Hundred Thousand Dollar Mistake

The Difference Between Being Sad and Feeling Sad

Thank you for reading stories of Chelsea Mandler MAT. She looks forward to connecting with her readers on Medium.

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