

Meet Lawson Wallace

Senior editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Photo by Lawson Wallace

This post introduces Lawson Wallace, a prolific writer, avid reader, and editor of Illumination Integrated Publications, who recently joined our team.

Lawson was born in Lubbock, Texas, the oldest son of an Air Force Enlisted man. He and his family traveled extensively, so he completed his schooling on a military base in Japan.

Now he is 60 years old and lives in South Carolina, the United States with his family. Interestingly, he met his sweetheart on Facebook.

Lawson draws content from his experience of being dyslexic.

His struggles dealing with dyslexia as a child and an adult enabled him to write stories that create hope, entertainment, and valuable information for his readers. He openly shares his personal weaknesses and setbacks in his stories that give him a powerful position.

He has a unique writing voice. His stories reflect simplicity and clear narration. He keeps his sentences short and uses common words and phrases to maintain clarity, brevity, and impact in his stories.

As a community-minded writer, Lawson joined our publications and extended services. He meaningfully engages with other writers and readers.

Since he has written many excellent stories and engaged meaningfully with other writers, Dr Mehmet Yildiz offered him to join the editorial team of Illumination Integration Publications.

Gratefully, he accepted the offer and quickly learned about the publishing process and editing tools.

As an admirable team player, he brings the publishing issues to the table, participates in discussion sessions, regularly reviews drafts, and quickly publishes them, delighting our writers and readers.

His dedication to supporting our team and contributions are exceptional.

Lawson’s stories attract specific readers who have similar life challenges to him. One of the common themes in his stories is homelessness.

As he experienced this challenge for a while, his stories depict discernible empathy and compassion for other people who struggle from this type of setback in life.

In addition to publishing, as an editor, Lawson also provides practical advice to new writers contributing to our publications.

His advice is based on his experience; therefore, new writers value his insights. Here is a sample story that he guides new writers on Illumination.

We selected some great stories to give you a quick taste of his extensive writing portfolio.

1 — The Persistence of Memories, and the Question, What is Truth?

2 — Writing for Medium is the Second Best Thing I have ever done

3 — I’m not as dumb as I look, so Don’t Judge

4 — No, The Rich don’t have an obligation to Take Care of Homeless People

5 — You’re not “ Woke,” You’re Weak and Pathetic, so Grow Up

6 — The Looks My Wife and I Get When We Are Out in Public

7 — Why Are People Homeless?

8 — I Never Thought I Would End up Homeless

9 — “YOU’RE DYSLEXIC AND BRAIN DAMAGED”, How these words shaped my life.

10 — It Might be Truth but It’s Not My Truth

Thank you for reading Lawson’s stories. You can check his writer bio in the following story.

You can follow Lawson Wallace on Twitter and follow him on LinkedIn.

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