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Lawson Wallace, a writer and editor for Illumination and Reader’s Hope, shares his writing journey and expresses gratitude for the mentorship he received from Illumination's writers and editors.


Lawson Wallace, a writer and editor for Illumination and Reader’s Hope, reflects on his growth as a writer and acknowledges the help he received from the writers and editors of Illumination. He shares that he started as a terrible writer but improved significantly with the guidance of Illumination's team. Lawson submits articles frequently, which has resulted in increased reads, claps, and followers. He aims to encourage new writers and help them grow, just as the Illumination team helped him.


  • Lawson Wallace believes he was a terrible writer when he started.
  • Lawson Wallace credits Illumination's writers and editors for his growth as a writer.
  • Lawson Wallace encourages new writers and wants to help them improve their skills.
  • Lawson Wallace submits articles frequently to improve his writing and increase his readership.

Let Me Introduce Myself

I write and I am an Editor for Illumination

Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava from Pexels

I’m Lawson Wallace, I’m a writer and Editor for Illumination and Reader’s Hope. When I look back at the articles I wrote when I started writing on Medium, I shake my head.

I was a terrible writer, at least that’s what I thought. The turning point for me, was when Illumination accepted me as a writer. Before Illumination, I had no clue how to write an article that was readable or engaging.

I know I drove the Editors nuts, but a funny thing happened. I learned how to write readable content. I learned by writing and submitting often.

I write and submit two or three times a week, sometimes more. The reads and claps for my stories have increased and so have my followers.

“ No man is an Island.” I would not have grown as a writer if it wasn’t for the writers and editors for Illumination. I have benefited from their mentorship. I’m looking forward to helping other writers grow.

I want to encourage new writers. I want to help them be the best writers they can be, like the writers and editors of Illumination helped me.

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