

Meet John Cunningham

Senior editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

John with his long-time mentor JB Glossinger | Photo by John Cunningham

In this post, we introduce one of our most active editors, John Cunningham who is from the Silicon Valley.

John now resides in Tokyo, Japan. He has worked for startups and leveraged his podcasting hobby into a position as a marketing manager.

The work that has been the most fulfilling for him so far has been helping people to be better communicators.

He knows that his clients have become more effective at work and home through the countless hours they invested in working with John. He transferred his teaching skills to his writing, coaching, and editing business.

John joined Medium at the beginning of 2020 with the goal of demonstrating his expertise in business training and personal development.

Surprisingly, he found an affinity for writing, and that led him to write a book chapter by chapter on the platform. His book Win the Day: How to win battles with stress, anxiety, and depression was published in both digital and paperback formats.

John found ILLUMINATION and has been writing informative, inspiring, and engaging stories ever since. Impressed by John’s stories, Dr Mehmet Yildiz invited him to join ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications as an editor.

John graciously accepted the position and has been serving as an editor for ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, and Readers Hope publications.

As an editor, John uses his training background to encourage writers to develop their writing craft. He shares inspiring stories by other writers through his social media accounts and groups. Additionally, he writes a weekly story highlighting other writers to help them grow their audiences. Here is his latest article featuring several writers:

John’s editing style is to ensure that writers are easily understood while maintaining their own unique styles, and that they are embraced by our readers. Rushed and carelessly composed stories don’t do that. He goes the extra mile to ensure that the stories he reviews meet our publications’ and Medium’s guidelines so that they have the greatest opportunity to reach a wider audience.

Selected Stories from John Cunningham on Medium

We selected a few great stories from his collection to give you a quick taste.

He wrote a series of stories about volunteering for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Here is one of those.

One of his early posts about making virtual meetings better.

John’s book, Win the Day, started out as stories. This helped him to test the content before getting to the end of his first draft. Here is an early version of the first chapter.

Here is a story he wrote about removing clutter.

Occasionally, John will venture into other styles of writing. This is a poem he wrote about his 97-year-old grandmother.

His inspiring guidance on training published on ILLUMINATION-Curated gave us valuable insights.

He documented his journey writing his book in this series of stories.

Here is John’s Medium profile:

You can connect with John Cunningham on twitter, Linkedin, email, and his website.

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