

Meet Joe Luca

Senior editor at ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Photo courtesy of Joe Luca

This post introduces Joe Luca, senior and consulting editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. Joe has a long writing history starting from 1980. He had initial success with children’s magazine, published a few stories. That was fun for him.

Living in Los Angeles, the United States, he caught the screenwriting bug and started writing teleplays and screenplays to see if he could enter that market. He got close a few times but never really crossed the finish line.

Since the late 1990s, he has written primarily non-fiction articles in the financial sector, mainly his own articles and writing for other executives who contacted him for some help.

He has used words to communicate successfully in business and to find people’s passions, to discover what makes them tick, what makes them focused, and what makes them care.

As a result, he has cobbled together successful careers in finance and management, mortgage and the Internet, and in his current home improvement field, relying on the use of words and the observational skills he has acquired over the past 50 years.

So, his life has been more than books and writing. Joe worked and lived in New York, England, and California and used his love of words to create a good life for himself and his family.

Since July 2019, he has been on Medium and written fiction, non-fiction, humor, and satire articles, as well as a great deal of poetry, which seems to be his primary interest of late.

Joe joined Illumination when Dr Yildiz founded this significant publication in March 2020. He became a writer and served as an editor since then. His contributions to the growth of this publication were remarkable. Therefore, Dr. Yildiz teases Joe as the grandfather of Illumination as he affectionately teases Karen Madej as the grandmother, who is another inspiring contributor, as we introduced in this story.

Joe loves writing, and meaningfully connecting with readers and other writers. We’d like to introduce a few of his stories to give you a quick taste of his style and content.

Night Comes in Whispers

5 Einstein Quotes That Could Change Your Life . . .

It’s Time We Erect a Statue for Kyle Rittenhouse

Lives We Live


OK Millenials — Boomer Has Had Enough

I Have a Problem With Evolution: It’s Just Not Working Anymore

The Evolution of Corporations …

Leaders vs. Followers

Tales from the Underground

Why Do We Hate Mondays?

Thank you for reading the stories of Joe Luca. You can connect him on LinkedIn. You can also contact Joe on Illumination’s Slack workspace. You may also check Joe’s beautifully written poetic bio for Illumination Poetry Club.

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