
Editor Profiles

Meet Josh Balerite Acol

Senior editor at ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Image owned by Josh Balerite Acol

This post introduces, Josh Balerite Acol, one of the jolliest, friendliest, and most supportive editors of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. She longs for the day when she could quit her 9–5 job to become a full-time writer and editor.

Currently, her hats are very varied — she is a frontliner, a Medical Laboratory Scientist in their city’s hospital, a writer and editor in her spare time, a sole mom of four gorgeous kids, as well as a dog and kitty parent. Besides, she is a bunny mom, too.

Her typical greeting for the day starts with a lovely word like, “Spreading good vibes and warming all of your hearts with my fervent hugs first and foremost before I heat up the publication queue, my loves”. Her words are poetic, as reflected by her top poet status warming our hearts.

Her eyes twinkle as she hops to the queues, wondering if her co-eds will get tired of reading or hearing her repeatedly warm greetings. But we never get tired of her lovely words. She tells herself that no matter what, she will always ensure that everyone feels good and is refreshed, such as when she joins the queues that are bursting with fascinating stories from every corner of the globe.

Her love of writing stems from being a passionate reader and being surrounded by a family of penners and historians–-from her grandfather Jose to her mom, who is also a writer and English major professor, down to her uncles, an aunt, and a brother who is working in a national broadcasting network back home.

On top of that, she has always been an editor-in-chief in her school’s newspaper and a delegate and winner at regional and national schools’ press conferences. Josh claims she is not born a poet but confesses her love of writing poetry comes from being a consistent performer and medallist of literary performing arts, from kinder to college.

She acquired her Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology at the Pontifical and Royal Catholic University of the Philippines, the University of Santo Tomas (UST), the oldest university in Asia, and the most significant existing Catholic university globally situated in a single campus.

As one of the editors of Illumination Publications — ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR, Reader’s Hope, and Synergy, she is dedicated to the intention, to the author, and their readers. She sees to it that a writer’s and reader’s anticipations harmonize with the publisher’s regulations and create a story that meets the needs of all three.

She oversees the improvement of submitted stories and articles by refining them. Like a ship captain, she steers the story along a particular course, improving through these concepts — distinctness, delight, approach, flow, and substantiveness. Thus, she recommends making sentences more interesting and provides suggestions when necessary. For conclusions and images to be valid, evidence or sources must be provided to protect both the writer and the publisher.

Editors are often selective, stuck-to-their-guns, perceptive, and driven to get what they want in life. They have a sharp eye for details, a broad vocabulary, and a grasp of strange grammar rules. Their goal is to make what is already nice even nicer and make what is extraordinary even more spectacular and compelling.

Josh, one of our editors, makes sure each sentence highlights its mark perfectly. To her, it is the editor’s job, therefore, to retain style while intensifying the author’s anticipated outcome. The process is usually weeding out unnecessary words rather than recasting content.

Although nearly a year has gone by since Josh volunteered to be one of our editors, she keeps a promise to herself that Illumination will always be her second family. It is the most-loved virtual family where she continues to grow as an editor and penner here at Medium through the help and guidance of Mehmet Yildiz and other senior editors.

Here is a collection of some of Josh’s best-curated works. Besides poetry, she enjoys writing about mental health, self-love, personal development, and writing in general.

Thank you for reading the stories of Josh Balerite Acol.

You can connect with her on LinkedIn and follow her on Twitter.

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