
Meet Maria Rattray

Senior Editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium

Image courtesy of Maria Rattray

This post introduces Maria Rattray, senior and consulting editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium.

Maria, born, raised, and educated in Scotland, came to Australia as a young teacher for two years, the plan being that she would see much of Australia and then return home.

That didn’t happen. She met her Scottish-born husband in Adelaide, and though she visited and lived in PNG and the Philippines for a few years, Australia has continued to be her home, and Scotland is a fond memory. Maria was a teacher for many years. During that time, she was co-responsible for presenting school musicals. Besides writing some instrumental accompaniments, she also authored the narrations for each musical, something she thoroughly enjoyed.

For some years, Maria was a TESOL teacher teaching English to overseas students, a job that gave her many laughs as students attempted to use the idioms they often stumbled upon.

As an editor, Maria reviews stories in our publications provides valuable feedback to writers and publishes their stories timely. In addition, as a giveback activity to the writing community, she mentors several writers to improve their craft. Maria can be contacted through Illumination Fiction Club on the Slack Workspace where she provides valuable support to our writers.

Maria is the author of several fiction books.

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Books Authored by Maria Rattray

Here are the titles of her fiction books:

Outsmarted: How to get your own way

A Beautiful Atonement

In The Name Of My Father

Hell Bent… Heaven Sent

Searching For God Knows What

One Fortunate Ghost

BUGGA: Some people get all the breaks

As a published author, Maria submitted several books to Illumination Book Chapters. Members of Medium can read these chapters free.

Sample Book Chapters on Medium

Invitation to Published and Indie Authors to Illumination Book Chapters on Medium

Here is chapter 1 of her book In The Name Of My Father

Here is another sample chapter for her book One Fortunate Ghost

Maria’s Editorial Leadership for Fiction Authors

Maria is also an editor of this unique publication. As an editor, she inspired and invited fiction writers to Illumination Book Chapters.

Writing has always been her first love…selling herself, not so successful! It would be fair to say that Maria is an eclectic writer. Not to be confined in a box, she writes about topics she is passionate about, health, fitness, poetry, courage, and justice.

We’d like to introduce a few stories from Maria’s extensive writing portfolio.

Sample Stories on Medium

Thank you for reading stories of Maria Rattray. In addition to Medium, she can be found at her Amazon writer portal and her website.

Here is another introduction to a published author Shashi Sastry on Illumination Integrated Publications.

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