
Meet Shashi Sastry on YouTube

Author of the book “Philosophy of Life Instinct”

Image courtesy of Shashi Sastry

This post introduces Shashi Sastry, author of Philosophy of Life Instinct and a prolific writer on Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium.

Shashi’s day job is at IBM, where he works as an Enterprise Architect and creates transformation strategies for large companies.

He is an expert consultant in this domain and a certified Open Group Distinguished Architect. Shashi has a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering discipline graduated in 1987. He practiced it for twelve years before transitioning to Information Technology. Shashi migrated to Australia in the late 90s with his wife, Shylaja. Their children Preetika and Tarun were born in Sydney, and they are all dual citizens of Australia and India. After many years in Sydney, they moved to Pune in India, where they live.

A significant second side to Shashi is as an investigator of philosophical ideas and the human condition. His interest in various knowledge areas has fuelled this facet and vice versa. Over the years, he has examined Quantum Physics, Relativity, Psychology, History, Palaeontology, music, and literature in depth. The interest that catalyzed all of Shashi’s contributions is his abiding love of the English language. He has studied and practiced the art and craft of writing from his school days, and it has allowed him to grasp and transform the nuances of philosophical ideas and human life.

Shashi has been writing essays on architecture, leadership, mind and body, and language for several years. But his masterwork is the Philosophy of Life Instinct, laid out in the eponymous book. It is a new perspective with growing adherents who love it for its worth for our personal, social, and natural life. Shashi will continue elaborating on this philosophy and disseminating its value.

Shashi’s website is a repository of everything he loves and creates for the public. Shashi has a considerable presence on LinkedIn and Medium, with his technical and life-related posts, respectively. Shashi’s Medium by-line captures him in a nutshell — “I aim to be a prism, refracting the light of thought into a rainbow of content.”

Image courtesy of Shashi Sastry

We asked Shashi What is the book about? He answered our question.

“The Philosophy of Life Instinct addresses the problem of locating the seat of life and human nature then using it to construct a practical guide for living well as individuals, together, and with the planet. It’s the first time the instinct that manifests as life and makes us what we are has been viewed and applied in this way”.

His quest began many years ago when he was in his early twenties. As he emerged from the golden innocence of childhood and insouciance of youth, his observations of the situations of family, friends, society, and human behaviour turned into a deep interest. Their sources and reasons became an insistent problem to solve.

At some point, he realised that it all keeps coming back to one thing — that we are a form of matter called Life that’s driven by powerful forces, accompanied by severe limitations in its ability to grasp reality and control itself.

As far as he could see, here was the source of our form and character. It is a reality that is deceptively simple but informs myriad dimensions. He has regularly questioned his view in forty years of thinking, waiting for the idea to change, to prove false. But it hasn’t. This source is what he calls — The Life Instinct.

He elaborates on the fundamentals of The Life Instinct in Chapter 4. In subsequent chapters, he considers the essential features of life from its perspective. With his insights, we try to understand each features origins, the implications, and how to work with it.

In his journey through the many puzzles, he found they belong to one of two categories: metaphysical or philosophical-humanistic enquiries. We will shine the light of the Philosophy of Life Instinct on both.

This book does not cover every aspect of life, but you can apply it to answer any other question if you understand and accept its philosophy. Once we consider both metaphysics and humanities in the light of the Life Instinct, this mental paradigm is a powerful tool for any seeker of knowledge, insight, and wisdom.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Chief Editor of Illumination Integrated publications reviewed and published chapters of Shashi’s book on Illumination Book Chapters.

Source — Illumination YouTube Channel

Another top writer Dr. Preeti Singh, who is also a lead editor of Illumination Integrated Publications and a top writer on Medium, said:

Source — Illumination YouTube Channel

We hope you enjoy reading this insightful and engaging book.

Medium members can also read this book on Illumination Books Chapters.

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Shashi Sastry shared his experience and success kindly acknowledging Illumination Book Chapters and Medium in a recent article.

One of our community members created an inspiring video introducing Shashi and his book. We hope you enjoy this well-designed video as a giveback to writing and reading communities on the Internet.

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