

Meet Kasey Harrington

Senior editor at ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Image courtesy of Kasey Harrington

This post introduces Kasey Harrington, a senior editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium.

Kasey received her bachelor’s degree in marketing from California State University, Northridge, where she developed an interest in consumer behavior.

Later, Kasey earned her certification in UX design and hopes to transition into UX in the future. She has a mixed industry background, including finance, technology, and law undertaking various roles.

Kasey is a former marketing coordinator working as a law assistant and transformed content creator. She resides in Central California with her husband and two small children. She enjoys reading, a hot cup of coffee, and wine tasting on the Central Coast.

In addition, after being a bridesmaid in 13 weddings, Kasey has developed a passion for event planning and creating beautiful spaces.

Through her work and personal experiences, as a prolific writer, Kasey enjoys writing on various topics to help others and inspire their journeys, whether it’s motherhood, career paths, or side hustles. She is also an avid reader.

Kasey is grateful for the opportunities Medium has provided, such as writing freely, self-publishing, gaining visibility on publications, and connecting with authors and readers.

Through this platform, she has gained the confidence to freelance her skills and plans to leave her 9 to 5 to pursue her content creating and writing on Medium full-time.

We are grateful Kasey donates her precious time to review stories submitted to Illumination, guide writers, and publish them timely.

We selected a few stories from Kasey’s writing portfolio to give you a quick taste of her content and style.

1 — Fall in Love With Hosting a Dinner Party

This article was written for a fall writing competition. Kasey shares some tips and tricks for hosting a dinner party.

2 — I Reached 100 Followers, Here’s What I’ve Learned.

Kasey breaks down and shares her insights into what it took to earn 100 followers.

3 — You’ll Regret Not Doing This

Kasey discusses the importance of documenting your unique ideas.

4 — Signs You Need a Break

It’s important to recognize when you are in need of a break. Kasey writes about those signs you need to look for.

5 — Your Productivity is Down Because of the Office

Kasey speaks to her experience working in an office and how low productivity can be compared to working remotely.

6 — Time to Tell Yourself “It’s Okay”

Motherhood and time don’t always seem to align properly. Kasey provides insight and advice for mothers.

7–3 Steps to Solve Your Problems

In this article, Kasey provides a different perspective to understanding your problems and how to solve them.

8 — Saying “No” Doesn’t Make You a Bad Mom

Kasey speaks to her experience of the stress and weight of the word “no” as a new mother.

9 — Dear Past Self

In this article, Kasey writes a letter to her past self and takes the reader on the journey of discovering self love.

10 — That Job Offer Might Not Be Work It

Kasey discusses the opportunity to make more money and uses self reflection to reconsider.

Thank you for reading Kasey’s stories. She looks forward to connecting with her readers. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.

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