

Meet Carol Price

Senior editor at ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Photo courtesy of Carol Price

This post introduces Carol Price, a retired medical doctor, prolific writer, avid reader, senior and consulting editor of Illumination Integrated Publications. She brings decades of wisdom to our team.

Carol was born in Dublin, Ireland, the eldest of three children. Her father was a doctor, and after an enjoyable three years completing a degree in Botany and Zoology at Trinity College Dublin, she decided that she would also like to be a doctor. So began her medical studies.

After qualifying and completing her first year working in Dublin, she moved to London with her husband and supported him while completing a Master’s degree.

Three daughters later and various moves worldwide, including a stint working in Eswatini, the family returned to the UK, and Carol spent her career as a general practitioner in Kent.

She is busy with active countryside pursuits and can frequently be seen being taken for walks by her unruly dog. She is skilled in a number of crafts and dabbles in art. Boredom does not feature in her life.

It was only after retirement that there was time for writing. On her 60th birthday, she sat down and wrote a short story which you can read here. The Bathroom Window. A fictional story of obsession | by Carol Price | ILLUMINATION | Dec, 2021 | Medium

From that moment on, she became passionate about writing and particularly about the benefits of writing for mental health. In the past four years, having moved to Scotland, she has been running a small creative writing class in a town called Annan. Despite having to close down during the pandemic, the group is active again.

She joined Medium about 18 months ago and has contributed many stories on a wide variety of topics. She writes both serious and humorous articles, poetry, fiction, and everything in between!

She became an editor for Illumination and its sister publications just over a year ago.

The ethos of Illumination to provide an avenue for every writer and support and encourage writers from diverse backgrounds fits with Carol’s stance on life, and she is delighted to contribute in this way.

She particularly likes to discover new voices who can add unique perspectives on their experiences and culture.

One of Carol’s particular areas of interest is promoting honesty in writing and publishing. She works hard to expose the dishonest, those who openly plagiarise, and those who intimidate, defame, or bully. She can use various tools to detect harmful content.

Whenever our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz face a difficult plagiarism case in our publications, he consults Carol’s expertise and obtains her valuable assessment for decision making.

Carol firmly believes these unethical writers have no place in Illumination like all other team members. Our publications have zero tolerance to plagiarism and harmful content for society as listed in Medium policies.

However, we embrace every ethical writer. Carol does not mind the weaknesses of aspiring writers from language and style perspectives thus generously invests her time to help them improve their craft.

Here is a story introducing her approach to editing in Illumination Integrated Publications.

Many stories of Carol were distributed to numerous topics on Medium. We’d like to give you a quick taster of her engaging, informing, and insightful stories:

A little introduction to her undisciplined crazy dog who defies trainers.

Advice to Would-Be Chocolate Labrador Owners | by Carol Price | ILLUMINATION | Dec, 2021 | Medium

You can read a bit more here about the process of editing.

Like Housework, Editing Never Ends | by Carol Price | SYNERGY | Nov, 2021 | Medium

and a bit about plagiarism

Excuses I Have Been Given by Plagiarists | by Carol Price | SYNERGY | Medium

The imagination of children can be extraordinary. Here she lets us into her own childhood experiences.

What if There Really Was Another Dimension Through the Wall? | by Carol Price | ILLUMINATION-Curated | Medium

And here she talks about ‘what is normal’?

Let’s Stop Talking About Normal. Every one of us is unique | by Carol Price | ILLUMINATION | Medium

Carol also tries fiction and shared her content on Illumination Book Chapters.

Thank you for reading stories of Carol Price.

You can follow her on Twitter and connect with her on LinkedIn and here on Vocal.media

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