

Featured Stories

Outstanding Stories — Volume 87

Selected stories from top writers of ILLUMINATION-Curated

Photo by Leo Acevedo on Pexels

Dear Readers and Writers,

As mentioned in yesterday’s bigger volume, I am back to creating featured collections from excellent stories published in the Illumination-Curated publication on Medium. This collection serves a few purposes.

The main goals are to provide our readers curated reading list and to create visibility of stories posted by our accomplished writers. In addition, we publish these collections on Illumination to provide well-written sample stories for our new writers.

Illumination support all levels of writers, from beginners to accomplished, now around 15,000+ writers. So, the purpose is to allow new writers to learn from experienced ones.

Due to time restrictions today, I selected fewer stories from our prolific writers. I hope you enjoy them and find them valuable.

Recent submissions to ILLUMINATION-Curated

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Albert Found the Direct Path to Enlightening Moments

Three Tips to Eliminate Insulin Resistance and Shrink Waistline

Dr John Frederick Rose

Exploring Thoughts. Dr. John’s Poetry

Dr Michael Heng

The Wabi-Sabi Method to a Better Self

Britni Pepper

You Missed the Oscars’ Best Scene

Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer

Have You Reached A Writing Milestone Lately?

Anastasia Frugaard

One Simple Reason Why My Husband and I Won’t Raise Our Daughter in the U.S.

Chelsea Mandler MAT

Careful What You Say

America Zed⚡

24 Hours

Amy Christie

A Path of Velvet Snakes

Anastasia Soul Gypsy

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Andrew Jazprose Hill

Does Will Smith Have a ‘Roid Rage’ Problem?

Anthony Signorelli

Ukraine and the Soul

Arthur Keith

Guns N’ Churches in Colorado Springs

Aza Y. Alam

Coming Out as a Playwright

Bill Abbate

Create Anything You Want in Life

Bill Myers

Why Can’t Restaurants Serve ONE Small Dessert? Monsters Aren’t Enjoyable.

Blaine Coleman

A Free Online Science Fiction Novel- “Liberty”


(II) What Do Obesity and Starvation Have in Common?

Brian Dickens Barrabee

Bowling with Professionals

David Mokotoff

More Fun With Words Quiz, Volume IV

David Pahor

Explaining Abortion, Killing and Spiders to a Machine

David Todd McCarty

The Proper Way To Eat An Elephant

Debbie’s Reflection

Is it Human Nature to Judge others?

Debra Groves Harman

Camino de Santiago and How I Packed

Dennis De Silva

Spamming People To Get Reads Would Hurt Your Reputation

Desiree Driesenaar

How Can You Make Sure Meetings Are Productive and Hugely Innovative?

Donna Lynn

A Treasured Childhood Bucket List

Douglas Giles, PhD

A Russian Pub Owner, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the Beauty of an Open Society

Eira Braun-Labossiere 🌻

6 Podcast Reviews to Explore Your Humanity

Emmanuel A. Anderson

7 Songs Capable of Recharging You to Keep Going After Your Dreams When You Feel Unmotivated

EP McKnight, MEd

The Shame of a Manipulated Trial

Erin King

How To Act Like A Grown-Up

Fatunla Samuel

You’ll Regret Not Doing This Steve Harvey’s Proven Success Theory When You Are Way Much Older

Floyd Mori

A Snowstorm In Early March Left Much Needed Moisture

Francine Fallara

Gently Caressing Our Flashing Petals

G Correia

For The First Time, I Was Not The Only Black Person In Attendance

Gadwall Jackson

Why Biden’s Speech Matters

Gavin Sher

Surrender to the Mystery

Helen Cassidy Page

If I Can Finish A Marathon, I Can Finish An Article.


Curated Collection #13

Jaja Requa

A True Story: “ Blackness”

James Jordan

Lost on the Chisos Trail

Jennifer Geer

Thinking of Quitting Your Job? You Aren’t the Only One

Jill Ebstein

The Revenge Match

Joe Luca

Be a Better Husband or Be Her Ex — It’s Your Choice

John Cunningham

Is It Possible to Escape From Solitude

John Teehan

A New New Year’s Strategy That Could Change Everything

Julia E Hubbel

Why Border Politics Matter: How Ukraine and Poland’s Actions Touch All of Us

Julius Evans

When Black Men Date White Women


Curated Collection #91

Illumination YouTube Coordinator

What Computer Games Mean to Me and Why I Play Them

Karen Madej

Why Does It Matter What’s in a Kiss?

Karthick Nambi

Why You Should Monotask Especially Reading

Kevin Farran

Neither Fear, nor Shame, nor Exhaustion Will Stop Us.

Kimberly Thomas

The Ride

Kristina Segarra

The Hidden Dangers of Technology

Lady Jhershierra

Journey into Silence Discover if You Are a Slave to Ego or Know The True Self.

Lawson Wallace

That morning I was lying on my sofa, was working that night, or so I thought.

Leah Njoki

Life Truths Every 30-Year-Old Woman Needs To Hear Over and Over Again

Lester Golden

Ukraine’s Citizen vs Russia’s Serf Army

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Personally Read and Curated Picks

Maria Rattray

Do You Know People With Severely Compromised Health? I Do!

Martin D. Hirsch

Woodstock Mastermind Michael Lang, Who Died Last Weekend, Said His Aim Was to Bring Out the Best in…

Martine Weber

Held in Time

Michele Thomas

We Aim for the Stars

Paul Myers MBA

How Many “Countless White Crosses” Must “Stand Mute In The Sand” Before We Embrace Peace?

Paul Thomas Zenki

Confessions of a Sorry-Ass Cracker

Randy Wolken

Focus On Your Trajectory

Rebecca Romanelli

Hitching a Ride with Mr. Hard Luck and Troubles

Rebecca Stevens A.

Why Would A Black Woman Want To Get Paid For Her Work Like White People Are?

Remington Write

Chuck’s Cats

René Junge

Breaking News: Next Monday All Idiots Will Be Revealed in Germany!

Roger A. Reid, Ph.D.

Want to Help Ukrainian Refugees?

Roger Himes Esquire

Gospel Worship in the Psalms: 5

Sara Marium

Five Most Important Investment Decisions of Life

Technology Hits

Hand-Picked Articles #21

Toni Crowe

I Don’t Care That You Don’t Care That I Don’t Care

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh

My Weird Day When I Will Write About Anything

Ugur Akinci

The Wallet-Burning Hidden Costs of Owning a Lamborghini

Ulf Wolf

Discussing the Undiscussable

Vi Valenzuela

Whiteness and the (Not Very Nice) World of Dating Apps


What Is Happening in Ukraine and Why It Matters for the World

Thank you for reading these engaging and informative stories.

We are grateful for the time and efforts our editors who reviewed and published these pieces. You can meet some of our editors from this collection compiled by ILLUMINATION-Curator

You might check profiles of our writers from their pen.

This collection includes publication related content.

Meta Collection of Featured Stories by ILLUMINATION

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Invitation to Potential Writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories and writers can monetize self-published content.

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