
Editor Profiles

Meet Arlo Hennings, PhD

Senior Editor of Illumination Integrated Publications

Image courtesy of Arlo Hennings

This post introduces Arlo Hennings, senior editor of illumination integrated publications, a published author, and a top writer on Medium. Dr Hennings started pounding on a mechanical typewriter when he was 15 years old. He wrote poetry and carried the poems around in a suitcase. Arlo Hennings holds PhD in ethnomusicology, Master in Fine Arts (Creative Writing), B.A., PCA (Personal Care Assistant), and ESL teaching qualification.

In 1969 Hennings got the idea to mail his poems to Ferlinghetti. To his surprise, the famed author and publisher wrote back. They became pen pals. In 1985 Ferlinghetti distributed Hennings’ first poetry book “Tomorrow Never Answers.”

During the early 70s, Hennings dropped out of high school. Dodged the Vietnam War draft and hitchhiked across America. His travels took him to Woodstock and the first Rainbow Festival. He met Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters. Hunter S. Thompson. And leaders of the RED movement, Dennis Means and Russell Banks.

In his late teens, he got his first job working in the music business in a dance hall. That experience would lead to a 50-year career in the music business. He worked as a musician. Recording studio engineer. A record company executive. Music distributor, music publisher, and venue owner. He was also manager of A&M recording artist Shawn Phillips for 18 years. Their tours took them to London to work with Donovan and Led Zepplin’s Jimmy Page. In 1994 they were also the first American artists invited to tour the new South Africa. And he met Nelson Mandela.

As an artist, Dr Hennings published a poetry book and a double album/screenplay. He toured and recorded for five years in his band Vitamin Q. He compressed four decades of his hardscrabble, dharma bum, rock n’ roll life. And in 2016 put it into a memoir called “Guitarlo.”

In 2010 after the American Great Recession wiped him out financially. He Looked to reinvent himself. The journey led to ex-pat life in Bali, Indonesia. He still lives there.

In Indonesia Dr Hennings became a mentor for Indonesian musicians. Consultant to the Indonesian music business and a cultural ambassador. In January 2022, he published his new book “Bali: Life on the Ring of Fire” on Illumination Books. When he’s not writing for Medium and NewsBreak, he teaches ESL. He is also an SE Asia booking agent, Australian Podcast host, and Indonesian community supporter.

Dr Hennings has been contributing to Illumination Integrated publications as a writer for a while and recently joined our editorial team to support our writers and readers. We are grateful for his giveback service to our publications.

We want to give you a quick taste of his remarkable stories.

A Real Jurassic Park

I Married into a Foreign Culture

A Clockwork Orange — 50 Years Ago Today

I Saw You Deleted Everything

How to drink yourself to death in Bali

The Expat Dream

About Me — Arlo Hennings

My Daughter and her Mother Addicts Both

Unsung Hero Dreamt of Helping Children

Journey to Nomadland: The Reluctant Expat

Thank you for reading stories of Arlo Hennings. You can follow him on Twitter.

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