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Editor’s Choice

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #02

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

Dear Readers and Writers,

I have been reviewing and featuring stories from Illumination and posted 69 collections so far, and I will continue to support the writers and readers of this unique publication. My collections are titled “Hand-Picked Articles,” as I only feature stories that resonate with me. Then, I started reviewing stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated. Each day, I discover fascinating stories. Therefore, I decided to feature stories from my reading journal. You may check my first collection at this link. I hope you enjoy these impressive stories as much as I do. This collection is my weekend gift to our loyal readers.

Stories from Writers of ILLUMINATION-Curated

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Five Tips to Melt Visceral Fat and Have a Defined Belly

Sebastian Purcell, PhD

What Hannah Arendt Can Teach Us About The Capitol Hill Insurrection

Roger A. Reid, Ph.D.

10 Effective Ways to be Recognized as a Leader When You’re Not the Boss

Edward Robson, PhD

5 Reasons Dating is a Waste of Time

Michael Burg, MD (AKA Medium Michael Burg)

These two stories were just “chosen for further distribution” but remain largely unloved.

Dr Michael Heng

How I Unleashed my Inner Entrepreneur

Dr Jeff Livingston

Apple TV+ Ted Lasso Is the Antidote We All Desperately Need

Dr. Preeti Singh

Routine With Change In Style

Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer

This Is Why Memory Brought Tears of Joy

Douglas Giles, PhD

A Russian Pub Owner, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the Beauty of an Open Society

Arlo Hennings, Ph.D.

Medium 2021 — Auld Lang Syne: success & failures and tips on how to better distribute your content

Brian E. Wish, PhD

Lessons From A Big-A$$ Ark, With Pictures

Steve Beller, PhD

Fundamental Connectedness, Differences, and Survival

Dr John Frederick Rose

Crystal Cup, Inner Worlds.

Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.

Nature is Cold-ass Neutral

Jonathan Isbill MS, RDN

How Much is Enough?

Paul Myers MBA

How To Make $1,000 From Your Existing Articles

Jessica Lynn

Jeff Bezos Could Learn a Thing or Two from His Ex-wife

Anastasia Frugaard

5 (More) Things My European Husband Loves About the U.S.

Mike Pole

My First Ghost

Rebecca Romanelli

Using Archetypes to Enhance Your Understanding of Self and Others

Bebe Nicholson

Science and Faith Don’t Have to Cancel Each Other Out

Piper Steele

10 Stupid Things I Used to Believe About Sex

Crystal Jackson

My Secret Garden: Lessons on Love, Life, and Loss

Maria Cross

Raw Versus Cooked: Which Diet is the Most Nutritious?

Melinda Blau

It’s Groundhog Day Everywhere — So Why Is Time Going So Fast?

Blaine Coleman

A Free Online Science Fiction Novel- “Liberty”- Chapter 12

Helen Cassidy Page

The Year of the Great Comeback Challenge

Regina Clarke

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Rebecca Stevens A.

In White Switzerland, Can We Make Black Lives Truly Matter?

Julius Evans

When Black Women Date White Men

Matt Ray

Ocean Shots From Around The World

Remington Write

Are the Bad Old Days Back?


How to Fill Your Store-Cupboard of Ideas

Mike Pole

So Global Warming will Not cause more Bush-Fires in Australia?

Britni Pepper

Sordid Secret Life of Beloved Children’s Author

Tina L. Smith

One Meaningful Thing White Folk Can Do for Black History Month


Collection of Editor Bios

Abena D

It Was a Baby

Carolyn Hastings

My Red Spot 🔴

Jan M Flynn

Finding Your Old Friend on Facebook

Phil Truman

Cow Thieves and Outlaws Reunion

Julia E Hubbel

Your Opinion is NOT Necessarily Fact. It’s Your Opinion.

Vanessa Robinson

Picnic at the Pickrick in Atlanta, GA

Jennifer Friebely

A Lesson From Mister Rogers

Dr Fatima Imam

Charismatic Qualities

Jill Reid

Let the Joy and Wonder of the Season Into Your Heart

René Junge

No One Can Keep Up

Agnes Louis

Loving Your Flesh and Blood Ain’t Easy

Floyd Mori

Ordinary People Spoke Out About The Seven Republican Senators

Jean Carfantan

Spiral Learning

Riku Arikiri

Be Happy With What You Have While Working For What You Want in Life

L.A. Strucke

9 Signs You’re A Strong Person

Terry Trueman

Looking Around the Corner

Utpal Kumar

A Detailed Versus Minimal Timetable

Godofredo Rojas

The 5 Rules of Really Strong Couples

Holly Kellums

A Colorless White World

Agnes Laurens

Playing the Game

Aldric Chen

Why Is Achilles In A Hurry? Does He Know Something That We Don’t?

Mukundarajan V N

The Lure of The Number 10,000 is Irresistible

J.D. Harms

Trading Moments

Leo Guinan

This is the Most Difficult Thing About Being a Startup Founder with ADHD


What is it Going to Be?

Patrick M. Ohana

Sympathy for a Goddess

Michele Thomas

How Much is Enough?

Dew Langrial

How Your Children Are Not Your Children — Khalil Jabran at His Best

Illumination YouTube Coordinator

Important Life Lessons from 30 Personal Stories Inspiring Me on Medium

Anne Bonfert

Paddling to the Edge of a Dam

Tree Langdon

A religious expert talks about their experimentation with drugs.

Kevin Farran

Searching the Shores of Writer’s Block

Suntonu Bhadra

A Mere Light In The Room

Lanu Pitan

The Nutritional Benefits Of Garlic

Martine Weber

Behind The Veil

Robert Trakofler


Chelsea Mandler MAT


EP McKnight, MEd

The Life &Times of the Legendary Ms. Mary Wilson, Supremes Founder

Caroline de Braganza

Does Global Citizen’s Social Media Campaign Endorse Western Media Bias on Ukraine?

Daniella Mini

What Does It Even Mean to Be Wrong?

KS Copeland

Is the F-Word the New N-Word?

Randy Wolken

Do You Have Thinking Partners?

America Zed

Life Work

Kimberly Thomas


Keira Fulton-Lees

Of What Have I Seen?

Julie Nyhus MSN, FNP-BC

How Much Do You Know About Viruses?

Kate Lynch

How and Why to Return to Yoga During Covid-19

Deborah Barchi

Mid-Winter Morning

Orla Kenny

20 Things I Learned To Do That Changed My Life For The Better

Desiree Driesenaar

Do You Use Your 3 Brains Effectively? Let’s Unleash Our Wisdom!

Drama Llama

Matsukaze, The Longing That Goes Beyond Death

James G Brennan

Say what?

Jeanette C. Espinoza

Let’s Talk About When Black People are Called Racists

Jennifer Geer

My Dog Swallowed a Plastic Squeaker From Her Toy This Morning

John Teehan

How a Great Dungeon Master Can Be Even Greater

Jordan Mendiola

3 Bold Predictions on The Future of Entertainment

Kara Summers

He Hired Me Because Of My “Sexy Facebook Picture”

Karen Madej

Karen’s Weekly Review of Technology Hits

Kris Franklin

College Basketball and NHL Bets for 2/17

Levi Borba

Palmeiras? How Football Clubs Help You to Understand Brazil

Liz Porter

My PTSD Triggers Live On — Confessions of a Survivor

Luke Beling

Opportunity Is Found in Adversity

Lynette Hew

Young Women behind Financial Literacy on Instagram

Marjorie J McDonald

Unleashing the Peace Within

Martin D. Hirsch

Aging White Boy Spends National Black History Month Pondering His Lifetime of Race Relations

Karthick Nambi

The Second Monotask To Follow — Walking

Massùod Hemmat

An Ax, a Razor, a Scissor, and a Knife Taught Me Four Problem Solving Techniques

Kim McKinney

You Can Be Proud Coming In Second

Michael Papas

How To Be More Confident, No Quick-Fixes Included

Moreno Zugaro

5 Fundamental Parts of Life You Need to Treat Differently If You Want to Be Successful

Fatunla Samuel

Reasons You Need A Salary Earner, But Shouldn’t Be A Salary Earner Yourself

Myriam Ben Salem🦋

With a friend of mine, we went to a cozy space offering different kinds and difficulty-levels of…

Anshul Kumar

You, Will, be Unstoppable with the 5-Second Rule if You Follow It

Neha Sandhir S

The Change

Nkeonye Judith Izuka

The Real Tales of an Intern Part 4

Øivind H. Solheim

How to Excel in Creative Writing

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Tanka for Meaningful Engagement

Jaja Requa

True Story: I Wasn’t Sure if I was Gay but Being Gay is not a Lifestyle Choice!

Rosy Gee

How do you get 1.8K Followers Without Writing a Single Story?

Tim Ebl

20 Serious Headlines That Were Accidentally Hilarious

Rob Hourmont

I Want My Food Healthy and Clean, do You?

Sanjeev Yadav

4 Small Acts of Happiness That Go Unnoticed


Benefits of Impostor Syndrome and Lack of Confidence

L. C. McLaughlin

Is waking up early without feeling tired possible?

Tim Maudlin

Your Story

Dennis De Silva

Three Newbie Tips for Those Who Want to Earn Money Online

Sajjad Choudhury

How to Manage your Relationships in Quarantine

Tina Viju

Dowry, The Rampant Cancer Which Continues To Kill In Civilized India.

Toni Koraza

3 Common Misconceptions About the Laptop Lifestyle Debunked

Jill Ebstein

An Open Letter to a Man Named “Tim”

Tom Handy

3 Myths You Should Know on Writing About Money Articles that Makes it Sexy

Yve Laran

Max Out Your Library Card

Warren Brown

Introduction to Lucid Dreams

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh

My Illumination-Curated Article, Distributed

Lester Golden

Ukraine’s Citizen vs Russia’s Serf Army

Roger Himes Esquire

Thoughts for Lent: A Little Off-Beat and They May Go Against the Tide Some (#3)

Liam Ireland

As many of my friends and followers might have noticed, I haven’t been posting very much this last…


I’m a Writer/Editor: Why the Heck I Built An Affiliate Marketing Business After the Age of 60


Are We on the Cusp of the Artificial Intelligence Revolution?

Technology Hits

Reading List #3 — Technology Hits

Thank you for reading these remarkable stories.

Recent Featured Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated

Many thanks to ILLUMINATION-Curator for leading this unique publication giving voice to our accomplished writers.

As Dr Mehmet Yildiz, owner and chief editor of Illumination Integrated Publications, confirmed You Can Directly Write For ILLUMINATION-Curated. However, your stories must meet Medium curation guidelines

Invitation to Potential Writers

To join Illumination Integrated publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a top writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories and writers may monetize self-published content. As our chief editor, Dr Mehmet Yildiz says “opportunities are endless on this platform”. I agree with his point.

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