
The context provides an onboarding pack for new writers joining Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium, offering guidelines, policies, and resources for successful writing and publishing.


The context is an onboarding pack for new writers joining Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. It covers various topics, including the purpose of the article, how editors communicate with writers, Slack workspace, non-member writers, plagiarism policy, photo handling policy, AI-generated content policy, submitting stories, publishing guidelines, conduct guidelines, new writer checklist, and more. The pack also introduces the publications, their purposes, and their editors. It provides guidance on increasing followers, readers, and subscribers, writing viral content, and creating a passive income stream. Additionally, it offers resources for writing challenges, prompts, and social media tools to amplify content.

Bullet points

  • The context is an onboarding pack for new writers joining Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium.
  • It covers various topics, including the purpose of the article, communication with writers, Slack workspace, non-member writers, plagiarism policy, photo handling policy, AI-generated content policy, submitting stories, publishing guidelines, conduct guidelines, new writer checklist, and more.
  • The pack introduces the publications, their purposes, and their editors.
  • It provides guidance on increasing followers, readers, and subscribers, writing viral content, and creating a passive income stream.
  • Additionally, it offers resources for writing challenges, prompts, and social media tools to amplify content.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Master Copy: Onboarding Information for New Writers

Welcome and information pack for new contributors of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Writer applications to Illumination via our registration portal. Please review our checklist before submitting your stories to our publications.

Photo by Steshka Willems from Pexels

We noticed that non-members couldn’t read this story so please find the friendlink as this story is essential for all writers joining our pubs.

New writers, please check this new editorial update, which includes a comprehensive checklist aiming to improve the quality of your writing and increase the chance of visibility and building your audience on Medium.

Monthly Updates from Our Publications

Recently Updated Submission Guidelines

ILLUMINATION-Curated: New Submission Guidelines 2023

Submission Guidelines: Illumination Integrated Publications

SYNERGY: Submission Guidelines 2023

Technology Hits: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Submission Guidelines 2023

Readers Hope: New Submission Guidelines 2023

Dear New Writers,


Thank you for joining our writing and reading community on Medium. We are delighted to meet you and look forward to reading and promoting your stories.

Please note that writers added to our publications in the last two weeks are listed at the end of this post. This post provides helpful information for new writers to be successful on Medium.

Reviewing the key messages might speed up the publishing of your stories and start earning income quickly.

Every new writer must read Photo Handling Policy before starting as it is the most time consuming issue for our editors.

Reminder: Writers failing to meet our photo handling policy will be removed from publications. This is our biggest problem wasting the precious time of our volunteer editors and causing publishing delays.

Illumination does not accept content written by artificial intelligence tools but we have a viable solution to make writers and readers happy.

AI-Generated Content Policy for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

How to submit a story to Illumination and other publications

The most frequently asked question for new writers is how to submit a story to Illumination. The answer is:

When you draft your story, please click on the … (3 dots) on the top right side of your screen. Click on the add to publication and then choose Illumination and submit. Then editors will review and publish if your story qualifies.

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION — NEW

Introduction to new onboarding pack


Many thanks to previous writers for the feedback on the new format of our onboarding pack from the previous version and for ideas to improve this important resource. Based on feedback, we made some changes.

This is a new and more comprehensive copy of our onboarding pack aiming to inform you. Thus, we call it the “master copy”. Instead of sending a copy for each group of applicants, we decided to keep a reference copy, add writers’ accounts at the end of this copy, and announce applicants in a daily bulletin. So we will link this post to our daily curated posts to create more visibility for the accounts of our contributors.

Creating onboarding packs is tedious and time-consuming for our editors. Since we support over 19,000 writers, editorial and administrative tasks take significant time.

To address this issue, our chief editor, Dr Mehmet Yildiz constantly performs optimization activities to reduce the time for administrative tasks. As a result, he automates some activities, but not all jobs are automatable.

Please note that our publications do not generate income and run with the support of volunteer editors who are writers like you. In addition, publications have a limitation of only 30 editors. Therefore, even though we have 87 volunteers, we cannot add them, so we keep juggling daily to meet our workload and delight our writers and readers.

This approach will enable new writers to be recognized by our readers and writers who follow our curated collections. In addition, we add writers daily instead of waiting for a week.

The post looks long in size. Nevertheless, you may skim and only review relevant parts to understand our requirements for new writers. New members on Medium ask the following questions frequently. Therefore, we need to answer them in this initial post, what we call the onboarding pack for new contributors.

What is the purpose of this article?

We created this post as apart from writing an article like this, there is no other mechanism to inform new applicants on Medium. The purpose of this post is to inform new writers joining our publications ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION Book chapters, Technology Hits, SYNERGY, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR, and Readers Hope. We are delighted to add your Medium account to our publications as new contributor. Many thanks for joining ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications supporting more than 20,000 writers on Medium now.

How do your editors communicate with writers?

We usually use private messages to inform our writers during the publication process. However, as there are limitations to private messages, we established a virtual workspace to keep our writers informed.

By using Slack, we extend collaboration capability. Our chief editor and owner of these publications, Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, will invite you to the Slack workspace via your registered email addresses in the writer application form. If you don’t get the invitation, Slack, please leave a comment pointing out the problem in this article.

What is Slack, and how can we join?

Slack is a tool we use as a virtual communication tool to support our writers. Participation in the Slack workspace is free and optional.

However, we highly recommend all contributors to our publications join the Slack workspace, as it is a useful tool for maintaining communication and collaboration. Our members enjoy this free service.

Currently, more than 14,000 members have meaningful interactions via this tool. Writers can easily access publications resources and editors using the Slack workspace.

We have 115 volunteer editors who can help with your inquiries. Please find more info about Slack in this article: An Introduction to ILLUMINATION Slack Workspace.

Do you accept non-members as writers?

Yes, we currently do. However, we have some concerns about their growth as they cannot achieve desired results. Therefore, we highly recommend all writers become members for various good reasons.

First of all, non-members can write on Medium, but they cannot read more than two stories a day. Writers are also avid readers learning from the content of others.

Engagement is a critical success factor for writers’ growth on this platform. When we studied our writers' performance, we found that member writers were multiple times more successful than non-member writers.

One of the reasons is engagement with the content of other writers. Medium is a collaborative platform. In addition, when we surveyed our readers, we found out that most of them only follow and read content from member writers. Because of these known reasons, we recommend non-members upgrade and reap the benefits of the Medium audience to gain more readers and earn more income.

Besides, membership is only $5 a month. We believe that almost all writers can afford such a negligible investment equal to the cost of a cup of tea. This $5 investment can pay dividends for freelance writers. In addition, contributing to a platform that gives voice to writers is a noble act. Writers of Medium are only paid by the reading times of members.

So, if you are a non-member, you are not contributing to the income of other writers. This is an important consideration for non-members. We provided a link at the end of this post that you may use to upgrade your membership. If any writer cannot afford Medium membership for financial reasons, we’d like to know and discuss the options to guide them.

If you want to become a member, you can use our referral link to join. It will not cost you extra.

Do you have a plagiarism policy?

Editors regularly check plagiarism. They reject plagiarised content. We remove your accounts and stories from our publications when you attempt plagiarism. Medium also penalizes plagiarists.

We warn our contributors rigorously due to dire consequences. Copyright Matters: Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION. In short, we do not accept plagiarized content.

We usually tolerate mistakes and support our writers in correcting procedural and writing errors. However, we do not tolerate plagiarism and copyrighted photos.

Do you have a photo handling policy?

Our publications don’t accept content with copyrighted images. Using copyrighted images is against Medium rules and our publication policy.

When you submit articles with copyright-free images and cite them properly, your stories can be published faster because editors don’t have to wait to fix the photo issues.

Please review the image handling policy before submitting your articles to our publications. We updated our policy with an addendum adding clarity for fair use principles and explaining Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors.

Do you accept animated GIFs in stories?

No, we don’t. Our readers don’t like animated gifs, so they don’t add any value to your stories. We explained other reasons in our photo handling policy.

Do you accept AI generated images?

Yes we do. You need to caption the image pointing out that it was created by an AI tool and preferably point out its name.

Do you accept AI generated content?

We only accept AI generated content in our new publication the Lampshade of Illumination which is designed for this purpose. Readers of our other publications don’t want us to publish them so we honor their request.

Please review the publishing policy for the Lampshade of Illumination.

I applied via your web form, but my account was not added. Can you please advise?

The main reason is you don’t provide your Medium ID correctly. You need to copy and paste your account ID.

For example, the account ID for the Illumination account is https://medium.com/@illumination.

When you click on your photo, you will see this address. So all you need to do is copy and paste this address to our application form.

How can we access the Medium Helpdesk?

You cannot send email requests to the Medium Helpdesk anymore.

You must send your requests via https://help.medium.com to create a support ticket for your issues. However, Medium replies back via email.

Where can I find publishing guidelines for your publications?

We have multiple publications serving the various needs of writers. They all have the same fundamental requirements.

We aim to help you reach a broader audience on Medium and beyond. Since our publications operate on Medium, all contributors must adhere to the platform's policies and rules.

We outlined our policies in the following articles.

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications,

You Can Directly Write For ILLUMINATION-Curated

How We Created A Roadmap For 9,000 Writers To Shine,

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications.

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION

Inviting Storytellers From All Aspects of Technology

Purpose of Synergy

Join ILLUMINATION Gaming Publication as a Writer

Write for ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts Publication

Do your editors censor content?

Our publications don’t censor content as long as your stories meet Medium guidelines, such as not including hate speech, defamation, conspiracy theories, and porn.

As our readers expect a basic level of English in your content, you need to meet language requirements. Our publications accept only English. Different publications may support other languages. Please search Medium for desired languages.

However, if you want to share raw content, we have a new publication to serve this purpose. So, you can submit your raw content to the Readers Hope publication designed for this purpose. Our other publications require the use of structured language in English.

Do you have advice to writers to increase their income from content?

We had many inquiries about creating passive income streams from writing. To this end, our chief editor posted a new article guiding writers based on his observation and decades of experience. You may learn from his insights.

How can we increase my followers, readers, and subscribers?

This is a critical question for all writers as stories generate income based on reading times by paid members of Medium. Thus, performance metrics such as claps don’t matter for payment.

However, followers count for getting at least 100 followers to join the Medium Partner Program, according to new MPP requirements. Y

ou may check the following articles guiding new writers to gain followers, build an audience, and increase subscribers.

Six Easy & Proven Tips to Increase Followers on Medium

Eight Proven Tips to Build a Rock-Solid Reading Audience on Medium

Subscribers Can Produce 50 Times Better Results Than Followers for Freelance Writers

Introduce Your Newsletters and Grow Your Mailing Lists

How to Write Content Guaranteed to Get Views and Reads?

How to become a prolific writer?

Five Questions to Increase Curation Chance And the Number of Loyal Readers

Do you have a checklist for new writers?

Yes, we have a comprehensive checklist to improve the quality of stories from multiple angles. Many writers found this checklist valuable.

Illumination YouTube Coordinator also created a video presentation of this checklist as a giveback activity for writers and bloggers.

A Brief Introduction to Illumination Integrated Publications and their purposes

We have multiple publications. Here are the brief descriptions:


Our most significant publication is ILLUMINATION. It is visited by over 50,000 unique members daily and gained two million minutes of reading this month.

This diverse and inclusive publication accepts every topic that Medium supports.

In addition, some stories went viral and brought many new readers. As a generic publication, we accept every ethical topic meeting Medium’s guidelines. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination


This publication was designed for the requirements of prolific writers who need to submit multiple stories in a day. You can submit several stories to ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR within 24 hours.

This diverse and inclusive publication accepts every topic that Medium supports.

Please check this article for details: Balancing Load of ILLUMINATION. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illuminations-mirror


This unique publication was designed for experienced and accomplished writers. Senior editors select the contributors for this publication using stringent criteria.

This diverse and inclusive publication accepts every topic that Medium supports.

If you are an experienced writer, we allow you to write for this publication upon your request directly. Please find details in this article. You can check some sample stories from this publication in this recent collection. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-curated

4 — Technology Hits

This specialized publication was designed for writers and readers interested in technical topics, digital entrepreneurship, digital transformation, information technology, artificial intelligence, IoT (the Internet of Things), Cloud computing, quantum computing, tech news, digital economy, blockchain, bitcoin, Nun-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and futuristic topics related to emerging technologies.

You can submit science fiction in this pub. More info about Technology Hits Value Propositions of Technology Hits. Introduction to Technology Hits. Inviting Storytellers From All Aspects of Technology.

Here is a collection including some sample stories from this publication. Link to publication: https://medium.com/technology-hits


This specialized publication is a specialized publication that serves freelance writers who want to share writing, blogging, and editing content. It connects writers, editors, and bloggers through their stories.

We invite freelance writers from other platforms, such as Vocal Media. Here is the purpose of Synergy. Besides, you may find a sample collection to get an idea of the type of stories we publish on Synergy: Engaging Stories on SYNERGY.

Here is a collection of sample stories hosted on SYNERGY. Link to publication: https://medium.com/technical-excellence

6 — ILLUMINATION Book Chapters

This specialized publication was designed for published and indie authors. We help new writers to get published and become authors. Details about this publication are in this story: ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: A publication giving voice to published authors on Medium.

This diverse and inclusive publication accepts every topic that Medium supports.

The following articles provide additional information about ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: How Can Published Authors Create Visibility?

Here is a sample editorial bulletin to promote ILLUMINATION Book Chapters to readers: ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Editorial Bulletin #9 New resources. And here is the Index of Published Book Chapters.

You can find some sample book chapters in this collection. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-book-chapters

7 — Readers Hope

This generic was designed for absolute beginners. You may submit raw content to this new pub. We don’t edit content submitted to Readers Hope. But, our editors provide valuable and helpful guidance via private notes or in our Slack workspace to members.

This diverse and inclusive publication accepts every topic that Medium supports.

Here is a story introducing the purpose of Readers Hope: What If We can Transform Readers into Micro-Writers. Editors introduced the values of Readers Hope. We compiled their perspectives into a single story. Our editors are willing to support new writers to gain experience.

Please check their stories. You may contact editors on Slack when you need support. They can help you learn and grow. Here is the Vision and Mission of “Readers Hope”. Link to publication: https://medium.com/readers-digests

8 — ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts

This specialized publication is our newest one. It is owned by Illumination YouTube Coordinator. The purpose of this pub is to create a bridge between YouTubers and Medium writers using our YouTube channel and seven prominent publications.

Many YouTubers are also bloggers, and we believe that Medium is an excellent platform for them to tap into a new audience. Besides regular stories, you can also submit short-form stories.

You can write a few short paragraphs introducing your YouTube videos and creating links to your channels or podcasts.

While writers can earn income from stories on Medium, they can also gain new subscribers to YouTube channels. Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-on-youtube

This diverse and inclusive publication accepts every topic that Medium supports.

Here is a YouTube video introducing the purpose of this publication by Illumination YouTube Coordinator posted recently.

9 — Illumination Gaming

This publication is led by our editor Aiden (Illumination Gaming). This publication is for gamers. Here are some topics we cover.

1 — Personal stories about gaming experiences

2 — Posts about current and upcoming games, including announcements made by developers

3 — Articles about gaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube, app stores/ launchers like Steam and Epic Games

4 — Articles sharing tips to grow your gaming channel and improve your gaming and streaming setup

5 — Articles sharing tips and tricks regarding the quality of life features on different platforms to make content creation easier

Here is more information about Illumination Gaming.

10 — The Lampshade of Illumination

Illumination readers prefer only human-generated content, so we created a new publication to support our writers experimenting with these tools. The new publication is called the Lampshade of Illumination to support writers invested in AI tools.

We published the conduct guidelines for the Lampshade of Illumination. If you are using AI tools for writing and editing, the following article can be helpful. If you plan to contribute to the new publication, please review it before submitting your stories.

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION

Please also review the AI-generated content policy, as it is important for writers using AI software.

AI-Generated Content Policy for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

If you are interested in contributing to this new publication, please send your Medium ID by adding a comment “Please add me to Lampshade” in our writer registration form.

All our publication rules apply to this one, too, so please review the onboarding pack especially review the photo handling policy.

This diverse and inclusive publication accepts every topic that Medium supports.

Our Other Publications

In addition, our chief editor keeps all publications-related stories in a separate publication called Illumination’s Blog. This publication can be helpful for new writers to find guiding articles.

Link to publication: https://medium.com/illumination-blog

Dr Mehmet Yildiz hosts his personal stories in his publication called Euphoria. If you enjoy health, wellness, science, self-improvement, longevity, and fitness type of stories, you may check his personal publication.

Link to Euphoria on Medium

Publications by Our Writers

Several writers also have their own publications. We listed them in an article to create visibility. You may consider submitting your relevant stories to these niche publications.

You can watch the summary of our publications on YouTube, posted by Illumination YouTube Coordinator.

How can we become top writers?

Becoming a top writer can be valuable to earn extra income on Medium. Besides, top writer status can increase your chance of gaining more readers.

You may check the accounts of top writers contributing to our publications in this post, and please inform us when you gain the status by leaving a comment on the post so that we can add your account for visibility.

Please check the following link providing guidance on quickly becoming a top writer on Medium.

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

The fasted way to become a top and influential writer on Medium is writing viral stories. Medium now started a boosting feature. Please use this checklist to increase the chance of your stories for the boost.

Here’s guidance for your consideration.

Here’s What I Learned by Reviewing 100+ Viral Articles in 2021

Do you accept short-form stories?

Yes. Each writer may submit short-form stories to our pubs up to three per day. We accept three short-form stories per publication within 24 hours.

Please check the guidelines for creating short-form stories: Short-Form Stories Not For Income But For Visibility. Think Of Them As A Tripwire: Creative and productive use of short-form posts on Medium.

Please also ensure that your short-form stories are not duplicates of your long-form stories. This causes problems on Medium.

Please check this guiding story to prevent any duplication in your short-form stories. Warning — Medium’s Algorithm May Flag Your Short-Form Stories as Duplicative of Your Long-Form

Do you have writing challenges and prompts?

Yes, certainly. Your success as a writer is vital to us. Therefore, we propose writing challenges to boost your performance on Medium. These writing challenges can be valuable for your growth as a writer.

Your participation in these challenges can help you gain new followers and readers and can increase reading times. You may join our 100-day writing challenge. We invite writers to this writing prompt.

You may introduce yourself and your favorite stories as part of this prompt. These backlinks might increase your reading times.

We also created a challenge for prolific writers interested in posting multiple short stories a day. Here is the challenge: 1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days. Here are more prompts that can help you meet the challenges.

Who are your editors, and what is their role in your publications?

Our editors are writers on Medium. However, they take extra time to support our writers. They understand your needs with empathy and compassion.

Our editors are not paid by our publications or Medium. Their purpose is to help you gain experience and visibility voluntarily. They review your stories, screen harmful materials, provide improvement guidance to new writers, and publish your stories timely.

You can meet them by reading their profiles in this collection. They all have varied backgrounds and support our publications from different time zones.

Collection of Editor Bios: Meet Editors of Illumination Integrated Publications

Do you have advice for writing viral stories?

Yes. Our chief editor regularly analyses viral stories and guides our writers, as writing viral stories is critical to increasing your reading times. Dr Mehmet Yildiz reviewed and assessed viral stories and provided valuable ideas.

What I Learned by Reviewing 100+ Viral Articles in 2021: I introduce distinctive patterns of viral content gaining mass attraction, increasing your chance in 2022.

You may also review the following post to get ideas on writing viral stories:

The Beginner’s Guide to Write Viral Articles & Blogs: Learn 17 proven techniques and unique metrics. Find the key points that may work universally for every platform.

Do you have guidance on affiliate marketing?

Yes, we do. As affiliate marketing is a great opportunity for generating passive income, our chief editor published a book about affiliate marketing and shared it on Medium. This book is free for members.

You may check the first chapter if digital affiliate marketing is an interest to you. You can find links to all chapters in this post: The Power of Digital Affiliate Marketing -Chapter 1: How Authors Can Write More And Earn Passive Income. In addition, if you are interested in learning the benefits of affiliate marketing, please check these articles.

I’m a Writer/Editor: Why the Heck I Built An Affiliate Marketing Business After the Age of 60

Passify An Active Freelance Writing Business Like an Entrepreneur in 7 Proven Steps

A Compelling Passive Income Stream For Freelance Writers

Is there a policy for affiliate links on our stories?

Medium writers can use affiliate links in their stories. You need to add affiliate links to your stories by declaring them clearly.

The following post provides guidance: Use Of Affiliate Links On Medium: Guidance to writers who need to use affiliate links in stories.

What type of topics and stories do you restrict?

We only restrict hate speech, porn, conspiracy theories, defamation, and other harmful content for society. Medium does not support publishing these types of harmful content, so please check the platform rules.

We don’t censor content as long as stories meet Medium policies. We see publications as tools to amplify content. We established several publications appealing to different types of readers.

You can learn what Medium does not allow from this article. There are 14 key items that you need to review in this story: How to Survive and Thrive on Medium: Essential guide for new writers.

Do you feature or curate stories?

Yes, we select, feature, and curate high-quality, interesting, engaging, and informative stories based on the needs of our readers. Here are some samples:


Curated Collection #165

Curated Collection #164

Curated Collection #163


Hand-Picked Articles #190, Hand-Picked Articles #191, Hand-Picked Articles #192, Hand-Picked Articles #193, Hand-Picked Articles #194, Hand-Picked Articles — 2023 #30


ILLUMINATION Reading Club, Curated Book Chapters of Illumination #01, Outstanding Stories — Volume 90, Outstanding Stories — Volume 91. ILLUMINATION Reading Club #2

By Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Curated Video and Podcasts Stories on Medium #2

Curated Stories from Illumination Gaming Publication #2

We are indexing several collections by other editors in a single document.

Meta Collection of Featured Stories: Easy access to daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION — Volume 3–2022

ILLUMINATION has featured pages for four topics. We will add more soon. Here are the links to our featured pages:





What is the Illumination YouTube channel?

YouTube is an excellent tool, so we created a channel to help our writers. In 2022, we created a new initiative to help our writers to create bios on YouTube, and Illumination YouTube Coordinator helps writers by creating promotional videos for them. We provided details in the attached article.

How Writers Can Use YouTube Creatively and Productively: A video invitation to writers of Illumination Integrated Publications to create introductory videos

You can also join our new publication ILLUMINATION on YouTube and share your videos in regular or short-form stories.

Here are the recent introductions to videos we created for our writers.

Meet Karen Madej on YouTube

Meet Dr Preeti Singh on YouTube

Meet Shashi Sastry on YouTube

Meet Julius L. Evans on YouTube

Meet Dr Michael Heng on YouTube

If you are interested in creating similar videos, you can contact Illumination YouTube Coordinator on our Slack workspace so that he can add you to our waiting list. He creates a few videos in a week voluntarily.

Do you support different levels of writers?

Our publications support writers at all levels, aspiring, experienced, accomplished, and influential.

All types of contributors are equally important to us. Most experienced writers contribute to Illumination-Curated, and published authors post their book chapters to Illumination Book Chapters. Other publications have from most experienced to aspiring writers.

We encourage new writers to find their voice in a safe and supportive environment. Beginners learn and build skills gradually. Some writers might learn faster. And some may learn slower. Our goal is to create a diverse and inclusive writing and reading group on Medium.

All Medium members are welcome to join our writing and publishing journey. We don’t discriminate. Instead, we always support all levels of writers, help them cross-pollinate, and get benefits from the readers of our publications.

We don’t tolerate toxic behavior in our publications. We remove online bullies and report to Medium. However, we always encourage giving and receiving constructive feedback within the platform rules.

Do you accept self-published stories?

Yes, we accept both draft and self-publish articles. However, we highly recommend draft submissions to gain better exposure from the publication readers. It is your choice.

Self-published stories quickly age and sink to the bottom of the front page. If you have curated articles from closed publications, you are welcome to transfer them to ILLUMINATION-Curated.

We encourage giving a home to previously distributed stories. Contributors who joined us from PSILY moved their stories and gained new readers on ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Do you recommend your contributors write for other publications?

Yes, we do. We highly recommend our contributors contribute to other publications. Our contributors are not exclusive to our pubs.

You can join and contribute to other publications. We support your writing and marketing goals as they suit your needs. You don’t need to obtain permission to leave.

All we care about is following Medium rules if you want your stories published in our publications. We don’t compete with other publications. Instead, we collaborate with them.

Can I remove my published articles from other publications and add them to yours?

Yes, it is up to you. You can remove your articles from other pubs or ours if you need to introduce them to a different audience.

Can we leave your publications?

Yes, you leave our publications without any notice or permission. We consider publications as tools for the growth of contributors. We support whatever works for your growth.

Do you help your writers to create their own publications?

Yes. Dr Mehmet Yildiz, owner and chief editor, helped several writers start their publications. He enjoys promoting them in his social circles. If you are interested in creating your own publications, we may help you promote them.

How can we add my stories to your publications?

New writers ask this question frequently. Adding stories to our publications is easy and quick to add articles to publications.

To submit your draft or self-published articles to our pubs, you can click on the three (…) dots in the edit mode placed on the top right part of your screen. You can select your preferred publication and click on the submit button.

When your story is submitted to our publications, editors will review it. If the story meets Medium rules and our guidelines, the editor will publish it. If you don’t see our publications in your list, you need to request access via this weblink.

My account is tagged in your posts as a new writer, but why cannot I submit it to your publications?

If you don’t see our publications on your list, please let us know to add your account again by leaving a comment on this post.

Glitches happen in publications and our process, so some writer accounts disappear beyond our control. We don’t ignore any ethical writer on Medium. Our doors are open to all members who want to serve their readers. We are a catalyst to your success.

Please leave a comment requesting access to our publications or send a new request via this weblink. Alternatively, you can contact Dr Mehmet Yildiz on Slack directly if you receive a request to Slack.

Can we reuse our content on different platforms?

Yes, you can. Repurposing your Medium stories on other platforms can be useful. You can earn additional income

. For example, you may consider sharing your Medium articles on Vocal Media. You can also join Vocal Media challenges at this link.

Why & How to Join Three Writing Competitions on Vocal

Here are the latest contests from Vocal Media.

What are the critical points to benefit from your publications?

Please review the following seven points guiding new writers.

1 — Use this checklist before submitting your articles

2 —Please review this article before submitting your stories: New policy about story photos on ILLUMINATION-Curated.

3 — Plagiarism is not acceptable in our publications. Please check this story for details: Copyright Matters: Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION.

4 — When you want to repurpose your stories from other platforms, you may consider using canonical links. Actually, Medium Favors You: Why do you need canonical links for your articles published on Medium?

5 — You may submit up to three short-form stories per publication. Give Your Long Stories a Second Life

6 — You may check ILLUMINATION-related articles and writer resources on ILLUMINATION’s Blog publication.

7 — You must check private messages sent by our volunteer editors in your stories. You can see private notes on your story checking * sign.

Where do you host publication-related articles?

We keep publication-related stories on the ILLUMINATION Blog managed by our chief editor. This pub was created to hold all stories related to ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications.

Dr. Mehmet Yildiz keeps a majority of his non-pub-related stories in his personal publication called Euphoria. He can help you create your personal publications and promote them for you if you contact him on Slack workspace.

Please review our publication process and procedures at this link: ILLUMINATION Process & Procedures

How can we promote stories on Social Media?

We created numerous social media platforms to amplify your stories. Details for each item can be found in this story. You may find useful guides to get you started with our social media tools in the following stories.

You may join the ILLUMINATION LinkedIn group from this link. You can post your article links to the group. If you are a published author, Goodreads can be a great place to create visibility. Goodreads is a large platform with millions of members.

We tweet your stories after reviewing and publishing them. ILLUMINATION Twitter Account is https://twitter.com/illum_official. You can follow Dr Mehmet Yildiz on Twitter and LinkedIn. He enjoys sharing your stories on several social media tools generously. He has many followers on multiple social media platforms.

His social media posts receive significant views. Here is his latest guidance for effective use of social media: Top Seven Social Media Tools for Freelance Writers to Amplify Content.

We syndicate links of your stories to several Flipboard magazines using Medium’s RSS service. Here are the links to Flipboard Magazines: such as ILLUMINATION on Medium, ILLUMINATION-Curated, and SYNERGY.

We have a writers’ community on Reddit. You can join this community to share links to your stories. We know that Reddit is a useful tool to create further visibility of your content. More information about our social media platforms is in the following articles.

Do you want to increase the chance of your stories going viral on the Internet? Now, you have an opportunity to join our Reddit community designed for contributors of ILLUMINATION.

Amplify Your Medium Stories with Facebook Pages and Groups

Amplify Your Medium Stories with LinkedIn Groups

How to Get Started with Quora and Amplify Your Medium Stories

How to Get Started with Pinterest and Amplify Your Medium Stories

Amplify Your Medium Stories with YouTube

Amplify Your Medium Stories with Facebook Pages and Groups

How to Get Started with Quora and Amplify Your Medium Stories: Use Quora Spaces to create visibility for your Medium Stories.

How to Get Started with Pinterest and Amplify Your Medium Stories: Use Pinterest to create visibility for your Medium stories.

Do you post newsletters to your subscribers?

Yes, we do. We usually post our newsletters monthly.

Here are the links to the latest newsletters.

New Year Updates from Illumination Editorial Team

November Updates from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

October Updates from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Updates on Achievements of New Writers for 100-Day Writing Challenge

September Updates from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

August updates from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

If your stories are delayed for publishing, here is one of the recent reasons: System Errors Slow Publishing Articles

Guiding articles for new writers

If you are a new writer on Medium, the following stories can guide you. If you are experienced, you can skip them.

How To Triple Your Writing Income Methodically

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month

Can you make $10,000 on Medium in a month?

How to earn good money on Medium

How to Create Viral Stories on Medium

How To Make Six-Figure Income On Medium

How To Passify An Active Freelance Writing Business Like an Entrepreneur in 7 Proven Steps

ILLUMINATION Process & Procedures

A Practical Guide for Writers

Learn About ILLUMINATION-Curated

Discover ILLUMINATION Writers: BIOs of writers from their pen. Please find out why writers need to submit bios. Six Reasons Writers Need Bios: The most compelling one is visibility.

You can request to be interviewed by Dr Yildiz. Interviews with Writers Featuring inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION.

Invitation to ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Meet Top Writers on ILLUMINATION

Meet Editors of ILLUMINATION

How to Link Your Twitter Handle to Your Medium Account

Publications Owned by ILLUMINATION Writers

Writers Invited to Promote Their Publications

Testimonials for ILLUMINATION Storybooks and Indexing Publications

35K Real Readers More Important Than 100K Fake Followers

An Unexpected Move From Medium

An Introduction to ILLUMINATION Slack Workspace

We have several virtual clubs. ILLUMINATION Fiction Club, ILLUMINATION Poetry Club, Technology Hits — The TSEE Club, Fiction and Poetry Bios of ILLUMINATION Writers. We are now introducing ILLUMINATION Book Club. Details are in the Slack group.

Story Collections Created Using Tags

Heath & Fitness Collection

Mental Health Collection on ILLUMINATION

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Featured Stories About “Writing” From The Top Writers of SYNERGY

Top Stories About Artificial Intelligence on ILLUMINATION

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

ILLUMINATION-Curated outlines these collections.

Meet Our Editors

Our editors are volunteers who help writers succeed on Medium. They are also contributing writers. We are grateful to our editors as they review and publish your stories daily on their own time.

You can check their profiles from the following links.

Meet Dr Mehmet YildizDr Mehmet Yildiz Chief Editor and Owner

Meet Dr John Frederick Rose Dr John Frederick Rose

Meet Dr Preeti SinghDr. Preeti Singh

Meet Dr Michael HENG, PBMDr Michael Heng

Meet Arlo Hennings, PhDArlo Hennings, Ph.D.

Meet Jennifer GeerJennifer Geer

Meet Bill AbbateBill Abbate

Meet Sufyan MaanSufyan Maan, M.Eng

Meet Josh Balerite AcolJosh Balerite Acol

Meet Maria RattrayMaria Rattray

Meet Brooklyn MuseBrooklyn Muse

Meeet Lawson WallaceLawson Wallace

Meet Michael PatanellaMichael Patanella

Meet John CunninghamJohn Cunningham

Meet Joe LucaJoe Luca

Meet Neha SandhirNeha Sandhir S

Meet Julius L. EvansJulius Evans

Meet Lanu PitanLanu Pitan

Meet Vidya SuryVidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Meet Helen MüllerYou, Me and Happiness

Meet Bryan Dijkhuizen Bryan Dijkhuizen

Meet Krishna V Chaudhary Krishna V Chaudhary

Meet Ntathu AllenNtathu Allen

Meet Aldric ChenAldric Chen

Meet Arthur G Hernandez Arthur G. Hernandez

Meet Kristina SegarraKristina Segarra

Meet Michael NagyMichael Nagy

Meet Sumera RizwanSumera Rizwan

Meet Agnes LaurensAgnes Laurens

Meet Britni PepperBritni Pepper

Meet Karen MadejKaren Madej

Meet Chelsea MandlerChelsea Mandler MAT

Meet J.S. AdamJS Adam

Meet Kasey HarringtonKasey Harrington

Meet Aamir KamalAamir Kamal 🚀🚀🚀

Meet Steve Alexander (Alex)The Wordsmith™🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸

Meet Carrie Alice Kelly Carrie

Editorial Profile of Dr Gabriella Korosi Dr. Gabriella Korosi

Meet Dr. Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni PhD Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)

Meet Raymond M.E. Aguirre: Raymond M.E. Aguirre

Meet Annie Wegner on Medium Annie Wegner

Meet Poornima Verghese-Ram Poornima Verghese-Ram

Meet Rob Hourmont on Medium Rob Hourmont

Meet Gareth Willey Gareth Willey

Meet Nuno Campos Nuno Campos

Meet Sobaan Saeed Sobaan Saeed

An Interview with Annelise Lords on Medium Annelise Lords

Meet Benito Bartolo Benito Bartolo

Meet Lilith Morningstaar

Meet Gregory Maidman

Meet Carol Price

Meet Zen Chan

We will add more editor profiles soon. Thank you for reading the profiles of our editors. You can find their profiles in the attached collection for future reference.

Where can I find recent Onboarding Packs?

We believe that writers want to meet other writers. Our onboarding tools are excellent for meeting new writers. Upon request, we decided to add links to these packs here to give you an opportunity to meet writers who joined our publications.

It is impossible to find 21,000+ writers in a single list. Medium publications cannot handle such a large number. Therefore, we create workarounds for writers to find other writers easily. It is a tedious task for us, but we invest this time to create vitality among writers.

We have many packs but add only recent ones to help you start meeting other contributors easily. Here is the list starting from the most recent.

Introduction to New Writers

Welcome: New Writers Introduction

Onboarding Pack for New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Introducing New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Introducing New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Welcome New Writers: PSILY Attribution

Welcome New Writers

Introduction To New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Introducing New Writers

Introducing New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Welcome New Contributors

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Welcome New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

Onboarding New Writers

We have more onboarding packs; however, it is not possible to link them all here. We believe these packs can get you started finding accounts of recently joined writers. Please note that members can only follow 150 accounts on Medium within 24 hours. You may search for ILLUMINATION, and ILLUMINATION Amplifier accounts for older versions of our onboarding packs.

Here is guidance on how to increase your followers on Medium. This story is particularly helpful for beginners who need 100 followers quickly.

Featured Stories by Editors on ILLUMINATION

You may find recently featured stories from this collection.

Meta Collection of Featured Stories: Easy access to daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION — Volume 3–2022

Why ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications Features Stories

Collection of Featured Stories

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes

Writer Biographies in a Collection

Readers enjoy learning about writers’ backgrounds. We recommend all new writers submit a bio to Illumination.

Curated Writer Bios: Learn about contributing writers of ILLUMINATION written by their pen

We look forward to your contributions soon. Please feel free to contact Dr Mehmet Yildiz and other editors on Slack directly when you need help.

Writers Joined Our Publications This Week

Crystal Gillis, Brain Balance Labs, Luka Brzić, Bowen Smyth, Hema Ravi, Ramanan, Mohammed Hilili, James McDonald, Gaurav Mori, Pal Dru Koi, Hinduja, Oleks Gorpynich, Justin McLaughlin, Jennifer Ulie, PhD, Christina Daniels, Anand Raj, Patricia Dietrich, Christina Rizzo, Ida Silfverskiöld, Paul S. Marshall, Annika Hotta, Christopher Pierznik, Productivity,Time management,Success hacks, Robert E. Saunders, Leahprior, Alexandra Axente, ean Eskich, Harper Callaghan MSW, RSW-Harping mental health., Auri Lynn Thomson, j.j. wolfe, Evan Kelly, Shewrites, Toni-Anne, dani herrera, Baranverse, Dr. Marie Nubia-Feliciano, Jennifer, Jody Lynn McBrien, Daniel Arthur, Ashutosh Kumar, Pepperform Team, autism unmasked, Bruno T., Irie C. Rose, Ms. Colóna, Shubham Zujam, Vanessa Törnblom, Daisy Rajbongshi, Alison McBain, Richard Scott, R.S. Colorado, Henry Cheng, Dr. Eddie, Tyler Lubben, Cosmo Zen, Chitra Gopalan, Tanvi Swami, Rūta Rose, OCTAVIA EVER AFTER, Scollurio, Warren Thurlow, József Manhertz, Mary Kontouri, Shola Osiyemi, G.P. Burdon, Friend of August, Rebecca Berry, Pallavi Kohli, Learning Minds, The Managing Journey, Syed Zain M Abidi, Nicolas Deboutte, Mikael Tashi, Lily Shine, Emily’s Travel Tips, Tyler Woden, Lily Shine, Peter Borg, Vault Of Visions, Shashikiran Mullur, Cloudmize, Coralie Brébec, Tom Addison, Transatlanticism, J A Candle, Gigi Stella, Anni Yang, Dest, Ganesh Palande, Usman Khalid Qureshi, DrR, Benny Kiwin Cardoza, Kate Burdon, Dorian Lassiter, Leeladaviscoaching, Miss Johnsen, Ifedayo, Sami Ullah Shahzad, Arran Taylor, Rob Young, Cindy Shapiro, Aviral Mehrotra, Dash Divine, Shamaima Irfan, MO SPECTRE, Ayushi Singh, Jane Morgan, Casey Poole, TheUnknownDoctor, Ronnaver Pua, ScopeOFLIFE, Alex Avila, Rima Eneva, Tom Ahern, Rachel Palmąka Mace, Kerin, Ahsan Cheema, Serin Noman ✨, Tamika Souhida, Hasnain A, Colton Lazars, Prashansa Gadgil, Christina Piccoli, Anthony Overs, Optionsg, Trendy Digests, Fruit, Wikan, Ahmed Bari | Enthusiast of Psychology and God, gita iyer, Stella Oni, Ritu, Wisdomyewoh, Aria Emend, ian mcneish, Sophia Lin, Scott Fillmer, Dan Martin, Thomas Ashcroft, Anabel Okolie, Valeria Black, Jozsef Kovacs, PR is Universal, Tara Fitness ⭐️, Shuvo Shams, Mantosh Kumar, Rose Ernst, Sarveen A. Haripriyan, Muskan Bansal, Christian Met, Petko Simeonov, Fashionista Finds, Rideep kalita Self Help Bloger, Thomas Lam, Elle M. Athens, Jasbeer Singh, Banias Baabe, The Wayward Wordsmith, Putriana Mufidah, Melody Thomas, Alex Rotar, Fractal Thought, Lindsey Askew, Gina L. Carter, Laura Sabau Tatar, Afra Gaaden, Tamanna Urmi, Zara Le Roux, Kat Anderson, Stephen David Lovegrove, Francesca Raven, Mykel, Gaurav Jain, Chiereme Fortune, — Shekinah on some days, Chris Terrana, Jessica Montes, Susan Nicolai, writer, artist, your guide inside, Wes Spindler, Mouli, Theresa Ann Story, Michael Noren, The Uplifting Essayist: I Seek to Uplift Your Life, Gokalp Caniklioglu, Okwudili, Liz Murphy, Supreet Brar, CXperience Lab, JS O’Keefe, Jacobo lloret casal, S.E. Fairbanks, Emily Augeri, Startup Lab, Thomas AP | ESC Mediocrity, Akshita Kabra, Shuai Li, Dean Fearon, Alfie does Medium, Aditya Kumar Saroj, Jacob Bartlett, Ratheesh Vidyadharan, Supreet Brar, Ben Ulansey, Nina A Fool, Areeba Ashrafi, Dustin Copeland, Francis de Geus, Mimi Abroad, Romeo Reacts, NJL Articles, Louise Hazlewood, Soumya Mukhija, Diego Degese, Abdelfattah Sekak, Emma Deptolla, Dr. Seema Patel (PhD), Kevin Byrne, Erik Jones, Luna Rivers, Caleb Daniel, Pankhuree Khaneja | Kaleidostopia, Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA, Tech Revolution, Entrepreneurs and Innovators Times, Preethiprihu, Lalita Lalwani, Isabella’s Digital Café, Nikki B., Gayathri Seshadri, Oishee Chatterjee 💎, Heather Lengyel, Asshole a.k.a Greta Room, TQ Bonner, Nimish Jalan, Sohil Kohly, Aleksandra M. Killy, Caleb Ashley, BJ Stone, C. R. Moore, Tarik Murrell // Titan’s Tirade, Glenn Brown, Yash Wasalwar, , Sahaya, Sal Gallaher, Kaan Akkanat, Sudha Chandran B C, Life-Guide, Ryan Ehrhardt, Elena Vellani, Fresh Princess of Email, Zach Valladon, MBA, Diego Luján, Sam Chow, PhD, T.Cillian, Akaahan Terungwa, Jen Mullane | Build & Thrive in Public, CarolF, Saptashwa Bhattacharyya, Lindsey Otto, Justyna Cyrankiewicz, Jamestasticc, Miss Hello World, Rod Aries, Haidar Ali, Renaud Noel, Adam Nadler, Floris Alexandrou, Ekremyaniker, Amlanjyoti Dutta, Darcy Helder, , Charles Source, Dorris McGrinsby, Karolina Rickard, Kristen Cox, Mouhamad Mbacke, Jake Roper, Jon Dykstra, Brendan Donaghy, Joellyn Rose Keener, Ida Nariman, Muhammad Fakharuddin, Ruthh.P, Andreas Haubold, Mia Young — The Juice Buff, Yoda Talks, Beth Mann, P.M. Zamora, AI Alex, Deepshikha Arora, Lu Lopez, Chloe, Ray Carnes, Chuck B., Jose Martinez, Zeeshan J., Chuck Johnson, Creative Introvert, Jody Wright, Stiers Collective Studios, A Sleepy Reader, Aabha Gopan, Uday Cris, Prakhar Srivastava, Rafayel Hovhannisyan, Shailesh Kumar, Donna Gerard, Myla Morningstar, Molly Pearce, Hira Chaudhry, Chloe, Anik Thakur, Pooja, Allison Tay, Ari Shirwani, Anup kotur, Imogen Hawkes, Amelia Taylor, Helen Fu Thomas, Mer (she/they) Ruiz, savage-writing, Louise HazlewoodNicholas Braman, DreamLifeMoney, Andrew Dart, Fadoua Amirach, Shari Lopatin, Alex Parker, Nabil Outsarhourt, Usman Aslam, Lost Layla, Black Culture Unlocked, Tinz Twins, Chronic Wellness, Sweta Sharma, Petrichor, Daniel Shaw, Waris Dedo, Aware Algorithms, Premmody, Brandon J Trimble, Evangeline Rose, Sereena Undertaker, Regina Fable, Andrea Hewitt, Las bellas letras / my journal, Eymen Karagöz, Loddie Foose, PhD, Shweta Shivdas Chari, Dr Femy, Gabriel L. Sena, Jennifer Folajin, Swathi Rao, Nivedita Iyer, Kevin Bell, Brandon Aguilera, Wilbur Greene, Aadil Mallick, Tayfield Reed, Dairy Dabbler, Alexander Besson, Shlee, Ms Sovannary, Darren James, Emory Sharnae, Zephyr Zambrano, Amy J Garner, Prashanth Bajpe, Sola, Jome Nartatez, Suresh Sangwan Saru, Merhala, Rma Kaushal, Krusha, Poonam Bhatt, Melissa J. Hogan, Abdullah Shahed, Anamika Pandey Shukla, Sara Irshad, Gemenetzis Vagelis, Jack Wolf, Chau Trieu, Eric Shahinian, Evan Crosby, Antonio Veljanoski, Nathaniel Shaw, Marc Rundquist, Audra Spangler, Kamalpreet K, Samshe Alam, Anisha Shah, Jack Wolf, Anish Bhattacharyya, Akanksha Rawat, Rudo Manomano, Richard P. Toister, Ph.D., Febrina Arin, Aurelia Bliss, William Troyaux, Yustine Alvares, Abdel M.E, Saleh Alzahrani, Zenith Star, Saurav Mandal, Celia Fidalgo, PhD, Hammad Hassan, Ani Vals, Giedrius Saulenas, Victor David, Rachel Anne Helms, Carrie Bach, Derek.○, Experiencing life as the way it is, Mandrake Pan, Kay Yoon, Alcoholicsaint, Snyder Teddy, Simon Zandon, Mert, Imdodd, Anuj Sarita, Séverin Bruhat, Sara Paulos, Warren Young, Sunil Kumar, Betty, Chinmay Kumar Choudhury, Waqar Younas, Articles by Alpha, Dr. Jena Pugh, seph selena, Bohemian Art Cafe, Chhavi Kumari, Kiarra Julien, Chris Son, The Forgotten Few, Julia Slack, Bertrand Liang, MD PhD, Fatima Ali, Cris Scribes, PhD, George Balea, Stephen Dowds, Thilini Gnanasena, Rees Hagedorn, smoul, K.A poems, Felipe Gomes 🎖, Niki Tisza, Ela Pękalska, Fariha, Nat, Aleena G, Dezmodian Emruby, Toby Wilkinson, Queen Mercy, Alyssa Williams-Sinn, Maddy Mirza, Mike Hickman, Amber Dominguez, The GRN Lyfe, Alexandra Augustinsky, Lori Quayle, Bob King, Lorwen Harris Nagle, PhD, Sanjay Singhal, Steven John Miloradovic, Reena Holzmann, Anzhelika, Lindsey Askew, Subrata Mazumder, Baranverse, Kay Yoon, Duygu İslamoğlu, Jack Gossard, tekvera, Kagan Kemerlioglu, LaurenJane, Alex Mutnansky, Cinephile, Lori Quayle, Merve Erçin, Merve Erçin, Zephyr Zambrano, David Kow, Afnan Jalil, Kuldeep Singh, YJ, Rma Kaushal, Caden Ornt, Gabe Carbonara, Surobi Scribbles, Marcus Musick, Jada Rose, Tobias Hedtke, Sumaya, Sumaya, Rhys Peterson, Tudor Iustin, redwane-ai, John B. Dutton, Gareth Ceidiog Hughes, Mohamed Shahin Aziz Khan, James Koh, Antanina Wolf, Cindy Roaming, Anuradha Seth, PhD, Nikolas Kraljevic, Sarah, Johnny Poitras, Tasha G, Maviah Gul, Floor Ockers, Petra Clark, Maviah Gul, PAX, Poonam Vashist, Benedictus Kent Chandra, Rosa No Mundo, Sue S.A, C. E. Janecek, vergil beck, Sir Charles, Sutton Fernsby, Soft Bran, P. Martina, Lauren Spencer, Maviah Gul, Mayur Jadhav, YL Ong, Mr.YA, Individual in the world of money, Col Jung, Oliver George, Floor Ockers, 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐳 ♔ 🦅, Tony Forcucci, N.S Inahar, Sebastian D’Souza, Maxine Attobrah, Ethan Gomez, Marija Carter, Jillian Cardillo, Antanina Wolf, Eva Luna, Jason, Sahil Ali, Leslie Silver, Racheal Sue, Lindsey Anne, Gregory Iciano Ardila, Ana Josovic, Harsha Gurnani, Bella, Briggs Kellogg, M.Burak Sen, Nar Srini, John Fawkes, Arya James, Alphonse J W, Pooja Rane, Alphonse J W, Dr Rick Mathis, Victor Oh, Dimitris Gousopoulos, Ph.D., Harshanki Thakker, Meenu Datta, Teddy Teske, Giana Porpiglia, LMHC, Matthew Bamberg, Think And Grow Rich, ComedyChronicles, Carson Rouse, Jade Zulfiqar, Jan Sissens, Anxious Me, Max Praise, Skym🪐🦕, Rishav Jain, J. Concepcion, Drishya Nair, Feyrie Southeast, Seda Anbarcı, Tanishka Makkar, Isthatbons, Mercês, KevinRedmayne, KendalinJane, Lauren Wetzel, Alba Tay, Piyush Vaish, Andrea Bitay, Natasha Ray, Lavinia Baldi, Helen L., Melissa Corrigan, Matei Grejdan, Gia, Simone Coppola, Learner101, Wesley van Peer, Rohit Kumar, Scarlet Ibis James 🦩, Shauntá Harris, Sweet Honeylu, Maureen Calamia, Valy Oltean, Mashrur Arafin Ayon, OlaOluwa Adeyemo, A M Dulant, Blue, Praise nicholas, Alejandro Negueruela, Trips Community, Gloria Kraker, Sana Zafar, I.AM.KITI, Karrar Al Nour, Ruane Remy, Ruby Noir 😈, Jens Peter Olesen, Oscar Rhea, Madhuvandhi Ravi, Samantha, Andy Lin, Ethan Gomez, Stella Bivens, Nikita Joshi, Wasia Sheikh, Security by Accident, Evelyn Wan, Shwetha Devanga, Beauty & All, Kaisa’s Corner, Tyler, Olena Maksymyak, Kathy LaFollett, AMEastern, Darrekferrell, Delaney Patterson, Dan Disano, Shawn Bruwer, Raphael Cebinq, J.W. Kinsman, Raphael Cebinq, Belinda Panaou, Penny Rackley, Nathaniel Davies, Harshil Mevasa, Srikanth Somasekharan, Thomas McGregor, Matthew David, Matthew David, Afashima Moses, The Storyteller, Simply.A, Muhammad Sharjeel, Roxanne Gillon, Chloe Candy, Wasia Sheikh, Spark Within You, Destiny S. Harris, V. Enomoto, Kerry Kramer, Eric Bowman, Kaitlyn Greenfield, — Natblossoms, Noman Ali, SHASHANK TIWARI, Andrea Isoni, T, Noah Q, Parenting Hub, Samson, Tushal Mehra, Farhan Ahmed, A Man Named Philosophy,

We answered common questions and provided essential resources. You can contact Dr Mehmet Yildiz on Slack if this post does not cover your questions.

REMINDER: Writers failing to meet our photo handling policy will be removed from publications. This is our biggest problem wasting the precious time of our volunteer editors and causing publishing delays.

Invitation to Potential Contributors

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

We’d appreciate your generosity in sharing this post with your friends who might be interested in our publications.

We are an open and supportive group of writers and readers. New members are welcome to join Medium using the following link. As members, writers can monetize content, and readers can read a limitless number of stories.

Thank you for reading the essential information on this pack.

When you have questions, please feel free to contact our owner and chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz on our Slack workspace. He is also happy to speed up publishing your stories if they are delayed 48 hours or more.

Our stories are amplified by ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curator, and ILLUMINATION Amplifier so please consider following or subscribing to these accounts so that you can be informed when they post curated and amplified collections.

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