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An answer to a frequently asked question

How to Write Content to Generate Steady Income

Ten proven steps to build a writing business producing passive income

Photo by Edmond Dantès from Pexels

Dear Fellow Writer,

I wrote this article to answer one of the most common questions about generating passive income from writing. Many writers in my circles dream of making a living from their craft. I want to share what I’ve learned in the last five decades, including my mistakes which turned into valuable lessons.

Generating passive income from writing might look simple, but it is not as easy as perceived. Yet, it is possible with the right mindset. If you are willing to work hard and smartly with an open mind and optimistic approach, you can create a successful passive income stream from your content.

Last year I wrote a piece titled How to write content guaranteed to get views and reads. The story was well-received by my readers, getting over 9K claps and hundreds of shares on social media.

Since then, many aspiring writers contributing to my publications asked how to write content that can truly generate income as a main for some or an alternative source (side hustle) for others who work full time in 9 to 5 jobs.

Although I earn income from my writing to some extent, my writing goal and primary focus is developing content for educative and therapeutic purposes. I aim to inspire, inform, and support my readers for personal and professional growth in my expertise, especially in cognitive and metabolic health.

However, I engage in commercial writing ventures, like ghostwriting for clients in science and technology domains, which has proven to be a valuable source of income, helping me meet financial obligations and cover essential expenses like my mortgage with growing interest rates in Australia, where I live.

I have known numerous professionals from science and technology communities in my circles who left their well-paying full-time jobs and became content development and marketing entrepreneurs building writing empires with combinatorial innovation.

For example, I ghostwrote several ebooks for a former CIO of a large technology organization who published over 1500 technical books selling like cookies in the technology world. He earns many times more than his executive salary from his writing business.

By intertwining my passion for writing with strategic and commercial endeavors with a few selected clients, I find a harmonious balance between creative fulfillment and financial stability. I wish I had gone self-employed 40 years ago, as I explained in a previous story.

The diverse spectrum of my writing enriches my experiences and gives me life satisfaction. This approach enables me to contribute meaningfully to both the personal and professional growth of my readers and the success of my professional goals.

Those who have no experience think leveraging the writing skills of others would be a piece of cake. They think it is easy and simple to hire a few ghostwriters and earn money from them. But this is far from the truth. A writing business requires a lot of effort, interactions, collaboration, and unique marketing, leadership, entrepreneurial, and commercial skills.

I acknowledge that simplicity and being easy, in theory, does not translate seamlessly into a desired writing practice. The intricacies and blindspots are formidable challenges from my observations and personal experience.

Therefore, I aim to shed light on these nuances, revealing valuable insights that may be instrumental in guiding fellow writers.

I offer my perspectives, but I do not claim to be an expert in the writing business. My journey has witnessed failures and successes.

For example, I wrote a dozen books in the 1990s, which earned only pennies but made me credible and reputable in my field. I don’t regret it investing my time in writing, as I gained many intangible benefits.

For the first time in 2021, I earned a bit of income from my books by taking personal responsibility. From then on, I created more serendipity, which I highlight in this story.

During my professional pursuits, I’ve observed that some people pursue grand empires fueled by greed. However, I’ve realized that amassing extreme wealth and seeking a reputation doesn’t guarantee true happiness, as I explained in a recent story titled The Stronger We Chase Money, the Weaker Our Chance to Catch It.

It is from this vantage point, coupled with empathy and compassion, that I share my experiences in the hopes of offering meaningful support to aspiring writers, not just financially but also spiritually, to enjoy our lives.

I keep highlighting collaboration as it is in the writing business. By collaborating, we can empower one another and create serendipity and synergy, which I will explain in this article.

In the following sections, I’ve distilled decades of knowledge and experience into ten headings you can learn in about ten minutes. I kept it at highlight to appeal to a broader writing community to make it a valuable piece, as the main theme of this post is creating value.

I offer valuable perspectives and inspire aspiring writers to take action and create habits to make the journey enjoyable. I believe you will embrace your dual role as a creator and entrepreneur with the willingness to work hard and smartly unlock the doors to possibilities.

As this article might be relatively long for some readers, I’d like to give the table of contents upfront so you may jump to the relevant section to save time.

1. Understand the basics of passive income.

2 — Learn three fundamental rules before starting.

3 — Create serendipity leading to synergy.

4. Find topics that interest you and your readers.

5 — Build digital assets quickly and connect them logically.

6. Craft exceptional, educative, engaging, and quality content by repurposing previous assets.

7 — Create a well-functioning platform with automated processes.

8. Market your writing proactively and smartly.

9. Find paying customers.

10 — Outsource routine tasks and enjoy your life.

In the meantime, please don’t rush to quit your job, assuming you can earn full-time from writing. It is possible, but it is not how it is portrayed in social media. Please check this case study before making such an important decision. This is a real-life scenario.

1. Understand the basics of passive income.

Passive income is a concept where we earn money with minimal ongoing effort, allowing them to generate revenue even when not actively working.

In writing, passive income can be achieved through various channels, such as e-books, online courses, affiliate marketing, or revenue from a blog or website.

The allure of passive income lies in its potential to create financial stability, time freedom, and the opportunity to pursue creative passions.

It can be a game-changer for aspiring writers seeking to monetize their skills and turn their passion into a sustainable income source.

Building passive income streams requires dedicated effort and perseverance. It is essential to balance initial investments in creating content and the long-term rewards of continuous income generation.

You may start by identifying your unique writing strengths and interests. Choose passive income streams that align with your expertise and resonate with your target audience. Investing time in creating valuable and evergreen content is crucial for sustained passive income.

Passive income can empower writers to transcend the traditional constraints of time-bound work, forging a path toward financial independence and creative fulfillment.

2 — Learn three fundamental rules before starting.

The first rule to remember is that earning money goes hand in hand with adding value. Money is an exchange of value.

Aspiring investors must not overlook this fundamental requirement. So, before creating a digital asset, the critical question is: How can we make it genuinely valuable?

Another crucial factor is setting yourself apart from the crowd. The market is overflowing with countless blogs, articles, and books.

To stand out and thrive, having unique content becomes paramount. Imagine your content as oil that rises to the top of the glass — that distinctiveness will set you apart.

Scalability is the third vital point. Time is precious, and relying solely on selling your time for money might not yield the best results.

Investing less time to achieve greater output is the path to success. Scaling your business becomes crucial for achieving optimal results and efficiency.

To sum it up, embracing the principles of value, uniqueness, and scalability can propel you ahead in the game.

However, while chasing success, let’s not forget the power of collaboration. Working together and learning from others can be a powerful force in our journey toward prosperity.

So rather than acting as a competitor, it is wiser to act as a collaborator by partnering with others, as I explained in a previous article.

3 — Create serendipity leading to synergy.

I greatly mention serendipity in my writing, as I love this concept.

Serendipity is the mystical process of making fortunate discoveries by accident. Within the writing context, it means being open to unexpected encounters, unplanned connections, and unanticipated insights that can spark creativity and lead to unique and authentic expressions in your work.

By studying serendipity, we can gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms that trigger these unexpected moments.

This knowledge can help us create optimal environments that foster creativity and exploration and deliberately invite serendipitous encounters into your writing process.

Synergy is the combined effect of two or more elements that exceed their individual impact, resulting in a more robust and efficient outcome.

Serendipity can bring more aha moments, increasing your creativity and productivity.

Here are some practical tips for creating serendipity leading to synergy in your writing journey.

1 — Stay curious and open-minded, proactively seeking new experiences and information that may lead to serendipitous discoveries.

2 — Engage with diverse groups of people and communities, both online and offline, to expose yourself to new perspectives and ideas.

3 — Keep a serendipity journal to jot down chance encounters, inspiring quotes, or fleeting ideas that may later become valuable writing material.

4 — Embrace uncertainty and allow room for spontaneity and flexibility in your writing process, leaving space for serendipitous insights to emerge.

4. Find topics that interest you and your readers.

When selecting your writing topics, think of it as finding your niche — a specific area of expertise or interest that aligns with market demand.

This choice can empower you to establish authority, build credibility, and attract a loyal audience in your chosen field.

It doesn’t require one to be a specialist. But a well-chosen writing position holds immense potential to amplify the impact of your content, drawing in a dedicated readership and potential paying customers.

By focusing on specific topics that interest you, you can cater to the unique needs and interests of your target audience, building more robust connections.

In essence, embracing the right writing profile directs you on a purpose-driven journey, where you connect with readers through your passions and expertise, leaving an indelible mark in the writing landscape.

Now, here’s a critical point and the balance to strike.

While niching down increases your odds of success, it’s crucial to maintain a degree of broader appeal. Stay adaptable and be open to exploring new topics within your niche, as it can prove advantageous in diversifying your content and keeping it fresh.

To find that sweet spot where your expertise meets audience demand, market research is your guiding light.

Identify trending topics and unmet needs in the market while also assessing your own strengths and passions. This approach guides you toward purposeful content creation and fosters meaningful audience engagement.

5— Build digital assets quickly and connect them logically.

Think of your writing pieces as valuable assets, like real estate or stocks.

As a content developer, you have the power to create digital assets with intrinsic value that can be monetized for revenue and profit.

Now, here’s the key:

Don’t get caught up in pursuing perfection, especially if you’re starting. Perfectionism can stifle creativity and hinder productivity. Instead, take a pragmatic approach and focus on being a prolific writer without compromising quality.

Embrace the entrepreneurial mindset of producing minimally viable products (MVPs). MVPs are like the building blocks of your writing business — short articles, book chapters, or blog posts that fulfill the minimum functional requirements for consumers.

By connecting these MVPs logically, you can create more significant products with added value. It’s like unlocking the power of synergy, where two value propositions combine to create a third. The more connective digital assets you craft, the more synergy you generate.

Linking your products meaningfully and attractively is vital when presenting them to your customers. This smart approach not only increases your productivity but also opens up possibilities for serendipity — those happy accidents that lead to unexpected successes.

However, to make the most of this approach, you need a well-functioning platform that can support the seamless integration of your digital assets. So, let’s dive into the next critical point.

6. Craft exceptional, educative, engaging, and quality content by repurposing previous assets.

This is the longest session, as this approach will be the heart of passive income success in your writing journey.

By repurposing your previously created content, you may craft exceptional, educative, engaging, and high-quality content from them.

This exceptional content will become your primary asset, setting you apart from the competition and drawing a devoted following of readers.

But what truly makes content exceptional?

It’s a blend of value, relevance, consistency, and authenticity.

Exceptional content provides valuable information that caters to your audience’s needs. Well-researched and informative content draws readers and allows them to engage with your content.

Moreover, exceptional content aligns closely with your audience’s interests and pain points. It’s both timely and evergreen, offering enduring value that remains relevant for years.

Consistency is key to exceptional content. It maintains its high quality, tone, and style throughout, ensuring a seamless reading experience and inspiring action in your readers.

In essence, crafting exceptional content is the key to building a thriving and prosperous writing venture, paving the way for passive income success and enduring connections with your readers.

Repurposing your digital products is a brilliant strategy that unlocks numerous possibilities. By creating multiple versions of your content in various formats, you can broaden its reach and appeal.

For instance, transforming your articles into engaging blog posts or converting blog posts and articles into book chapters expands your content’s potential audience.

Moreover, the magic of repurposing extends beyond text. Your content can take on various media types, like transforming it into an online course, an engaging YouTube video, or an insightful podcast.

This multi-faceted approach can enhance your content’s value and adaptability, setting the stage for passive income.

The beauty of repurposing lies in its ability to create larger markets for your digital assets. By diversifying your content and presenting it in various formats, you attract a wider audience, unlocking new opportunities for growth and success.

Repurposing is an indispensable step in productizing your content as a digital asset, with the power to bring in passive income streams that can sustain your writing business.

Above all, exceptional content is authentic and genuine, reflecting your unique voice and perspective. It’s not a mere regurgitation of others’ work; instead, it bears the indelible mark of your own creativity.

1 — To create such exceptional content, nurture your writing skills. Learn to convey your ideas clearly, concisely, and with impact and captivating flair.

2 — Read widely, and research your topics to gain a profound understanding of your chosen topics before you begin writing.

3 — Understanding your audience is equally crucial. Investigate their interests and pain points to tailor your content with precision.

4 — Consistency is the key to maintaining excellence. Regularly produce top-tier content that captivates and informs your readers.

5 — Allow your authentic self to shine through in your writing, infusing your content with a touch of uniqueness that resonates deeply with your audience.

6 — Experiment with diverse formats beyond just articles. Embrace videos, podcasts, and books to reach a wider audience.

7 — To amplify the reach of your exceptional content, promote it diligently. Share your work on social media, spreading the word to eager readers.

8 — Remember the power of feedback. Engage with your audience, obtaining their input on your content, and utilize it to enhance and refine your work over time. Accept negative criticism and deal with it elegantly.

Writing Authentic Content Using Design Thinking and Ethnographic Research

To write original, authentic, and compelling content, I use two important and well-proven approaches. The first involves the application of Design Thinking, a concept I introduced in a story

The second and equally pivotal is using ethnographic research methodology for developing my content.

7 — Create a well-functioning platform with automated processes.

Building a well-functioning platform with automated processes is the cornerstone of a successful writing business.

Imagine your platform as a convenient wallet that holds all your valuable content in one place, easily accessible to your readers.

While utilizing other platforms can be beneficial in attracting new consumers, the true scalability and transformation of active income into passive happen through having your own platform that aggregates your content.

The key to a well-functioning platform is automation. Automating your business processes is essential for achieving scalability and efficiency.

For example, I use Slack workspace to automate many tedious activities to communicate with thousands of writers globally and run editorial activities for my publications. I use IFTTT to automate my social media posts and capture RSS feeds to Google Docs or spreadsheets.

And here’s where the magic happens with automation.

With automation, every aspect of your platform can be streamlined. It saves you precious time, freeing you to focus on creative work.

This newfound time fosters creativity and boosts productivity, as you have more space to craft compelling content that resonates with your audience.

Automation extends its power to development activities, marketing, distribution, and sales. You can script functions on your website and integrate tools to run processes seamlessly and with lightning speed.

Moreover, automation facilitates the fast repurposing of your content, allowing you to reach new audiences and explore diverse opportunities.

As you scale your freelance writing business, this becomes a pivotal point to leverage. So you may invest in some automation tools.

8. Market your writing proactively and smartly.

Marketing is an indispensable aspect of creating value and generating passive income from your content.

Without effective marketing, even the best content might go unnoticed. Therefore, a strategic marketing approach is essential for success.

One powerful way to reach a larger audience and expand your impact is by automating and repurposing your content on a platform. This allows you to market your products faster and to a broader audience, ultimately scaling your writing business.

Automating marketing processes using various tools is crucial, and there are various approaches to consider.

One lucrative strategy involves increasing the number of subscribers through email marketing. An email list enables convenient access to your audience and becomes a valuable asset for you as a freelance writer.

Combining email marketing with social media marketing creates a dynamic synergy, maximizing your reach and impact. Using smart marketing techniques can lead to significant growth and engagement.

Affiliate marketing is another compelling approach. By promoting other people’s products, such as your collaborators’, you can earn passive income while helping them sell their offerings.

Choosing products to promote that resonate with your niche and audience is vital. Endorsing products you genuinely like and believe in builds trust with your valued customers and fosters positive relationships.

Effective marketing strategies amplify the visibility of your content, attracting a wider audience and potential customers.

These efforts drive traffic to your writing platforms, like your blog or website, ultimately increasing the chances of conversion and passive income generation.

Marketing is paramount for passive income writers, primarily due to its ability to attract a broader audience, drive traffic to writing platforms, and increase the chances of conversion.

1 — To market your writing effectively, adopt a multi-faceted approach. Use social media, email marketing, SEO optimization, collaborations, and guest posting to broaden your reach.

2 — Build a strong online presence by engaging with your audience regularly, building meaningful connections and trust.

3 — Leverage the power of email marketing to nurture relationships and provide valuable updates to your subscribers. This strategy may inform your audience about your latest content, new products, and special offers, ultimately enhancing your chances of generating passive income from your writing.

4 — If you are new to affiliate marketing, you might check my book to gain get some helpful tips: The Power of Digital Affiliate Marketing -Chapter 1 How Authors Can Write More And Earn Passive Income.

9. Find paying customers.

Attracting paying customers is the ultimate aspiration of any writer aiming for passive income. This crucial process involves transforming engaged readers into loyal customers who actively support your content through targeted sales funnels, enticing promotions, and value-driven offerings.

Finding paying customers is the lifeblood of a sustainable writing business. They are the driving force behind your passive income strategy, regularly supporting your work and helping you generate steady income.

Moreover, paying customers are more invested in your content, actively engaging and promoting it on your behalf.

They read your articles, watch your videos, and participate in your community, becoming indispensable advocates for your brand.

The presence of loyal paying customers can build your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness. When potential readers see that others find value in your work and are willing to invest in it, they perceive you as a credible and reliable source of valuable information.

So, how can you find paying customers and foster lasting relationships with them?

1 — First, build trust and credibility. Converting readers into paying customers requires them to see you as an expert in your field, offering content that truly adds value to their lives.

2 — Next, offer valuable incentives to entice readers to take the next step and become paying customers. Exclusive content, bonuses, and discounts serve as enticing rewards that motivate potential customers to take action.

3 — To guide readers towards becoming paying customers, create compelling calls to action. Employ clear and concise language that leaves no room for ambiguity. For instance, you could say, “Subscribe to my email list today and get a free ebook!” Subscribers can bring 50 times more value then followers. So focus on gaining more subscribers.

4 — Utilize targeted marketing and sales funnels, which guide potential customers through a series of strategic steps leading them towards making a purchase. This method enhances the conversion rate and boosts customer retention.

5 — Running promotions is another effective approach. Offering discounts, free trials, or other incentives can attract new customers and ignite interest in your offerings by using paid add like through Google or Facebook.

10 — Outsource routine tasks and enjoy your life.

Outsourcing routine tasks is a game-changer for rapidly growing your writing business. As your customer base expands and demands increase, outsourcing becomes an essential solution to manage the growing workload effectively.

As a creative writer, you might be apprehensive about outsourcing content development, and that’s completely understandable.

Initially, you can focus on outsourcing other monotonous tasks that consume much of your time. Writing, after all, is the heart of your passion, and you’d want to keep that in your hands.

Instead, consider outsourcing administrative tasks, marketing, and selling activities to others. These are often tasks that creative writers may not enjoy as much, making them ideal candidates for delegation.

By outsourcing these tedious responsibilities, you free up more time for your creativity to flourish. You can focus on developing more compelling content, enhancing your productivity and impact.

Even partial outsourcing can contribute to rapid business growth. As your entrepreneurial spirit flourishes, you may venture into outsourcing some creative work as well, depending on your comfort level and needs.

This is where freelance writers and entrepreneurs diverge, and you can choose what works best for you.

A comprehensive understanding of the content creation business allows you to find talented individuals to work with effortlessly.

You can assemble a team of skilled professionals to support your vision and augment your capabilities.

Moreover, consider incorporating digital products from other freelance writers into your automated and partially outsourced marketing and selling process. By doing so, you can broaden your digital asset base, enhancing your offerings and increasing the value you provide to your customers.


From my experience and observations, the path to passive income through writing is paved with dedication, strategic thinking, and a commitment to providing value. However, approaching business with a growth mindset, optimism, and joy is also vital.

Using and customizing practical steps and tips in this article, you may start creating passive income, turning your passion for writing into a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle.

Following this process, your valuable digital assets might experience growth, transforming into a passive income stream — a dream goal for entrepreneurs like you.

With your passive income achieved, you now gain the invaluable gift of economic freedom. No longer bound by writing for monetary gain, your creations consistently generate cash, leaving you free to write for the sheer joy, bliss, or altruistic reasons that fuel your passion.

While some may seek to build empires driven by greed, my experience has taught me that extreme wealth and reputation don’t always guarantee happiness.

I believe in the power of economic independence — sufficient income that grants us the freedom to pursue our passions and meaningfully contribute to society. I also respect individual choices, recognizing that aspirations vary from person to person.

A delicate balance between health and wealth is key to a satisfying life. In my perspective, prioritizing our physical and mental health outweighs the pursuit of immense wealth or reputation.

The essence of financial freedom comes from the inner peace. It’s a state of mind, not an external circumstance. We hold the power to cultivate this liberation within ourselves, transcending the confines of external factors.

Based on my writing experience and observations, I documented findings and strategies that might help you amplify your voice, engage your audience, and achieve your desired outcomes in your writing journey.

I wrote over 100 stories related to writing. You can access the relevant stories from this curated list.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

As a new reader, please check my holistic health and well-being stories reflecting my reviews, observations, and decades of experiments optimizing my hormones and neurotransmitters. I write about health as it matters. I believe health is all about homeostasis.

Petechiae, ALS, Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Anemia, Dysautonomia, cardiac output, and urinary track disorders.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Phosphatidylserine, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, and other nutrients.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

As part of my creative non-fiction writing goals, I’d like to share a few stories that might warm our hearts with a bit of humor into weighty topics.

Sample Humorous Stories

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on cellular, mitochondrial, metabolic, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

You might join my spublications on Medium as a writer by sending a request via this link. 24K writers contribute to my publications. You might find more information about my professional background.

Mental Health
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