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The provided content is a curated collection of health and wellness articles published by the author in June 2023, offering insights into various topics, including back pain relief, the impact of resistance training, mental health strategies, and the role of nutrition in health.


The author presents a comprehensive overview of their June 2023 publications on health, wellness, and lifestyle, emphasizing practical tips and key points for improving physical and mental well-being. The articles cover a range of subjects, from defeating back pain through core strengthening and proper ergonomics to understanding the role of omega-3 fats in cognitive health. The author also delves into the psychological aspects of managing thoughts and emotions, the benefits of fasting when done correctly, and the importance of biomarkers in preventive healthcare. Additionally, the content explores the healing power of tears and laughter, the significance of nutritional biochemistry over diets, and the impact of mental stress on gut inflammation. The collection includes personal anecdotes, scientific insights, and humor stories, all aimed at informing and inspiring readers to take charge of their health and happiness.


  • The author believes in the power of core strengthening exercises, proper ergonomics, and lifestyle adjustments to alleviate back pain.
  • Resistance training is highly recommended for maintaining lean muscles, with a focus on the importance of microtears and their role in muscle building.
  • Emotional mastery and cognitive flexibility are crucial for managing destructive thoughts and unpleasant emotions.
  • Fasting, when practiced correctly, can offer significant health benefits without leading to starvation.
  • The author advocates for a personalized approach to nutrition, emphasizing the importance of understanding individual nutritional needs.
  • Mental health can be positively influenced by activities that induce laughter and tears, which are seen as natural and valuable expressions of emotional well-being.
  • Regular screening and understanding personal health biomarkers are key to preventive healthcare and managing cardiometabolic health.
  • The author suggests that managing stress and inflammation together can improve overall health and well-being.
  • Hypnotherapy, when conducted by a qualified professional, can be a valuable tool for mental health improvement.
  • The author values the role of community and support systems in dealing with issues like bullying and in promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Practical steps to improve VO2max are outlined, highlighting the importance of regular cardiovascular exercise and a balanced lifestyle.
  • The author emphasizes the need for resilience and adaptability when facing unexpected life changes.
  • Addressing cognitive distortions and maintaining a growth mindset are seen as essential for clear thinking and overall mental health.
  • The author encourages the pursuit of serenity and joy by managing stress, fostering meaningful connections, and engaging in continuous learning and self-improvement.
  • The decision to shift from a career in neuroscience to mysticism is presented as a personal choice driven by a desire for deeper understanding and spiritual exploration.
  • The author promotes the idea of "body hacking" as a means to influence the mind, suggesting a holistic approach to health and happiness that goes beyond mental manipulation.

Curated Collection

Key Takeaways from My Stories Published in June 2023

I wrote about health, well-being, lifestyle, self-improvement, and scientific matters to inform and inspire my readers based on my research and experience.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

To increase the visibility of my stories, I offer practical tips and key points of each story in summary format. I believe this will save time for my readers to find relevant information from my 30 stories written last month. I condensed a month’s worth of writing into a concise half-hour post.

I appreciate subscribers who continuously engage with my stories meaningfully, inspiring me to create valuable content. Your interest in my stories means a lot to me. I am committed to delivering well-researched and valuable content on important health and wellness topics.

Your support and feedback hold immense significance for me. My goal is to inform, educate, and inspire, even if it means benefiting just a few people through my stories. Your happiness gives me joy. Receiving good news from my readers makes me euphoric.

I primarily host my health and wellness stories on my personal publication EUPHORIA on Medium to facilitate easy access to my content. I published over 2000 stories in this publication. If you follow the publication, you may receive notifications in your feed when I publish new stories.

If a particular story resonates with you, you may click the provided link to access the full details. I’d appreciate it if you could please share them with anyone who may benefit from the information.

Here is a brief introduction to stories I wrote in June 2023.

Six Steps to Defeat Back Pain

✍ Try core strengthening exercises. Use an ergonomic workstation with a supportive chair. Try an adjustable stand-up desk. When lifting objects, maintain a straight back, bend at the knees gently, and use your leg muscles instead of straining your back. Choose a mattress and pillow that support your spine’s natural alignment.

✍ Recognize the importance of core strength and take proactive steps to improve it. Invest in an adjustable stand-up desk if you are an office worker. Try yoga or Pilates. My friend, Audrey, improved her back pain by using planks regularly. Explore pastime activities like hydrotherapy, jacuzzi, steam baths, and swimming in warm and cold water alternatively.

✍ Recognize the impact of posture on blood circulation and implement practical strategies like avoiding detrimental positions. Scann the body regularly. Act mindfully. Move and exercise regularly. Walking and swimming are excellent choices. Keep the body hydrated.

✍ Move the body regularly and do moderate exercises during work breaks. Stretching, walking, and yoga can increase physical and mental energy. Planks are effective for back pain. Consume your nutrients from whole food. Get nightly restorative sleep to energize daily.

✍ The best strategies to lower oxidative stress are rest and restorative sleep. Exercise and a balance diet are vital. Stress management practices like meditation and working in a flow state can be effective. Get inflammation biomarkers checked and obtain timely treatment.

✍ Try cold showers several times a day. If you can, you may also try ice baths after dry sauna sessions. You may consider ice and heat pads alternatively in the back area to create different effects of thermogenesis. You need to start gently and increase them gradually, as cold and heat can cause additional stress to the body. Adaptation might take a while.

Microtears, Nourished by Inflammation and Stem Cells, Can Build and Maintain Lean Muscles

✍We need to be careful with tendon injuries during resistance training. They cause damage or trauma to tendons (tough and fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones).

✍As I highlighted in previous articles, customizing our exercises for our needs and based on our capabilities is critical.

✍ We need some resistance exercises at every age. I documented 8 Health Benefits of Resistance Training for Older Adults and How to Do It Correctly.

✍ Women can also leverage resistance workouts, as I documented in this story titled Here’s Why Women Need Resistance Training and How Can They Achieve It.

✍ The key benefits of customized workouts are repairing DNA, strengthening mitochondria, detoxifying cells, increasing blood flow, improving oxygenation, optimizing hormones, reducing chronic inflammation, enhancing immune function, maintaining lean muscles and dense bones, lowering visceral fat, and boosting BDNF.

✍ Exercise can accelerate aging if done incorrectly. Excessive exercise can produce harmful molecules through oxidative stress and inflammation, damaging the DNA, proteins, and other molecules.

✍ Proper exercise can maintain a healthy weight, reduce inflammation, improve our ability to cope with stress, and increase the production of neurotrophic factors, promoting neurons’ growth and survival, thereby protecting against cognitive decline and impairment.

✍ I documented my experience and reviews on lifespan shortening and enhancing aspects in a story titled Why Exercise Can Lengthen or Shorten Lifespan and How to Find the Sweet Spot.

✍The key takeaway of this article is that we need to understand the three mechanisms and their implications I covered in his article to approach resistance training with intention, knowledge, intuition, and instincts to enhance our fitness and enable us to achieve the desired results safely and joyfully.

How I Trained My Brain to Speak Confidently and Impactfully

1 — Manage your thoughts and increase cognitive flexibility and adaptability to remain in a flow state.

2 — Practice mindfulness and meditate to calm the mind and enhance cognitive abilities like attention, memory, and intuition.

3 — Use diaphragmatic breathing and progressive muscle relaxation to release physical tension for a calm state of mind before speaking.

4 — Have self-compassion, be kind to yourself, and accept your imperfections and mistakes as part of the learning process.

5 — Welcome vulnerability and authenticity.

6 — Gradually expose yourself to fearful and anxiety-inducing situations to build confidence and obtain professional support for difficult situations.

7 — Strengthen neural pathways associated with positive emotions by engaging in activities that evoke positive emotions before presentations.

8 — Engage in deliberate practice, get organized, and be prepared.

9 — Challenge yourself by trying new things and stepping outside your comfort zone, and accepting feedback.

10 — Be grateful for the speaking opportunities and develop lasting relationships with providers and your audience.

Meditation Can Boost the Cortical Thickness in the Brain and Prevent the Thinning of It

1 — Meditation is a tool that everyone can use differently. There is no right or wrong way. It depends on your choice. However, some people cannot meditate for various reasons, so please don’t force yourself.

2 — Unlike common beliefs, meditation can initially stress the brain significantly. Therefore, begin with small sessions, like five to ten minutes, and gradually increase the duration as your brain becomes more tolerant, and you feel more comfortable.

3 — Consistency is critical to rewiring the brain. Therefore make meditation a regular practice by integrating it into your daily routine. Find a schedule that works for you and stick to it to create a habit.

4 — The most accessible anchor is using the breath for your attention. Observe your thoughts as they arise and gently let them go, returning your focus to the breath.

5 — Practice observing and labeling your thoughts and feelings without judging them. Develop a non-reactive attitude towards them, allowing them to come and go naturally.

6 — Experiment with various types of meditation to discover what resonates with you and addresses your specific needs. Some people enjoy chanting and using mantras. Some people incorporate visualization or sounds.

7 — Maintain a positive mindset. Develop optimism and an open mindset to embrace the practice. You need to believe in the benefits of meditation for your well-being.

8 — Express appreciation to your body and mind for providing you with the opportunity to engage in meditation. Acknowledge the gift of self-care and the nourishment it brings. Always practice self-compassion and self-love in your journey.

6 Factors Making Us Unhealthy and Unhappy

✍ Have a personalized lifestyle with adequate nutrition and calories from whole foods, restorative sleep, regular exercise, rest, fun, and timely recovery. Make the body insulin sensitive and fat-adapted and leverage the power of autophagy, mitophagy, and thermogenesis for cellular and mitochondrial health. Always obtain timely professional support for preventive health and treatment of disorders.

✍ Stay out of your comfort zone. Choose stretch and risk zones for our growth and tasting joy and tranquility in a balance. Raise adversity quotient, cognitive flexibility, and emotional regulations.

✍ Balance stimulating the brain with meaningful activities and providing adequate rest and rejuvenation. Practice mindfulness, meditate, work in a flow state, have fun, sing, hum, and laugh. Improve your attention, focus, intuition, and working memory. Take regular breaks, try progressive muscle relaxation and slow/deep breathing.

✍ Try an optimistic outlook by intentionally seeking positive experiences, practicing gratitude, and surrounding yourself with positive people. Understand that your abilities are not fixed traits but can be developed through effort and lifelong learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, persist in the face of setbacks, and celebrate progress and achievements.

✍ Fix cognitive distortions. Avoid pessimism but stay optimistic in realistic boundaries. Refrain from perfection and have a realistic and pragmatic approach to life. Learn to let go and enjoy every moment with ups and downs.

✍Create meaningful connections with loved ones. Engage in deep conversations with open and honest communication. Offer support to create social support groups. Set psychological and emotional boundaries to protect your well-being. Say no when necessary, communicate your needs, and ensure a healthy balance between giving and receiving support. Live with gratitude and show compassion and act of kindness to others.

5 Steps to Take Control of Destructive Thoughts and Unpleasant Emotions for a Better Life

✍ Despite my current happy and healthy life, there were painful moments when I felt trapped in my metaphorical mental prison, caught in a perpetual cycle of fight-flight-freeze mode that hurt my well-being. It was through trial and error that I realized the root cause of these behaviors was my unmanaged thoughts and emotions.

✍ Stagnation with frustration is a state of no progress or growth, where we find ourselves trapped in unchanging circumstances and fixed mindsets with cognitive rigidity, impeding meaningful advancement.

✍ The key takeaway of this story is that treating ourselves with kindness and compassion is crucial for managing our thoughts and emotions. Instead of self-criticism and harsh judgment, practicing self-care, self-compassion, and self-love allows us to acknowledge our imperfections, learn from our mistakes, and nurture a healthy and supportive inner dialogue.

Fasting Has Nothing to Do with Starvation If Done Correctly

✍ The most critical point while fasting is to prevent dehydration. Therefore drink enough water with electrolytes.

✍ Learn to turn off the hunger switch.

✍ Take frequent rests and get restorative sleep nightly.

✍ Act mindfully and and meditate for 20 to 30 minutes daily.

✍ Keep a diary of your thoughts and emotions regularly.

✍ Aim to get a fat-adapted state gradually. Once the body learn to swithc fat burnign mode, fasting can be a second nature.

5 Powerful Ideas by Nobel Laureates Shifting Healthcare and Endowing Patients

✍ From a practical point of view, recognizing groundbreaking ideas by the Nobel Committee holds tremendous significance for scientists, clinicians, and the public.

✍ It signifies that these ideas have been rigorously evaluated and deemed remarkable in their potential to transform healthcare and improve lives. They offer hope and inspiration to overcome the complexities of healthcare systems.

✍ The implications are tangible: developing innovative treatments, therapies, and interventions that can address complex health challenges.

✍ Dedicated researchers are pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and working towards practical solutions that can have a meaningful impact on our lives. They do the hard work so that we can learn and use them for our benefit.

✍ We must explore these invaluable ideas and discover practical avenues for integrating them into our daily lives. For instance, I have personally embraced the concepts of autophagy and nitric oxide, which have profoundly impacted my cardiometabolic and neurological health.

✍ The key takeaway of this story is to remain open to the possibilities presented by these groundbreaking concepts and many more and actively find ways to incorporate them into our health regimens with professional support.

6 Levels of Biomarkers for Preventive Mental Health and Cognitive Function

✍ The key biomarkers for neurotransmitters are the measurement of serotonin or its metabolites (5-HIAA); dopamine levels and its metabolite (HVA); norepinephrine and its metabolites (MHPG), and GABA levels to evaluate GABAergic system function.

✍ fMRI can measure brain activity and connectivity, providing insights into the functional dysregulation of the nervous system, which is a significant cause of mental health disorders.

✍ Besides cortisol, other hormones affecting mental health disorders are insulin, sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, gonadotropins), growth hormone, and thyroid hormones. Therefore checking these hormones is necessary for our mental health.

✍ Evaluating immune system markers can provide insights into chronic and neuroinflammation and immune dysregulation. They can be measured through blood tests and assessments of cytokine levels and inflammation markers like CRP.

✍Checking toxins like heavy metals, industrial chemicals, and air pollutants can be invaluable.

✍ Specialists can check oxidative stress markers via blood tests assessing oxidative damage and antioxidant capacity.

HPA axis markers, like cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels, can be measured through blood, saliva, or urine tests.

✍ As sleep is critical in managing stress and the HBA axis regulation, it is also necessary to check circadian rhythm markers to assess biological rhythms, like sleep-wake patterns and melatonin secretion.

Intestinal permeability markers are required to detect leaky gut and prevent leaky brain syndrome. Increased zonulin levels in the bloodstream might indicate increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut).

✍ Checking inflammatory markers and proinflammatory cytokines can provide insights into the immune response and gut inflammation. Checking toxins in the gut is vital.

✍ Analyzing the diversity and comparative abundance of different organisms in the gut via techniques like metagenomic sequencing or microbial DNA analysis can provide helpful information about the gut microbiota composition.

✍ Measuring short-chain fatty acids levels, like acetate, propionate, and butyrate, can provide insights into gut microbial activity and fermentation.

✍ Measuring BDNF, NGF, and GNDF levels in the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or specific brain regions might provide insights into dysregulation and its potential role in mental health disorders.

The Healing Power of Tears and Laughter for Emotional Mastery

✍ Recognize that laughter and tears are natural and valuable expressions of our emotional well-being. Allow yourself to experience and express these emotions without judgment or fear. Practice them when alone.

✍ Try activities, experiences, and relationships that bring laughter and joy. Enjoy humor, engage in activities that make you laugh, and cherish moments of genuine happiness.

✍ Whether you are a woman or man when faced with overwhelming emotions, allow yourself to cry for emotional release and processing. Accept the healing power of tears and use them to cope with grief, sadness, anger, or frustration.

✍ Understand the role of laughter in strengthening social bonds. Share laughter with loved ones, and facilitate supportive relationships for emotional expression authentically.

✍ Accept that your personal triggers for laughter and tears may differ from others. Pay attention to what brings you joy, makes you laugh, or evokes deep emotional responses. Honor and embrace those moments that resonate with your emotional landscape.

✍ By integrating laughter and tears into our lives consciously and authentically, we can tap into the profound benefits they offer. These expressions of emotion serve as gateways to self-discovery, emotional release, recovery, emotional mastery, and overall well-being.

Here’s Why I Focus on Nutritional Biochemistry Rather Than Diets

✍ We can observe variations in food tolerances and preferences even among people from the same family or with similar genetic backgrounds.

✍ Several factors contribute to this diversity, including digestive enzymes, gut microbiome composition, nutrient absorption and utilization, metabolic rate, and energy balance. So, the intricate interplay of these factors results in various nutritional requirements.

✍ Personal preferences also play a significant role in dietary choices. Within my extended family, I have witnessed varying preferences, with some members favoring plant-based foods, others preferring animal-based options, and some enjoying a combination of both.

✍ It is necessary to use nutritional biochemistry as a criterion to address these personalized requirements. Nutritional biochemistry untangles the molecular mechanisms through which nutrients and dietary components affect our cellular processes.

✍ By understanding the intricate mechanisms behind digestion, nutrient absorption, and metabolic processes, we can better tailor dietary recommendations to meet each person’s unique needs.

✍ Such an approach acknowledges the importance of personalization and empowers people to make informed choices based on their specific requirements.

✍ Therefore, considering multiple factors, I believe the best diet is customized to our needs. Embracing a personalized approach to nutrition enables us to optimize our health and underscores the significance of nutritional biochemistry in guiding our dietary decisions.

✍ Using nutritional biochemistry principles, I chose a keto eating regimen that best suited my needs keeping me at the desired level of ketosis and increasing my BDNF for better metabolic and mental health.

Omega-3 Fats for Cellular, Mitochondrial, Genetic, and Cognitive Health

✍ Healthy fats are essential for the functioning and performance of our bodies. Unlike carbs, healthy fats serve not only as energy sources but also as nutrients, signaling molecules, and building blocks like proteins. Omega-3s are essential fats.

✍ Literature indicates that omega-3 fatty acids offer observable cellular, mitochondrial, genetic, and cognitive health benefits. However, studies are still inconclusive on specific mechanisms and recommend more comprehensive research in the field.

✍ Some clinical studies have investigated the effects of omega-3 supplementation on cellular and genetic health, providing compelling evidence of their benefits.

✍ Due to their effects at the molecular level, omega-3s might reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disorders, neurodegenerative conditions, and some cancers.

The Quirky Side Effects of Keto Diets

This is my first humor story on a serious health issue.

Are you ready to embark on a culinary adventure that promises to turn your world upside down? In this exciting demonstration, brace yourselves because we’re about to explore keto diets’ wild and wacky side effects in seven scenes. Two of them are bonus rides.

Do you want to step into the bizarre world of ketosis, where rules are meant to be broken, and conventional wisdom is left in the dust? We will show you during this demonstration. This journey is full of paradoxes and ironies.

As we crack the mysteries behind the side effects of the keto diet, prepare for a wild ride of metabolic transformation and tantalizing taste sensations.

But remember, this is no ordinary diet — it’s a daring adventure that demands your dedication and a pinch of audacity.

As a warning, at the end of this journey, prepare to bid farewell to inflammation, welcome newfound insulin sensitivity, and embark on a roller coaster ride of energy and melting visceral fat.

Colonoscopy Helped Peter to Recover from Cancer

Here are some practical steps to lower the risk of colorectal cancer.

✍ Get regular screenings, especially after 50.

✍ Observe signs and symptoms.

✍ Avoid processed foods and consume adequate calories and essential nutrients from whole foods.

✍ Minimize exposure to toxins and pathogens.

✍ Stay hydrated, lower alcohol consumption, and quit smoking.

✍ Maintain a healthy weight, manage stress, and get nightly restorative sleep.

✍ Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and do at least 150 minutes of weekly exercise.

10 Proteins Causing Neurodegenerative Disorders When Damaged and Elevated

✍ These proteins and their interactions in the brain are highly complex. Even scientists struggle to understand their mechanisms and implications with their specialist knowledge. In addition, scientists still cannot reach a consensus on their effects.

✍ In my perspective, the only viable way at this stage is to optimize these proteins via healthy lifestyle habits and preventive behavior with professional support.

✍ From my experience and reviews, it is possible to lower the effects of damaged proteins by activating the autophagy process.

✍ Therefore, I created a lifestyle that allows me to achieve autophagy and mitophagy effectively, which brings many more health benefits.

✍ The key contributors to activating these self-healing processes are time-restricted eating, occasional prolonged fasting, a ketogenic diet, personalized workouts, thermogenesis, and restorative sleep.

8 Biological Processes Highly Controlled and Why They Matter

✍ Our bodies operate like a well-orchestrated symphony or an airplane, with a complex network of regulatory mechanisms working tirelessly to maintain balance and stability. This tight regulation is vital for surviving and thriving.

✍ Understanding the intricate regulation of biological processes is vital for promoting optimal health, preventing diseases, tailoring treatments, and personalizing care.

✍ This awareness can empower us to make informed choices that contribute to our well-being and actively manage our health.

✍ By consciously supporting our body’s natural balance by stimulating it systematically and diligently, we can encourage the harmonious functioning of these regulatory mechanisms.

✍ However, excessive stimulation can increase oxidative stress and inflammation, potentially triggering physical and mental health conditions.

✍ Therefore, finding the right balance is vital to maintaining a healthy equilibrium within our bodies and minds.

Supposedly, Added Sugar No Longer Makes People Diabetic

A dear friend, following a very high-carb diet, recently received a prediabetes diagnosis that shattered him. He contacted me seeking guidance, knowing my efforts had successfully reversed the same condition in my younger years. He was worried as he had two young kids who needed his support.

Considering my personal success in reversing my prediabetes at a young age and my intense research in metabolic health, he asked what single factor would significantly and immediately contribute to eliminating his worrisome condition.

Without hesitation, I emphasized the significance of cutting out added sugars from his diet, like those found in foods with refined carbs and sugary beverages.

As he is a heavy coffee and tea drinker, I said even removing sugar from these drinks can make a massive difference in the long run. He mentioned adding three teaspoons of sugar to his tea or coffee at least six times daily.

To my surprise, he hesitated, questioning my confidence and certainty in cutting added sugars from his diet. Although my friend has a strong research background in computer architecture and other technology domains, his health and fitness knowledge is limited.

10 Factors Affecting the Brain Structure and Chemistry Due to Energy Disruption

✍ The brain is a highly energy-dependent organ. It is so energy-hungry that it requires a constant power supply to function optimally. Even during sleep, it needs energy to function. Disruptions in energy metabolism, like impaired glucose utilization and mitochondrial dysfunction, might lead to neuronal and synaptic energy deficits.

✍ This situation can affect cellular processes, like neurotransmitter synthesis, protein production, and cellular signaling pathways, impacting brain function and cognitive performance.

✍ The disruption in energy metabolism can adversely affect the brain, contributing to the development and manifestation of neurodegenerative and mental health disorders.

For example, it can cause neuronal damage, impaired synaptic function, increased oxidative stress, and chronic inflammation. These factors can contribute to the degeneration of brain cells, cognitive decline, and the expression of neural and psychiatric symptoms.

✍ Several ideas from scientists explain the link between disrupted energy metabolism and neurodegenerative and mental health disorders. Two of them are convincing.

For example, the “mitochondrial dysfunction hypothesis” suggests that “impaired energy production by mitochondria in brain cells can contribute to the development of neurodegenerative diseases.”

✍ The “bioenergetic hypothesis” suggests that “energy deficits in the brain can disrupt normal cellular processes and contribute to cognitive impairment.” These hypotheses highlight the central role of energy metabolism in maintaining brain health.

✍ Numerous studies have shown alterations in brain energy metabolism in conditions like Alzheimer’s, depression, and schizophrenia. Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated reduced glucose metabolism and impaired mitochondrial function in affected regions.

Optimizing mTOR, AMPK, and Ketones for Better Healthspan and Lifespan

✍ Regulating mTOR and AMPK pathways can promote autophagy, which helps eliminate damaged cellular components and recycle nutrients. This clean-up improves cellular and mitochondrial health and function, reducing the risk of age-related diseases.

✍ Balancing mTOR, AMPK, and ketone metabolism enhances the body’s ability to switch between different energy sources. This metabolic flexibility optimizes energy utilization, enhances mitochondrial function, and promotes better metabolic health.

✍ Activation of AMPK and ketone metabolism can dampen chronic low-grade inflammation, which plays a significant role in age-related conditions. By addressing chronic inflammation, these mechanisms help maintain a healthier cellular environment and support longevity.

✍ mTOR inhibition and AMPK activation can trigger adaptive stress response pathways, enhancing the body’s ability to withstand and recover from various stressors. This increased stress resilience contributes to improved healthspan and lifespan.

✍ Regulating these pathways stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis, leading to the generation of new and healthy mitochondria. The enhanced mitochondrial function supports efficient energy production, minimizes oxidative stress, and promotes cellular vitality.

✍ The activation of AMPK and initiating ketosis are linked to increased DNA repair capacity. Efficient cellular repair mechanisms help us maintain genomic stability and reduce the accumulation of age-related DNA damage, like the rapid shortening of telomeres.

✍ By regulating mTOR, AMPK, and ketones, we can leverage their benefits to promote cellular rejuvenation, optimize metabolic health, mitigate inflammation, enhance resilience, improve mitochondrial function, and support DNA repair. Collectively, these benefits might contribute to better healthspan and an extended lifespan.

✍ In a practical sense, regulating these three metabolic constructs can shift our metabolism from sugar-burning to fat-utilizing mode giving us abundant energy, vitality, and resilience.

Hypnosis and Professional Hypnotherapy for Potential Health Improvement

Tips for Professional Hypnotherapy

1 — Choose a qualified hypnotherapist with experience in your specific area of focus. Research their qualifications and credentials before booking your session. Obtain referrral from trusted people. Check testimonials from others.

2 — Establish rapport and trust with your hypnotherapist. A robust therapeutic alliance is crucial for effective hypnotherapy. Choose a hypnotherapist with whom you feel comfortable sharing personal information and discussing your unique goals.

3 — Offer honest and open communication. Be transparent about your concerns, expectations, and relevant personal history. This helps the hypnotherapist tailor the therapy to your specific needs and desires.

4 — Familiarize yourself with the process of inducing hypnosis, which may involve relaxation techniques, guided imagery, or other induction methods the hypnotherapist employs.

5 — During a hypnotherapy session, follow the hypnotherapist’s instructions and allow yourself to relax and let go. Trust in the process of the professional and surrender to the experience.

6 — Be Receptive to suggestions. Hypnotherapy involves receiving therapeutic suggestions from the hypnotherapist. Maintain an open and receptive mindset, allowing the suggestions to penetrate your subconscious mind.

7 — Collaborate in goal setting. Work together with the hypnotherapist to establish clear and achievable goals for the therapy. Discuss your desired outcomes and ensure they align with your values and aspirations.

8 — Engage in post-hypnotic suggestions. The hypnotherapist may provide post-hypnotic suggestions for reinforcement outside therapy sessions. Comply with these suggestions and integrate them into your daily life.

9 — Engage in self-care activities after a hypnotherapy session. Reflect on the experience, journal your thoughts and insights, and apply the therapeutic strategies learned in previous sessions.

10 — To maximize the benefits of hypnotherapy, schedule and attend regular follow-up sessions as your hypnotherapist recommends. This allows for ongoing support, progress evaluation, and adjustment of therapeutic strategies as needed.

9 Essential Biomarkers for Preventive Cardiometabolic Health

✍ These biomarkers reflect underlying physiological processes related to metabolisms. Dysregulation of bodily processes can lead to metabolic disorders and associated complications. Metabolic disorders, if left undetected or unmanaged, can have severe consequences for healthspan and lifespan.

✍ Checking biomarkers for metabolic health provides a proactive and personalized approach to healthcare. By identifying early warning signs and tailoring interventions, we can take control of our health, reduce the risk of complications, and improve our overall well-being.

✍ Early diagnosis can lead to timely interventions, such as lifestyle modifications, medication, and targeted therapies, preventing and mitigating metabolic disorder risks and improving overall health outcomes.

✍ To maintain holistic health, you may consider more health measures like sleep quality, stress, fitness, genetic (DNA), vitamins, minerals, and cognitive tests. Here are some additional tests you may consider.

9 Measures to Take Health and Fitness to Another Level

✍ Try regular cardiovascular workouts to reduce RHR and improve heart health. Practice stress management techniques like meditation, muscle relaxation, and deep breathing.

✍ I provided three steps to improve heart rate variability. So I won’t repeat them here.

✍ Engage in exercise programs that target energy systems like aerobic and anaerobic based on your goals. Gradually increase training intensity and duration while monitoring metabolic responses. Focus on progressive overload and balanced nutrition for desired changes. Get your fat ratio, muscle quality, and bone density via DEXA Scans or other tools if you can afford them.

✍ Try resistance training exercises targeting major muscle groups. Focus on progressive overload, proper form, and recovery. If you are healthy, you may try workouts involving explosive movements emphasizing speed and force production. Working with a qualified strength and conditioning coach can be helpful.

✍ Try regular stretching workouts, especially yoga and Pilates, to improve flexibility. Focus on both static and dynamic stretching techniques. Consider speed drills, agility ladder workouts, and sport-specific movements in training routines. Focus on quick footwork, change-of-direction exercises, and reaction training. Working with a physiotherapist or sports specialist can be helpful.

✍ I documented my reviews, observations, and experiences in an article titled 5 Steps to Improve Neural and Muscular Abilities for Lifelong Mobility. The key points are to enhance the innate vestibular and proprioceptive systems joyfully. You may progressively challenge stability by adding unstable surfaces or dynamic movements. Trying balance workouts like single-leg stands, yoga poses, or stability ball exercises into workouts can be helpful.

Impact of Mental Stress on Gut Inflammation with Insights from a New Study

✍ The new study I introduced sheds light on the complex relationship between psychological stress and gut inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Chronic stress might also affect inflammatory disorders like leaky gut and autoimmune issues.

✍ The paper emphasizes the importance of considering stress management in treating patients for improved outcomes of gut-related disorders. I also agree that researchers believe psychological therapies are underutilized.

✍ We now know that stress can be both physical and mental. As the body and mind are tightly connected, we might lower chronic inflammation by managing physical and psychological stress.

✍ By managing stress and inflammation together, we can holistically improve the health of our cells, tissues, organs, and systems, enhancing our healthspan and lifespan.

How Noise Pollution Affects Cognition and Cardiovascular Health

1 — Quick measures as a coping strategy

I found earplugs and noise-canceling headphones helpful. These devices can reduce the intensity of external noise by blocking or canceling out the sound waves before they reach our ears. They can be instrumental in noisy environments like airplanes, construction sites, and busy streets.

Encourage the family members to keep the volume moderate when listening to music or watching television. They can use headphones to minimize unnecessary noise. However, excessive volume can damage the listener’s hearing.

2 — Soundproofing home or office and choosing quieter appliances

Soundproofing measures can minimize noise transmission from outside or between different rooms within your home. For example, we can consider thick curtains, double-glazed windows, shutters, and adding acoustic panels to walls.

Soft materials like carpets and rugs can absorb sound and reduce echoes within a room. They can be particularly effective in areas with hard surfaces like tile or hardwood floors.

We can choose household appliances, like dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, or air conditioners, that have low noise ratings. You may check appliances labeled “quiet” or “low decibel” operating at lower noise levels.

If you have gardens, you may plant trees and shrubs. Vegetation might be a natural sound barrier by absorbing and deflecting sound waves. You may lubricate door hinges and devices, making a big sound.

When designing or renovating spaces, incorporate noise-reducing elements like sound-absorbing materials, acoustic panels, or strategic placement of furniture to minimize reverberation and echo.

3 — Encourage noise-reduction policies at work and community

Advocate for workplace policies prioritizing noise reduction, such as quiet zones, noise-absorbing materials, or designated spaces for noisy activities. Support the creation and preservation of green spaces in your community.

Join local organizations or community groups that work towards reducing noise pollution. Collaborate with others to raise awareness, advocate for noise regulations, and promote peaceful living environments. Choose quieter modes of transportation whenever possible.

Support local or national initiatives that aim to regulate noise pollution. Stay informed about noise-related laws and regulations and actively engage in discussions or campaigns about noise reduction.

How to Improve VO2max in 7 Steps

✍ If you are healthy, try regular cardiovascular exercises, like jogging, cycling, tennis, or swimming, to improve cardiovascular health and endurance. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week which can lower the risks of cardiometabolic disorders.

✍ If you are healthy, try HIIT workouts to improve VO2max more effectively than steady-state exercise. You need to improve it gradually and with proper guidance to ensure safety and prevent overexertion.

✍ If you are healthy and enjoy it, try resistance training to maintain lean muscle mass, which can improve VO2max.

✍ If you are healthy, try various aerobic and anaerobic activities on different days to engage different muscle groups and prevent adaptation plateaus.

✍ Maintain a healthy weight to lower the risk of developing these conditions, supporting optimal cardiovascular function and VO2max levels.

✍ Consistently allocate sufficient rest and recovery to promote adaptation and avoid overtraining.

✍ Fuel your body with a balanced diet of nutrients from whole foods and clean water to support exercise, fitness, and overall health.

How Bullying Impacts the Brain and What We Can Do About It

Dealing with bullies requires a proactive and multi-faceted approach.

1 — Encourage children to assertively and confidently communicate concerns to trusted adults.

2 — Help children develop self-esteem, assertiveness, and social skills to resist and cope with bullying situations.

3 — Teach empathy and compassion to children and adolescents. Encourage them to develop positive friendships and surround themselves with supportive peers.

4 — Learn about the signs of bullying, its impact, and the importance of intervention to create a safer environment.

5 — Respond assertively to bullying by using strong body language, clear communication, and seeking help when needed.

6 — Develop problem-solving skills to navigate conflicts and find constructive solutions.

7 — Participate in creating a safe and inclusive school, work, or community environment by reporting bullying incidents and supporting others.

8 — Advocate for anti-bullying policies in schools, workplaces, and communities, emphasizing zero tolerance for bullying behaviors.

9 — Use support systems like counseling services, peer support groups, helplines, and law enforcement.

10 — Inform teachers, parents, managers, and professionals on recognizing and addressing bullying in school, workplace, and community effectively.

11 — Intervene promptly by taking immediate action when bullying is reported and observed, investigating the situation thoroughly.

12 — Encourage positive interactions and respect among people, emphasizing the importance of tolerance, acceptance, and empathy.

How the Brain Deals with Uninvited and Unwanted Changes

Coping Strategies for Dealing with Unwanted Changes

✍ Accept the reality of the change as a natural part of life. Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions healthily.

✍ Meet the fundamentals and prioritize self-care activities like relaxation, stress reduction, serenity, joy, and wellness. Try mindfulness techniques and meditation to stay present and gain inner calm.

✍ Break down the change into manageable steps and develop a plan of action.

✍ Challenge negative thoughts and reframe them with positive and realistic perspectives.

✍ Adjust your expectations to align with the new circumstances.

✍ Establish a structured routine that can provide stability and predictability, helping the brain feel grounded during change.

✍ Take breaks and try relaxation techniques (progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and visualization) to reduce stress.

✍ Try self-talk and expressive writing to release negative thoughts and emotions. Read inspirational books/articles, listen to uplifting music, and watch motivational videos to boost your morale and gain a cheerful mood.

✍ Stay informed and updated on relevant information during change, but be mindful of consuming excessive negative news from traditional and social media, as they can increase stress and anxiety.

✍ Contact friends, family, or support groups. Consult therapists, counselors, and physicians for professional guidance and support.

I also provide 12 tips to increase resilience. As they are long, I did not include them. You may check the story for details.

Practical Steps to Fix 10 Factors Causing Unclear Thinking

1 — Lower stress by following the body’s fundamental needs, mindful living, nightly restorative sleep, joyful hobbies, and meditation.

2 — Prioritize tasks, take regular breaks, move the body joyfully, live mindfully, and try meditation. Engaging in relaxing activities like listening to your favorite music can lower mental fatigue.

3 — Create a distraction-free environment by cutting noise, closing doors or windows, and stopping digital alerts during thinking time. Setting clear boundaries can be helpful in the long term. To deal with intrusive thoughts, consider journaling them quickly to get them out of your mind.

4 — Develop interest in diverse topics. Engage in continuous learning, explore new ideas, and seek intellectual challenges that expand your knowledge and stimulate your thinking.

5 — Remain optimistic and realistic by looking at things from positive angles without denying negatives. Address cognitive distortions. Seek alternative viewpoints and engage in critical thinking to overcome biases.

6 — Organize your time and schedule by prioritizing crucial tasks and tidying your work and living environment. Remove unnecessary things and keep only essentials like minimalists.

7 — Managing and regulating unpleasant emotions by supporting the limbic system is crucial for maintaining optimal cognitive function and promoting clear thinking. Therefore, recognize, accept, and express unpleasant emotions that can switch to pleasant ones eventually. Self-therapy or professional support can be invaluable.

8 — Avoid drugs and excessive alcohol use. Stop smoking permanently. Get rid of all addictive substances, including excessive sugar. Your brain will thank you and serve you better.

9 — Get hormones checked by specialists like endocrinologists. Optimize hormones with healthy lifestyle habits and professional support.

10 — Get regular checkups for health conditions and seek timely professional support for diagnosis and treatment. In addition, take preventive measures leveraging holistic health principles to lower the risks of conditions affecting brain health and cognitive function.

How to Remove 5 Barriers to Serenity and Joy Methodically

✍ Have a balanced life with good nutrition, adequate calories, restorative sleep, regular exercise, rest, and timely recovery.

✍ Balance stimulating the brain with meaningful activities and providing adequate rest and rejuvenation.

✍ Practice mindfulness, meditate, work in a flow state, have fun, sing, hum, and laugh. Improve your attention, focus, intuition, and working memory.

✍ Take regular breaks, try muscle relaxation, and slow/deep breathing.

✍ Gain a growth mindset. Fix cognitive distortions.

✍ Avoid pessimism but stay optimistic in realistic boundaries.

✍ Avoid perfection and have a realistic and pragmatic approach to life.

✍ Learn to let go and enjoy every moment with ups and downs.

✍ Stay out of your comfort zone. Choose stretch and risk zones for our growth and tasting joy and tranquility in a balance.

✍ Raise your adversity quotient, cognitive flexibility, and emotional regulations.

✍ Spend time and effort in creating meaningful connections with loved ones. Engage in deep conversations with open and honest communication.

✍ Offer support to create robust social support groups. Set psychological and emotional boundaries to protect your well-being.

✍ Say no when necessary, communicate your needs, and ensure a healthy balance between giving and receiving support.

✍ Live with gratitude and show compassion and act of kindness to others.

Here’s Why a Neuroscientist Decided to Become a Mystic

During scientific exploration, an extraordinary transformation occurred in the life of a brilliant neuroscientist, Benjamin.

This captivating tale unfolds when a sad yet serendipitous encounter leads him to mysticism, leaving behind a promising career in neurobiology and medical science.

Set against a backdrop of intellect, friendship, and a mystical party, this story delves into the depths of intuition, tragedy, and the pursuit of a deeper understanding of the human soul.

Ben had made the profound decision to resign from his position, bidding farewell to the world of academia and neuroscience.

In his pursuit of knowledge, he had reached a crossroads where the intricacies of the human body and mind could no longer satiate his insatiable thirst.

Instead, he chose to venture on a spiritual journey as a mystic, delving into the depths of the human soul, seeking answers that lay beyond the realm of science, which only tries to figure out the human body and mind methodically.

Why I Hack My Body Instead of My Mind

✍ The key takeaway of this story is that as we marvel at the profound interconnectedness of our bodies and the immeasurable wealth of memories they carry, we must honor the unique mechanisms that shape our existence.

✍ This journey does not end here. In the next part, I will delve into the practical aspects and share insights on how I engage in sensible hacking of my body to influence my mind.

✍ Through this exploration, I aim to inspire and empower my readers to venture on their journeys of self-improvement and self-discovery. My role is to be a catalyst in such transformation. Stay tuned for the next part.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

This month I tried a few humor stories that you may enjoy.

Apparently, I Was a Dog in a Previous Life

Hilarious Tips to Prevent Brain Atrophy and Keep the Gray Matter Giggling

5 Funny Yet Real Reasons We Accumulate Visceral Fat

7 Reasons We Might Be Missing Vitality

The Quirky Side Effects of Keto Diets

If you missed the collection from last month, here is the link to it.

I believe you may also find valuable stories from my life lessons.

As a new reader, please check my holistic health and well-being stories reflecting my reviews, observations, and decades of experiments optimizing my hormones and neurotransmitters.

ALS, Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Anemia, Dysautonomia, cardiac output, and urinary track disorders.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Phosphatidylserine, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, Cod Liver Oil, and other nutrients.

More stories like these are on EUPHORIA.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experience, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on cellular, mitochondrial, metabolic, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

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