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The author explores the concept of past lives and shares their experience with a channeler who revealed they were a dog in a previous life.


The author, fascinated by the idea of past lives, decides to try past life regression therapy and channeling. They meet with a channeler named Sheila, who puts them into a state of deep relaxation. After the session, Sheila reveals that the author was a dog in a previous life who saved a child's life. The author reflects on the experience and shares their thoughts on the interconnectedness of all living beings, the benefits of channeling and past life regression therapy, and the role of imagination and creativity in personal growth.


  • The author believes in multiple realities and dimensions and thinks that these thoughts stimulate their brain and increase their creativity.
  • The author expresses skepticism about the scientific validity of the soul debate but leaves room for the possibility of spiritual concepts.
  • The author values the power of imagination and creativity, stating that they can open us up to new experiences and ways of thinking.
  • The author acknowledges that not everyone believes in past or future lives but emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-awareness.
  • The author suggests that past life regression therapy can help us understand our current lives better by giving us insights into our past lives and healing from past traumas.
  • The author highlights the unpredictability of channeling and past life regression therapy, stating that some people might have serious and profound experiences, while others might have hilarious ones.
  • The author encourages curiosity and open-mindedness when exploring the concept of past lives and emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and personal growth.

Creativity, Spirituality, and Humor

Apparently, I Was a Dog in a Previous Life

I’m glad to take the plunge and get my past lives channeled, giving me amazing perspectives — or maybe I’m just catnip-infused

Photo by Maria Lindsey Content Creator from Pexels

I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of past lives. What if we’ve lived before? What if we’ve done great things? Or terrible things? Or both? I also wonder about after death. The future fascinates me. I visualize many centuries ahead, like the 33rd or 50th century — or maybe I’m just catnip-infused and imagining things.

I believe in multiple realities and dimensions. These thoughts stimulate my brain, enhance my cognitive abilities, and increase my creativity — or maybe I’m just high on creativity and imagining things. But who knows? Maybe I’m even spiritually intelligent, and I don’t know it yet. I’ll have to cover spiritual intelligence in another story.

Ah, the eternal soul debate! It’s like figuring out if pineapples belong on pizza — everyone’s got an opinion, and it could get pretty heated. But unlike pineapple on pizza, there’s no right or wrong answer to the soul debate. So let’s all agree to disagree and enjoy our pizza in peace.

Some say we’re like cosmic Energizer bunnies, going on and on even after the body throws in the towel. But unlike Energizer bunnies, our souls don’t have a battery that needs to be replaced. They’re timeless travelers, and the thought of that is mind-boggling.

Our intellect and logical minds might go, “Wait, what? That’s against the scientific playbook!” True. The brain cannot conceptualize the soul yet. The prefrontal cortex is not capable of doing that. But the subconscious mind, which we don’t know precisely where in the brain it hangs out, has the power. Therefore, I meticulously use my RAS daily through my meditation.

But sometimes, I like to leave my conscious mind at the door and tap into my intuition to grasp these cosmic concepts. After all, my gut knows what’s up or down or in and out.

So, while our intellect might struggle with spiritual concepts, we can leave room for the possibility that there’s more to this journey than meets the eye. After all, life’s full of surprises — some are mind-bending.

This story is about a revelation after scratching my existential itch with encouragement from some friends who love trying outlandish things.

So, when I heard about channeling and past life regression therapy, I was hooked. I decided to try them, and I’m so glad I did.

I’ll only tease the channeling session in this post because the past life regression story is intense and requires more detail and a more serious approach from a mental health perspective.

There is some spooky science behind past life regression therapy, including NDEs. But the channeling story for me was more light-hearted yet astonishing. Therefore, I want to share it with you briefly.

Here we go… into the rabbit hole.

Meeting with Sheila, the Channeler Who Could Talk to Our Past Lives

As creativity and adventure always get my juices flowing, I wanted to try something wild and crazy in my life.

My funny friends warned me this experience would be incredible and amazing. They were right. Who wouldn’t want to travel back in time and see their past lives, right?

Armed with a sense of adventure, an open mind, and childhood curiosity, yet with a sprinkle of skepticism stemming from my scientific background, I finally decided to book a $75 ride into my past lives — or, as I like to call it, a “trip to the soul spa.”

My session with the channeler, Sheila, started with amazement. As my heartbeats pounded like drums with the excitement of the journey, she put me into a state of deep relaxation.

Sheila, as a master Reike healer, began the session with an hour of Reike therapy that left me in a state of blissful nirvana and gentle hypnosis. I previously wrote about my thoughts and experiences with hypnosis, but this was next-level stuff.

Her first question was whether I remember anything about my past lives from imagination, dreams, or maybe even a really vivid acid trip. I said yes.

As she asked more subtle questions with some prompts, I couldn’t understand what the heck she was talking about. My subconscious mind seemed to have its own secret code, whispering clues to Sheila.

Sheila continued talking with a gentle voice, keeping me in a trance. I started to have visions. What was happening?

How come I suddenly have four legs? Where did this fur in my body come from? Why do I suddenly crave bones? Who was that little boy trying to play with me? My intellectual mind couldn’t find any answers to these questions, but my inner wolf was having a blast.

I had a vision of this little boy with no name playing fetch in the park, going for walks in the woods, and snuggling up on the couch at night. I mean, it was paw-sitively adorable. He looked just like me, but he was fur real.

I also envisioned saving the child’s life from a burning building. This vision scared me a bit. Sheila kept saying, “Relax, just let go. Then what happened?” I mean, I’m not a superhero, am I?

These were the only things I remembered when she touched my forehead with compassion. It was an incredible experience — or maybe I just imagined it all. Who knows?

The Moment of Truth — Who Knows!

After what felt like a thorough investigation in an exoteric room, which felt like something out of a supernatural movie, the moment of truth arrived.

Sheila finally revealed that in a previous life, I was none other than a docile yet heroic doggo! Yes, you heard it right — a doggo savior.

Apparently, I saved a child’s life and got reincarnated as a healthy and happy human in this lifetime. But I can’t remember a thing.

That revelation left me stunned and amazed — or maybe I’m just tripping balls and imagining it all. Who knows? Or maybe I was just high on creativity and hallucinating.

Thoughts After the Revelation

No wonder I’ve always had a soft spot for our pawsome friends and never quite fancied those yucky greens.

I guess I had some canine instincts lingering deep within my soul.

Now, I must admit, being a doggo in a past life doesn’t bother me one bit.

In fact, I’ve always loved our four-legged companions, and knowing that I was once part of their loyal pack only makes me appreciate them even more — and makes me crave bones.

My first life lesson from a close relationship with a doggo was that love is unconditional.

Dogs don’t care if you’re rich or poor, good-looking or ugly, smart or dumb. They just love you for who you are. But they might bite you too — or maybe even lick you to death.

Ah, the sad memories of my childhood!

Our neighbor’s pawsome and friendly dog, Panther, was my ultimate bestie. When I returned from school, I’d drop my bag on the ground, grab a glass of water (and chug it down), and dash to see my furry pal.

We ran, played fetch, and wrestled on the grass together — and sometimes even got into a little bit of trouble, like the time we ate all the neighbor’s cookies.

But, our friendship had its moment of ouch.

One day, I found Panther sleeping peacefully in our backyard.

I couldn’t resist surprising him, so I crept up slowly. Little did I know that he was in a deep slumber. As I gently tapped his body and called out his name, I got the shock of my life.

My dear Panther, my soul mate, bit my arm. Cue the waterworks and a frantic call to my parents for help — and a trip to the ER to get stitches.

Off to the clinic, we went, where I got the dreaded tetanus shot for the dog bite. Ouch! The shot in my belly was painful, but it didn’t dampen my love for Panther, even though I had a hint of resentment for a moment.

We remained close until he peacefully left us at the ripe old age of 12. But even now, I see him in my dreams, spinning incredible stories from the great beyond — or maybe he misses licking my face.

My parents explained that all living beings have a protective mechanism. No matter how gentle and friendly they seem, if their survival instinct kicks in, they’ll do whatever it takes to defend themselves — even if it means biting the hand that feeds them. It’s fascinating how our bodies work.

No matter what, I cherish the memories and learn from every moment — even the ones that come with a little ouch and a trip to the ER.

This experience left me feeling more connected to my furry friends than ever before. I realized that we share a deep bond and that we’ve all been through this life together in different forms. I believed I was a dog in a past life, and Panther was my human.

But you know what’s even more intriguing?

I had a unique dog, half Dingo and half German Sheppard. My wife and neighbors always found him troublesome as it ruined our garden and annoyed anyone passing in front of our house.

After meeting Sheila, I can’t help but wonder if my beloved dog, who crossed the rainbow bridge after a tragic accident, is now frolicking around as a human in some parallel universe — or maybe he’s just reincarnated as a cat and is messing with my wife.

I desired to meet him again and share tales of our exciting past lives. My wife thought this was a crazy idea and couldn’t help but chuckle.

Ultimately, my spiritual experiment with the help of Sheila left me with lots of laughter, joy, and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living beings — even the annoying ones.

Time to bid farewell — or maybe just bye for now.

It is believed by some that we never die. The body dies, but the soul is eternal. In this belief system, the soul neither was born nor will it die.

This is a complicated concept to digest with our intellect, logic, and scientific method. However, it is possible to experience it intuitively — or maybe we flatline, and that’s it.

Whether we walk on two legs or four, we’re all part of this magnificent cosmic dance. Each of our lives holds a unique story to tell.

I embrace the wonders of life, past, present, and future, to relish the mystical journey that is our soul’s evolution.

I loved visiting future centuries like the 50th in my lucid dreams and deep meditation sessions — or maybe I just fell asleep watching too much Back to the Future. Maybe meditation made my cortical system too thick.

Of course, not everyone believes in past or future lives. But that’s okay. Whether we believe it or not, something must be said about the power of imagination and creativity — or maybe we’re all just delusional.

Some people believe that we reincarnate to learn and grow so that we can eventually reach a state of enlightenment. This idea sounds exciting and captivating — or maybe we’re all just lunatics.

Others believe that we’re all connected to each other through our souls and that our past lives are all part of a larger story known as collective consciousness, coined by Jung. This idea appeals to me — or maybe I just read Carl Jung too much.

Some people believe that past or future lives are simply a figment of our imagination and that there’s no scientific evidence to support their existence — or maybe they’re just trying to be too rational.

They are right. Of course, science is not equipped to deal with metaphysics. That’s why my neuroscientist friend decided to be a mystic — or maybe he just got tired of all the peer reviews.

When we allow ourselves to imagine different possibilities, we open ourselves up to new experiences and ways of thinking, increasing our creativity. That’s something that can only be a good thing for personal growth — or maybe we’ll just end up in a mental institution.

One of the funniest things about channeling and past life regression therapy is that it can be unpredictable. It is possible to have a serious and profound experience. Some people, like my friends, might have a hilarious one with gender mix-ups. I want to share two examples.

A female friend was convinced she was Nicola Tesla in a past life. But when she started to have visions, she saw herself as an inventor and filed a patent, to the surprise of her colleagues — who thought she was just having a midlife crisis.

A male friend was convinced he was Mary Pickford in a past life. When he started to have visions, he saw himself as an actor. He enrolled in an art school and pursued a career in acting — or maybe he just had a crush on Mary Pickford.

So people might be surprised at what they discover during such sessions. They might learn about their past lives or might learn more about themselves in the present. Or they may see themselves in the future as a person in a new body — or maybe they’ll just wake up with a headache.

My friends ask about the benefits of channeling and past life regression therapy. I tell them about increased self-awareness, healthier relationships with our inner selves, and a greater sense of purpose — or maybe they’ll just wake up with a third eye and start seeing ghosts.

Past life regression therapy can help us to understand our current lives better by giving us insights into our past lives. It might help us heal from past traumas and to develop healthier relationships in the present. It can also help us to find our life’s purpose and to live a more meaningful life — or maybe we’ll just wake up with a tail and start barking at the mailman.

So, if you’re ever curious about your past lives, you might try past-life regression therapy. It might change your life — or you might wake up with a third arm and start petting cats. I’ll cover it in the next story, so stay tuned, or don’t; it is your choice.

If you ever get the chance to peek into your past lives, don’t be afraid to express your inner curiosity — who knows what pawsome surprises await you? You might have been a cat in your past life, or maybe even a dog. Or maybe you were a human who was really into cats. Who knows? The possibilities are pawsitively endless!

The End: Now, go forth and spread the humor like confetti or catnip.

If you enjoy the humor in this story, you may also check this one. But be warned; it’s so funny, you might start purring 🤣.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

As a new reader, please check my holistic health and well-being stories reflecting my reviews, observations, and decades of experiments optimizing my hormones and neurotransmitters.

Petechiae, ALS, Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Anemia, Dysautonomia, cardiac output, Neuromuscular Dysfunctions, and urinary track disorders.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Phosphatidylserine, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, Cod Liver Oil, and other nutrients.

More stories like these are on EUPHORIA.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on cellular, mitochondrial, metabolic, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

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