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Dr. Mehmet Yildiz provides a comprehensive guide for aspiring writers, detailing key success points and strategies for enhancing content visibility and engagement on writing platforms, with a focus on Medium.


The web content presents a detailed guide by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, aimed at new writers seeking to boost their content's visibility and success on platforms like Medium. The guide is based on decades of the author's writing and editing experience and includes a checklist to help writers create engaging, valuable, and well-crafted content. It emphasizes the importance of considering the reader's perspective, providing value, ensuring readability, meeting editorial standards, and making content exciting and engaging. The guide also covers the significance of honesty, integrity, and creating a pleasant reading experience, as well as practical tips for formatting and editing. Additionally, it provides insights into Medium's boosting system and offers advice on how to increase the chances of content being distributed and going viral. Dr. Yildiz also shares his experiences and observations on various topics, including health and well-being, and invites writers to contribute to his publications.


  • The author believes that adhering to the outlined checklist can significantly enhance a writer's chances of success.
  • Dr. Yildiz stresses the importance of originality, relevance, and factual accuracy in writing to establish credibility and resonate with readers.
  • He suggests that engaging content, a clear writing style, and proper formatting are crucial for reader engagement and satisfaction.
  • The author emphasizes the need for writers to disclose affiliate links and adhere to platform rules to maintain transparency and trust.
  • Dr. Yildiz encourages writers to seek feedback from trusted editors, particularly for controversial content, to ensure clarity and address potential biases.
  • He advocates for the inclusion of relevant references and acknowledgments to add credibility to the writer's work.
  • The guide reflects the author's view that creating viral content is a deliberate process involving specific content types and behaviors.
  • Dr. Yildiz shares his perspective that writing can be a tool for personal fulfillment, professional growth, and connection with an audience.
  • He provides a cautionary note against certain content types that are less likely to be boosted on Medium, such as clickbait titles and erotica.
  • The author's opinions are shaped by his extensive experience in science, technology, and content development, which he believes can help writers achieve their goals.
  • Dr. Yildiz concludes with the importance of understanding Medium's content distribution strategy and the value of high-quality, human-written stories.

Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Writers

New Writers: Enhance the Chance of Boosting by Using This Checklist

Based on my decades of writing and editing experience, I summarized the critical success points to increase the visibility of content on any writing platform

New writer inquiries and applications for Illumination Integration Publications are through the registration portal. Please review the onboarding pack before submitting your stories. I look forward to supporting your stories on Medium.

Image designed by the author by editing images of Anna Tarazevich and Max Fischer from Pexels

Non-members can read the complementary version of this critical story at the ILLUMINATION Library on Substack

Dear Fellow Writer,

I’m delighted that you have stumbled upon this important story serendipitously, as it has the potential to transform your life truly. Reflecting on my journey, I wish I had encountered a guide like this five decades ago when I began my writing career, navigating local papers and online bulletin boards to find an audience for free.

I wrote this story as a giveback to writing and reading communities who dearly supported me for many years. The knowledge and insights shared within this story are intended to empower and uplift aspiring writers like yourself, equipping you with valuable tools and experience that I wish I had possessed during my own formative years.

Investing your 20 minutes to read this story might save you two years of research to learn the value offered in this story. The ideas in this post are not exclusive to Medium. They can apply to any platform, including the one you will be building one day to sustain your success.

I believe this guide will serve you as a compass, illuminating the path ahead and providing clear guidance as you start your writing endeavors. I present this piece as a concise crash course, providing key takeaways you can readily apply to enhance your online writing, ghostwriting, and copyrighting practices.

With the right mindset, optimism, and dedication, I believe you can be a successful writer and achieve your goals. You may contact me for further guidance as part of my free mentoring support to the community.

Writing is a deeply personal and meaningful pursuit. Accessing resources that steer you in the right direction can make an immense difference. As you read the key messages of this story, I encourage you to embrace hard-learned lessons, absorb the key points, and apply them to your writing practice by customizing them as they suit your needs.

Writing is a powerful tool for various purposes. Whether you write for personal fulfillment or professional growth, express your feelings for therapeutic purposes, or share your stories with others, I see a universal desire to connect with an audience.

As a seasoned writer and author of multiple books and scientific papers, I know that the most rewarding experiences come from connecting with readers on a deep level. When I write something that resonates with my readers, it feels like I’ve made a connection that transcends words. Conversing with my fans daily gives me the utmost pleasure.

Why I Wrote and How I structured this story

Upon request by thousands of contributors to my publications on this platform, I decided to document my perspectives, experiences, and findings from the analysis of featured, amplified, hand-picked, distributed, boosted, and viral stories on various platforms for the last few years.

In this story, I explore the elements that contribute to effective communication through writing. Based on my writing experience and observations, I want to share findings and strategies that might help you amplify your voice, engage your audience, and achieve your desired outcomes in your writing journey.

I know that writing is a powerful tool for connection. It can help us share our thoughts, learn from each other, and build community. I hope this story will inspire you to use your writing to connect with others and make a difference in the world.

I structured this article into three distinct parts to create a valuable and comprehensive guide suitable for writers of all levels. Each section addresses specific aspects of writing, tailored to different skill levels and goals.

I’ve written this guide to help writers of all levels improve their writing skills. But my focus is on beginners. New editors can also find this helpful.

As this post is longer than my usual stories, I want to give you its structure so that you may focus on relevant sections for your needs.

Part 1: Foundational Knowledge

Part 2: Strategies for Boosting Your Content

Part 3: Insights for Experienced Writers

Part I: Fundamentals for Beginners

To attract the attention of readers and editors, you may need to consider the following points. I explain the importance of each point and provide relevant questions after each section.

1 — Consider the reader’s perspective.

Considering the reader’s perspective ensures that your writing is tailored to their needs and interests, making it more engaging and relatable.

Writing with the reader in mind increases the chances of creating meaningful connections and resonating with your target audience.

Understand your audience’s demographics, preferences, and level of knowledge to adjust the language, tone, and complexity of your writing accordingly.

Did you write your story for the reader?

What are their interests?

What do they want to know?

How can you make your writing more engaging and relatable for them?

2 — Provide value for the reader.

Providing value to the reader involves offering insights, knowledge, entertainment, and practical takeaways that address their interests or needs.

Offering value establishes your credibility and builds a loyal readership who appreciates the relevance and impact of your content.

Identify the value proposition of your story and ensure it aligns with the interests and expectations of your readers.

What insights, knowledge, or entertainment can you offer?

How can your writing help them solve a problem or achieve a goal?

Does your story have value for the reader?

3 — Make your story easy to read.

Use clear, concise language and a logical structure. Break up your text with subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs.

A logical structure and clear, concise language help readers follow your ideas effortlessly and absorb information more effectively.

Ease of readability enhances comprehension, engagement, and overall reader satisfaction.

Organize your ideas coherently, use simple and accessible language, and consider employing formatting techniques such as subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs.

Is your story easy to read?

4 — Meet required editorial standards.

Proofread your work carefully for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Use a style guide to ensure consistency in your writing.

Upholding editorial standards ensures your content is well-written, free from errors, and maintains a professional quality.

Editorial standards contribute to your reputation as a credible writer and improve the reader’s perception of your content.

Use editing tools like Hemingway Editor to enhance clarity and grammar, and thoroughly review your work for coherence, accuracy, and adherence to publishing guidelines.

Does your story meet required editorial standards?

5 — Connect the introduction and conclusion.

Ensure your opening paragraph sets the stage for your story and your closing paragraph leaves a lasting impression.

Establishing a clear link between the introduction and conclusion creates a cohesive narrative and a satisfying reading experience.

A well-connected introduction and conclusion enhance the structure and flow of your story, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

The introduction should set up the central theme or problem. The conclusion must effectively summarize key points and offer closure.

Does your introductory paragraph align with your conclusion?

6 — Make your content exciting and engaging.

Use vivid language, storytelling techniques, and a conversational tone to engage your readers.

Engaging content can captivate readers through an exciting writing style, lively language, analogies, and a conversational tone.

Engaging content might hold readers’ attention, increase their connection to the material, and encourage them to read more of your work.

You may inject personality into your writing, use vivid language, and employ storytelling techniques to make your content compelling and enjoyable. Humor is a great tool to achieve this goal.

Did you make my content interesting and engaging?

7 — Convey your intended messages clearly.

Ensuring your story effectively conveys the intended messages requires clarity of thought, well-defined points, and logical progression.

Clear messaging enhances reader understanding, engagement, and the overall effectiveness of your storytelling.

Review your story from the reader’s perspective to ensure your main messages are communicated clearly, concisely, and without ambiguity.

Does your story provide your intended messages?

What are the main points you want to make?

How can you communicate them in a way that is clear, concise, and persuasive?

8 — Be factually accurate.

Do your research and cite your sources. Make sure the information you present is accurate and up-to-date.

Maintaining factual accuracy strengthens the credibility and reliability of your story. Researching from reliable sources and providing proper citations ensures accuracy.

Factually rigorous content can enhance trustworthiness and prevents the spread of misinformation.

Verify the accuracy of your information using reputable sources and include citations for any borrowed content or references.

Is your story rigorous for facts?

9 — Write honestly and with integrity.

Be transparent about your sources and your own biases. Don’t exaggerate or sensationalize your claims.

Honesty in writing involves presenting information and perspectives truthfully, avoiding sensationalism, and aligning your content with your genre and intended purpose.

Writing with integrity can build trust with readers and depict authenticity and reliability.

Reflect on your motivations for writing and ensure your story provides useful messages without resorting to exaggerated claims or false representations.

Did I write my story honestly?

10 — Create a pleasant reading experience.

Use a tone that is appropriate for your audience and your topic. Avoid using offensive or harmful language.

Creating a pleasant reading experience involves considering your content's tone, mood, and emotional impact on the reader.

A pleasant reading experience can increase reader engagement, satisfaction, and the likelihood of them returning for more of your work.

Ensure your tone aligns with the content, consider the emotional response you want to evoke and avoid points that may elicit unnecessary disgust or adverse reactions.

Does your story give a pleasant reading experience?

11 — Format your story attractively.

Use headings, subheadings, and white space to make your text easy to read and scan.

Proper formatting can enhance readability, visual appeal, and overall story comprehension.

Well-formatted content can facilitate ease of reading, improve information absorption, and enhance the overall aesthetic quality.

Check the formatting of your paragraphs, ensure sentences are complete and well-structured, and use appropriate formatting techniques such as headings, subheadings, and white space.

Is your story formatted attractively?

12 — Remove unnecessary elements.

Keep your story focused on the main points. Don’t include anything irrelevant or distracting.

Removing unnecessary objects, obsolete words, or phrases can streamline your story and ensures clarity of expression.

A clean and uncluttered story helps readers focus on the main ideas, reduces distractions, and improves comprehension.

Conduct thorough editing and revision to eliminate superfluous elements and streamline your writing for maximum impact.

Is your story clean and uncluttered?

13 — Format your title and subtitles correctly.

Use a clear and consistent style. Make sure your titles are concise and attention-grabbing.

Proper formatting of titles and subtitles contributes to your story's visual appeal, professionalism, and clarity.

Correctly formatted titles and subtitles can attract attention, guide readers, and enhance the navigability of your content.

Use a standard title formatting style (e.g., title case), avoid using all caps, keep headings concise, and ensure heading and subheading lengths are within a reasonable limit (e.g., not exceeding 200 characters).

Are your title and subtitles formatted correctly?

14 — Choose appropriate images and caption them correctly.

Use images that support your content and add value to your story. Make sure your captions are accurate and informative.

Choosing relevant and copyright-free images, along with providing accurate captions and source links, can enhance your story's visual appeal and credibility.

Appropriate images with captions and proper sourcing can reinforce the messaging, engage readers visually, and provide proper attribution.

Select images that align with your content, ensure copyright-free or adequately licensed, add accurate captions, and include correct source links for attribution.

I provided detailed guidance in the attached policy for my publications.

Are the photos of your story appropriate, copyrightfree, and captioned?

15 — Address potential ambiguities.

Use clear and unambiguous language. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand.

Addressing potential ambiguities involves eliminating obscure words or phrases, simplifying complex concepts, and ensuring clarity of expression.

Removing ambiguity can enhance reader understanding, prevent confusion, and improve the overall accessibility of your content.

Review your story for unclear or confusing points, replace obscure words with more accessible alternatives, and strive for clarity and simplicity in your writing.

Did you address potentially ambiguous points in your story?

16 — Choose the right tags.

Use maximum amounts of allowable tags that accurately reflect the content of your story. For example, you can add five tags on Medium. This will help readers find your work and improve its discoverability.

Selecting relevant tags helps categorize your story and make it more discoverable by readers interested in the specific topics you cover.

Using appropriate tags can increase the visibility and reach of your story, attracting a targeted audience who are likely to engage with your content.

Choose tags that accurately represent your story's main messages, themes, or genres.

Add one publication tag (e.g., business, science, technology, self-improvement, philosophy, fiction, poetry) to align your story with the publication’s focus and followers. This might increase the visibility of your stories.

Did you choose the proper tags for your story?

Did you add at least one of the publication tags to make your story visible to the followers?

17 — Use spell-check and grammar check.

Make sure your writing is free of errors. Use a spell-checker and grammar checker to catch any mistakes.

Conducting a thorough spell-check and grammar check can help eliminate errors, ensuring that your story maintains high professionalism and readability.

Error-free writing can enhance your content's credibility and improve your audience's overall reading experience.

Use spelling and grammar tools to identify and correct any mistakes. Ensure your sentences are grammatically correct and that the use of incorrect words, if intentional, is indicated to the reader.

Did you apply one final spell-check and grammar check for your story?

18 — Read your story backward to catch errors.

Consider involving a friend or colleague to provide an additional proofreading perspective.

But if you self-publish and don’t have a proofreader or an editor to review your story, backward reading is a great way to catch any errors you may have missed. It is essential. I always find typos in my stories after the second or third reading, even after using tools like Grammarly.

Reading your story backward, sentence by sentence, or paragraph by paragraph, helps identify and eliminate any lingering typographical errors that may have been missed during regular reading.

Conducting a backward reading can minimize the chances of typos and enhance the overall quality of your story.

Pay close attention to each sentence or paragraph when reading backward, removing any typos or errors that may have been overlooked.

Did you read your story backward to ensure no typos remained?

19 — Check numbers and bullet points for accuracy.

Ensure all your numbers are correct and your bullet points are complete and consistent.

Verifying the accuracy of numbers and ensuring proper formatting of bullet points enhances the precision and clarity of your content.

Correctly presented numbers and well-formatted bullet points can improve the readability and professionalism of your story.

Review your lists to ensure the accuracy of numbers and their alignment with the corresponding points. Ensure bullet points follow a consistent style and are properly indented or aligned.

Did you check numbers and bullet points for accuracy?

20 — Test the web links.

Make sure the links in your story go to the correct address.

Testing the web links within your story ensures they direct readers to the correct addresses and prevent broken or dead links.

Functioning web links provide a seamless reading experience, allowing readers to access additional information or resources as intended.

Click on each web link to confirm it leads to the correct page. Check for formatting issues or broken links, and update or remove links that are no longer active or relevant.

Did you test the web links?

21 — Disclose affiliate links.

If you use affiliate links, disclose them clearly in your story.

Disclosing affiliate links is a transparent practice that informs readers about any potential financial benefit you may receive from the promoted products or services.

Disclosure builds trust with readers, maintains ethical standards, and ensures transparency in your writing.

Mention affiliate links at the beginning or end of your story. Ensure that the affiliate links are relevant to your story's theme and align with your audience's interests. Avoid including affiliate links that may offend or mislead your readers.

Did you disclose affiliate links?

22 — Check platform rules.

Ensure your story complies with the Terms of Service and Community Guidelines on your writing platform.

For example, familiarizing yourself with Medium’s distribution guidelines and publishing rules helps ensure your story aligns with the platform’s policies and avoids potential violations.

Adhering to Medium’s rules protects your account from penalties and ensures a positive experience for you and your readers.

Review Medium’s rules to ensure your story does not contain any prohibited content, including hate speech, and is in line with their guidelines.

Consider potential offenses or sensitivities in your content and make necessary adjustments to prevent violations.

Did you check Medium Rules to ensure your story complies with the rules?

Did you check how distribution works on Medium?

Please see the boosting rule in part II of this article.

23 — Ask a trusted editor for help on controversial content.

If your content is controversial, ask a trusted editor to help you identify and address any blind spots.

Seeking input from a trusted editor helps identify blind spots, potential biases, or controversial elements in your content, particularly when dealing with sensitive or contentious topics.

Collaborating with an editor might improve your story's overall quality and accuracy, enhancing its impact and minimizing potential risks.

Engage a knowledgeable editor who can provide constructive feedback and guide you in addressing potential blind spots or controversies. Consider incorporating their advice to refine and strengthen your content.

Did you ask a trusted editor to help with blind spots?

24 — Provide relevant references and acknowledgments.

Make sure to cite your sources and provide relevant references and acknowledgments for those who helped you at the end of your story.

Including relevant references at the end of your story provides credibility and allows readers to explore further the sources or research behind your claims or ideas.

Properly cited references can enhance the trustworthiness of your content and demonstrate your commitment to accurate information and thorough research.

Ensure you include accurate and relevant references for any cited content or sources used in your story. Follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and provide sufficient information for readers to locate the referenced materials.

Did you provide relevant references at the end?

You may find the complete checklist in the attached story I posted in 2020, used by thousands of writers contributing to my publications.

Part II: Additional Points for Boosting Stories on Medium

Recently, Medium introduced a boosting system to amplify high-quality, interesting, original, memorable, and important stories to delight readers. The guidelines are documented at this link.

Since some of my stories boosted and I analyzed over 100 boosted stories from my publications, I’d like to share my findings using the criteria Medium published in this guide.

While analyzing boosted stories, I found clear patterns in selected stories that I elaborate on under each criteria item.

Boosting is not guaranteed for anyone, as some people follow the rules but cannot get their stories boosted. The program is still in the beta phase with limited resources. I believe there will be more boosters when the beta is successfully completed.

Based on the review of the criteria published by Medium, you need to ask the following five questions to increase the chance of your stories being boosted.

1 — Is my story constructive?

I understand that the impact on the reader is driven by personal growth and transformative experiences resulting from engaging with the story.

Through reading, the audience experiences leveling up, acquiring new knowledge or skills, and gaining insights that enhance their professional capabilities, interpersonal relationships, or understanding of current issues.

Here are the key points from my observations.

Skill adoption: The story imparts practical knowledge, techniques, or strategies that enable readers to improve their job performance, acquire new skills, or approach challenges with greater proficiency.

Enhanced relationships: The story provides insights or perspectives that help readers navigate their relationships, encouraging empathy, compassion, and strong connections with others.

Broadened understanding: By exploring relevant issues or presenting thought-provoking content, the story encourages readers to reconsider their previous perspectives, expand their worldview, and deepen their understanding of complex topics.

Emotional resonance: The story elicits genuine emotions, be it laughter, empathy, joy, or introspection. This emotional engagement might enhance the reader’s connection to the story and leaves a lasting impact.

2 — Is my story original?

The story's impact lies in its originality, achieved through exploring uncharted territories, offering fresh insights, or providing a unique perspective on familiar subjects.

The story’s ability to uncover hidden aspects or present well-known topics in a new light generates a sense of novelty and intrigue among readers.

The story’s originality is not contingent on its initial publication on Medium. Instead, it resides in the story’s ability to captivate readers through its innovative exploration of lesser-known topics, reexamination of familiar subjects, or presentation of new insights.

Here are the key points from my observations.

Exploration of less known factors: The story delves into unexplored knowledge territories, shedding light on subjects that have not received significant attention or have remained relatively obscure. By uncovering new information or perspectives, the story might expand the reader’s understanding and challenges their preconceived notions.

Fresh examination: Even when discussing well-known topics, the story approaches them from a distinct angle, offering fresh insights, voices, or perspectives. By questioning established thoughts or presenting alternative viewpoints, the story prompts readers to reevaluate their own beliefs and expand their intellectual horizons.

Illumination through a new light: The story brings a unique perspective or shines a spotlight on overlooked aspects of familiar subjects. By revealing hidden nuances or providing a fresh interpretation, the story offers readers a deeper understanding and intellectual discovery.

3 — Do I write from relevant experience?

The story's impact stems from the author’s authentic and credible perspective, driven by mechanisms that include firsthand experience, subject matter expertise, thorough research, or a combination of these factors.

The author’s deep care and passion for effectively communicating the subject matter contribute to the story’s compelling nature and resonate with readers.

The author’s clear and compelling reason for writing about the specific topic enhances the story’s impact. Their passion, expertise, or personal connection serves as a driving force, elevating the authenticity and relevance of their insights.

Here are the key points from my observations.

Firsthand experience: The author draws from their personal involvement or direct encounters with the subject matter, providing a genuine and intimate understanding of the topic. This firsthand experience lends credibility to their insights and allows readers to connect with the author on a relatable level.

Subject matter expertise: The author’s specialized knowledge, gained through extensive study, professional background, or mastery of the subject, establishes them as a credible authority. Their expertise brings depth and accuracy to their writing, enhancing the trust readers place in their insights.

Thorough research: The author’s commitment to conducting comprehensive research ensures the story is well-informed and supported by credible sources. By using various perspectives, data, or scholarly works, the author presents a well-rounded exploration of the topic, bolstering the story’s credibility and enriching the reader’s understanding.

Relevant experience: Whether through firsthand encounters, professional engagement, or a deep personal connection, the author’s experience aligns closely with the subject matter. This relevance can strengthen their insights, allowing readers to benefit from the author’s unique perspective and contextual understanding.

4 — Is my story well-crafted?

The story's impact is attributed to the high quality of the writing, characterized by strong narrative structure, clarity of presentation, meticulous attention to detail, and compelling content.

These mechanisms ensure the story is engaging, error-free, appropriately sourced, and effectively packaged for readers.

The combination of these mechanisms ensures that the story maintains a high standard of quality, effectively engaging readers and delivering a clear and compelling message.

By paying attention to writing excellence, accuracy, proper sourcing, and thoughtful packaging, you can maximize the impact and resonance of your story.

Here are the key points from my observations.

Well-written content: The story exhibits strong writing skills, carefully focusing on language, grammar, and overall coherence. The author’s ability to effectively convey their ideas and engage readers through a well-crafted narrative structure contributes to the story’s impact.

Error-free presentation: The story is meticulously reviewed to ensure it is free of grammatical, spelling, or typographical errors. The author’s commitment to delivering a polished piece of writing enhances the professionalism and credibility of the story.

Appropriate sourcing: The story incorporates reliable and relevant sources to support its content. Properly attributing and citing sources adds credibility and allows readers to further explore the topic or verify the information presented.

Clear and compelling packaging: The story is packaged in a way that captivates readers from the outset. This includes crafting an interesting, non-gimmicky title that accurately reflects the content, choosing an image that adds value or enhances the reader’s understanding, and properly formatting the title and subtitle to optimize readability and visual appeal.

5 — Does my story feel memorable?

The story's impact can be measured by its ability to leave a lasting impression on readers, evoking deep thoughts, emotions, and a sense of value.

The best stories leave a lasting imprint, compelling readers to continue pondering their content and inspiring them to share the story with others.

By engaging readers on multiple levels, evoking thoughtful contemplation, and eliciting emotional responses, the story becomes a memorable experience that reaffirms the value of content subscription.

Here are the key points from my observations.

Prolonged engagement: The story lingers in readers' minds even days after reading it, indicating its ability to provoke contemplation, reflection, or further exploration. This extended engagement demonstrates the story’s lasting impact on readers' thoughts and emotions.

Compelling enough to share: The story compels readers to share it with their network, showcasing its ability to resonate and spark meaningful discussions. This desire to spread the story’s message reflects its value and impact in the eyes of the reader.

Thought-provoking nature: The story stimulates readers’ thinking, challenging their preconceived notions, encouraging new perspectives, or inspiring intellectual curiosity. By prompting deeper thoughts and contemplation, the story enriches the reader’s experience and facilitate personal growth.

Emotional resonance: The story elicits emotional responses, whether through inspiration, joy, empathy, and compassion. This emotional impact can contribute to the reader’s positive perception of the story and enhances their overall satisfaction with their content subscription.

Here are links to sample boosted stories from my collection.

I hope these samples give you an idea of qualifying content for boosting. I’d appreciate your feedback if these stories resonate with you.

Here’s How I Train My Brain Daily for Mental Clarity and Intellectual Productivity.

Meditation Can Boost the Cortical Thickness in the Brain and Prevent the Thinning of It

Here’s How You Can Enjoy Your Life More in Better Zones.

4 Reasons We Procrastinate and 10 Steps to Overcome Them.

Six Tips for a Youthful and Healthy Life as We Age.

Here’s How to Make the Nervous System More Flexible and Functional

3 Steps to Regulate HPA Axis and Defeat Chronic Stress

A New Clinical Trial Found a Low-Carb Diet Better Than the Dash.

The Brain Needs 4 Types of Workouts.

The Brain Needs 3 Types of Rest.

How Writers Can Attract More Readers by Using Design Thinking Principles

How to Slow Down Subjective and Objective Cognitive Decline

Here’s Why I Focus on Nutritional Biochemistry Rather Than Diets

If you want your stories to get boosted and distributed properly, please avoid the following content types.

Clickbait titles and images

Stories written about Medium and how much you earn here

Sponsored content, content marketing, or stories whose sole purpose is to gather signups and traffic increase

AI-generated content without a disclosure

Non-English stories

Erotica and especially porn (against Medium rules)

Stories that are partially on Medium and continue on another site

Inflammatory business reviews

Using copyrighted images

Link farms and crypto airdrops

Posts including ad-hominem attacks or rebuttals

Asking for donations and contributions

Unverifiable claims with illegal or cause harm, including health, public health, or mental health claims

Part III: How to Increase the Chance of Going Viral

Gaining content visibility for freelance writers, bloggers, authors, podcasters, and YouTubers is a huge desire.

Viral content gives significant pleasure to creators. Not just my own content but also seeing viral articles in my publications from other writers exhilarates me and makes me feel euphoric.

Beginners may wonder why viral content matters. Viral content brings many benefits to content developers. The top five advantages are:

1 — Gain new readers

2 — Build a rock-solid audience

3 — Prove your expertise for potential clients

4 — Gain significant traffic to your writing platforms

5 — Earn lucrative passive income

Although the prospect of creating viral content may initially appear chaotic, it is essential to recognize that underlying behaviors and patterns contribute to its success.

Rather than being a result of random chance, creating viral stories can be seen as a well-organized and intentional process, similar to manifesting energies in our lives. In universal principles, chaotic energy holds little significance for successful manifestation.

From my years of experience in science and technology, the order and patterns governing viral content can be intricate and elusive.

To effectively navigate these complexities, it becomes imperative to understand the flow patterns and behaviors within search engines and content platforms. By familiarizing ourselves with these dynamics, we can enhance our chances of creating impactful and widely shared content.

While it is impossible to guarantee the creation of viral content consistently, I envision the possibility of achieving viral success occasionally. Prolific writing with high content might increase the chance of virality.

From my observations, some viral stories or blog posts on content platforms have had a transformative impact, enabling creators to generate significant income, even covering expenses like mortgages. Numerous examples of such success stories can be found across social media platforms.

By studying the underlying principles and strategies contributing to viral content, we can better position ourselves to maximize our potential for achieving similar outcomes.

Here are key considerations:

1 — Controversial and Emotional Content and Style

2 — Unique Titles and Subtitles

3 — Designed Content keeping SEO elements in mind

4 — References to Popular People and Places

5 — Unusual and Appealing Images (must be relevant to content)

6 — Breathtaking Opening and Conclusion

7 — Appearance of Content

8 — Social Media Boost

Since I elaborated on each point in a previous article, I linked the story here to prevent duplication and keep this story in a reasonable size.

While viral success may not be guaranteed, understanding the nuances and behaviors associated with viral content creation can significantly increase our chances of reaching a broader audience and achieving remarkable results.

If you want to write content guaranteed to get views and reads on any platform, you might check the following story, reflecting my decades of experience in content development and marketing strategies.

If you want to be a prolific writer, even if you work full-time, you may check my perspectives reflecting my years of practical experience in the field.

If you experience writer’s block, you may check the following story that might guide you to overcome this undesirable situation for writers.

I also documented why I don’t have writer’s block anymore. I also observed these patterns in other writers.

I want to share the impact of a viral story on this platform, adding value to my profession. This story highlights the intangible value of viral stories, not necessarily producing direct income but indirectly contributing to it.

I want to end this story with two key points highlighted by Buster Benson in a recent announcement. Understanding Medium’s content distribution strategy is a critical success factor for writers.

Point 1: “We want to incentivize more original, high-quality personal stories, hidden life wisdom, and deep knowledge that’s locked up in our collective lives. This is ultimately what members tell us they have come to Medium to read about.

Point 2: We don’t want to incentivize attention-grabbing clickbait, formulaic derivative or AI-generated writing, misinformation, hate, and other forms of polarizing negativity.I encourage all writers to review this important announcement, including essential points for writers’ consideration.

I am pleased to learn that fellow writers from India will have a chance to monetize their content on this platform soon.

New Partner Program incentives focus on high-quality human writing

I recently answered a frequently asked question by many writers contributing to my publications on this platform. Many writers in my circles dream of making a living from their craft. I want to share what I’ve learned in the last five decades, including my mistakes, which became valuable lessons. I believe this story will give you valuable perspectives.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

As part of my creative non-fiction writing goals, I’d like to share a few stories that might warm our hearts with a bit of humor into weighty topics.

Sample Humorous Stories

Apparently, I Was a Dog in a Previous Life

Finally, After Burning Her House, Georgia Found Enlightenment

Hilarious Tips to Prevent Brain Atrophy and Keep the Gray Matter Giggling

Amygdala Hijacks: A Humorous Approach to Emotional Mastery

My First Humorous Lecture to Science Students in the 1990s

7 Hilarious Reasons Why Your Vitality Plays Hide-and-Seek

8 Psychological Points I Had to Unlearn and Relearn the Opposite

5 Funny Yet Real Reasons We Accumulate Visceral Fat

The Quirky Side Effects of Keto Diets

As a new reader, please check my holistic health and well-being stories reflecting my reviews, observations, and decades of experiments optimizing my hormones and neurotransmitters.

Petechiae, ALS, Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Anemia, Dysautonomia, cardiac output, Neuromuscular Dysfunctions, and urinary track disorders.

I also wrote about several other supplements that you may access via the attached links:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Phosphatidylserine, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, Cod Liver Oil.

More stories like these are on EUPHORIA.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on cellular, mitochondrial, metabolic, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

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