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Mental Health and Cognitive Performance

Dealing with Amygdala Hijacks for Emotional Mastery

Taming the wild amygdala like a docile dog presented by 7-year-old brainy Brian

Photo by Amina Filkins from Pexels

G’day, my wonderful readers! As the host of this “Dr. Memo Show” for the incredible journey through the mysteries of the brain and its cognitive and emotional parts, I am absolutely thrilled to welcome you all to a new show called Amygdala Hijacks, which a new guest will present.

I’ve been on a quest to explore the fascinating world of the brain, nervous system, mental health, and cognitive performance.

It’s been an amazing adventure so far. Thanks to the valuable feedback from my fantastic subscribers, I’ve taken up a special challenge — to make my brain-related articles in a way that even a fifth-grader can understand.

Now, let me tell you, it’s no easy feat. But I believe in the power of knowledge and the magic of storytelling, as I mentioned in a recent story titled 7 Spellbinding Secrets of Creative Non-Fiction to Charm Readers.

And that’s where my lovely little guest speakers come in. With their help, we have an extraordinary mission to unfold the secrets of our brains and emotions in a fun way with lots of laughter and enlightening moments like Georgia found after finally burning her house in popular Giggleville.

Recently, I had the pleasure of collaborating with the incredibly talented eight-year-old Jane, whose insights and wit on brain atrophy brought a whole new dimension to our brainy explorations.

But today, brace yourselves, for we have an extra special treat — the young and enthusiastic 7-year-old brainy Brian, Jane’s best mate.

Brian is not only my neighbor, but he’s also Jane’s best buddy. These two chatterboxes never fail to put a smile on my face, though I must admit they occasionally lead me into a bit of trouble when my wife’s trying to catch a quick nap. My lovely wife thinks I am crazier than these kids.

Oh boy, let me tell you, my lovely wife is convinced that I’m nuttier than a whole jar of peanut butter. I mean, she looks at these kids around us and goes, “Oh, they’re just kids being kids.” But then she looks at me with a raised eyebrow and goes, “You? Oh, you’re on a whole other level, honey!”

I swear, she must think I’ve got a circus going on in my brain. Those kids may have their wild moments, but I’ve got a whole parade of crazy ideas marching around up there. And she just shakes her head and laughs like she’s living with a real-life clown!

I guess I can’t blame her, though. I do have a knack for turning everyday situations into hilarity. One moment, we’re having a regular conversation, and the next, I’ve got her giggling like she’s watching a comedy show!

Oh, you won’t believe it! My love thinks I’m like the long-lost twin of the fabulous Ellen DeGeneres! I mean, I’m flattered and all, but I’m pretty sure I can’t dance my way out of a paper bag like she does!

Whenever Ellen’s show comes on, she gives me this mischievous look and says, “You sure you’re not secretly related to her? You’ve got that same quirky sense of humor!” And I’m like, “Honey, I can’t pull off those dance moves or wear those snazzy suits like she does!”

But hey, I guess it’s a compliment. Maybe I should start practicing my dance moves in front of the mirror, just in case I really am Ellen’s long-lost twin! Who knows, maybe she’ll invite me to be a guest on her show, and we can have a hilarious twin-off! Seriously, I miss beloved Twitch a lot, though!

Until then, I’ll just keep making my love laugh with my own goofy antics. Who needs a twin when you’ve got your own brand of crazy brain, right? So, here’s to being the hilarious doppelgänger of Ellen DeGeneres in my love’s eyes!

But you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way! Life’s too short to be serious all the time. So, if my goofy antics and zany ideas make my wife think I’m crazier than those kids, then I’ll take it as a badge of honor.

After all, who wants to be normal when you can be delightfully bonkers? So, here’s to embracing the madness, making memories, and keeping my love wife and readers laughing all the way.

Now, I can assure you this is no ordinary brain journey. Hold on tight because we’re diving into the enchanting world of the hijacking Amygdala Chronicles!

Here, we’ll take a rollercoaster ride through the fascinating landscape of our emotions, where laughter, joy, and adventure await at every turn!

So, without further ado, let’s welcome our special guest, the young and brilliant and brainy Brian! He’s a rising star who dreams of becoming an astronaut and cognitive scientist when he grows up. How inspiring is that?

Introducing Brainy Brian

Me: Alright, G’day brain, I mean Brian, are you ready to rock this show and take our curious minds on an unforgettable flow of brainy wonders?

Brian: You bet I am, Dr. Memooo! I can’t wait to show you all how brainy matters can be exciting and filled with laughter! Jane told me all about your show, and I feel like a superstar being here. Thanks for being my mentor and teasing me as “Brain.” It’s a blast!

Me: Fantastic, Brian! The stage is all yours!

Now, dear readers, get ready for an adventure of a lifetime as we uncover the mysteries of our brains and emotions. Together, we’ll laugh, learn, and grow, all while having the time of our lives!

So, fasten your seatbelts, open your minds, and dive headfirst into the beautiful world of Amygdala Hijacks! Get ready for a journey like no other!

Ta-da! The floor is yours, Brian!

Lesson from Brainy Brian

Hey there, everyone!

Welcome to the Amygdala Hijacks, where we learn to control our wild emotions and have fun doing it! Woohoo!

Imagine your brain is like a puppy that’s been running around all crazy-like.

Well, we’re gonna turn that little furball into a well-behaved, cute pup! So get ready for some brainy adventure.

First, we gotta teach our amygdala some cool tricks, mates. It is a bit dumb, but it can learn if we approach it like a little puppy or kitten.

When you feel anxious, try taking deep breaths or doing something fun to calm down.

And when you get scared, think about happy things or talk to someone you trust. See, emotions can be fun and manageable!

But hey, remember, it takes time to train your brain, pup.

Be patient and keep practicing those tricks every day. With a bit of laughter and some brainy smarts, you’ll soon be a pro at controlling your emotions!

Okay, now let’s meet our brain’s main characters!

We’ve got the Amygdala, who’s like a drama queen, always making a big fuss.

And then we have the Neocortex, the smart superhero brain, which helps us think rationally and stay calm. Together, they make quite a team!

We’ll also learn about those crazy Amygdala hijacks, those sudden emotional explosions.

But don’t worry; we’ve got a secret pirate trick to face our fears little by little like brave adventurers! Arrr!

And get ready to dance with your brain!

We’ll do exercises, sing songs, and maybe even play some funky instruments. It’s like a talent show for our brains!

Now here’s the best part!

We’re gonna have the funniest lessons ever!

Think Shakespeare meets stand-up comedy! You won’t stop giggling while learning to master your emotions.

So, my brainy friends, let’s go on this hilarious journey to emotional greatness!

With our trusty Neocortex as our guide, we’ll conquer those emotional rollercoasters and turn them into funny memories!

Remember, keep laughing and having a blast as we become masters of our emotions!

And now, for some practical tips to make your brain as well-behaved as Memo’s docile dogy, Panther mentioned in his story, "Apparently, I Was a Dog in a Previous Life.” Like naughty Panther, our crazy amygdala can bite us sometimes if we don’t tame it.

Take deep breaths when you feel anxious or upset. It’ll help calm your brain pup down.

Talk to someone you trust when you’re scared or upset. Sharing your feelings can make you feel better.

Practice being patient with yourself and others. It’s okay to take time to learn how to handle your emotions. You can cry or laugh as you wish.

Think of happy things when you’re feeling down. It’ll bring a smile to your face. When you smile and laugh, your amygdala will calm down, and your neocortex smartly will take over.

Stay cool, like a superhero. Don’t rush! Take things easy.

Use your brainy smarts to think things through calmly.

Have fun with your emotions. Don’t suppress them but express them. Talk with your friends or children. Emotions are like colorful dance partners in the masquerade ball of your brain.

Alrighty, my awesome brainy pals!

No need to get all caught up in those fancy-pants scientific details. Just remember, you’ve got the power to conquer those emotions like superheroes!

So, go out there and show those emotions who’s boss!

Be brave, be kind, and most importantly, be yourself!

And remember, it’s okay to have a little fun along the way.

Now, go on and spread those smiles and laughter like confetti!

And don’t forget, I’m cheering you on from the sidelines, ready to high-five you for all your brainy victories!

You’ve got this, my amazing mates!

See you on the super-duper, brainy side!

Bye-bye for now! 👋

Back to you, Prof Memo 😊

Thanks, Brian 🙏

And thank you, dear readers, for joining this super-duper adventure to emotional mastery led by Brian. Before we part ways, allow me to add a few final words to this tale, further reinforcing the profound insights shared by our young guide.

The amygdala, a profound and intricate physiological structure nestled within the emotional brain’s depths (the limbic system), is pivotal in our survival management.

It guides our response to potential dangers, yet when it becomes overly active, it can unleash a deluge of negative emotions — anxiety, fear, and anger, to name a few.

Understanding the amygdala’s function is vital if we seek to navigate and cope with these powerful emotions effectively.

We must be attuned to the phenomenon of amygdala hijacks — those sudden and intense emotional reactions that seem to overwhelm us, often disproportionate to the situation at hand.

During these hijacks, our capacity to think clearly and make rational decisions is compromised, leaving us adrift in a sea of turmoil.

Be mindful that both our thoughts and biochemistry can serve as triggers for these emotional storms, catching you off guard and unleashing torrents of misery and powerlessness.

The amygdala, residing in the limbic system operates at lightning speed, far faster than our neocortex, the thinking brain.

To regain control over these emotional tempests, it is crucial to recognize and confront the triggers and aggravators that lie beneath.

Awareness of uncomfortable situations and the factors that contribute to these emotional eruptions is the initial step toward liberation.

The emotions experienced during an amygdala hijack — anxiety, fear, anger, guilt, are all orchestrated by the amygdala’s ancient mandate for our survival. Grasping this primal function is vital as we endeavor to confront anxiety, fear, and other distressing emotions that may grip us.

However, it’s essential to differentiate between fear and anxiety — though interconnected, they hold distinct nuances. While fear typically arises in response to real threats, anxiety can surface without any tangible danger, unaccompanied by fear.

Here lies the challenge: the amygdala is beyond our direct conscious control, operating independently from our thoughts, logic, and reasoning.

Consequently, it remains enigmatic and elusive, making emotional mastery all the more intricate yet deeply consequential. Confronting the amygdala’s influence over us is an endeavor worth undertaking.

Understanding its impact and developing strategies to manage its impetuousness, we can reclaim control over our emotions and chart a course toward emotional well-being and fulfillment.

Only then can we rise above being controlled by our emotions and become the architects of our emotional destiny.


The amygdala emerges as a vital and intricate component of the brain, orchestrating our emotional landscape and serving as a guardian of our survival.

However, this crucial guardian can sometimes overstep its bounds, leading to a cascade of unpleasant feelings that disrupt our well-being.

The notion of taming the amygdala with the collaboration of the neocortex and the body offers hope and optimism. We can assert our influence over this ancient powerhouse by leveraging conscious thinking and intentional interventions.

The journey toward emotional mastery begins with recognizing the telltale signs of amygdala hijacks and learning to manage the triggers that set them in motion.

As we expose the amygdala to perceived risks and employ our bodily systems — through deep breathing and exercise — we can diminish the impact of anxiety and fear.

Mindfulness and meditation emerge as potent allies in our quest for emotional control. By attentively observing our thoughts and emotions, we gain the power to shape our responses and rein in the amygdala’s impulsivity.

Meditation holds the power to rewire our overactive brain regions like the limbic system, and strengthen the neocortex, creating calmness and resilience within us

With patience, optimism, determination, and diligence, we can implement techniques like rationalization and gradual exposure to perceived threats.

We build resilience and fortify the neocortex's influence as we weave exercises and conscious breathing into our daily routines.

In time, these practices evolve into healthy habits, rewiring the very fabric of our brains. Armed with this new cognitive framework, we can effectively tackle amygdala hijacks and confront unpleasant emotions.

As the amygdala’s once-unbridled force is tamed and brought under our control, we unleash the potential for a more harmonious and fulfilling emotional life.

The journey of taming the amygdala is not just a scientific endeavor but a practical and profoundly transformative path toward emotional well-being and personal growth. Embrace this power, and let it illuminate the way to a life of emotional mastery.

With the right mindset, optimism, open mind, collaboration, and dedication, I believe we can tame our amygdala and master our emotions.

As part of my creative non-fiction writing goals, I’d like to share a few stories that might warm our hearts with a bit of humor into weighty topics.

Apparently, I Was a Dog in a Previous Life

Finally, After Burning Her House, Georgia Found Enlightenment

Hilarious Tips to Prevent Brain Atrophy and Keep the Gray Matter Giggling

7 Hilarious Reasons Why Your Vitality Plays Hide-and-Seek

8 Psychological Points I Had to Unlearn and Relearn the Opposite

5 Funny Yet Real Reasons We Accumulate Visceral Fat

The Quirky Side Effects of Keto Diets

Based on my writing experience and observations, I documented findings and strategies that might help you amplify your voice, engage your audience, and achieve your desired outcomes in your writing journey.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

More stories like these are on EUPHORIA.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on cellular, mitochondrial, metabolic, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

You are welcome to join my publications on Medium as a writer by sending a request via this link. 23K writers contribute to my publications.

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