
Editor Profiles

Meet Julius L. Evans

Senior Editor of Illumination Integrated Publications

Photo courtesy of Julius Evans

This post introduced Julius Evans, senior editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. Mr Evans is a United States Navy Veteran. He joined the Navy in 1980 and became a Jet Engine Mechanic. After five years of learning how to keep the nation’s premier all-weather, medium-range attack bomber aircraft in the air, he decided to change pace and become a journalist.

Many people doubted he could be successful in such a drastic change in careers, but after a lateral conversion and successfully completing the Defense Information School of Journalism, he became a Navy Journalist.

From 1985 until he retired in 2000, Mr Evans wrote about everything from military aircraft and weapons systems to the decision-makers who kept them in the air. As a public affairs professional, he is a master events planner, an expert master of ceremonies, and an all-around top-level communicator.

In his spare time, he taught traditional Japanese Go Ju Ryu for 13 years. He boxed for the U.S. Navy and was undefeated in his amateur boxing career ending with a record of 5–0. In 1987, he was the first member of his workout crew to reach the 300 lb. club by bench pressing 315 pounds. That feat, 34 years ago, is still one of the benchmarks lifters aspire to achieve today — 315 lbs. separates the boys from the men.

Having traveled the world three times over, Mr Evans had visited Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Alaska, Rio De Jairo, Chile, Philippines, and in fact, was in the Philippine Islands when Mount Pinatubo erupted. He was part of an evacuation mission that saved thousands of lives, both human and animal.

Taking a closer look at Evans’ life, he has created many written publications. Some may still be found through a Google search. In 1992, he created an award-winning newsletter named United We Stand. In 1996, he was a pioneer in online dating when he created Singles Magazine and Singles Magazine online, based in the Tidewater, Virginia area, but spanned the globe. He later created the Chem-Bio Defense Quarterly magazine and the Naval Medical Logistic Command’s professional journal Logistically Speaking.

Photo courtesy of Julius Evans

A prolific writer on Medium since August 2021, Mr Evans has already written and published 85 articles, three of which have gone viral and two netting him Medium Top Writer status.

Dr Yildiz, the chief editor of our publications, was impressed by Mr Evan’s writing and communication skills and offered him to join his editorial team. Mr Evan’s graciously accepted the role and started supporting the team. He is reviewing articles submitted to Illumination Integrated Publications, publishing them timely, and providing valuable advice to our writers. We are grateful for his support.

We selected a few articles to give you a quick taste of his writing portfolio.

Wolves Don’t Lose Sleep Over the Opinion of Sheep

The Long and Twisted Journey of How I Became a Published Writer

King, the German Shepherd-Wolf Dog

How Being Happy Got Me Out of a Ticket

Let me Get a Little Organized

R. Kelly Was a Lot of Things…

Now That I am 59, Here are 10 Things I Would Tell My 19-Year-Old Self

Focus and Dedication are an Amazing Combination When Used Together

Three American Heroes I Interviewed Before They Passed Away

Veterans Have an Advocate in Filing VA Disability Claims

There’s a Special Place in Hell for Those Who Abuse the Elderly

Thank you for reading stories of Julius Evans. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn.

We also introduced Mr Evans on YouTube. You can read the transcript in this post by ILLUMINATION

Here is the video prepared and posted by Illumination YouTube Coordinator.

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