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New submission guidelines for Readers Hope, a Medium publication, aim to inspire and support absolute beginners in finding their writing voice, building their audience, and fostering hope and realistic optimism.


The article introduces the new submission guidelines for the Medium publication Readers Hope, which is dedicated to helping absolute beginners find their writing voice and build their audience. The publication aims to instill hope and realistic optimism in both readers and writers, emphasizing the power of words to inspire, heal, and connect. The guidelines are crafted to provide structure and convey the spirit of this unique publication, with the intention of inspiring, supporting, and empowering newcomers. The publication welcomes raw, unfiltered content and encourages writers to start small and grow gradually, write about anything they want, connect with like-minded readers and writers, and eventually make writing a hobby or business. The guidelines also provide practical advice for writers, such as focusing on authenticity, clarity, relevance, originality, curiosity, creativity, language, and respect. The publication encourages writers to engage with the reader and writer community, create serendipity with meaningful engagements, and create synergy with collaboration.

Bullet points

  • Readers Hope is a Medium publication dedicated to helping absolute beginners find their writing voice and build their audience.
  • The publication aims to instill hope and realistic optimism in both readers and writers.
  • The new submission guidelines are crafted to provide structure and convey the spirit of the publication.
  • The guidelines encourage writers to start small and grow gradually, write about anything they want, connect with like-minded readers and writers, and eventually make writing a hobby or business.
  • The publication welcomes raw, unfiltered content.
  • Writers are advised to focus on authenticity, clarity, relevance, originality, curiosity, creativity, language, and respect.
  • The publication encourages writers to engage with the reader and writer community, create serendipity with meaningful engagements, and create synergy with collaboration.
  • The article provides practical advice for writers, such as focusing on authenticity, clarity, relevance, originality, curiosity, creativity, language, and respect.
  • The publication encourages writers to engage with the reader and writer community, create serendipity with meaningful engagements, and create synergy with collaboration.
  • The article provides links to additional guidance from editors for prospective contributors and introduces the editors of Readers Hope.

Readers Hope: New Submission Guidelines 2023

How to benefit from this publication for absolute beginners to find their writing voice safely and build their audience with support inducing HOPE and realistic optimism

Image designed by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Gone are the days of churning out stories like a factory in ILLUMINATION Integrated publications, hoping for visibility. Instead, we now invest our time in enhancing the quality of our narratives, meeting Medium’s new strategy to delight our readers.

Please read this important story carefully to the end, including samples, which might be a game-changer for your success as a writer on Medium. I wrote this story to educate and inspire new writers, absolute beginners of the Readers Hope publication on Medium.

As I contemplated the creation of submission guidelines for Readers Hope, I sought the input of our dedicated team of volunteer editors who pour their hearts and souls to support writers on this platform.

Given their valuable insights and expertise, I asked whether one of them would be willing to take on this task of creating new submission guidelines for the Readers Hope publication. To my surprise, their response was both heartwarming and humbling.

They graciously encouraged me to undertake this endeavor myself. Their reasoning? They recognized that my words, fueled by genuine passion and dedication for the success of thousands of writers on this platform, could potentially serve as a wellspring of inspiration for beginners — much as they had for the writers on ILLUMINATION in 2020.

With their encouragement echoing in my mind, I set out to craft submission guidelines this weekend to provide structure and convey the spirit of this unique publication coming from my heart.

My intention is clear: to inspire, support, and empower every newcomer who finds their voice within the welcoming pages of Readers Hope, which is a unique publication on Medium.

These guidelines serve as a blueprint to enhance your writing prowess and open doors to our advanced and specialized publications.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications are meticulously crafted to provide a platform for writers of all levels, fostering a vibrant community that thrives on cross-pollination, education, and inspiration.

Readers Hope is not just another publication.

Each publication within our group has a distinct mission, and Readers Hope is here to instill hope in the hearts of both readers and writers.

Readers Hope is a profound source of inspiration for both readers and writers. It embodies the essence of hope — an unwavering belief in the presence of light, even in the darkest of times.

While there may not be magic in the conventional sense, a transformative power arises when you hold your most cherished hopes within you. It’s a power that can make incredible things happen, almost as if by magic.

In this publication, we invite you to join us on a journey of self-expression, creativity, and self-discovery. Your unique voice and perspective are celebrated here, and your stories find a home.

Readers Hope is a community of like-minded writers and readers who share a common belief in the power of words to inspire, heal, and connect. Words truly matter on Medium and can change lives.

As we start this adventure together, remember that hope is our guiding light. It’s the force that fuels our collective creativity and transforms ordinary words into something extraordinary.

So, taking your first steps into the world of storytelling, know that you’re part of something truly magical — Readers Hope is designed to be a place where words come to life and dreams find their voice.

Why I Founded Readers Hope: A Journey of Hope and Empowerment

Let me share with you why I embarked on this incredible journey of creating Readers Hope.

While my background might be more on the technical and scholarly side, my passion lies in championing raw and unique content. I strongly believe that there’s something truly special about letting your authentic voice shine through in your writing.

Now, raw content may not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially not for some of the more elite writers out there. But here’s the thing — it holds immense value for newcomers just finding their footing and voice in the world of writing.

Readers Hope is our doorway to welcome and support these absolute beginners. You see, there are countless readers out there who have this burning desire to express their thoughts and emotions, yet they often find themselves stuck, not knowing where or how to begin.

This need became apparent to me through my interactions and experiences. Drawing from what I’ve learned from managing multiple thriving publications and applying my Design Thinking approach, I launched Readers Hope. It’s an initiative fueled by experimentation, agility, and progressive growth.

Now, let’s talk about rejection, which is a topic close to my heart. Rejections can be tough, especially for new writers who are just starting.

I’ve witnessed how disheartening it can be when newcomers face harsh rejections from established publications. It’s like a barrier that can deter them from pursuing their passion.

That’s where ILLUMINATION comes into play. I founded it back in March 2020, and in no time, it became a thriving platform, capturing the interest of writers and readers alike. Currently, it’s home to a whopping 23,000 writers and nearly 72,000 readers on Medium.

Within just a year, remarkable stories published on ILLUMINATION have garnered millions of views and thousands of hours of reading time. Some of those stories even went viral.

My dedication to discovering and showcasing talent, along with the unwavering support of my fantastic team of editors, remains at the heart of this endeavor. It’s a journey filled with hope, empowerment, and the celebration of unique voices.

Planting the Seeds of Readers Hope and Making It a Big Tree

It became clear to me that there are many readers out there who have a deep-seated desire to become writers, yet they find themselves at a loss on how to take that first step. I saw in them the burning passion to express themselves confidently and become part of the vibrant writing community.

Recognizing the intrinsic connection between reading and writing, I decided to put my well-tested methodology into action and give birth to Readers Hope. The main goal? To inspire readers to embark on their very own journey of micro-writing.

I introduced two captivating scenarios to kickstart this endeavor:

1. Micro Stories: Picture this — enthusiastic readers crafting concise tributes to their most cherished authors. These snippets are just 100 to 150 words long, which is about the length of your average email or microblog post.

2. Extended Narratives: Alternatively, readers can take those paragraphs and expand on them, maybe doing so for five beloved stories. The end result? A long-form narrative spanning 500 to 1500 words.

Now, let’s talk about the MVP, the minimally viable product. For budding writers, it’s the first step into the world of storytelling. An MVP might manifest as a single-paragraph homage to a beloved author or a brief yet thoughtful review of a treasured story.

I firmly believe that testimonials and story reviews are the low-hanging fruits that offer readers a delightful entry point into the world of Medium. As this writing exercise becomes a consistent practice, it’s like a workout for your brain, rewiring and strengthening your cognitive faculties.

One of our editors, Regi Brittain, beautifully calls it the “bird by bird” approach — making progress in small, manageable steps. For instance, we offer short-form stories that start with just 100 words, echoing the brevity of microblogs.

We’re all about raw, unfiltered content to start with—no need for perfection right out of the gate. We’re advocates for refining as you go along.

While we keep the rules flexible here, we do have one unshakable request: please follow the platform’s policies to the letter.

We’re all for freedom of expression, but draw the line at any harmful content, like defamation or hate-filled materials.

We’re fully aware that while there are countless genuine writers eager to share their authentic voices, there’s always that pesky minority seeking to undermine the noble intentions of honest contributors.

To tackle this, we’ve assembled a stellar editorial team charged with nurturing and safeguarding the platform against any potentially harmful content.

Please check these critical policies.

Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

We are open-minded, but these are non-negotiable rules to keep you, our readers, and the general platform safe.

Summary of Goals for Readers Hope

The goals for contributing writers of Readers Hope can be covered under seven points at a high level.

1 — Start small and grow gradually

2 — Use raw content to your advantage

3 — Write about anything you want to

4 — Connect with like-minded readers and writers

5 — Create serendipity with meaningful engagements

6 — Create synergy with collaboration

7 — Eventually, make writing a hobby or business

Experienced writers may also contribute to Readers Hope to support new writers and give their long stories a second life via short-form stories. This is an excellent cross-pollination opportunity.

Practical Guidance for Your Writing Odyssey with Readers Hope

Here at Readers Hope, we sail on the waters of creativity with open hearts and open minds. This is an entry-level publication, and we’re all about nurturing raw talent.

While we don’t box you in with rigid content and style standards, we’re here to make your writing journey both productive and enjoyable. Our mission is to help you uncover your unique voice and blossom into a better writer.

To make sure you’re on the right track, I’ve put together a nifty checklist. Consider it your trusty guide:

Authenticity: Be unapologetically yourself in your writing. Authenticity is the secret sauce for gripping storytelling.

Clarity: Keep your ideas and messages crystal clear. A well-structured narrative is your reader’s best friend.

Relevance: Write with your readers in mind. Tailor your content to their interests and dreams. Writing that resonates builds bridges.

Originality: Dare to bring fresh perspectives and one-of-a-kind insights to your work. Stand out by simply being you.

Curiosity: Let your curiosity run wild. Explore new themes and topics that tickle your fancy.

Creativity: Creativity knows no bounds. Your voice deserves the spotlight it was made for. You can craft an extraordinary writing experience at Readers Hope.

Language: While we celebrate raw content, a quick proofread goes a long way. It makes your message shine through, and your readers smile. You may use the free version of Grammarly, which can find overt and uncomfortable language errors.

Respect and Kindness: Spread positivity in your interactions. Constructive feedback is like sunshine for growth.

Reader and Writer Community Engagement: Hook your readers from the get-go. An intriguing start sets the stage for a captivating journey. Dive into our lively community. Connect with fellow writers and readers to nurture a warm and supportive atmosphere.

Evolution: Understand that growth is a journey, not a destination. Embrace feedback and keep refining your craft. I articulate how you can evolve on Medium in the following critical section. Please read it carefully for this life-changing guide.

Mastering Medium: Elevate Your Writing and Engage Your Audience

In the ever-evolving landscape of Medium, a significant shift occurred in August 2023. The platform’s focus shifted from quantity to quality, signifying a crucial turning point for aspiring writers. In this new paradigm, quality reigns supreme.

Take a deep dive into the invaluable guidelines written by Terrie Schweitzer, the head of curation. Within these succinct yet insightful boosting guidelines lies the key to elevating your writing to new heights. As both a writer and editor, I’ve extended these principles into a comprehensive story designed to propel your writing journey.

In summary, Medium prompts writers to consider five points

Is the reader’s life enriched by reading the story?

Is it original, human-created content?

Does the author speak from relevant knowledge and experience?

Is the story well-crafted?

Does the story have an impact?

I explained these points in simple language in a story titled New Writers: Enhance the Chance of Boosting By Using This Checklist.

I wrote this piece based on my decades of writing and editing experience, and I summarized the critical success points to increase the visibility of content on any writing platform.

Please consider investing just 20 minutes in this story to unlock a trove of benefits. Your writing will transform, enchanting your readers and propelling you toward building a dedicated audience.

By adhering to Medium’s distribution and boosting guidelines, you’ll not only enhance your reach but also significantly increase your earning potential.

Gone are the days when a high volume of stories equated to more followers. This antiquated notion no longer holds true in this era of quality-focused content on Medium. So, let’s embark on this journey together, where quality prevails and success occurs naturally.

Sample Boosted Stories from My Collection

To give you an idea, I link some boosted stories here so that by studying the content and style, you may get an idea of why Medium amplifies these types of stories, and you may consider your findings in improving your stories.

How Writers Can Attract More Readers by Using Design Thinking Principles

3 Steps to Regulate HPA Axis and Defeat Chronic Stress

Here’s How to Make the Nervous System More Flexible and Functional

Here’s How I Train My Brain Daily for Mental Clarity and Intellectual Productivity.

Meditation Can Boost the Cortical Thickness in the Brain and Prevent the Thinning of It

Here’s How You Can Enjoy Your Life More in Better Zones.

4 Reasons We Procrastinate and 10 Steps to Overcome Them.

Six Tips for a Youthful and Healthy Life as We Age.

A New Clinical Trial Found a Low-Carb Diet Better Than the Dash.

The Brain Needs 4 Types of Workouts.

The Brain Needs 3 Types of Rest.

How to Slow Down Subjective and Objective Cognitive Decline

Here’s Why I Focus on Nutritional Biochemistry Rather Than Diets

Additional Guidance from Editors for Prospective Contributors

In this section, I wish to present a selection of insightful posts that encapsulate the essence of Readers Hope’s mission.

These beautifully crafted narratives offer valuable perspectives to potential contributors to this unique publication.

My original article, titled Readers Hope: A Publication for Absolute Beginners on Medium, provides compelling ideas to convert readers to writers with small steps, guidance, and encouragement in a supportive community

This article by ILLUMINATION elucidated Readers Hope’s mission, rooted in my visionary perspective. I envision this initiative as a unique and experimental project within my portfolio of client engagements.

An inspiring writer Regi Brittain, posted this article titled Word after Word ’til You Simply Must Come up for Air.

A writer and supportive editor, John Cunningham wrote this piece titled Good Stories to Take You Around the World.

Our inspiring and supportive editor Dr. Preeti Singh, provided valuable guidance on a story titled, From The Editor’s Desk: A Warm Welcome To All New Writers At Readers Hope. She said we fulfill your dreams by publishing their articles on Readers Hope.

Another inspiring writer and editor, Lawson Wallace introduced himself and provided guidance to the beginners in this story.

ILLUMINATION editors compiled a collection guiding writers of Readers Hope to increase their income by cross-pollinating in our community.

An inspiring writer JS Adam, said Just Be Yourself When You Write — We’ve All Been There.

An inspiring writer and editor Agnes Laurens said Writing Is Fun To Do — Everyone Can Learn To Write.

Our consulting editor Tree Langdon, wrote this inspiring piece titled Letter to a Wannabe Writer: I invite you to join our welcoming writing community.

Another editor Aldric Chen, posted an article titled The Future of Reading is in Writing: We are readers until we decide to cross the line and become a writer. That transition is a difficult one.

Our consulting editor, The Wordsmith™🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸, introduced himself and provided valuable guidance to the writers of Readers Hope in this post.

Our editor Surekha Chandrasekhar, wrote an inspiring piece titled The Three S’s For Growth.

Another editor of Readers Hope Mike Broadly - Healthier Lifestyle provided his uplifting perspectives on new changes in Medium.

Our editor Aiden (Illumination Gaming), recently compiled writer bios penned by themselves in a collection. So please consider introducing yourself in a story.

You may also check the following valuable stories that give you new perspectives for exploring other writers and publications on Medium.

The power of Boost: How one editor is leveling up her Medium publication to help women’s stories by Ariel Meadow Stallings featuring ADEOLA SHEEHY-ADEKALE.

How Google data scientist Cassie Kozyrkov found success (and a fulfilling creative outlet) on Medium by Jon Gluck

How Kaki Okumura ’s Medium essays led to a book on health and human psychology by Harris Sockel

How Thomas Smith successfully launched a new AI publication on Medium by Jon Gluck

How Devon Price redefined ‘lazy’ and turned his Medium essay into a book by Harris Sockel

Meet Editors of Readers Hope

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Dr. Preeti Singh, Dr. Gabriella Korosi, Josh Balerite Acol, Lawson Wallace, Aldric Chen, The Sturg, Surekha Chandrasekhar, Dennis De Silva, Mike Broadly - Healthier Lifestyle, Elin Melaas, Aiden (Illumination Gaming), Maria Rattray, John Cunningham, Nuno Campos, Indra Raj Pathak, Sumera Rizwan, Liam Ireland, Myriam Ben Salem🦋, Joanie Adams, Annie Wegner, Raymond M.E. Aguirre, tarun bhatt, Noorain Ali, Fahaz Hameed, Benito Bartolo, Brooklyn Muse (editor), Annelise Lords, and other ILLUMINATION editors for mentoring. Some of these editors have a profile, so you may check them from the attached list.

Let’s welcome new writers who joined us recently.

Pernoste & Dahl, Shyam Suma Francis, Sajid Sherif, Bigdreamsstudios, Juneorenji, Christina Daniels, Ali Evelyn, ChrisCrutch, izzibella Beau, Robert Cormack, Curated Perspective, Edward Reid — Writer, Historian, and Philosopher, Alice Lam, Stephen Trevarthen, 𝑨𝒌𝒉𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝑨𝒍𝒊, Liz Mroz, Kashi Writes, Valentine Diai, Dean. B, Nomi Diaries, Body Mind and Soul, Guilherme Borges, jack deignan, AI Agenda, Jd Baggans, Wooyoung Yoon, Hajira Shaikh, Vicky Markolefa, Article Sphere, Marilie Martel, lorijeancreative, Fowsi Mohamoud Dayib, Aline S., Akumbe, Raja Bhai, Benedict Then, The Urban Tales, Jamie Watts, izzibella Beau, Veronica Percy, Abhiram Nair, Osita Iroegbu, Raja Bhai, Dani Writes, Imran Nazir, Bryan Kent Swepston, Tef John, Tania Lynne, Dalila Silva, Sowmini, Diana Gold, Vihaan Sondhi, Marco Moscatelli, Hemant arora, GCodeTech, Zivah Avraham, Karissa Morello, Eszter Brhlik, Sarah Moore, Sankari, DataPsyLife 🚀, Anna Soldenhoff, Mayank Jain, Ryan Pierce, John Hua Technology 🍉☕️🎾, Wordsmith Diaries, Gayatri Suri, Hajar Adam, Zacc Rowlands, Sana Uqaili, The Writrix, Martha Warriner Jarrett, IZZABELLA, J.L. Combellick, Daniel Catena, Chaithra Mailankody, Leo Mirage, Conor Cartmell, Longpok lkr, Dan G., Kruthi Venkatesh, Diana Leon, Saint Egoist, Vince Park, Nomadic Odyssey, Bichar, Benedict Then, Darshi A., Christine A., Esme Raine Harlow, Joshua Dean, Jennifer Fox, George M Pantazis, Nivari, Mary Morton, Erinç Büyükaşık, Laurece West, The Crypto Archives, Artist Richie Spicer, Sana Eman, Longpok lkr, Patricia Ross, Dumindu Patabandi, DaBoyNewz, Akhil Kumar, Holding the Middle Ground, Anthony De iudicibus, The FI Adventure, Jasdev Bhakar, Minhal Nawaz, Depride, Laura Román Crespo, Alec Zarenkiewicz, JASHAN SINGH PAWAR, mmg, Auguste Byiringiro, Yong Kim, Dustin Lietha, Biolifehacks, Eric Williams, Karissa Morello, Pete J Johnson, Tef John, Kyle Erik, JD | Essayist, speaker, pencil advocate, Yoni Gebru, Ernest Samuels, Kurtis Pykes, Niamh Bray, JASHAN SINGH PAWAR, Eugenio Ambrosi, Staney Joseph 🎖️, Raveen, Technology Trend Curious, Zubia zulfiqar, Timothy James, Scarlet Ibis James 🦩, Omar Alsh, Freddie Kift, Meg Rose, Ankush k Singal, Matthew Joe Leatherwood,

Closing Words

Welcome to Readers Hope, a one-of-a-kind publication tailor-made for budding writers with dreams of becoming accomplished authors.

Our main audience comprises passionate readers who harbor a deep-seated desire to transition into the world of writing. Here at Readers Hope, we’ve charted a clear path to guide you on this thrilling and experimental journey.

Rest assured, you won’t be walking this path alone. We have a dedicated team of volunteer editors ready to provide support, feedback, and encouragement at every step of the way.

Your transformation from an enthusiastic reader to a confident writer begins here. Together, we’ll explore the limitless possibilities of self-expression through the written word. Welcome to Readers Hope, where your journey towards becoming a writer officially commences.

If you are interested in writing about mental health, you can check my recent story about how our words can have a healing impact on our readers.

Updated Submission Guidelines of All ILLUMINATION Publications

ILLUMINATION-Curated: New Submission Guidelines 2023 by ILLUMINATION-Curators

Submission Guidelines: Illumination Integrated Publications from August 1st, 2023 by Suzanne E.

Readers Hope: New Submission Guidelines 2023 by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

SYNERGY: Submission Guidelines 2023 by ILLUMINATION

Technology Hits: Submission Guidelines 2023 by ILLUMINATION Amplifiers

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Submission Guidelines 2023 by ILLUMINATION

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION

ILLUMINATION Gaming: Submission Guidelines 2023 Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts: Submission Guidelines 2023 Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Invitation to New Writers

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications are inclusive and diverse, supporting 23,000+ contributors. Different levels of writers, from absolute beginners to the most accomplished ones, delight our readers with their educative and engaging content.

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications include: ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, Technology Hits, SYNERGY, Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube, Illumination Gaming, Lampshade of Illumination, Layered Vision — 3D Printing, ILLUMINATION’s Blog EUPHORIA by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Please review our onboarding pack before sending any story to ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications. We only accept stories meeting Medium policies and our guidelines.

Except for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION, our publications don’t accept AI-generated content. You may learn about our AI writing policy.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

In addition to my research into significant health conditions in concise summaries of 62 articles, I wrote numerous articles about the brain and cognitive function that might inform and inspire you.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

You are welcome to join my publications on Medium as a writer by sending a request via this link. 24K writers contribute to my publications.

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Self Improvement
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