avatarDr Mehmet Yildiz


The author, a mental health advocate, discusses their recognition as a global thought leader in mental health and their passion for promoting healthy lifestyle habits and cognitive performance.


The author has been recognized as a global thought leader in mental health by Thinkers 360 content management network, with a 96.60% impact on readers. They have written extensively on mental health topics, including embodied cognition and mindfulness-based stress reduction, for over four decades. The author's mission is to provide tacit knowledge that empowers readers to induce hope and realistic optimism for those affected by mental health conditions. They emphasize that their content relies on scientific data and does not provide online health advice. The author also highlights the importance of writing about mental health using credible sources to shatter the silence surrounding mental health and erase the stigma that often accompanies it.


  • The author believes that mental health conditions touch the lives of millions, affecting not just individuals but entire communities and healthcare systems.
  • The author's mission is to drive positive change and enhance mental well-being through the power of healthy lifestyle habits.
  • The author advocates for objective content assessment and uses platforms like Thinkers 360 to gauge the impact of their intellectual contributions.
  • The author is passionate about promoting healthy lifestyle habits to bolster physical and mental health and advocating cognitive performance.
  • The author believes that every writer has the potential to effect change and that their words possess the transformative ability to touch lives, challenge stereotypes, break stigmas, and ignite societal shifts.

Mental Health

The Meaning of Being Recognized as a Global Thought Leader in Mental Health

My content was rated as having a 96.60% impact on readers of the mental health topic by the proprietary algorithm of Thinkers 360 content management network.

Image screen capture by the author from the Thinkers 360 site

For more than four decades, mental health and cognitive performance has been my steadfast companion, both personally and professionally. It’s a journey that has touched my heart deeply, as you may find glimpses of why in my numerous stories.

But let me clarify: this story isn’t about promoting myself. It’s about introducing you to a world of content that has the power to create awareness, shift perspectives, and ignite change globally.

My passion for mental health isn’t driven by financial gain. It’s a calling I embrace wholeheartedly. My personal blogs, guest posts, and substack newsletters have always been freely offered to the public.

My mission is to provide tacit knowledge that can empower my readers to induce hope and realistic optimism for those affected by mental health conditions and illuminate a path toward healing.

I have continuously operated by a steadfast principle. I don’t provide online health advice. However, my content relies on scientific data as my guiding star for readers.

What I do offer are my own perspectives, reviews, observations, and experiences, all to add value to my readers for awareness purposes.

My niche is promoting healthy lifestyle habits to bolster physical and mental health and advocating cognitive performance. Embodied cognition and mindfulness-based stress reduction are particularly interesting to me as they significantly contribute to my mental health.

Nevertheless, I steer clear of controversial topics as my goal is not to create sensations but to inform, educate, inspire, and empower my readers.

Over time, I’ve penned hundreds of articles and stories, each a testament to my personal journey, thorough literature reviews, and the experiences of those in my circles.

You won’t find too much academic and theoretical content in my writing portfolio. Instead, I delve into insightful life lessons covering real-life observations and interviews, always with the permission of patients and their healthcare professionals or primary care members.

Through ethical approaches, I craft profiles of individuals who willingly share their genuine life experiences. I take great care to protect their personal information, ensuring their privacy and confidentiality.

Just like in stories such as “How Jennifer Healed Her Brain Fog” and “Judy Solved Her Clinical Depression with a Tech Device Much Better than Medication,” real people and real solutions take center stage.

Why do I do all this?

Because mental health conditions touch the lives of millions, affecting not just individuals but entire communities and healthcare systems.

As I, some of my loved ones, friends, and colleagues suffered from mental health conditions, my mission, my sole focus, is to drive positive change and enhance mental well-being through the power of healthy lifestyle habits.

Let me elaborate on the power of writing for mental health to inspire writers and readers to support this important topic.

The Power of Writing About Mental Health

Writing about mental health leveraging credible sources is like holding the key to unlocking genuine and well-informed stories.

It’s a mechanism that empowers caring writers, including myself, to delve deep into the complex world of mental health, guided by the solid foundation of trustworthy information and research.

But the impact goes far beyond words on a page. These stories have the potential to shatter the silence surrounding mental health, erasing the stigma that often accompanies it.

They plant seeds of empathy and compassion in readers' hearts, sometimes even inspiring them to seek help when they need it most.

The implications are vast and meaningful. By weaving credible sources into our non-fiction narratives, we not only validate our stories but also become catalysts for a broader conversation about mental health.

We join a collective effort to raise awareness, shape policies, and improve access to mental health care, recognizing that our words can create ripples that extend far beyond computer screens and book pages.

In my personal journey as a writer, I’ve witnessed the profound impact of stories grounded in credible sources. When I intertwine my own experiences with facts and figures, it offers solace and hope to those navigating their own mental health paths.

Our authentic stories serve as a reminder that we are never alone in our struggles and that brighter days are within reach with realistic optimism.

The impactful point lies in our ability to build bridges between raw, authentic experiences and the wealth of knowledge available.

It’s akin to providing readers with a well-lit path through a dense forest of uncertainty. This journey is rooted in humility, acknowledging that we are not experts but passionate advocates for mental health.

What’s truly inspiring is that every writer has the potential to effect change. Our words possess the transformative ability to touch lives, challenge stereotypes, break stigmas, and ignite societal shifts.

It’s a responsibility we embrace, using our writing craft to empower others on their mental health journeys.

In simplicity, it’s about using our compassionate hearts and relentless commitment to truth to contribute to a larger conversation.

Fancy degrees aren’t prerequisites. It is our dedication to authenticity and understanding of our readers that truly matters.

With confidence, we step into the domain of change-makers. While we may not hold all the answers, we possess the power to ask the right questions, share impactful stories, and kindle the flames of hope and optimism.

Writing about mental health is about standing boldly in our convictions uncompromising in our pursuit of a mentally healthier world.

So, let’s continue writing about mental health using credible sources to illuminate society. It’s a noble endeavor that shapes narratives, transforms lives, and, one story at a time, helps create a world where mental health is embraced, understood, and cherished.

You might be curious about the reasons behind the heartfelt and steadfast tone of this piece.

A Heartwarming Influx of Messages

Today, my inbox overflowed with congratulatory emails from readers touched by my mental health stories.

It was an emotional whirlwind that left my heart brimming with joy and even brought a few tears of happiness to my eyes.

Initially, I was perplexed by these messages, unsure of their origins. That was until I stumbled upon a remarkable announcement on the LinkedIn network. There, I was humbled to find my account listed as the second most influential thought leader in the field.

This unexpected recognition is not just a personal victory but a testament to the incredible community of readers and supporters who journey alongside me in spreading awareness and understanding of mental health.

It’s a reminder that the impact of our words extends far beyond what we can imagine, touching lives and igniting change in ways we may never anticipate.

Image screen capture by the author from LinkedIn

Why I Advocate for Objective Content Assessment

My advocacy for a verifiable and objective content assessment process stems from years of experience as a content developer and strategist.

Throughout my writing and thought leadership journey, I’ve used platforms like Thinkers 360 to gauge the impact of my intellectual contributions, which encompass a wide spectrum of assets, from scientific papers and articles to books, design artifacts, patents, and conference presentations.

This centralized repository not only instills confidence in my dedicated readership but also introduces my work to a new and diverse audience.

For example, I obtained verified badges in Design Thinking, Innovation, Quantum Computing, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption, Cybersecurity, Smart Cities, 5G, Agile, Generative AI, SportsTech, EdTech, Robotic Process Automation, Emerging Technologies, Marketing, Sales, and leadership, in addition to my 74 digital badges verified by Credly.

However, beyond technical recognitions, one of my most significant accomplishments is my role as a thought leader in the fields of health/wellness, health/Safety, and mental health, which are close to my heart for impacting society.

Within health-related domains, as a scientist, I diligently document my reviews, observations, and experiments, all in the pursuit of a deeper understanding of physical and mental health conditions and their improvement.

Here’s the artifact for the assessments, recognitions, and the tangible impact of my mental health content within the Thinkers 360 network, which was communicated publically today.

Link to original source

With this opportunity, I am also grateful to Medium for selecting my content in the top 5 Who to Follow section of the Mental Health topic.

And in the health topic followed by 2.7 million readers. Medium is a place where words really matter and can change lives of millions.

I am also grateful to the esteemed Boost nominators who identified and amplified my recent story about cognitive decline, which is a topic close to my heart.

I am also thankful for the following stories that have been boosted and have enriched the lives of thousands of readers.

3 Steps to Regulate HPA Axis and Defeat Chronic Stress

Here’s How to Make the Nervous System More Flexible and Functional

Here’s How I Train My Brain Daily for Mental Clarity and Intellectual Productivity.

Meditation Can Boost the Cortical Thickness in the Brain and Prevent the Thinning of It

Here’s How You Can Enjoy Your Life More in Better Zones.

4 Reasons We Procrastinate and 10 Steps to Overcome Them.

Six Tips for a Youthful and Healthy Life as We Age.

A New Clinical Trial Found a Low-Carb Diet Better Than the Dash.

The Brain Needs 4 Types of Workouts.

The Brain Needs 3 Types of Rest.

How Writers Can Attract More Readers by Using Design Thinking Principles

Physical and mental health with cognitive performance matters to me. Therefore, I passionately write about these topics to illuminate my readers. I am grateful for the support of platforms that host and amplify my content.

A Game-Changer for the Aging Population

As I conclude this narrative, I’d like to share one of my most impactful endeavors in the field of cognitive science.

I earnestly hope that Medium will lend their support to amplify the reach of this valuable information, for it holds the potential to create a seismic shift in our understanding of cognition, particularly benefiting the aging population and cognitively challenged people like my late father.

The future of Brain-Computer Interface, as Elon Musk champions, stands as a true game-changer, especially for the aging population.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

In addition to my research into significant health conditions in concise summaries of 62 articles, I wrote numerous articles about the brain, cognitive function, health, and performance that might inform and inspire you.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

You are welcome to join my publications on Medium as a writer by sending a request via this link. 25K writers contribute to my publications.

Mental Health
Self Improvement
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