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The provided web content discusses the evolution, current applications, and future potential of brain-computer interface (BCI) technology in enhancing cognitive function, treating neurological disorders, and transforming human-computer interaction.


The article delves into the historical development of BCI technology, tracing its origins from the first human EEG recording by Hans Berger in the 1920s to the groundbreaking experiment in

The Past, Present, and Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces for Better Cognition

How BCI technology can impact our cognitive function, health, and performance based on years of research and work

Photo by Michelangelo Buonarroti from Pexels

Based on a request from discerning readers of my cognitive health stories, I will introduce and discuss the fascinating journey of brain-computer interface technology, its underlying mechanisms, historical significance, current use, and futuristic ideas for the transformative potential for our cognitive function, health, and performance.

For cognitive health, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) offer numerous possibilities. They can be used to enhance memory, facilitate learning, and provide real-time monitoring of cognitive states. These functions could have a significant impact on the prevention and treatment of neurocognitive disorders like dementia.

I started researching brain-computer interfaces in the early 1980s for my informatics degree in Europe. As the topic became a passion, I extended my investigation to post-graduate studies in technology, information management, and cognitive science disciplines within the human-machine cognition and communication scope in Australia.

As part of my professional journey over the past decade, I’ve been dedicated to offering consultancy, research, and thought leadership to clients engaged in research and development within the BCI field. I am currently working on developing some patents.

In the digital transformation space, my focus is on 6G Terahertz cellular network technology for 2030. This will benefit BCI progress for improved data collection, real-time communication, and less interference in virtual and augmented reality environments.

These telecommunication improvements could lead to the development of more accurate, reliable, and real-time BCIs, which might have a major impact on the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders and the development of new and innovative applications.

Before starting an overview of the technology from multiple angles, I’d like to give you a brief background on how research in the field has begun.

Tracing the History of BCI and How Research Progress

The roots of BCI technology trace back to the 1920s when German psychiatrist Dr Hans Berger recorded the first human EEG (electroencephalogram) brainwaves.

Dr. Berger made the first EEG recording on July 6, 1924, during a neurosurgical operation on a 17-year-old boy performed by the neurosurgeon Nikolai Guleke.

It wasn’t until 1977 that BCI experiments were conducted successfully, allowing users to move a cursor on a screen using EEG signals.

So, this pioneering development in BCI technology was the invention of the EEG, which allows us to record brainwave activity.

EEGs are still used today in many BCI applications, but newer technologies, such as implanted electrodes and non-invasive optical imaging, are also being developed.

In 1988, a groundbreaking experiment achieved BCI control of a robot. This research not only excited me but also deepened my commitment to explore this fascinating field further. It made science fiction real.

Two critical events were recorded in BCI history. “The first event was control of a computer buzzer using EEG contingent negative potential variation. The second event was control of a physical object with a mass, a robot, using EEG alpha rhythm amplitude variation.”

In early 2000, BCI systems were engineered to interface between the user’s voluntarily modulated neural activity and the assistive technology of their choice.

A 2013 study explored using BCI technology to help patients with tetraplegia regain control of paralyzed limbs and assistive devices using ECG to record brain signals from the sensorimotor cortex. They found that the participant could activate this region voluntarily through attempted movements.

Can a quadriplegic person, paralyzed from the neck down, drive a car? Yes, BCI made it available in 2017. Sam Schmidt drove an F1 car using only their brainwaves, thanks to BCI technology.

In the last two decades, BCIs have gained significant traction in scientific research. Scientists have advanced this field by developing tools for brain signal acquisition and processing fueled by technological innovations.

BCI research is a rapidly advancing field. Scientists explore the direct interaction between computer software and brain activity.

Studies have shown that BCIs can successfully detect and classify various mental actions, improving with additional training data.

Researchers also use BCIs to understand real-time neural network responses to electrical stimulation, shedding light on cognitive processes.

The collective efforts have transformed BCI from science fiction into a reality, enabling direct communication between humans and external devices.

If you want to learn about the significant research over the last half-century, you may check out this outstanding review paper published on MDPI’s Brain Sciences titled “Summary of over Fifty Years with Brain-Computer Interfaces.”

The review paper highlights key milestones, pioneering figures, and technological advancements in the history of BCI research.

While understanding the human brain remains a lofty goal, BCI already offers life-changing benefits, empowering people with disabilities and promising broader positive impacts as research progresses.

An Overview of Brain-Computer Interfaces

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are at the forefront of translating brain activity into actionable data, revolutionizing various fields.

They facilitate communication with machines, restore lost functions, and enhance cognitive abilities. BCIs hold immense potential in cognitive health, including memory enhancement and cognitive disorder prevention.

One foundational theory in BCIs is Hebbian and Homeostatic plasticity, which strengthens neural connections through coordinated activation.

Hebbian plasticity, as represented by long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) of synapses, has been the most influential hypothesis to account for the encoding of memories. I explained LTP and LTD in a previous article titled The Brain Needs 4 Types of Workouts.

BCIs establish a communication bridge between the brain and external devices, capturing and interpreting brain signals for device commands.

These devices, often called brain-machine interfaces, can operate in passive or active modes. Passive BCIs observe cognitive states, while active BCIs require users to modulate brain signals consciously.

BCIs mainly use Electroencephalogram technology, placing non-invasive electrodes on the scalp to process brain signals through machine learning algorithms.

They are also categorized as invasive and non-invasive. Invasive BCIs entail implanting electrodes directly into the brain for precise data collection but carry some risks. Non-invasive BCIs, like EEG and fMRI, offer safer alternatives but provide less accurate data.

BCI technology faces challenges in obtaining accurate and reliable data due to the dynamic nature of the brain’s electrical activity.

Moreover, invasive BCIs carry risks of infection and complications, while even non-invasive BCIs can lead to discomfort.

BCIs’ capabilities raise ethical issues, particularly in data security and privacy. So, ethical concerns include unauthorized control and potential discrimination based on the data collected.

These devices can capture signals directly from the nervous system, prompting concerns about privacy breaches and unauthorized control or monitoring.

As we steer the transformative journey of BCI technology, we must address these challenges and ethical considerations to ensure its positive impact on humanity. These risks and issues might take a while to mitigate and resolve.

Current Use Cases and Applications of BCIs

Today, BCIs find application in various fields, including neuroscience, cognitive science, the military, medicine, disaster management, security, education, and rehabilitation.

They are not just futuristic gadgets. They are actively shaping our present and opening new doors for the future.

BCIs are about to revolutionize how we interact with computers and the world around us. Let me give you a quick summary.

Improvement of cognitive function

BCIs can be used to enhance cognitive abilities like memory, attention, and task-switching. This could have a major impact on preventing neurocognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia types.

Treatment and rehabilitation of neurological disorders

BCIs offer remarkable potential in the treatment and rehabilitation of various neurological disorders, including epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), as a similar technology helped Dr. Steven Hawking, who lived many more years than my father who died in four years as he couldn’t access such expensive technologies.

As a clarification, while Dr. Hawking did not use a direct brain-computer interface in the traditional sense, his communication system was a form of assistive technology that relied on sensing and interpreting signals from his body to interact with a computer.

In Hawking’s case, he used a cheek muscle sensor to detect small movements in his cheek. These movements were then translated into computer commands, allowing him to select words and phrases to form sentences.

While this system was not a direct connection between his brain and the computer, it showcased the potential of technology to assist ALS patients with severe physical disabilities in communicating.

Moreover, they extend their capabilities to restore lost functions, like walking or speaking. Within neurological rehabilitation, BCIs bring hope, granting patient with motor impairments the ability to command prosthetic limbs and maneuver within their surroundings solely through the power of their brain activity.

These interfaces are frequently employed in the recovery process following strokes or injuries and hold the promise of being indispensable tools in future surgeries and medical procedures.

Development of new forms of human-computer interaction

BCIs can be used to create new ways for humans to interact with computers. For example, we can partially control devices with our thoughts or create virtual reality experiences that are more immersive and realistic.

BCI in Entertainment and Gaming for Mind-Controlled Fun

BCIs have transcended their medical applications and entered the entertainment world, particularly in the domain of gaming.

Brain-computer interface gaming introduces a new level of immersion, allowing users to exert control over virtual objects in video games through mental commands.

Simply by donning an EEG headset, players can execute actions like ‘push,’ ‘pull,’ or ‘jump’ purely by their thoughts, thereby offering in a revolutionary era of gaming experiences.

BCI’s Potential Impact on Everyday Life

Beyond medical and gaming applications, BCIs have the potential to simplify daily tasks. They could eliminate the need for typing or voice commands, enabling us to control computers and devices directly with our thoughts.

So, the potential applications of BCIs are vast and exciting. As the technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and groundbreaking uses for BCIs in the years to come.

I would like to share a few ideas to inspire friends from technology and science communities as I see the boundless potential of BCIs to reshape various aspects of our lives.

Some Thought-Provoking Ideas for the Future

Imagine stepping into a future where the boundaries between our thoughts and technology blur, creating a world of possibilities.

Brain-computer interfaces will lead us toward this exciting frontier, where we pioneer new horizons in science, technology, and human-machine collaboration.

In high-stress jobs like air traffic control or emergency response, BCIs could be our great solutions, helping us stay at our best when it matters most.

In schools, BCIs might turn learning into a personalized adventure, letting teachers gauge our interest and tweak lessons for better results.

Have you ever dreamt of traveling the world without leaving your home?

With BCIs, we could dive headfirst into virtual travel, exploring far-off places with our thoughts alone, potentially transforming tourism and entertainment industries.

BCIs won’t just change how we work and play; they’ll revolutionize creativity. For example, in the art world, BCIs could turn our emotions into interactive masterpieces, making us rethink what’s possible in contemporary art.

Musicians could compose tunes with their thoughts, artists could craft digital wonders using their minds, and writers might transcribe stories directly from their brains to the page.

Imagine chatting with a friend through your thoughts, bypassing spoken or written words for a deeper connection. BCIs could make telepathic communication a reality.

Who doesn’t want to remember every detail from ages ago? BCIs could grant us instant access to the past. Elon Musk has been exploring this idea.

Have you ever wished you could capture your dreams?

I did for my astonishing lucid dreams for creativity and innovation, especially when I found myself cruising in the 33rd and 50th centuries.

BCIs might let us record our nighttime adventures for review or even modify dream scenarios for personal growth.

Athletes could tap into BCIs to boost their training and performance by fine-tuning their focus and skills.

BCIs could even take us to the stars. When I mentioned this crazy thought to a client in the cosmology field, they asked me to patent some ideas in this space, and they were willing to pay a lucrative amount. When my wild ideas are filed one day, I will share the details in an article.

So I told them astronauts might steer spacecraft and explore distant planets with just their thoughts, reducing reliance on manual controls during long missions like science fiction movies.

Yes, as you guessed, I watched too many Star Trek, Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy, and War of the World Series, in addition to movies like Interstellar, The Martian, Blade Runner, and many more.

So, fasten your seatbelts. The future of BCIs is a thrilling ride waiting to unfold.

So now come to the reality and talk about business a bit.

Market Trends and Leaders

According to a report published by Grand View Research, “the global brain computer interface market size was valued at USD 1.74 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate CAGR of 17.5% during the forecast period.”

As mentioned in the report, the Brain-Computer Interface market is growing because more people need help with brain-related conditions, especially as the world’s population gets older.

Also, technology is improving and helping people who can’t move or speak communicate. BCIs are not just for medical use. They’re also used in video games, home devices, education, and military communication, making the market even bigger.

Unfortunately, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the market faced some problems. For example, companies like Natus couldn’t get all the needed materials because they came from only one source. It takes a long time to make sure they’re good to use

Natus Medical Incorporated offers “innovative and trusted solutions to screen, diagnose, and treat disorders affecting the brain, neural pathways, and eight sensory nervous systems to advance the standard of care and improve patient outcomes and quality of life.”

EMOTIV is another pioneer and market leader in the field of BCI enterprise solutions and EEG technology. Its award-winning EPOC+ headset and the 10th-anniversary edition EPOC X provide professional-grade BCI data for academic research and commercial use.

Other significant players in the market are Compumedics, Neurospace, and Siemens Healthineers. These companies are dedicated to developing and marketing innovative products, including EEG, MRI, and MEG systems, for diagnosing and monitoring brain disorders.

They share a global market presence and a steadfast commitment to delivering high-quality solutions, all aimed at enhancing the lives of people with neurological conditions.

Final Words

With the market growing, I foresee new and creative companies, especially startups, emerging in the coming decade. The future holds exciting opportunities for all of us. Let’s stay open-minded, share our ideas, work together, and reach for our dreams.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

In addition to my research into significant health conditions in concise summaries of 62 articles, I wrote numerous articles about the brain, cognitive function, health, and performance that might inform and inspire you.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

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