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Here’s How I Perceive the 50th Century.

An aspiring glance to the future using perceptions, impressions, sensations, and perspectives through meditations

Photo by ZCH on Pexels

A mental journey to the future

Dear Reader,

Admittedly, this is the most complicated story in my four decades of writing experience due to its scope and context. It is not an academic, scientific, technological, or philosophical piece. Those genres are relatively easier for me.

Instead, it is a piece to turn perceptions into daily language aiming to create different thoughts and sensations for interested readers.

I start by exhibiting humility for the weaknesses in my definitions and descriptions to reflect my perceptions.

The mental concepts I introduce in this piece are purely abstract, coming from unchartered territories of the brain, aka the subconscious mind.

Communicating abstract concepts with concrete words can be exceptionally challenging for writers at any level. This is because the language of intellect and sensations are completely different.

The communication problem is not a matter of knowledge or experience. It is a matter of imagination and creativity in language use. Therefore, I admire fiction writers and want to be one of them when I grow up.

Even though this piece might sound fiction to some readers, my intention is to reflect my thoughts in a non-fiction format to ignite thoughts and sensations in the reality zone.

My goal, as an aspiring writer, is to connect with readers to enhance my impressions and perceptions in this digital world collaboratively.

This is a primitive tool, but we have no other options in this century. It is at least better than communication in the 17th or 18th centuries.

I acknowledge that reflecting on perceptions in the reality precinct might be difficult for some readers. I use these types of pieces to stretch my cognitive muscles. It is up to readers how to use them and how to respond to them. I don’t see any right or wrong way.

To this end, in my limited capability, finding the right words for the translation from abstract to concrete language is not yet available in my 21st-century brain.

In addition, I don’t have the liberty of creating my own words as they won’t make sense. The only viable option is to convey my messages with inadequate words using analogies or metaphors.

The approach comes with the risk of misunderstanding or not understanding at all. But, without taking the chance, we will not get an outcome. So, I took the plunge with childhood boldness for this mental challenge. In the end, neither the reader nor I have anything to lose in the big scheme of things.

This type of communication is possible yet requires mastery with limited words in the right combination. Frankly, I don’t have the arrogance to say I reached the required mastery level to combine the primitive words magically yet.

All I can do is try and gradually improve my mental capabilities. Realistically, a century ago, in a different form, I could not even write a single word, but now I can write a 3,000-word article in an hour and disseminate it to many curious souls like you in the digital world.

I attempt to reflect on my perceptions of this strange story to the best of my capability. It might take approximately 10 to 20 minutes for interested readers of the 21st century based on their reading speed.

As the host of the story, I do the heavy lifting. But I also desire the contribution of the readers to make an effort to fill in the gaps in the communication process. So it is a two-way approach to making sense of the content and enhancing its meaning with non-judgmental comments.

It is easy to criticize any intellectual work and discard it. This piece is not for those who don’t care about abstract ideas. It is for those who care to understand creative ideas and enhance them with collaboration.

In other words, my verses require a specific effort by the readers, such as keeping an open mind while reading and having empathy for the writer’s position. We cannot spoon-feed the reader this type of content. In the end, I play the role of a volunteer messenger. As far as I know, we don’t shoot messengers in the 21st century anymore.

When I was penning this piece, I wore multiple hats. To add structure, I wore my academic, scientific, and technological hats. I used philosophical, physiological, and psychological caps to enrich the content. To extend the core meaning, I used a spiritual hat which is not my forte yet.

A permutation of these approaches allowed me to share my perceptions and perspectives of the 50th century as a mental model in a tiny piece.

There is no right or wrong for mental models. They are like air or water, depending on how we use them. Mental models are made up of thoughts in mind fed by the emotions of the body.

How I Received Perceptions of the 50th Century from a 21st-Century Brain

Let me briefly explain my methodological approach in simple terms so that the story makes sense.

Perceptions of lucid dreams and meditation sessions differ in feature and quality in my experience.

For example, in the dream state, the brain is in sleep mode with no awareness of the senses. In the meditation mode, the brain is awake or semi-awake, noticing senses, depending on the intensity of the state that I walk through briefly.

In a previous story, I shared my perceptions of the 33rd century. It was a phenomenal stretch for the mind. I used the lucid dream as a method to gain that perception, that I documented briefly in a story titled A Glimpse of the 33rd Century Altered My Perspective on Life.

The attempt to conceptualize the 33rd century gave me the confidence to go beyond by leveraging the mental skills I gained.

First, I tried the lucid dream technique, but unfortunately, it did not work. I could not receive the required perceptions from the cosmos through my mind.

So, I decided to use the next viable tool from my limited capability in this primitive human form. It was an advanced meditation silencing the brain to let the mind perceive the subtle signals of the cosmos.

This technique required removing every noticeable stress to the brain. Finding the ideal silence for the brain to receive subtle signals from the cosmos is a massive challenge to a 21st-century brain. Our neurons are too noisy. It takes a lot of effort to silence them.

However, all of us have this capability at different levels.

Every human being having thoughts is proof of this ability. Thoughts are believed to come from the “ether”, proving that we are connected to the bigger universe. We have the capability to empty the mind with intense meditation.

Our primitive science still cannot observe and document the origin and nature of thoughts, so we all assume and use the word “ether” in our limited understanding of the thought process.

The significant difference between a novice and a master thinker is that the first group does the thinking randomly, generating less efficient results, and the second systematically produces better results with cognitive abilities.

Most of us are spread between two ends of the spectrum. After years of trial and error, I still find myself at the beginning of the range.

Since I have been using meditation for various reasons for years, I decided to use this tool to gain perceptions of my desired mental construct.

I have no other tools in my toolbox for this type of communication. I tried imagination and visualizations in the beta state before unsuccessfully. They help for other purposes, but not for this content.

Preparation for the Mental Journey

Let me summarize the approach, so my points make sense in the established context. This journey is a perception or a personal insight, not a prophecy or divination. I have no extraordinary powers.

It took the usual 20 minutes to go to the alpha level to make the mind receptive to internal and external signals. This is my usual relaxation method. I have been using it for stress management.

After 30 minutes, I slowly entered theta level.

The brain produces different vibrations at this level. Keeping conscious awareness at this level is relatively more challenging than at the alpha level. It requires flexible persistence, neither rigid nor too loose.

In other words, without forcing the brain to stay awake, I had to keep my conscious awareness to a specific degree to understand subtle signals from my higher self.

Over the years, I learned how to stay at theta level to reach desired memories. Since I had already created a memory of the 33rd century, it was easy for me to start the mental journey.

As explained in the next section, I needed to go one level down to achieve my desired results.

Beginning of the Story in Theta Vibrations.

Irene gently approached in golden light format. As I had already conversed with her, I understood her language. I simply asked Irene whether she could take me to the 50th century.

With a beautiful smile on my perception, she volunteered and responded, “yes, I can take you there, but I cannot guide you. I am still the citizen of the 33rd century.”

I asked who could guide me to have a glimpse of the 50th century. Irene said her soulmate, Benjamin.

The mental travel from 33rd to the 50th century required me to silence my brain further. Countless times I tried to reach gamma waves but failed as the brain naturally shut and reached the sleep state.

However, nowadays, with some effort, I can keep my mind conscious in the gamma state.

Irene helped me go to a deeper mental state, holding my hands gently and slowly walking toward the future. During each mental step, the brain wanted to go to sleep mode, but I kept my intention to stay awake.

According to world time, I sensed it as over an hour of meditation. Thus, I comprehended that I was close to the gamma state in my perception. Finally, Irene informed us we were ready to enter the 50th century.

I felt tender excitement, more like serenity, but I had to control my emotions at a tolerable level to not excite the brain so that I could stay in the gamma state.

Pleasant energy filled my mental psyche. As early anxieties and fears disappeared, I knew I was in the gamma state. It was time for me to converse with Benjamin.

Irene said: “Don’t worry, I will wait here in case you have difficulty communicating. I can serve as a translator.”

She introduced me to Benjamin concisely, saying:

“This curious soul embodied in the 21st century wants to have a glimpse of the 50th century. I leave it in your capable hands, Benjamin. I cannot guide him like you. Please help him as you helped me. But you need to be more patient with him as he does not have my capabilities at this stage. You need to simplify everything for him to comprehend.”

Benjamin responded with a soft voice:

“Sure, Irene. I can do that. It is not the first time I guided people from previous centuries. Recently thousands of souls from the 21st century visited our destination. They are all satisfied with my service. I am sure I can satisfy the curiosity of this innocent soul.”

Irene added a caveat saying:

“You are talking with Benjamin in your senses, but all citizens of the 50th century are aware of the conversation. There is no privacy in this century, so please proceed with your acceptance. We know that privacy is a big deal in the 21st century.“

I agreed with the caveat remembering there was no option to proceed apart from accepting the recording of important calls in the 21st century. It was common sense to me.

The journey to the 50th century

I kept reminding myself to stay in the gamma state as it would be impossible to tune into the signals of this cognitive domain. My mind tended to produce delta waves in this relaxed state. I tried not to go into a deep sleep state.

Irene was supporting me as a bridge between the 21st and 50th centuries.

“Welcome to the 50th century”, said Benjamin in absolute darkness in my perceptions.

“Let’s start from this angle to give you a broader perspective,” said Benjamin.

The darkness gradually brought more light, absorbing my perceptive being. I felt in the middle of unrecognizable sensations. My mind couldn’t decipher them.

When he said we were ready, all I was able to see pure light with no spots or flickering. It was neither yellow nor white. The color was new to my visual senses. I didn’t have a word to describe it, but I had a strong feeling of light as if swimming in the warm water.

I began getting different sensations that I couldn’t find words to describe. For example, the smell and taste of the air were neither sweet nor sour. I tried, but there was no word to describe the sensations in the language center of my brain. Perhaps, the language center shuts itself in the gamma state.

It was absolute silence. I asked Benjamin how I could see humans in this century. He said it was impossible to see them with the abilities of eyes in the 21st century, but you can use multiple senses to communicate with them.

When I asked how long it would take me to get in touch with them. Irene smiled and reminded me the time was dead after the 32nd century. I nodded in agreement.

I apologized for my obsession with the time concept, as my primitive brain got stuck to it. I perceived the sweet smile on Benjamin’s holographic face too. He softly said, “That’s alright. All our visitors from previous centuries struggle with time concept.”

Benjamin continued, “In your lingo, “anytime” you can contact people in the 50th century. You might not understand their language. However, they can understand yours. You simply need to ask in your words. They will respond in sensory language. Please keep all your senses open to receive perceptions in your earthly vernacular.”

Keeping all my senses required me to stay awake in the gamma stage as it would not be possible to remain in the cosmological communication channels in my beliefs.

I said hello there to a golden light figureless symbol. The answer was instant. Hi. Welcome to our century. You can call me Erica. The name surprised me as it reminded me of a particular person who helped me in a difficult time in the 21st century. So it was not a random name in my psyche.

I started the conversation by saying, “Hi Erica. Could you please give me a feeling of the 50th century?”

“Absolutely,” said Erica.

I couldn’t see anything except for eternal light. I asked Erica how I could see more humans and meet them. Erica’s response surprised me. The physical vision became an obsolete sense for the people of the 50th century. It was not needed for their citizens.

She said I could not see with the eyes of the 21st century, but I could communicate with them using my feelings. This was a new journey for me.

I asked Erica whether she meant intuition. She confirmed:

“Yes, intuition is the only channel through which 21st-century people can get a perception of our century.”

But they had more channels that the 21st-century citizens were not aware of. So she encouraged me to use my intuitive power to get a feeling about their citizen.

My goal was to compare their citizen with ours. But the criteria I used did not work. There were no shapes to compare. People were formless. It felt like they were all connected.

I couldn’t see any separation. I sensed no physical bodies, no houses, no plants, no animals, no physical objects, no clouds, no sun, no moon, and no stars. The entire domain comprised pure light in my perceptions.

I asked Erica why I couldn’t hear any noise from anyone.

She said the noise was a primitive sensation not serving their needs, so it was intentionally removed after the 40th century. It was not needed afterward at all.

I perceived that “Anyone” was not a term they used in that century.

She elaborated, “We are all connected as a single entity. You are part of us but cannot have this awareness yet as you come from a different domain with fewer capabilities.”

I asked, but why. I wanted to know who determined it.

She responded in an educative and caring mode:

“Learning our intricate language takes centuries. You need to be trained by the cosmos to gain the consciousness of each century evolving the souls. This is not discrimination and does not mean you have no value as a soul. We love you. You are part of us, yet you need more experience to interact with us better. I admire your courage to try. But you need to be patient and leave it to cosmological flow.”

So my tenuous understanding was a unique cosmological force above humans determined the rules for souls.

Difficult Questions to Erica

I wanted to cut to the chase and ask the real question that has been bothering me for years. The questions looked difficult to me, but they sounded like a piece of cake for Erica.

Erica instantly sensed the question that I intended to ask.

She started responding before I finished the question in my mind.

“Yes, your soul constantly evolves as cosmos do. There is no beginning and end to it. Your physical death in the 21st century is not the end of your soul. It is not the beginning either. It just is if you understand what I mean.”

Unfortunately, I struggled to comprehend her convoluted words. However, they generated some unrecognizable sensations.

Then I had to ask my burning question. All I wanted to know at that stage was how the 50th-century people survived. I wondered about their survival mechanism. I wanted to know what physical and mental health meant to them. I was curious about their lifestyle.

In a split second, Erica responded softly:

“Survival is not a concern for 50th-century citizens. Our primitive genes died and left us centuries ago. There is no danger to our being. We don’t have health concerns, and lifestyle is an archaic term. We smoothly evolve into newer entities of the cosmos. It never ends, so the concept of death is not in our vocabulary, so we don’t have the survival concern of the 21st century.”

The concept was too hard for my mind to digest.

Thus, I turned my face toward Irene, kindly requesting her to translate.

Irene turned herself to human form and started conversing with me in a language I thought I could comprehend. But my mind had no signals.

I indented to ask Irene what happened to biology but couldn’t get any response.

I made every human effort to stay awake at that stage to understand Irene’s explanation because biology seemed to be disappeared in the 50th century.

Unfortunately, there appeared to be something missing from the channel.

I raised my voice, saying, “Irene, you are breaking up.”

She smilingly responded:

“The channels are crystal clear. Your receiver needs an upgrade.”

Departure from the Airport of the 50th Century

I needed to work more to upgrade my mental channels. Forty years of meditation on this planet was not enough to renovate my cognitive channel to have a meaningful conversation with the cosmological channels. Thus, I accepted my mental weakness and took personal responsibility to work on it.

Irene caringly yet assertible said:

“Take your “Time” as your mind still operates with the time concept. We will always be here to illuminate you. We are made up of lights, not flesh like you. Then, when you are ready, you can reach out to me “Anytime.” I will get you to connect with Benjamin and Erica, your new soulmates.”

I perceived Benjamin, and Erica were shaking my hands. I felt the warm feelings creating multiple sensations. Then, the absolute silence started having tinier vibrations.

I noticed that the brain was moving to the theta state. I sensed the voice of my cells ticking to generate energy and the survival mechanisms of primitive bacteria and microbes making my earthly body.

Benjamin and Erica disappeared from my mental vision. I was still able to feel the presence of Irene. Vibrations in my body and brain altered to a faster frequency. The bodily noise slightly increased. I was not in the gamma state anymore. What I perceived started creating mild anxiety.

Irene gradually disappeared.

Yet, my earthly heroes, Tesla and Mandelbrot, appeared in human form, reminding me to master the frequencies of cosmological vibrations with a mental focus to stay connected. They wished me good luck in my earthly endeavors. They sent conceivable greetings to people of the 21st century and their legacies. I showed my gratitude for the kind reminder from Tesla and Mandelbrot.

Back to Sweet Home

I started feeling my body. Then I found myself in my comfort zone. I was in the alpha state with full earthly consciousness. Now was the time to interpret the perceptive signals I received.

I stayed around one hour in this relaxed state. I attempted to turn all feelings into memories and coded them for future use. I needed those memories to reach out to Irene, Benjamin, and Erica again.

Final Thoughts

When I completed the meditation session, the 21st century looked very different. I felt no optimism or pessimism about the future. My mind neutralized.

However, I felt like arriving at my messy home after an exhaustive trip from a foreign country. I liked the journey, but it was tiring to the brain. The mind needed rest and digest.

Unlike the perception or claims of some folks, I don’t see meditation as a relaxation activity. Instead, it is as challenging as physical activity to the brain. Meditation resembles a workout of the neocortex.

Meditation can make the cortex stronger as we use the technique regularly. The neocortex of a non-meditator and a master meditator shows different densities in the MRI scans.

Similar to muscles, I assume physical tears might happen in neurocircuits on the nanoscale. Therefore, circuits like muscles seem to require fixing in a flow state.

I felt one hundred years more mature. Even though 100 years between the 21st and 50th centuries is negligible, it was better than nothing in my educative journey.

I end my story with a few takeaway points from my experience of this particular meditation session. These are only my thoughts to generate more thoughts.


1 — The human mind is still an unchartered territory in the 21st century.

2 — Methodically entering the subconscious mind might answer arduous questions collectively.

3 — Understanding the far future is extremely tough with our limited mental capacity.

4 — Yet we can stretch our imagination with sensations and perhaps grow the aptitude.

5 — Intuition might be a helpful tool to enhance our comprehension.

6 — Even though we operate using the positive and negative notions to make sense of our world, the cosmos does not seem to have the concepts of right or wrong, in my impression.

7 — In my perception, everything looks neutral. It occurs to me that only the human mind seems to give meaning to beliefs and impressions.

So, this was what I learned in my mental trip to unknown territories of the future to gain impressions and satisfy my human curiosity.

How about your thoughts and impressions of the far future?

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

Sample Stories for New Readers

Hormonal Intelligence: Sharpen It to Achieve Optimal Health

Sugar Paradox: Key to Solve Metabolic and Mental Health Disorders

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I aim to increase the hormonal intelligence of my readers and write about neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, GABA, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, adrenaline, glutamate, and histamine.

One of my goals as a writer is to raise awareness about the causes and risk factors of prevalent diseases that can lead to suffering and death for a large portion of the population.

To raise awareness about health issues, I have written several articles that present my holistic health findings from research, personal observations, and unique experiences. Below are links to these articles for easy access.

Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, and Major Diseases.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Phosphatidylserine, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, and other nutrients to improve metabolism and mental health.

Disclaimer: Please note that my posts do not include professional or health advice. I document my reviews, observations, experience, and perspectives only to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on metabolic, cellular, mitochondrial, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

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You may also check my blog posts about my articles and articles of other writers contributing to my publications on Medium. I share them on my website digitalmehmet.com. Here is my professional bio. You can contact me via weblink.

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